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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 260x323, 51ysx+oWB8L._SX260_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11237996 No.11237996 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for the official WOW Cook Book, if someone could send me a link to download the pdf or something. Thanks a bunch guys

>> No.11238002

Buy it, don't be a cheapo

>> No.11238006

It's like £20 max, buy it you fucking jew.

>> No.11238012

Please get this and make some shitty NEET recipes. I really hope they were smart when they made this, and made it so all the recipes could be made from a computer chair and desk.

>> No.11238021
File: 1.82 MB, 1079x1079, 20180922_151605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do milenials see on these shitty cookbooks?

>> No.11238049

Same thing anyone sees in any other cookbook but as a generation essentially raised by pop culture, millenials tend to gravitate towards synergistic marketing.

Some of it makes sense: the Hannibal cookbook and the Game of Thrones cookbooks, for instance, both shows heavily feature food. I don't know why you'd buy a WoW cookbook though.

>> No.11238095

Isn't this like the real book tho? do they actually send a pdf or a real book?

I just overheard some people talking about it, i don't really play WOW but would be cool to make a WOW dinner of some kind for my friends who play it.

>> No.11238112

It's on lib gen, just like every other shitty book you could ever want. Use your fucking brain to figure out how to use the internet or pay for it with your McPaycheck.

>> No.11238132

They send you a real book you autist

>> No.11238154

>dike thots

>> No.11238159
File: 77 KB, 600x350, F101F828-F52E-4F5F-A2FF-7164358219A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11238209

WoW has a cooking profession and hundreds of different foods. Its for fun

>> No.11238348

Apparently basic skills like truly roasting, combined with herbs and spices, when applied to commonly available meats and vegetables that aren't just hamburgers and french fries are very popular when you pair it with fantasy worlds.

Basically trying to teach an uninterested retard how to do something by relating it to their favorite obsession.

>> No.11238358
File: 293 KB, 950x594, C17T5ETDM3D51476487172913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesnt look bad sorry for ant picture

>> No.11238402

That's how it looks when THEY make it, I want to see the version that the WoW NEET makes.

>> No.11238411

You could say the same thing about any cookbook

>> No.11238580

>hey boss, is this pastry recipe ok for the book?
>sure, but make the name sound cool
>cool like what boss?
>make it sounds magic and epic, nerds will love that!
>how mana strudel?, nah, conjured mana strudel!

>> No.11238591

fuck you for making me reply

>> No.11238594

Conjured mana strudels are in the game. They are made by mages to restore health and mana

>> No.11238608

Pretty sure they're recipes from the franchise, so just swap book with game and you're good.

>> No.11238611
File: 410 KB, 1866x1400, hearthstone-innkeepers-tavern-cookbook-9781683831426.in04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just search it on google images, many of the recipes are there

>> No.11238613

>premium wild boar
>literally just pork baby back ribs
I hate marketing so much

>> No.11238618

>still relying on Leeroy Jenkins memes

>> No.11238622

>being this uninformed but thinking you know best
how embarrassing for you

>> No.11238625
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>> No.11238628
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>> No.11238840

when it's blizzard you never know.
>had shitty internet those days
>DVD is 15 bucks more than direct download
>decided to buy DVD pack because downloading expansion would take a whole day
>3 MB Installer.exe on DVD
>downloading expansion a whole day
>a whole DVD for 15 bucks with nothing on it

and people still spend money for this

>> No.11238910

>sell a DVD with an installer I could download in approximately 1.5 seconds, with what I consider to be a shitty connnection
This really shouldn't even be legal.

>> No.11238966
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, Cooking With Hannibal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of it makes sense: the Hannibal cookbook and the Game of Thrones cookbooks

>Read the Hannibal Cook Book
>It doesn't instruct how to cook humans.

fucking false advertising

>> No.11238976

How much money do you think it cost her in royalty just to get the WoW licence to slap on her shitty cook book?

