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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11240670 No.11240670 [Reply] [Original]

Should this be allowed in kitchens? Is flipping hygienic?

>> No.11240682


>> No.11240715

This just makes me angry. Does anyone else lose their appetite when seeing a retarded or disable person in public?

>> No.11240739


im the opposite. when i see a downy lose their shit it makes me horny as fuck, thinking about their angry over chromosomed hairless pyramid bodies undulating with unsurpassed sexual desire. Imagine having that guy enter you and his guttural screams as he inseminates you with his extra chrmomosomal sperm and calls you names of things he can see around him.


>> No.11240747

I'm a girl by the way.

>> No.11240751 [DELETED] 

>thinking about their angry over chromosomed hairless pyramid bodies undulating with unsurpassed sexual desire. Imagine having that guy enter you


>> No.11240760

jesus christ

>> No.11240764 [DELETED] 

you just made me search for down syndrome porn...

>> No.11240765

Same I hate those creatures.

>> No.11240767

same lol

>> No.11241091

I dont mind physical disablities or disfigurements at all but mentally disabled people like downies creep me the fuck out.

>> No.11241106

down syndrome isn't hereditary, however your condition probably is

>> No.11241478
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>> No.11241488

holy fuck man.

>> No.11241489

For a second I thought his screaming was because of the frying pan he's touching. I don't know if he has the brainpower to consider letting go of the pan if it's too hot for him

>> No.11241494

enjoy those downies while you can. in a generation or two they will be exticnt due to screening and women choose to abort.

>> No.11241500

Not if they are happy like this guy. If they are throwing their tantrums it makes things very unpleasant instantly.

>> No.11241504

Dance like no one is watching.
Sing like no one is listening.
And fuck like a goddamned retard.

>> No.11241530 [DELETED] 

hes going to go into the kitchen one day when nobody is looking and burn the place now by accident

>> No.11241536 [DELETED] 


>> No.11241740


>> No.11241741

Nice pun!

>> No.11242369


/thread : the post.

>> No.11242383

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>> No.11242423

i don't feel disgust, disdain or anger when looking at mentally disabled people or extremely deformed people, but it usually depresses me. I'm not entirely sure why I feel that way, because I don't feel sad when looking at someone in a wheelchair

>> No.11242464

It makes you depressed because deep down you understand people like him shouldn't be alive.

>> No.11242948

I don't want him getting chromosomes all over my food dammit

>> No.11242976 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1321x714, goya_shooting1353362173682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i happen to got an iq at 136, anyone below should be shot at daylight

>> No.11243007

I've known plenty of people with no developmental issues at all who were fucking impossible to work with
I'll take the downie ten times out of ten if they're reliable

>> No.11243016

Anyone who brags about IQ is guaranteed to have a low one. Actual smart people know that IQ tests are incredibly flawed in measuring cognitive ability

>> No.11243052

Just when you think you've seen the worst, someone like>>11240739 comes along and shows you why you're wrong.

>> No.11243059 [DELETED] 

i wasnt bragging, in fact I couldnt care less.
Just saying wish I could do that flipping, but I cant!

>> No.11243073

>Actual smart people know that IQ tests are incredibly flawed in measuring cognitive ability

That has nothing whatsoever to do with reporting one's own test results. It's entirely possible to parrot one's score while simultaneously believing it to be a bullshit number.

>> No.11243080

if I found out that a retard had helped prepare my food I would vomit on the table and demand my money back,

>> No.11243091

we starting a gang of retard hunters
post your zipcode to join especially if u have human taxidermy experience

>> No.11243160

This. I mean if you're capable of empathy it has to depress you because you know that it could have very well been you. It would be much worse than being born as a wild animal because at least they have finely tuned skills perfectly attuned to survive. If you were a downie or similarly dementia boomer, you're not even capable of knowing you really want to die.

>> No.11243184


>> No.11243190

fucking based

>> No.11243237

Too bad they go from happy to tantrum in a nanosecond over mundane shit
They are not anon

>> No.11243263

Sure. But anyone who thinks IQ testing is a poor way to measure cognitive ability probably has a low IQ and knows it.

>> No.11243284

mentally disabled people scare me desu. the unpredictability and superhuman strength are not a good combo

>> No.11243289

Downie girls are known to have a high sex drive

>> No.11243313

>superhuman strength
This is overblown. They just don't know their strength so they might squeeze a kitten to death. If they had super strength their would be old time pictures of them pulling carts along horses.

>> No.11244519


its not that, it's the fact they don't have restraint. Imagine using 100% of your strength like all the fucking time. We can lift phenomenal amounts if we mentally sync our muscles to work in the proper way. These guys are doing that all the time. I am honestly surprised they arent all olympic power lifters

in school as well the special ed kids spent almost every waking second trying to fuck each other as well

>> No.11244528

I'm more concerned with a tard slobbering all over my food or touching it after digging in their ass

>> No.11244548

theres a downie who works at a subway near me as the cleaner

his clearing game is A+, he watches the tables like a hawk

>> No.11244630


>> No.11244666

reminds me of the Dippa story

>> No.11245743

theres one working at the grocery store near me. i was standing next to him once when he was putting up cans on a shelf and he farted real loud and didn't seem to care at all

>> No.11246107

I woke up to this, thanks.

>> No.11246114

There's one at this local burger joint near me. I went in the other day and he walked past me with a mop and I thought he gave me a dirty look. At first I was like "does this guy know me, or am I doing something wrong?" But then he walked by again and I realized he was literally retarded.

>> No.11246131

That video would be absolutely perfect if he smacked someone with that pan afterwards out of pure joy.

>> No.11246139

Post your feet

>> No.11246486
File: 14 KB, 277x300, 1529726626968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else sparks your imagination

>> No.11246502

based and redpilled

>> No.11246546

there aren't pictures of that because in old times they were executed

>> No.11247794
File: 316 KB, 951x473, 1531539084816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sickened but curious

>> No.11247811
File: 59 KB, 600x587, miserable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good things happen over coffee

>> No.11247950

Include me in the screenshot.

>> No.11248154
File: 103 KB, 320x415, jopjoj .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>restaurant is called ‘brownies and downies’
can’t make this shit up

>> No.11248161

so when did /ck/ turn into /b/

i think it's complete

>> No.11248173

This post convinced me of my own humanity and affirmed that life is indeed worth living

>> No.11248185

Include me in the screenshot, Reddit!

>> No.11248245
File: 179 KB, 1056x661, 1532245872205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11248277 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 211x239, 756775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angry over chromosomed hairless pyramid bodies undulating with unsurpassed sexual desire. Imagine having that guy enter you

c-can you imagine being chained up and gagged in a basement while a line of downies take their sexual frustration out on your boy-hole? never stopping to take a break from their pounding? i bet it would hurt haha...

>> No.11248571
File: 364 KB, 762x785, 1523573166742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi r/4chan

>> No.11248602

Welp, this is a new one. Well done. O_o

>> No.11248603

>angry over chromosomed hairless pyramid bodies
Never change /ck/
Get me in the cap

>> No.11248618
File: 339 KB, 627x489, guldukat02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11248843

The next time you're around a downie, bow your head in submission.

>> No.11248851


I bet he dribbles on the food.

>> No.11248873

No make uncomfortable eye contact with it, it'll more than likely have a retarded meltdown

>> No.11248881

That never fails to impress me.

>> No.11248963

Downie isn't the same as autism. You're more likely to get a back breaking hug.

>> No.11250420

can he cook anything else? pancakes? they need to get him , the crepetard and that spastic with the pancake tits to form a restaurant