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11231400 No.11231400 [Reply] [Original]

Are dogs allowed in some restaurants or cafes in where you live? That is, does the local laws allow restaurants and cafes to choose whether to allow dogs in as opposed to completely banning all non-service animals by law?

>> No.11231420

coddling children (like people who insist on bringing their dogs with them) is not a good idea unless your restaurant hands out crayons with the menus

>> No.11231445

They have to be in the outdoor/patio section, but we make exceptions sometimes if the dogs are small or golden tier, because people who live where I work have lots and lots of money.

>> No.11231450


>> No.11231456

You basically have to allow dogs everywhere. If people lie about their pet being a service animal, you legally can't stop them unless the animal is shitting all over the floor while causing a ruckus.

>> No.11231467

Here in the UK, some coffee chains will allow dogs, Starbucks don't. Recently a cafe in Cheltenham opened a dog friendly cafe. Pubs will allow dogs. In my town two cafes/tea shops will allow dogs, but a pub chain have just barred dogs. It's nice to have a drink and take the dog.

>> No.11231477

In my city people have been bringing dogs everywhere. It's getting way out of hand. Businesses have begun putting signs saying no pets allowed but it's still a problem and it gets on my nerves.

>> No.11231479
File: 45 KB, 558x614, C60FFCC4-A9A9-4AB6-952C-A277C6B41AB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer crayons ON the menu

>> No.11231685

There's a gay bar in Aberdeen that allows dogs. Some lovely old dude that is probably Jimmy Savile's brother that's been going for over 30 years always comes in with an adorable poodle that really chills the fuck out to trance music.
That or the little bugger is deaf from it, either way I feel the gay bar is a hangout for notorious criminals because there's another guy that comes here who looks like Bronson.

>> No.11231723

there's gotta be few worse places on God's green Earth to have a keen sense of smell than an Aberdeen gay bar

>> No.11231726

Honestly? It doesn't smell. Hell the toilets are nice and there aint no glory holes.
The new manager that took over the place from about 5 years ago has been running the place really well.

>> No.11231840

15 years ago, I visited Paris for the first time and saw people bring dogs into a 5-star restaurant. family pets - not assistance animals. People also walked the dogs without a leash around town.

>> No.11232008

in germany dogs are mainly forbidden for hygienic reasons. some restaurant owners allow dogs/have their own in. but its kinda senseless because when its outside the most allow dogs. its kinda like: food indoor,restaurants,shops=no, nut food outdoor like a market is no problem, but wheres de difference?it looks like the food hygiene is not the main problem more they fear for dirty floors. i never had a problem with my dog in restaurants, i only took her in ones with outdoor tables, but sometimes you needet to walk though the restaurant to get there. most have dog bowls standing there or you get one when you ask.

>> No.11232016
File: 43 KB, 569x287, 5E27BA85-AC21-4AE0-8D34-E29F679D2834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which restaurants allowed this and what organisation awarded them 5 Stars?
This sounds like bullshit quite frankly.

>> No.11232218

Bullshit. Dogs are haram.

>> No.11232220

I haven't visited Paris since the 90s but I distinctly remember noticing how there was dogshit everywhere.

>> No.11232230

wow, 5 stars!

I give this post 3 and 2/3rd thumbs up

>> No.11232232

Maybe to protect people with allergies or fear of dogs.
The hygenic aspect is often more a feeling than a fact but that doesn't matter if you want to keep customers. Would a fat guy dressed in nothing but underwear at the next table be a hygenic problem? No, but it might feel like one, so it's probably not allowed.

>> No.11232234

a business doesn't legally have to allow the animal inside unless the owner of the animal has papers stating it's a service dog

>> No.11232243

Dogs are fucking gross animals that will literally eat its own poop/lick its butt and then afterwards slobber all over your face

dogs should be banned from eating places, no ifs or buts

>> No.11233070

t. muslim

>> No.11233083

enjoy your rabies, kafir

>> No.11233101

>Starbucks don't.

>> No.11233104

they're usually allowed in the outdoor seating around here

>> No.11233376

>5 stars
yelp stars don't mean anything

>> No.11233455

>Are dogs allowed in some restaurants or cafes in where you live?

No, that is a health violation, the law also forbids, "work," dogs.

>> No.11233459

In the 1980s in France, the dogs would sit outside waiting for their owners. It sounds like things have gone to shit since then.

>> No.11233504

Because Muslims started poisoning dogs waiting outside the stores?

>> No.11233600

They get stolen in the US for dogfighting practise bait, or the expensive purebreeds sold.

