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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 246x344, 10997596061726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11230770 No.11230770 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good cheap vodka that has no taste and would mix well with grape juice?

>> No.11230817

Any potato based vodka

>> No.11231112


>> No.11231141


>> No.11231191

Any mid-shelf glass bottle of vodka is going to be good enough to mix with grape juice. I usually go with Sobieski or Wódka[Vodka] brands, which are both Polish. I imagine Sobieski will start jacking up as they become more popular, similar to Svedka. Khortytsa is a Ukrainian brand that's pretty cheap, but it has an obnoxious top. If you absolutely must have Russian vodka, you're probably going to go for Stolichnaya or Russian Standard. (your Smirnoff isn't going to be made in Russia) It definitely won't be the cheapest, though.

>> No.11231195

Have you heard of wine?

>> No.11231199


>> No.11231202

stolichnaya should be your go-to vodka. buying expensive vodka is a waste and buying anything cheaper than/not stolichnaya is a waste.

>> No.11231203

Dis one

>> No.11231206

There's plenty of cheaper vodka than Stolichnaya that's just as good.

>> No.11231210

No there isn't. Though any vodka can be made like 3000% better if you manually charcoal filter it.

>> No.11231215
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, tooruexpert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're paying too much for vodka if you're paying more than 10 USD per handle.

>> No.11231223
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>cheapest bottle of vodka in Ontario is like 26 CAD

>> No.11231226

You're either delusional or you live in a place where Stolichnaya is heavily subsidized.

>> No.11231231

Imagine actually living somewhere where this is the case because only one store is allowed to sell it and thus there's no competition.
Imagine having a fucking leaf on your flag.
Imagine having bags of homo milk in the stores.
Imagine having affordable, readily available poutine.
OK, I'm actually kind of jealous about that last part.

>> No.11231266

Holy fuck. Decent vodka where I live is $17.99-$21.99 for a 1.75l handle, but you can get cheap as fuck one of some borderline rubbing alcohol for $8.99-$9.99. I would just kms the quick way if I lived where you live.

>> No.11231514
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>What's a good cheap vodka that has no taste and would mix well with grape juice?

>> No.11231516
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>> No.11231519
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>> No.11231540
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>> No.11231571

Terrible vodka,ugly looking girls

>> No.11231573
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>> No.11232176

Based russian standard poster

>> No.11232305


Amsterdam is like 15 a handle and that shit is smooth. I usually just take shots of it as long as it's been chilled. Chasing is optional.

If you're just going to mix it with grape juice I'd say literally bottom of the barrel is your best bet for the price. Get some Popov or whatever they have on sale for like $5-8.

>> No.11232309

Honestly for the price, nothing beats the taste and smoothness of stoli. You can drink it straight no mixer or chaser its delicious. Russian standard is piss compared to stoli.

>> No.11232314

Sorry brother, but Monopolowa is the correct answer.

>> No.11232567
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A friend of mine put me on to pic related a few years ago, beats the shit out of Taaka but doesn't cost much more.

>> No.11232582

>Russian standard is piss compared to stoli.
Interesting that if you read reviews 90% of people give Russian Standard much higher scores than for Stoli.
But I guess you like eating McDonald hamburgers as well

>> No.11232591

Is drinking vodka neat as enjoyable as drinking whiskey neat?

>> No.11232614


No. Good vodka should have no taste, bad vodka has a bad taste. You ether mix it or shoot it.

>> No.11232691

I like to sip it very small amounts at the time, like a tea spoon full.
Best way to try and compare different vodkas (as with other alcohol of course) is to buy two or even three different vodkas and do the testing
with 20-30 seconds time between the sips so you create 'new' saliva in your mouth and of course no food of any kind in between the sips.
Just have good meal before so you don't drink on an empty stomach of course, but you know that already lol
Sometimes I drink that way 1/2 bottle of vodka (I really like Russian Standard especially the Platinum Edition) in the evening and wake up
next morning with no overhang at all, not like after 1/2 bottle of quality brandy or whiskey.
Quality vodka gives you very clean, clear 'tipsy' effect.
Cheap low quality vodka rips your head off and it stinks.
As you know multi distillation of alcohol (vodka,whiskey,brandy and so on) greatly contributes to the quality, but you have to pay extra for that product.

>> No.11232740
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It's $20, so it's the same price as Stoli in my area.
I don't even care about the organic meme; I like it because it's distilled only once and not charcoal/meme metal filtered. Tastes like a potato vodka, but it's wheat.