>> No.11238983
File: 13 KB, 413x395, 1533769490123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Health Warning: Every recipe you eat from this book will delay the loss of your virginity by one year.

>> No.11238991

Is that really a ‘recipe’? You’d have to be a fucking retard to not know how to put together a charcuterie board.

>> No.11238993

What if I'm not a virgin to begin with?

>> No.11238996

The best licenced food was the Hobbit menu at Dennys. Holy shit that was cozy.

>> No.11239005

This is the saddest charcuterie board I've seen in my entire life. You think it would be the one thing that looks perfect in a fantasy recipe book.

>> No.11239008


Dude, there are people out there who can't even SPELL "charcuterie," much less define it, much less put one together. We all gotta start somewhere.

>> No.11239010


>Hobbit menu
>at Denny's

Yyyyyeah, no.

>> No.11239011


Here's the recipe
1. go to a deli
2. buy a bunch of charcuterie
3. go home and put it on a wooden cutting board

>> No.11239026

blizzard has nothing to do with the cook book other than licensing their brand to the authors

>> No.11239042
File: 62 KB, 799x423, wow-recipe-screen-1-799x423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of it makes sense: the Hannibal cookbook and the Game of Thrones cookbooks, for instance, both shows heavily feature food. I don't know why you'd buy a WoW cookbook though.
Cooking, snacks, and food was heavily featured in WoW, like seriously. The artwork inside all kinds of buildings within the quests featured banquets and food laid out on tables. There were food festivals across kingdoms inside WoW. I loved Oktoberfest , aka Brewfest in Boulderfist. Graphics after consumables were a lot of fun.
I feel like making pretzels right now!

The cookbook would make a nice gift for an actual fan, and really most cookbooks have that purpose, for gifting. They're just inspirational or quick sources for actual frequent cookers, and coffeetable books for the rest of us.
I'm sure someone of talent could find some inspiration in this link minus actual recipes.

>> No.11239043

They're literally gonna need to sell like a million copies of this book just to make their money back on the licensing costs

>> No.11239050

>Cooking, snacks, and food was heavily featured in WoW, like seriously. The artwork inside all kinds of buildings within the quests featured banquets and food laid out on tables.

Most of the food is not that complex or intricate though.
It's food in a medieval fantasy fashion.
So it's like you sit down at a table and start gnawing on a turkey leg and a brick of cheddar.

Not really something you need a cook book to revolve around

>> No.11239070
File: 587 KB, 1199x1945, 136248748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239137

please change the color of this to clear, trump doesn't drink alcohol
its one of the principles that make him a great man

>> No.11239165

>its one of the principles that make him a great man
like committing adultery

>> No.11239183

Eh, it's a somewhat old book from 2016 and it's done really well. Nerds gobble up stuff like this, no surprise.

>> No.11239217

B-but muh values summit, desu!

>> No.11239261


>> No.11239457

Canned haggis
No recipe for fresh made haggis
Are we sure the lazy devs didn't write this?

>> No.11239460

I would love the step-by-step recipe for this.
Id eat someone for it

>> No.11239529

They are literally taking all the food items in WoW and giving you a recipe on how to make them. Stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.11239540

>make your own and do the same

Are you sure you don't have extreme autism?

>> No.11239588
File: 2.50 MB, 4160x3120, Orc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239598
File: 2.58 MB, 3000x2250, Elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239612
File: 2.25 MB, 4160x3120, Gnome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239624
File: 2.01 MB, 4160x3120, Lizardfolk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239644

no dwarves?

>> No.11239646


>orcs have the best looking spread
>lizard men have bugs but id still eat it over the gnome shit

>> No.11239648
File: 1.90 MB, 3000x2250, Human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239651
File: 3.62 MB, 4160x3120, Dwarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239660
File: 3.14 MB, 4160x3120, Half-Orc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239668
File: 2.18 MB, 3000x2250, Halfling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239669

best one, this is why orcs and humans should intermix

>> No.11239674

nah the dwarf one is the best one

>> No.11239677
File: 2.02 MB, 4160x3120, Gray Dwarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239693
File: 2.12 MB, 4160x3088, Drow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now the meilleur plat

>> No.11239705

Can I eat that rock.

