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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11248947 No.11248947 [Reply] [Original]

Ok. What if I drink one can of coke right now? How do I compensate later. I'm not obese or even fat. I'm a tallish lanklet honestly. I still don't want diabetes.

>> No.11248962

It will increase your blood sugar.

So just cut yourself and let it bleed.

>> No.11248965

this doesnt qualify as a valid food and cooking thread. nobody gives a flying fuck about you drinking a soda.

>> No.11249384


>> No.11250724

Eat one stalk of celery.

>> No.11250756

Drink coke zero instead

>> No.11250767 [DELETED] 

drink diet coke
to compensate, to something active.

that will warm up your muscles so they swell with blood and start eating glucose. the sugar you drink will go into you blood and right to your muscles to be consumed.

>> No.11250778

absolutely wrong

compensate later by drinking a diet coke with dinner

>> No.11250798

There’s about 40g sugar in a can of coke and the guideline amount is between 90 and 120 over the course of a day. So just limit your sugar consumption to 50-80g over the rest of the day and don’t drink another can for at least a couple of days because it’s not good to spike like that.

>> No.11250799

how to not get beetus
>dont constantly spike your blood sugar
>this means dont drink coke after coke/eat gummy after gummy or french toast/waffle after waffle
>if you must eat this garbage binge for breakfast or whatever or have a latenight snack binge

>> No.11250800

To compensate, Do something active.
That will warm up your muscles so they swell with blood and start eating glucose. The sugar you drink will go into you blood and easily flow right into your muscles to be consumed.

or you could just drink diet coke

>> No.11250828

Explain this photo right now.

>> No.11250841

I'd say a shoop, I don't believe a pot could float in water, and if it could, the chicken would've surely tipped it over.

>> No.11250879

this. liver failure is preferable to beetus by Dre.

>> No.11251618

kek this made my day

>> No.11251726
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>> No.11251737

Pots do float in water anon, I'm not sure about the chicken tipping it over part though.

>> No.11251769

The largest predictor for diabetes by far is being overweight. Anyone recommending an approach to reducing diabetes risk that isn't "maintain a normal weight" is giving you bullshit broscience. If your weight is good you probably aren't getting diabetes even if you "spike your blood sugar" and if you're instead obese then you have a substantial risk for diabetes even if you don't "spike your blood sugar." It's not an overnight thing that happens because you had a soda, it's the final breaking point after years of chronic eating to excess.

>> No.11251777
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>consuming liquid sugar

not gonna make it

>> No.11251810
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>I don't believe a pot could float in water