>> No.11232805 [DELETED] 

>I like it because it's distilled only once
That is never a plus for hard alcohol.
Everybody knows that.

>> No.11232849

Where tf do you live that you get a handle of vodka for 10 USD? I work in a liquor store in a state with the least amount of alcohol regulations and that price is unheard of even with it on sale.

>> No.11232856

>I like it because it's distilled only once
That is never a plus for vodka.
Everybody knows that.

>> No.11232865

If you're mixing it with juice maybe think about zubrowka.

>> No.11232868


>> No.11232900

Do you have a Total Wine in your state?

>> No.11232913


>> No.11232915

Are you serious you don't know how multi distillation greatly improves quality of alcohol, especially vodka.
Why do you think many vodkas (like for example my fav Russian Standard Regular is distilled 4 times, and Russian Standard PLATINUM is distilled 8 times).
Each time you distill it cost you money in extra labour and you lose liquid volume, but you are gaining much cleaner 'healthier' alcohol.
I suggest you google this topic if you are seriously interested to learn, I can't give you all the scientific-chemical reasoning for it here.

>> No.11232937
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Based Pyccкий Cтaндapт™ poster.

>> No.11232945

Would a cheap vodka be fine in making limoncello or should I get something better?

>> No.11232958

Everclear, assuming you can get the 95% ABV version.

>> No.11232960

Remember that cheap vodka drunk straight or in drinks will still give you a headache next day.
Only thing the mixing will do is to mask the bad taste of cheap vodka, but the hangover still will be there.
see posts

>> No.11233025

Even tho Russian Standard Regular is already great clean tasting vodka but you can do very interesting comparison.
Buy bottle of RS-Regular and bottle of RS-PLATINUM and sip both of them to taste the difference.
This is a very good opportunity to taste vodka from the same manufacturer but of different scale.
If you compare vodkas from different manufacturers you have many variables involved, but not in this case...because
RS-PLATINUM starts as Regular but is distilled 4 more times and is filtered using silver filters.
google Russian Standard and read about it.

>> No.11233109


The more distillation the less congeners in the vodka. Vodka profile is supposed to be flavorless, odorless (outside of the pure alcohol smell) and tasteless (outside of the pure alcohol taste.)

Basically by distilling it multiple times you are removing impurities.

Vodka that has been filtered and distilled multiple times is objectionably better than single distilled for those reasons.

Liquor is weird in that snobs will tell you that single distilled Scotch aged in a barrel for 20 years is the king of whisky but 10 distilled vodka that is only a month old is the king of vodka.

The congeners in once distilled vodka are no worse than whisky so if you drink whisky while drinking triple distilled vodka due to snobbishness then you are a hypocrite.

Just drink it and have a good time.

>> No.11233130

>The congeners in once distilled vodka are no worse than whisky so if you drink whisky while drinking triple distilled vodka due to snobbishness then you are a hypocrite.
I'm having hard time to understand what you exactly mean by this.

>> No.11233133


>> No.11233136


>> No.11233159

Tastes of cough syrup, not that it makes it bad. In many stores it's probably the cheapest of eastern European glass bottles.
Don't overindulge though, the side effect is awful t. personal experience, it's like it sticks to your insides.

>> No.11233172

Overrated in my opinion.
Month ago I did side by side sipping tests between Luxusowa potato vodka from Poland and Russian Standard-Regular made from grain.
Luxusova is not bad (nothing special tho) it was leaving harsher after taste compared to smooth clean tasting of RS-R.
And I like the idea of vodka being made from grain not from...potatoes.

>> No.11233180

I guess potatoes make it slickier/oily.

>> No.11233195

Does equal parts vodka and water make pseudo-soju?

>> No.11233197


Sure, Whisky get's it's profile by purposefully adding a shit ton of congeners (impurities) by purposefully putting the liquor in oak barrels and letting them sit to absorb the wood for years.

People drink the liquor infused with those congeners because of the robust and varied taste it imparts to the Liquor. Basically instead of removing the congeners from the original mesh they instead try to enhance the flavor of those impurities by aging it in barrels of wood.

By contrast, Vodka is purposefully distilled and filtered several times to remove all taste. Getting cheap vodka means that they don't take the time/energy/resources to distill it more times or filter it more which leaves it with impurities from the original process of making the Vodka.