>> No.11239762
File: 2.17 MB, 4160x3120, Ogre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239770


Genocide is the only option

>> No.11239785
File: 2.69 MB, 4160x3120, Mindflayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11239791

>We all gotta start somewhere.
Sure, I don't start by writing a fucking book though

>> No.11239807

wtf is this shit

>> No.11239814
File: 1.49 MB, 180x180, Im Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hide my anus please. I think I'd rather try to survive in the edgehammer 40K universe.

>> No.11239817

Hard tack honey cakes, beef sausage, pork sausage mini links, mini whole wheat toast, cranberry cheddar cheese mini wedge, mini pickles, pumpkin and sunflower seeds & "travel cake" (muesli with raisins, golden prunes, honey, eggs and cream)

>> No.11239819

do the coins help with digestion or something?

>> No.11239823

Looks like cuck food as expected from a cuck race

>> No.11239826

I'd put money on at least 2 of the items being poisoned.

>> No.11239827

Looks delicious

>> No.11239830
File: 2.25 MB, 4160x3120, Human alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11239833


Stepping up from Dominos huh? You Go Girl!

>> No.11239840
File: 922 KB, 4160x3120, Faerzress duck egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct!

>> No.11239841

Best one

>> No.11239846

dues for the boatman

>> No.11239847

Fuck them. If they can’t figure out how to assemble basic smallgoods and cheese on a fucking board, they’re probably too stupid to even make a sandwich.
>world of warcraft
Yeah, sounds about right. Also, aren’t charcuterie boards supposed to be for people with real face to face friends, not sad lonely weirdos who rarely see sunlight?

>> No.11239856

Runescape cooking has always been superior to Wow cooking.


>> No.11239858

>can of haggis
What the literal fuck? Firstly, canned fucking haggis? And secondly, where in Azeroth has someone built a canning factory?

>> No.11239865
File: 115 KB, 426x382, Around Elves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lithe little sociopaths.

>> No.11239875


I THINK that's Osso Buco, or something similar.

>> No.11239885


Probably for scale.

>> No.11239887
File: 50 KB, 327x449, 92268F2D-2177-4632-9A74-69B0D9BCAA08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brick of cheddar
I got you senpai

>> No.11239890


Found it in 1 min just search for it with the full name or author name.

>> No.11239894

>it’s okay when JFK and Bill Clinton do it
Fuck off back to /pol/, shareblue.

>> No.11239900


>aren't charcuterie boards supposed to be for people with real face to face friends

How the fuck would YOU know? I've only known you exist for thirty seconds and already I can't imagine wanting to be around you for that long.

>> No.11239922
File: 313 KB, 640x360, CE741978-CB18-4FA6-A923-C068489D0AB2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice repeating integers. Also, go suck a bagful of dicks.

>> No.11239929

elves are for genocide

>> No.11239942

When I played WoW 10 years ago there were just as many boomers as millennials. You wouldn't believe the amount of bored middle-aged housewives.

>> No.11239970

But it looks nothing like a loaf of bread on top of a mug!

>> No.11239974

>where in Azeroth has someone built a canning factory?
I bet the goblins did this shit.

>> No.11239980
File: 75 KB, 504x306, TVS1qhn4pso1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you missed out on runescape

>> No.11239983

Goblins or gnomes. Goblin areas are literally littered in pop cans and other kinds of junk.

Warcraft is far from medieval fantasy.

>> No.11239985
File: 365 KB, 1706x960, 1z48-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11240004


Don't talk with your mouth full.

