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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 900x700, Great food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11231922 No.11231922 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still hate on Soylent before trying it? It's actually really nice.

>> No.11231924 [DELETED] 

I’m gay btw, not sure if that’s relevant

>> No.11231947


Oh ok, that actually explains a whole lot.

>> No.11231977

Watch the movie

>> No.11232036

i tried it and it tastes like ass

would rather just get takeout/order a 'za if i'm too busy to eat something proper

>> No.11232043

im a gay bottom and i would not date any man who drinks this

>> No.11232060

Make sure to post pics here once you
grow those titties

>> No.11232125
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>> No.11232129
File: 46 KB, 388x549, 1521652978705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11232293


>> No.11232327

If it tastes like my gf ass, I am gonna try...any other ass is no go for me.

>> No.11232428

It's for effeminate, nintendo-liking nerds.
Not for proud kekistani anime warriors.

>> No.11232448

The only reason I would ever drink it would be if I were on some extreme diet where I wanted to know exactly how many calories and nutrients I was getting every day, drinking only one thing and controlling exactly what my intake is would appeal to my inner OCD, I would make charts and everything.
Good thing I'm not fat so I won't have to ever try it.

>> No.11232692

I agree with the effeminate part but nintendo is good.
Come on, ocarina, majora's mask and breath of the wild are all really good games.

>> No.11232699

Why drink soylent when you can get huel

>> No.11232701
File: 125 KB, 800x371, 1529607820239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come on, ocarina, majora's mask and breath of the wild are all really good games.

>> No.11232705

Majoras mask blows ass

>> No.11232714

I guess majora could be an exception
Also jokes on you I don't like mario that much so your gif is not effective

>> No.11232717

if my boyfriend drinks this all day will his semen be full of estrogen?

>> No.11232720
File: 1.63 MB, 1660x913, chipybutty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is baiting
pic he posted is not real for obvious reasons

>> No.11232725

It's great for giving my gf good brapps. Definitely makes our bike pump fun more pleasant

>> No.11233269

If ypu swallow, you will become turbo woman

>> No.11233387

It's expensive

>> No.11233437

>someone actually made this
Talk about obsessed.

>> No.11233457

I love soylent, it gives me this magical power to fart up storms, it's chemical warfare really, but my enemies have never been so afraid of me.

>> No.11234366

Soy turns my ass into a nuclear bombsite

>> No.11234375
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1498525294839s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get certain things about 4chan. I mean, there's literally nothing wrong with soylent, browsing reddit or having a black boyfriend. I don't get why people are so autistic about this.

>> No.11234377

Made out of old people

>> No.11234380

>complete meal
>paste in a bottle
Lol i hope you enjoy your Orwellian nightmare fag

>> No.11234393

Imagine being so lazy you can’t even be arsed to buy real food.

>> No.11234397

Because drinking a "meal" from a bottle is pathetic.

Learn to cook, refine those skills, and take pride in improving yourself.

>> No.11234409

soylent and soy in general gives you tits and makes you weak like a woman

black have aids and transmit aids to white people

reddit is used by leftist faggots and hillary supporters

>> No.11234411

that's what makes it so good

>> No.11234443

Can’t argue with dubs

>> No.11234449

>tfw I knew people who were shilling for this garbage before it was a meme
I make green shakes in the morning free of soy but full of protein, tyvm

>> No.11234667
File: 7 KB, 249x228, 1396050684414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soylent and soy causes man tits
>posts no scientific proof

Every time

>> No.11234673

stupid anime poster

>> No.11234682

Damn son, you really showed me

>> No.11234689

>defending soy

probably likes traps

>> No.11234864
File: 1.24 MB, 1001x768, 0dvp5hi9aqm11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seeing a penis going inside a vagina isn't gay
>having tits on the penis wielder makes it gay
>more tits = more gay

>> No.11235484

Is expensive. $3 for that? And it probably doesn't even taste good.

>> No.11235494

Why are you so overjoyed to drink what's basically Ensure?

>> No.11235721


>> No.11236100

it does taste good

>> No.11236760

Because Huel is way better

Also, fuck the other guy, Nintendo is great. PS4 is the actual soyboy consol, if you want to make exclusives you have to bring in something interesting on the table. Being a watered down PC just doesn't cut it.

>> No.11236766

>soylent and soy in general gives you tits and makes you weak like a woman
This is a meme, retard. You're supposed to have fun with it but remember that it isn't real.

>> No.11237066
File: 518 KB, 2728x2128, FUwRlDa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i'll remind them.

>> No.11237081

Video games are for childs.

>> No.11237178

I've only met one person who drank soylents before and funny enough it turned out to be a tranny. I don't know why but that shit is popular with trannies for some reason.

>> No.11237207

I tried soylent diet. One in the morning, one in the evening. I felt horrible and when I went to shit it was as if I had diarrhea. Shit was 100% liquid and splattered all over my ass cheeks as it hit the toilet water.

Worst experience of my life. Never again.

>> No.11237211

The effects of soy are kind of memed out of proportion when it comes to adults, but it's still not good to feed to a boy or even a teenager.
>muh zaldo
>botw being good
Why do numales have such shit taste?

>> No.11237313

Have a friend who has just been putting up with this side effect for months. His ass is constantly chapped and I have a feeling it's not good for your intestinal health to be in a constant state of distress i.e. diarrhea.

>> No.11237314

How do you get gastritis? The tutorial NR.1

>> No.11237326

Part of the problem is that they actually had the arrogance to name their "soylent."
Also just look at that fucking gay technofag font. It's clear to whom this product is intended. Actually sampling it is utterly irrelevant.

>> No.11237331

>call of doody and battlefield are MY masculine games of choice

>> No.11237375

>gay bottom
nice try, soyboy

>> No.11237404

>His ass is constantly chapped
How do you know?

>> No.11237635

I don't want to.

>> No.11237647

I love how all these pictures single out Nintendo, subtly implying that other consoles aren't also for children only.

>> No.11237678 [DELETED] 

I like mac n cheese cuz it gives me the best farts. They're nice and wet, they have that frogginess to them, but they never border on a shart. It's like a bubble bursting in my asshole everytime. If I mix it with broccoli I get these nice long wet farts that sound like someone making fart noises into their wind instrument at bandcamp when they're trying to learn how to play it. And the smell, dear lord the smell. Sweet and sensuous yet with a sour note that just kind of dangles there at the end, never overstaying its welcome and becoming rancid. Some nights after eating a massive bowl of mac n cheese and broccoli I pass out and awake in the morning to a symphony of this wonderous farts flying from my asshole and the aroma of the pungent mist tuythgfyjjgjgdxbhgdfgjydfghffhjydgjuffvhjytfedfvbnkkkjhgtheir collective aura has dabbed upon my bedroom