Basically, if you are drinking to get fucked up and you have no problem drinking scotch/whisky to do that but then make fun of someone getting cheap vodka then you are a massive fagot. The whisky they are drinking is full of more impurities than the vodka by a wide margin.

tl;dr Just drink what you like. Get super distilled vodka if you are looking to get fucked up with a lower chance of hangover. If you ordinarily don't get hangovers or don't care then it really doesn't matter what kind you get.

$5 Popov will get you just as fucked up as Grey Goose. The only difference is Grey Goose is less likely to give you a hangover because of the removal process for impurities.

>> No.11233205

Stolichnaya isn't so bad. I would shoot for any midshelf shit. I like Absolut and Ketel One, but I don't know how cheap we're talking here.

>> No.11233274


I forgot to add that if you want to get fucked up and reduce your chance of a hangover just get Everclear.

Shit is so pure that it's recommended over rubbing alcohol to clean electronic pieces like motherboards.

It's so powerful that a single shot of it is worth two shots of normal strength liquor.

And you can get it for as little as $20.

There is never a good reason to be a Vodka snob other than because they're a pretentious insufferable cunt.

>> No.11233406

If you just want neutral taste and no methanol don't buy vodka, but 95% alck from andorra and make your own dilution.

>> No.11234830

California. WinCo Foods has Barton, Burnett's and Taaka for $10 per handle. I haven't tried the Burnett's. The Taaka is fine for mixing. The Barton is actually good straight.

>> No.11234843
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Also, the Smart and Final a couple blocks away from WinCo has one, I forget what it's called, for 8 something a handle. Haven't tried it. I'm pretty happy with Barton these days. I usually mix it with water, lemon juice and some kind of flavor packet that goes good with lemon juice, and I make it real tart and it's really good that way, but occasionally I drink it straight when it's close to bedtime and I don't want to be waking up to piss a bunch of times in the middle of the night and it's just as tolerable straight as Stoli to me.

>> No.11234844


>> No.11234874

I don't know about states where the real high proof shit is legal but here in California the 150 proof Everclear is nowhere close to being cost effective compared to cheap vodka.

>> No.11235279

Thanks for that post anon.
>Basically, if you are drinking to get fucked up and you have no problem drinking scotch/whisky to do that but then make fun of someone getting cheap vodka then you are a massive fagot.
Yes, this line brings it home. Well said.
I've heard on the radio show few years ago that Grey Goose is not allowed to enter Vodka Competitions because they add glycerin to make it 'smoother'
I have to google that topic one day to confirm it.

>> No.11235287

Popov is a good cheap vodka

>> No.11235345
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Pick lerated

>> No.11235370

My thinking is that drinking cheap vodka is not that vise choice.
Pay bit more and drink (at least mid grade) to make your liver work less under the stress ..and avoid hangovers at the same time.
I was drinking brandies for few years (and vines) but vines started to bore me..and they are heavier on the liver.
Like flavors and taste of brandies but after 1/2 bottle in the evening of mid grade brandy, next morning is not as clear as after mid grade vodka.
As I mentioned in previous posts I really like Russian Standard Reg or Platinum, and after sipping 1/2 bottle in the evening, next morning
I feel fresh and clear, no hangovers.

If I don't feel like sipping straight vodka I like to make hot cocoa drink, just hot water cocoa powder a coconut sugar and generous shot of vodka in the cup.
Almost like an adult dessert lol.

>> No.11235389

Just drink nasty cheap ass red wine. What you want to create sounds even worse.

>> No.11235407

If quality vodka has no taste wouldn't it just taste like grape juice?

>> No.11235451

Vodkas do have tastes and flavors but not as pronounced as in other hard booze.
If you take a sip of vodka and keep in your mouth and move it around you can pick up subtle "flavors"

>> No.11235581

$10 vodka has the same effect on your liver as $30 vodka.

>> No.11235623

Nope. Not true. False.
Science and chemistry is against your claim.

>> No.11235772
File: 114 KB, 981x768, RUSSIAN STANDARD+IMPERIA vodkas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Wikipedia

Production of the Russian Standard Original is based on a four-tier protocol.
-mashing and fermenting
-distillation and rectification
-filtration and relaxation
-bottling and packaging.
Higher-end products add more purification steps.

Winter grain from Russian steppes are milled and fermented.
The raw spirit is distilled four times for the Original, six times for Platinum, while the Imperia spirit is distilled eight times.
The spirits are blended with water from Lake Ladoga.
The proximity of Lake Ladoga was one of the main reasons for the company's decision to establish its distillery in Saint Petersburg.
The lake's underground sources provide one of the softest waters naturally available.[citation needed]

The product is then filtered four times through charcoal.
Platinum receives two more filtrations through silver and Imperia two more filtrations through quartz from the Ural Mountains.