>> No.11240440
File: 301 KB, 1600x1200, lilisbeanbuns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the book. It's not that great honestly. Like, I've made a few recipes out of it, but most of the things in it you can figure out on your own or get recipes same, if not better, from online. I've seen word for word recipes online that have come out of this book. Are you actually just interested in like, medieval or fantasy cuisine? If so that's something easy to look up as well. A lot of people have already posted high fantasy food platters but it all depends on what you're specifically looking for. Might be easier to do your own research.

Recap: WoW cookbook not that impressive, recipes as good as anything you could find online.

>> No.11240446

>implying you wouldnt

>> No.11240450

>t. has never had a whiskey shot containing a fried slice of pepperoni

>> No.11240484

Why the fuck did you have to post that?
Do you not see how someone would prefer to save 20 bucks? How far up your ass is your head really?
Jesus christ kys fucking faggot homo

>> No.11240487

nice /b/anter

>> No.11240576

>No onions
*yikes* I guess this one's going in my one-star yelp compilation

>> No.11241771

Well I mean in WoW they literally are conjured by mage and thats the spell name even. Its not like a regular baker infused the strudel with mana dust. Its summoned from the void or a dimension of pastries.

>> No.11242847

It looks like Rabo de Toro. However here in spain we use dark stock, and red wine reduction instead of white.

Well, that is how i do it, but i think is the standar here.

>> No.11242998

What's that supposed to show? FAS?

>> No.11243361


I'm not sure that's oxtail - the bone doesn't have the transverse processes - the two prongs coming off the sides of vertebrae - it looks more like a long-bone because of the marrow.

...I have always wanted to try oxtail though.

>> No.11243400
File: 47 KB, 750x563, SUPPLIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol, human rations is just deconstructed hawainan pizza.


Literaly what I have eaten today.... shit, I never choose to be an elf.


Caviar filled mushrooms... wine and truffles... maybe they not so bad.

>> No.11244421


The only thing I hate more than tree-dwelling knife-ears, is cave-dwelling knife-ears.

Greatfather's tangled beard, could you possibly BE more fucking pretentious than to carry caviar and truffles in your travel rations.

>> No.11244436

Hell If I wouldn't

>> No.11245299

sign me up

>> No.11245439
File: 113 KB, 749x379, 3dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not even a meme at this point

>> No.11245475

apparently it's the cost of the ration in gold, silver and copper pieces

>> No.11245515

So the drow buy shit with broken geodes and amethyst? I call bullshit.

>> No.11246163

I recognize those coins, Scottish right?

>> No.11246172

Is there recipe for savory deviate delight?

>> No.11246204

All the girls I like are gay so I date boys.

>> No.11246314

>35 year old woman in your guild who talked about how much her nipples hurt from breastfeeding whenever she was on Teamspeak

I miss '08 so bad

>> No.11246341

He wanted to show us a selfie but was too self conscious, so he posted the next closest thing.

>> No.11246346

>no Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
>no Thistle Tea

>> No.11246382

was she a female tauren?

why were all the nice married wives female tauren?

>> No.11246425

It was the only race that could be a druid on horde until 2010+

>> No.11246466

What's so hard to believe about that?

>> No.11246526

>live in the underdark
>have to have slaves mine out your flammable material, whereas surfacefags literally live with it all around them
>have to deal with all of the stuff to smelt additonal metals for coinage as well as arms and armor instead of just using gems/crystals and skipping that entirely.

>> No.11247174

...yes actually.

That and I think Taurens looked more motherly than the rest of the races.

>> No.11247335
File: 440 KB, 747x1024, AS155_Warriors_of_Chaosv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this gay warhammer shit



>> No.11247406

now that's some medium sized bait

>> No.11247560

Wtf did Imperial citizens eat? I know it prob varies planet to planet. But theres got to be some consistency for the Imperial Guard. Also do Space Marines eat at all?

>> No.11247602

Drow currency is listed as being coin based, but having little value outside the underdark. Basically it's a regional currency that's only worth something because they back it, not because it's made out of precious material.