>> No.11233712

It's like 50$ for the certificate and card and you don't have to prove them anything. My dog is an "emotional support animal" it's illegal for them to deny him entrance. I paid 100$ and I got the card, the papers, the vest, the dog tag, and they even threw in a tough leash. Most places will never bother you about it and if they do just calmly explain to them that it's against the law to deny the dog. I've only had two people tell me that chop isn't allowed inside and both times after I told them it was illegal for them to do that they shut up real quick. Nobody is going to risk losing their job over a dumb dog.

>> No.11233718

>dogs should be banned from eating places, no ifs or buts
this desu and not even a mudshit

>> No.11234044

This emotional support animal shit is getting out of hand

They are on flights now, in the cabin, at no charge

>> No.11234049


>> No.11234062

I thought that service dogs and emotional support dogs were two different things entirely, no? Service dogs being for people with ptsd or seeing eye dogs and such

>> No.11234063

ESAs do not have legally protected status like actual service animals (seeing eye dogs, etc.). ESA owners are preying on businesses' ignorance of varying legal protections service animals have. Some jurisdictions in the U.S. don't even have protection for allergen detection dogs or epilepsy alert dogs.

>> No.11234129

>not bringing your own crayons to the restaurant

>> No.11234157

Are there even any emotional support doges outside the US? Seems like a very american thing.

>> No.11234173

Never really seen that except in some outdoor cafes.

>> No.11234680

Americans don't get enough emotional support from their family and friends.

>> No.11234686
File: 95 KB, 288x288, 1426561260549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who leaves shit just hanging out of their drawers

>> No.11234792

>If people lie about their pet being a service animal, you legally can't stop them
I used to work in a hotel and you get people with fake papers checking in all the time.
We had a middle aged autistic guy check in with a Chihuahua claiming it was a service dog. He wouldn't go into what kind of service dog it was and it was obvious he was just bullshitting, but because he had papers and it would've been a legal/business/reputation clusterfuck for us to deny him or throw him out we had no choice but to check him in.

We also had a young couple check in with kittens claiming they were service cats. Again same thing, even if the papers look obviously fake like Comic Sans MS font and phone numbers that don't actually work, you still have no choice but to be like "meh whatever" and roll with it.

>> No.11234814

This. If they're not being disruptive or disturbing someone else's experience, it's better to leave them alone than have them freak out and actually cause a scene.

>> No.11236076

Doesn't this apply to everything in life? Don't cause a scene and don't cause other people issues?

>> No.11237690 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 600x1133, 6D2D9C0E-9E52-49FE-B161-5D6D9CC9E4C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mac n cheese cuz it gives me the best farts. They're nice and wet, they have that frogginess to them, but they never border on a shart. It's like a bubble bursting in my asshole everytime. If I mix it with broccoli I get these nice long wet farts that sound like someone making fart noises into their wind instrument at bandcamp when they're trying to learn how to play it. And the smell, dear lord the smell. Sweet and sensuous yet with a sour note that just kind of dangles there at the end, never overstaying its welcome and becoming rancid. Some nights after eating a massive bowl of mac n cheese and broccoli I pass out and awake in the morning to a symphony of this wonderous farts flying from my asshole and ythe aroma of the pungent mist their collective aura has dabbed upon my bedroom

>> No.11237721
File: 30 KB, 432x648, tumblr_oqkg39seRB1uh80vpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking cocksnot, nobody wants to be subjected to your terrible little dog. Just lock yourself inside all day like a proper agoraphobic if you really need "emotional support"

>> No.11237722
File: 51 KB, 188x266, E54EE803-1797-463D-8F37-F6B93B0DEED9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the gay bar Kurt Cobain hung out in?

>> No.11238030

This is true. I’m a manager of a grocery store in Texas and we are only allowed to ask if it is a service animal, not for proof. However, if it begins acting aggressive, going to the bathroom or trying to eat food we can make it leave even if it is a real service animal. Thankfully everyone that has brought in a animal has either been legit or not been dumb enough to bring in a untrained animal so it’s bever been a problem.

>> No.11238703


now its human shit

>> No.11238714

Are you gay btw? Not that it matters.

>> No.11238731

>going to the bathroom
There dogs so well trained, that they actually can use a bathroom? Amazong.

>> No.11238739

Only here in Texas, we are pretty uptight. Unless they are drunk, then they get a warning.

>> No.11238742

Guide dogs for the blind are allowed.

>> No.11238849

There are some places here in the UK.
When I lived in Amsterdam, sometimes there were several cats owned by the restaurant. Even though it's not allowed, the city is just so full of mice that authorities will often just ignore it. When I lived there for a while, I had mice even though my appartment was clean and I lived on the 6th floor.