After final filtration, the spirits spend 48 hours in relaxation tanks, are bottled and packaged.
As vodka contains only water and ethanol, it generally does not mature or age and its shelf life is limited only by packaging.

>> No.11235812
File: 614 KB, 1672x1197, RUSSIAN STANDARD VODKA BOTTLE 1.75L EMPTY W:CAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you believe this shit lol

>> No.11235844
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>> No.11235848

New Amsterdam is cheaper and better than Sotoli. If you're willing to pay Stoli prices, you might as well buy whiskey.

>> No.11235853

go find that Poland Potato vodka at Trader Joe's if you're in the amerisharts. i forget the name. it's 10.99 per 750mL

>> No.11235877

Nope. Not true. False.
Science and chemistry is against your claim.

>> No.11235880

>it's 10.99 per 750mL
Literally twice as expensive as vodka should be.

>> No.11235882

>Literally twice as expensive as vodka should be.
if you are a poor fuck then yes lol

>> No.11235916

>any vodka can be made like 3000% better if you manually charcoal filter it.

>> No.11235930


>> No.11235940

It's already filtered. What's the point of doing it again?

>> No.11235942


>> No.11235949

It's already filtered. What's the point of doing it again?

>> No.11236084

The only true answer is Skul or McCormicks. Both are 10$ after tax for a handle, after your first drink or two the awful taste goes away and you forget about it being shitty. If your aim is to get shit faced then never spend more than 25$ a night.

>> No.11236101

Not even poor. Just smart. I've tried all the vodkas from top shelf to bottom shelf and the difference in flavor is incredibly minor between all of them.

>> No.11236114

>Both are 10$ after tax for a handle
>never spend more than 25$ a night.
You drink two and a half handles in a night?

>> No.11236206

Out of the ones I've had, Stolichnaya is good, and not stupid expensive.

I wouldn't go less than that normally, but Ketel One and Absolut are drinkable.

The actual real .ru Smirnoff was good, but the Smirnoff you get everywhere else is a terrible copy.

Russian Standard is, unfortunately, bad.

Żubrówka is great but it depends if the bison grass flavour will mix well with your juice: probably not.

>> No.11236221


Ketel One is definitely the most expensive of those mentioned

>> No.11236302

There's also Żubrówka Biała which is just plain vodka.

>> No.11236304

Smirnoff. Best by far overall because it's so simple. Available everywhere, not tagged by a memeprice and no more disgusting than any vodka. The more expensive stuff is still disgusting and drinking the cheaper stuff is like actually being in hell.

>> No.11236329

sobieski is very good for it's price

>> No.11236654

>Russian Standard is, unfortunately, bad.

>> No.11236786

What is /ck/'s opinion of Wyborowa?

>> No.11237194

Low grade shit.

>> No.11237222

It's just to get drunk, nothing fancy.

>> No.11237237
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for me.

>> No.11237247

great Polish vodka to get huge hangover next morning

>> No.11237260

>not giving handle prices

Couldn't be more obvious that whoever made this doesn't know shit.

>> No.11239131

Any vodka here and put it through a water filter. Makes shit taste a little smoother.

>> No.11239714

but it also removes all the nutrients,
no thanks.

>> No.11240167

Stop drinking assholes and start posting

>> No.11240185
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>> No.11240187

Any opinions on Finlandia?

>> No.11240192

of course. maybe if you would stopped drinking and sober up for couple of days and read some nutritional articles you would know that

>> No.11240193

I rather drink horse piss.

>> No.11240197

There should be more tasteless and better distilled liquors tham vodka over there.

>> No.11240199

The cheapest vodka I ever bought was some bottle for 5 bucks flavored vanilla. I mixed it with a coke and it was exactly like vanilla coke that got me fucked up. Bought it on vacation and have never found it again.

>> No.11240249

Smirnoff's the cheapest where I live that is still vodka not water with vodka

>> No.11240253

It costs 15 usd here on sale could get a bottle of cheap grants scotch for the same price

>> No.11240260

I usually get Taaka. Its like $13. I mix it with Gaterade.

>> No.11240697

just buy a 40% ethanol solution in the apothecary.

>> No.11240700

apparently plastic bottle trash from the bottom shelf is the best according to this expert.