Apparently many drow also carry more value currency as piercings (probably harder to steal).

>> No.11247648

>eating shit
Seems about right

>> No.11247824

But does this mean it's unreasonable to assume that the coins are there to represent the cost of the meal?

>> No.11248085

They weren't pandering to evangelicals faggot.

>> No.11248121
File: 51 KB, 324x419, 1537754664265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11248419


>biggest mary sue race since Kender using souniqueandspecial money

...nah, I can see it.

>> No.11248566

>But does this mean it's unreasonable to assume that the coins are there to represent the cost of the meal?
I would assume it's unreasonable. Gold pieces for bread, cheese, pickles, and small amount of terrible sausage that's likely made-over from whatever meat they didn't want.

This is rations. What do they cough up for a Sunday dinner, a half bar of gold? An enchanted dagger?

>> No.11248861

What's a better explanation?

>> No.11248883

maybe the coins are just there for aesthetics, or to show the different stampings of each race

there's no way some old mealy sausage would cost gold, unless gold is as common a copper in warcraft

>> No.11250317

M8 those rations are from D&D, not WoW, and represent the racial rations for adventurers. And if you know anything about how D&D treats money, then it's pretty realistic.

>> No.11250379

Imp Guard eat standardised rations. Marines literally eat anything edible, including the brains of their enemies, because they can actually strip knowledge out of them.

>> No.11250383

You do know Drow we’re arounf loooooong before Kender, right?

>> No.11250393

Imagine being such a brainless, enslaved cattle that you replace the cultural aspect of your food by a corporate, copyrighted label in wich you would give your life to protect against all criticism...

>> No.11250396
File: 19 KB, 416x435, 78CE9A83-1250-4813-A649-530AF681EF2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11250422

Someone somewhere was about to take a bite when it just fucking disappeared lmao

>> No.11250498

that's the girl from joindota

>> No.11250514


I know I hate them both. That's what matters.

>> No.11250688

its not a bad idea. cooking is super developed in the game. fuckloads of recipes and cooking related quests. in one expansion you could build a shitty chinese noodle cart and give out noodles to other players.

looking at the recipes always made me want to eat rare animals.

>> No.11250899
File: 130 KB, 1080x581, Screenshot_20180925-094908__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly what it is

>> No.11251074

hahahah holy fucking rekt

>> No.11251401
File: 6 KB, 204x246, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why you'd buy a WoW cookbook though.
Ive been a guilds go to chef forever now (Feasts are raid wide food buffs and generally get expensive if you buy them instead of doing the time intensive process to make them) and recipes in game made me want to try the food its based on long before the book came out. The cookbook is basically just common recipes with WoW fantasy terms (fish and steak with a side salad? Surficus Turficus!). Its all pretty basic stuff but its getting people into baking, proper roasting etc. As an example the Winterveil Roast is literally just topround beef roasted with herbs and balsamic vinegar to medium rare, the kaldorei bread is just fucking bread. I bought the cookbook for someone and they were amazed at how easy it was to just make BREAD

>> No.11251466
File: 79 KB, 612x667, 1534338446478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw left my old guild to do progression raiding and found out having people supply consumables for you isnt actually the norm
But yeah, I own the cookbook and its just a series of basic recipes matched to in game foods. If you didnt have the fluff on all of the titles and descriptions it would be a decent beginners cookbook
>Teaches herb and spice combinations
>several basics like "this is how you make a generic puff pastry" and "this is how you toast herbs"
>Most of the recipes (outside pastries and breads) are 3 idiot proof steps

>> No.11251477 [DELETED] 

Whataboutism. The last bastion of the Trumpanzee.

>> No.11251486

what is whataboutism?

