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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 4 Levels of Chocolate Chip Cookies - Amateur to Food Scientist _ Epicurious-sI7E8J1sGvw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11240237 No.11240237 [Reply] [Original]


Why do so many people get triggered when confronted with the fact that there exists a person that makes a recipe better than they do?

>> No.11240252

Because they have always had their recipe and its important to them. They have some sort of emotional connection to their recipe. Anything that might change it, even if its for the better, is an insult to them.

>> No.11240255

Those youtube commenters are probably the type of people who eat tollhouse cookie dough out of a tube.

You should listen more to people who know the craft, and take people who don't with a grain of salt. You shouldn't ignore them whole, I've had some good advice for things from people who just watched me and made a suggestion.

>> No.11240313

I'm sure her cookies are good, but I like crisp semi-thin cookie myself. Hers seemed a little too thick and cakey for my liking.
Most of them cant be arsed to smoke butter for cookies though, or dont understand the salty-sweet angle she is going for

>> No.11240377
File: 55 KB, 470x612, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is going to smoke butter and salt for 40 minutes at home just to make some cookies, it's retarded. That being said, can't argue with the end results. Pro lady's cookies looked delicious and the other two batches looked like shit and were burned.

Personally though I prefer cookies that look like this

>> No.11240442

That is a good video OP. However, none of the bakers including the Pro, browned the butter which is probably the single most significant improvement you can make to homemade cookies after resting them for 24-36 hours. I don't know how I feel about smoking the butter or the salt for that matter.

Also, there is another reason not touched on the discussion of resting the dough before baking that in addition to giving it time to fully uniformly hydrate and convert and break down some of the flour starches to simple sugars. Resting the dough also partially dries out the dough overall, which concentrates flavor.

One trick if you aren't buying really high-end chocolate is to take a portion of your chips and crush them to powder & bits so that they melt into little striations in the dough as it bakes while the larger pieces stay mostly intact for a textural contrast with big pockets of warm chocolate. I personally like mine T H I C C and chewy, so I always bias my sugar ratio to 60/40 brown/white, plus I add a 1 tsp of molasses to the batter.

>> No.11240535

Anyone remember the video where meatloaf cooked off against Gordon Ramsay in blind taste testers using canned vegetables and won?
They didn’t even eat these cookies

>> No.11240570

They're sperging out over that? At worst, this just showed how to use different techniques to tune chocolate chip cookies to your preferences. Some people like thin, crisp cookies, others like the chewy mound. That's not some kind of dark heresy.

>> No.11240602

Absolutely never been a chubby chaser but I would marry the fat expert in a heartbeat. Woman with that much confidence and skill in the kitchen makes me horny.

>> No.11240625

>humidity doesn't affect weight
Wew. Never knew that water was weightless.

>> No.11240719
File: 2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weighting ingredients is always better than measuring density.

i do brown my butter which only takes like 10 minutes compared to smoking it for 40 mins, which i find retarded anyway.

from testing with people, no body liked the salt on top of my cookies so i dont do that anymore.

i dont do baking powder because i dont want them to fluff opposite to the pro lady. theyre cookies not bread.

also i do use chocolate bars compared to pre made shit because as the lady said it comes mixed with shit you dont want in your cookies.

i guess im between the pro lady and the man. also after weighing my white sugar i pulverize it so it mixes easier and then let the dough rest for 2 days. which is what creates the change in color in the dough. also cold dough spreads less so the cookies arent too flat.

pic related this is an old batch, ive changed things since then (like pulverizing the sugar) and they keep getting better this one i still used the salt and to get the nice shape of these ones >>11240377
you have to basically cut the dough ball in half and then stick it back together with the torn part outside which again i didnt do back here.

>> No.11240728

>see a black person
>close video

>> No.11240740

Those cookies look pretty fucking delicious, post a recipe.

>> No.11240766
File: 1.97 MB, 3264x2448, 136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what i do is use toasted sugar (look it up in that website as well) and run it on a nutri bullet shit to pulverize it, makes the cookies better not sure how but everyone tells me.
and as i said before i stopped using the salt on the top.

