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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11242451 No.11242451 [Reply] [Original]

>Is beer the biggest scam in history? Why do we pretend to like the taste of it?
>You can stop pretending. Nobody actually likes the taste of coffee. If you ask for a black coffee you just look like an edgy autist.
>Can someone explain wine to me? I don't get it. Seems like a bunch of placebo bullshit to me.
>Does anyone else actually enjoy the taste of capers? Just tastes like vinegar to me.

>> No.11242455

You have shit taste and you're a virgin

opinions discarded

>> No.11242463

>reading comprehension

>> No.11242465

>this thread again
oregano this shit

>> No.11242471

>he drinks processed sugar water

>> No.11242479


Let me retard proof it for you. All of that is correct.

>> No.11242481

Would people drink wine, beer, or spirits if they had no intoxicating properties? If the answer is no, you can conclude that the taste of these beverages is not appealing by itself.

>> No.11242490
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>ugh, alcohol tastes sour and bitter. No one likes those flavours.

>> No.11242500

No I like it, but only because I know it will lead to inebriation. If it didn't, I would probably never drink and neither would you.

>> No.11242504

Nobody is buying non-alcoholic beer if they weren't previously a drinker. Thems the facts

>> No.11242508

this. I'll fucking joke about beer being pisswater but if liquor ain't there throw that disgusting shit at me so I can drown out the world.

>> No.11242517
File: 62 KB, 300x200, Finally+a+kid+posting+morbid+just+for+the+sake+of+_5d5a97d698512fd0fbd05abefdc07664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drink just to get drunk.

>> No.11242563

Not only to get "drunk". You don't have to get shitfaced, even a mild buzz is enjoyable.

What I'm saying is, people who enjoy drinking (myself included) have learned to associate the taste of drinks with the pleasant effects that follow their consumption. It's not that you drink something unpleasant because you expect it to make you feel good later, rather, you actually enjoy the taste. But the taste is an acquired one.

>> No.11242581

>my subjective opinion is OBJECTIVELY RIGHT and your subjective opinion is objectively wrong
>I don't think that's--
>shut up you stupid NPC

>> No.11243061

How old are you

>> No.11243088
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>anything other than candy tastes bad

>> No.11243125
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OP is a faggot

>> No.11243129

t. tastelet

>> No.11243188
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>> No.11243574

30 year old boomer. What's your point?

>> No.11243596


>> No.11243635

I make accusations on 4chan all the time that have absolutely no basis in reality or even fantasy because it makes people upset

>> No.11243648


>AcQuIRed TasTES

>> No.11243651

capers are just tiny pickles
I feel like literally nobody has ever insulted capers unless they also dislike pickles

>> No.11243657


Fresh ones are a bit more odorous and aromatic though. You have to try them to understand.

>> No.11243666


Fresh capers are a bit more odorous and aromatic though. You have to try them to understand. They are also pretty sweet and pair well with fish, the sum is better than the parts.

>> No.11243689

capers good, beer bad.
if you like beer you're an alcoholic, i have never met a non alcoholic who likes beer.

>> No.11243700

Your mind looks very young for its age.

>> No.11243734


Beer can taste very good, though. And what about cider?

>> No.11243768

I love Beer. I like bitter things.
Love coffee with cream. Black coffee is okay. Hate sugar.
Not a big fan of wine.
I'm not gay so I don't eat capers.

>> No.11244631

for me beer is just a social lubricant. it's the last thing I would spend extra money on to enjoy.

>> No.11244693

Absolute rage fuel. This guy enjoys his own darts and then would claim someone else isn't intelligent enough to appreciate the scent when they say it smells like shit.

>> No.11244696

You have zero taste

>> No.11244698

God damnit, farts.

>> No.11244876

When I was a kid I liked the taste of a raw red kidney bean, raw spinach, just generally weird shit. Like I appreciated a good 'bitter' taste I guess. I drank these non-alcoholic malta goya drinks, which is kinda beer-like in darkness. I'd sip it sometimes.. usually we'd mix it with carmalized milk and it'd be a nice treat but if we didn't have any and we bought the fucking malta I'd just drink it out of curiosity. Fast forward years later and I start drinking (mostly after legal age, like a square)... I remember having the craving for hops within my first year of seriously drinking.

My first real beer was probably like a LIttle Kings beer.. basic ass lager in a green bottle. I remember tasting the alcohol kinda strongly in it, like a vodka or something which is weird. I mean I can kinda whiff the alcoholiness of some beers but like I just can't have that feeling again. Now beer is like bitter, dark, nutty, robust.. coffee-ish.. but no alcohol taste.