>> No.11251526

GRU tactic from the cold war where, when pressed on an issue that cant be defended you deflect via "What about X" where X is an unrelated action meant to imply hypocrisy. When the term was coined it was because it was some weak shit like
>Russia has intentionally starved millions of Ukrainian farmers
>Yeah well what about your homeless people fucking capitalists guess you arent perfect either
Modern usage is typically deflecting to something exactly as bad if not worse, IE what you witnessed here.
>OMG Trump cheats on his wife
>Just like Clinton and Kennedy?
It went from a slanderous ad hom to a regular ad hom. Its still not an argument.

>> No.11251729

magnet link?

>> No.11251744

>intentionally starving millions vs a few homeless people often try to help
>comparing criticism of one politician cheating to Kennedy who was pretty much admired for it
More reasonable if not a valid point.

>> No.11252181

yeah i was gonna say its pretty reasonable to point out the hypocracy if its people criticizing a person they dont like but defending someone else that did the same thing

>> No.11252276

>That many habaneros
That orcs butt is going to burn

>> No.11252302

Shit, are you telling me that like 50% of their diet is just straight up ginger? Touch stomached bastards.

>> No.11252304

it's the same thing basically. normally haggis just comes in a natural pouch thing like a fat sausage.

>> No.11252323

where the FUCK is Goretusk Liver Pie?

>> No.11252762

where the fuck is the salted pork

>> No.11252864

dang, nice thanks

>> No.11252898
File: 215 KB, 797x538, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Frapgenius%2Fkettle-black.jpg&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their faces look so sad even though theyre smiling, I swear this is a cry for help
millennials are truly a product of their time, just imagine the disillusionment of spending your whole youth "experiencing" the world through mass/social media thinking
>youre gonna be something when you grow up
>youre going places kid
>youre gonna be someone
then finding out the real world is fucking grim, no one cares or even wants you, youre nothing but another cog in the machine - fuck you
they are the seams of our contemporary identity-crisis where everyone seem obsessed with wanting to stand out but fit in at the same time. Trying, trying hard, trying with an almost religious devotion, not to change and adapt to this world but to create their own little word, and what better tool to do so than mass/social media. Because its easier to delude yourself when everyone around you spouts those same delusions and this cannot be more overt than in 4chin ie. "uhuhuh we not normies", but literally all millennials are like this.
Its not their fault, they were given a bad hand, if it wasn't them it would have been the next generation

>> No.11252970


Grox, rations, various native flora and fauna, etc.

Going to take some cookies in the shape of hardtack in an old ammo box (repainted to look Imperial) with some recaf (coffee) to my local GW soon and hope that works as a bribe so they will employ me faster.

>> No.11253065

>why I quit WoW

I was up for a legendary item drop roll in my guild, and I had the highest DKP because I had been saving it for this roll. The guild master decided not to have a roll for it and just to give it to the guilds 'oldest healer' as in they had been there for longer than I had. In the time I had been there I had been at about 50 raids, and never missed one. This other healer had been at about half of them, usually canceling last minute. But apparently in the ~75 raids they had been in the guild for they had attended ~51 and that was a good enough reason for the GM to reward it to them. I was like; whats the fucking point and never raided again.

To put this in perspective the item had a very low drop rate, and you need to get 40 of them to forge the 'ultimate weapon' of the time. The first one that dropped went to the person who had missed half of the times we tried the bosses that could drop it, and that meant subsequently if another one dropped they would be given it by default because they were chosen to be the forger. And best case scenario for me, is they miss every raid and I get the pieces they can't pick up, but that means I will always be second choice and very likely to never complete it. I had one too many fucking experiences like that with guild masters power tripping. I'm still mad to this day about some of it and especially all those days I wasted.

>> No.11253093

I assume it wouldn't be too different from making hamburgers if you ground the meat.

>> No.11253098

Only poor fags buy shit they can get for free

>> No.11253143

So no link to a pdf? you guys suck

>> No.11253156


>> No.11253186

>I don't know how to use libgen

>> No.11253645
File: 45 KB, 940x586, Screenshot_20180926-121742_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How charming

>> No.11253877


Oh sweet, I actually got it right.