>> No.11240708

>t.polack scum triggered by something out of his shithole

>> No.11240753
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Meanwhile in Finland.

>> No.11240770

There you go with that "wheat" shit....potat or nothing

>> No.11240772

In ga.....fifth of russovka....9.99

>> No.11241120

the fuck? 32 euros for a litre? In Holland you can get a litre of cheapo vodka for about 11 euros.

>> No.11241252

It's an actual thing that people travel from helsinki to Estonia and buy booze there because it costs half as much.

>> No.11241257

Only Elyx is priced that high in America, standard version is $21 in my area.

>> No.11242876
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This isn't available in my state, can someone tell me what it's like and how does it compare to other high proof vodkas like Smirnoff 100?

>> No.11242923

It's made from corn therefore not for me.
Only vodka I have respect for is made from grain, not even from potatoes.
Tequila or grappa or sljivovica is very OK too in my book.

>> No.11242987

Enjoy the hangover mixing pure sugar with hard alcohol.
Drink your vodka like a man, chase it with beer.
Take it from me i'm an alcoholic.

>> No.11242989

If you can taste it in your beverage you mixed, and you keep drinking it, you will die.

If you can't taste it, and you feel like you should be able to, and you keep drinking it, you will die. Don't ever "eyeball" with everclear, measure that shit precisely. But all it is, is ethanol. Vodka in the US still has a flavor, or else brand to brand you'd notice zero difference at the same abv, and that's just not true at all. But Everclear is just pure ass ethanol, as chemically pure as it can be. No stabilizers or anything. It tastes awful, and should never be drunk straight. In my experience, when my cocktails get in the 25% abv range, I stop tasting the everclear, even if I can somewhat detect the drink is alcoholic, it doesn't seem THAT strong. I have a hard time making a cocktail not taste strong as fuck in like a 1:4 vodka to soft mixer ratio.

You'll never make a good cocktail with everclear, if you water it down to 40% abv yourself and use it like a vodka. Smirnoff would actually make a passable martini. IMO everclear is best used for non-consumption based on its properties, like sterilizing surfaces.

>> No.11243011

No one has said Seagrams. Sad! 17.99 per 1.75L

>> No.11243060

I agree with this anon. Steer clear of this shit.

>> No.11243133

Broeder, what's the cheapest vodka per L in NL? I haven't found anything cheaper than Gorlovka (which I like) but that's 11,30

>> No.11243276

It's good for cleaning microscopes, lenses, and bongs.

>> No.11243280

>I imagine Sobieski will start jacking up as they become more popular
I started drinking like 5 years ago and Sobieski had won some award for best vodka so I bought it
ain't never changed and neither has the price
I'm super sensitive to alcohol taste and it still goes down pretty smooth even when I'm mixing 50/50 with soda

>> No.11244572
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Are american vodkas any good, or should I stick to my russian & scandinavian classics?

>> No.11244579

I'm sure some of them are okay, but why bother?

>> No.11244601

They all have taste, it's going to taste like alchohol.

>> No.11244641

What kind of autistic retard are you? The impurities in bourbon and scotch are purposeful in order to add good and nuanced flavors. Most vodkas aren't made from the ground up to taste good as a spirit. They're usually created in order to be distilled and thus are intended for repeated distilling. Cheap vodka is usually overproduction or contains extra impurities that distilleries don't want to use in their premium brands so they dont distill it as much and then sell the batches to be marketed as cheap brands. And before you call out cheap "scotch" and (((american whisky))) many of those might as well be vodka since they are often colored and flavored instead of aged properly.

>> No.11244713


Yes indeed. Cheap as hell and high quality. I keep bottles of grey goose, Belvedere, ciroc and fill them with this and guess what? No one fucking notices. Same with r&r and crown royal. No one can tell the difference except a handful of people, if that. I can throw some popov and a cup of water in a bottle of goose and I’m ballin

>> No.11244804

>Are american vodkas any good
To get massive hangovers next morning, yes they are.

>> No.11244874
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life is too short for cheap vodkas

>> No.11245189

Seagrams is trash

>> No.11245206

I didn't even know they made Vodka. I know they make gin and whiskey. Ugh.

>> No.11245235

I'm partial to Popov, Svedka and New Amsterdam for low shelf.
Stoli is about as expensive as I go, otherwise you might as well just buy a different liquor.

>> No.11245308

>Stoli is about as expensive as I go
What about this, did you had chance to do side by side taste tests?