Liquor.. yeah definitely alcohol taste. No shit. And I got to appreciating it too. I know cheap vodka is always going to be shit and yadda yadda, and I can enjoy a $20 big bottle of decent whiskey.

Dear god.. now that I think about it whenever I get liquor or order it it's always whiskey.. and if I ever mix it it's with coke.. I'm not even 30 year let alone 50 do I need to change my tastes up now?!

>> No.11244893
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>I don't like beer, that means nobody else must like it because my intellect is superior to the sheep around me.
>God I am so smart. Why doesn't anyone else think like me? My genius is a burden.
I hate xkcd so much.

>> No.11244919

Coffee is, and always will be, a means to an end. Whether it's socializing, waking up in the morning, or staying awake, I will never drink it for the taste, and putting sugar and shit is just empty calories to me.

Alcohol is also fucking disgusting but getting slizzered is universally human.

Capers are awesome.

>> No.11245000

>Coffee is, and always will be, a means to an end.
for you, maybe. i would prefer drinking a mocha to a straight hot chocolate

>> No.11245001

Dude it's so obvious that dude's supposed to be the bad guy in the comic. Shit I bet any comments or post on the internet about the comment goes like "wow I knew a douchebag like that". But also the guy literally only says:

>What do you drink? Stouts? Lagers?

And then the response to that douchebag is

>Man, you are no fun at all
>Dude, if you don't like it, don't drink it.

People can definitely relate to knowing someone like that. If anything it's pretty fucking clever reading that comic because it shows the guy who knows his beer as someone just casually asking a guy what he drinks, and calls him no fun when he acts like a douche about the guy's taste for beer

I could be wrong and maybe we all see what we want to see in that comic but I don't see it painting the whiny guy as the hero of this three-panel comic strip

>> No.11245007

Also if they wanted to make the other guy a douche, he could have said something about how one type of beer is superior or bitch about someone drinking pisswater.

>> No.11245023

Alcohol reminds me too much of some disgusting cough medicine I drank as a kid that made me vomit.

>> No.11245047
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>I don't like something so its impossible anyone else would

>> No.11245053

i fucking love capers i'd eat them like candy cause i have an addiction for the saltiest shit out there.
got a heart condition too. am i a lost cause?

>> No.11245101
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I enjoy things I dont like the taste of because disliking something is an experience as exciting as liking it.
I remember I had this canned fish in oil a few weeks ago. Each bite physically hurt because of the salt and oil but I was laughing each time. Booze is kind of the same. Ive had booze that genuinely tasted good but most of the time I choke it down because feeling fire in my throat is as fun as feeling cotton candy melt in my mouth. If you cant enjoy the good and the bad you only get half of life.
At least thats how I see it. Ive met men who throw up eating Banana's so maybe its just me.

>> No.11245116

Here i am faggot

>> No.11245160
File: 111 KB, 721x799, Screenshot_20180808-220729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>> No.11245210

Try black tea, preferably earl grey. It has about as much caffeine in it as coffee, and if you steep it less than 3 minutes there is basically no bitterness at all, but a slight lemony taste. It's also a nice way to get some water into you if you have problems with that.

>> No.11245268

acquired taste, people drink it to get drunk. dumb fucking frog poster.

>> No.11245278

Actually, the bald unadorned stickfigure invariably echoes the author's true opinion. If that character were intended as a strawman he would be wearing a white hat.

>> No.11245285

But I like having a (good) cold beer in the evening, or having some wine to go with my meal.
Look at it this way : do everybody that order wine in restaurants order wine just because it reminds them when they were drunk ( even if it never happened ) ? Or maybe people actually enjoy wine for what it is.

>> No.11245293

Fuck if i could drink scotch, cider or whateverthefuck that sickly sweet polish vodka is called forever and not get drunk that would be heaven, just drink fucking mugs of the stuff

>> No.11245336

what is a wine tasting
what is hipsters, craft beers, etc
Spirits are a special case. I don't think very many people drink spirits because they're "addicted to the flavor."

What's a caper? Is it good? Can I buy it on a middle of nowhere island? It's some sort of fish, right?

>If you ask for a black coffee you just look like an edgy autist.
"No milk please"
Better yet, you just use your workplace break room coffee machine and go ham

>> No.11245338

People go to tastings for spirits too.

>> No.11245339

>raw red kidney bean
how did you not die

>> No.11245343

Drunk isn't the right word. But even a single sip of alcohol has a psychoactive effect. It's this property which is responsible for the popularity of alcoholic drinks. Gin and sake taste nothing alike, but people drink them for the same reason. The actual taste of a drink is secondary in importance, and only becomes enjoyable because of its association with the intoxicating effects of alcohol. You don't need to be consciously aware of this association: your mind will form it no matter what.