>> No.11240793
File: 42 KB, 440x440, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating mudane chocolate chip cookies when you can have pic related instead
cant eat my cookies without oat anymore, simply disgusting

>> No.11240824

>putrid fat hog gets to cheat with 24 hours of freezing her dough
>smoked salt
>big stupid retard chocolate chips
>stupid fat bitch
>die cunt


any fat cunts reading this right now, I hate you

>> No.11240878

who hurt you lmao
also this wasnt a contest so theres no such thing as "cheating" everyone just brought their own recipes. but i guess you're too retarded to see that

>>>>>>>/b/ is that way

>> No.11240904


>> No.11240942

do americans really underbake their cookies?

>> No.11241128

>hehe look at how stupid comments are
>everyone on /ck/ posts the same shit
The video is “three people at three different levels make cookie”
The pro is objectively better. Not once did she tell people to use her recipe.

>> No.11241133

great post

>> No.11241184

I wanna fuck the food scientist lady. With the pant suit on
Especially with the pant suit on

>> No.11241213

The pro’s cookies are not objectively better.

>> No.11241227

>uses proper measurement
>uses better quality ingredients
>doesn’t cut corners
“Me no like salt” is not an argument

>> No.11241246

Why because the idea of having salt on a cookie terrifies you?

>> No.11241251

youtube was a mistake

>> No.11241255



>> No.11241317

Where can I buy presmoked butter and salt?

>> No.11241332

Just throw in some liquid smoke.

>> No.11241344


>> No.11241359

No malted barley in the flour?

>> No.11241362

Impressive, but my cookies are better because they're made with lecithin instead of egg yolk, so no sulfur taste.

>> No.11241367

That looks like a scone.

Do fatty acids not react with baking soda?

>> No.11241412

>my cookies are better because I put soy in it
Surely this has to be b8

>> No.11241416

All chocolate chip cookies are delicious.

>> No.11241444

i too want to wait 24 hours to make cookies

>> No.11241473

It's sunflower lecithin :-)

>> No.11241518

yes Reddit baking professionally sometimes means resting overnight

>> No.11241526
File: 124 KB, 492x494, finger guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These look amazing anon.

>> No.11243223

They are objectively better than the other two batches, yes. The others were burned.

>> No.11244209

blessed post

>> No.11244229

if you want cookies instantly, just buy them dumbass
if you want to make good cookies, then yes prep time can include at least 16 hours or so

>> No.11244245

women and food get my dick harder than stone.
"Ice Cream Expert" from the same channel smiles in such a way like she knows, too

>> No.11244273

Not too surprising, just look at all the anons here who will endlessly insist their homemade cooking is way better than some store product or franchise menu item. We also know what you *believe* you're tasting is a heavily suggestible thing (e.g. you can make pro wine tasters describe a white wine as though it were a red wine just by applying red food dye before giving it to them), and most people are fanatically convinced they're the exception to this rule, which ironically only makes their susceptibility to suggestion that much greater.

>> No.11244296


Chocolate chip cookies... are not so common in Mediterranean countries. Am I missing something?

>> No.11244305


I am going to try them. They seem easy enough, can I avoid the smoking part?

>> No.11244309


>> No.11244314

My home cooking IS better than anything that was ever served at any chain restaurant, faggot.

>> No.11244337

I don't have a lot of experience with baking.

If I need to make a desert, I just look up one of Stella Parks' recipes.

>> No.11244442

>Personally though I prefer cookies that look like this
fix that for you
>Personally though I prefer cookies that look like shit

>> No.11244551

Those cookies in the picture are about as perfect as it gets. Develop some taste.

>> No.11244558

>All three of them made crispy cookies
I think this and the fact that the amateur didn't pack the brown sugar when she was measuring it are the things that bother me most about the video. I feel like chocolate chip cookies in particular are at their best when they're soft and gooey.

That said, I would try the fuck out of the pro's cookies if offered one and they sound like they taste amazing, but they look way too cakey and not at all like what I would want if I thought of a chocolate chip cookie, or any cookie for that matter.