Would you drink a cold non-alcoholic beer in the evening? What if all beer magically lost its intoxicating abilities? Would you keep up the habit?

>> No.11245350

Yikes, now you've got me interested.
Anyone going to a tasting for different flavors of vodka or gin deserves a bullet.
Rum/whiskey/brandy/etc is almost acceptable.

>> No.11245384

Well hes not being a douche, hes being a smug pseudointellectual by completely disregarding the other characters (and beer drinkers in general) opinion in favor of his own. The fact that the beer drinker has no argument other than to say 'you're no fun' implies that the author doesnt think anyone who drinks beer actually would argue that they like the taste of beer. The entire comic is a masturbatory work for the author and people who dont like beer to imagine that the reason they dont like beer is that they're more intelligent and have 'seen through the fraud' of people actually enjoying beer.

>> No.11246089

>non-alcoholic beer tastes the same
You’re an idiot and almost certainly underage. Go away.

>> No.11246100

>raw spinach is weird shit
Greedy fat pig detected.

>> No.11246144

>If you ask for a black coffee you just look like an edgy autist.
Said noone ever..
An actual autist perhaps, hoping to redirect the focus on him.

>> No.11246151


>> No.11246159


>> No.11246175

Alcohol tastes like absolute shit to me. Won't drink unless I'm trying to get fucked up.

I unironically love the taste of black coffee. Especially if I drink a hot cup with some sort of cake or donut.

>> No.11246180


Beer is an acquired taste when it's shit tier. Plessant when it's mid tier and godly when it's god tier.

But only if you mean beer beer. If you include pale ales and the like under the beer category, you just aren't having the right brewskis.

>> No.11246213

Alright memers, what's a drink that's carbonated, bitter, not sweet (this is important), not beer, refreshing, and doesn't leave the taste in your mouth.
Unless you can provide one answer your acquired taste "argument" is bullshit.

>> No.11246238

What about podpiwek or kbac?

>> No.11246253

To be honest there's nothing more refreshing than a cold beer after a day's of hard work. Even non-alcoholic would hit the spot.

>> No.11246256

>I'm not gay so I don't eat capers
top läl

>> No.11246259

I don't know about that. I enjoy a few beers after a rough day, but I'm not drinking it for the taste. I can tolerate the taste. I think when people say "acquired taste", they mean it just doesn't taste like shit anymore.

I've been drinking beer for years. It doesn't taste horrible to me, but I wouldn't drink it if it was non-alcoholic.

>> No.11246261

I have to admit I mainly drink coffee for the effect but I've come to like the taste as well. Maybe it's stockholm syndrome

>> No.11246265

>Would you keep up the habit?
Probably yes because it's a bonding experience for me. Who the fuck would hang with their friends and drink fucking soy milk?

>> No.11246276

I have to admit that a lot of beers would lose their appeal but there are few that I'd still drink from time to time just for the taste. A cold Hefeweizen is still great even without the alcohol.

But yeah, the primary reason for drinking such thing is that they get you fucked up.

>> No.11246278

Sparkling dry mead with hops added for flavor during secondary fermentation. Checkmate, atheist!

>> No.11246289

this but unironically

>> No.11246327

Not the point faggot. Nobody would drink beer or liquor if it didn't get you drunk.

>> No.11246333

Then why does non-alcoholic beer exist?

>> No.11246371

For former and current alcoholics to delude themselves

>> No.11246395

People drink beer with 4% or less alck, even going as low as 2.6%. Yes they do have alcohol but that's a microdose at this point unless you're a tiny lean woman. And usually those are drunk because you wanna drink more beer to take the party slow instead of getting buzzed fast.

>> No.11246452

This is only the case because popular commercial products are always garbage, consumed solely for their effects and not enjoyment of the thing itself.
>macrobrew beer
Tastes like pisswater, thin and inoffensive so you can drink many and get drunk
>keurig/drip pot preground coffee
Tastes like bitter water, thin and inoffensive so you can drown it in creamer/flavoring and get stimulated
>box/cheap wine
Tastes like astringent water, thin and inoffensive so you can drunkenly cackle in the kitchen with your harpy whore friends

The issue isn't that people are "pretending" to like something, it's that they use it as a drug for a cheap high rather than as a food product with effects. Most people enjoy things on the level of hitting the pleasure button as many times as they can and sadly never branch out towards new things they might actually enjoy on a deeper level than stimulus/reward.

>> No.11246482

people drink non alcoholic beer

>> No.11246493

I would drink wine non-stop if it didn't slowly poison me