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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 450x450, boomersip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11226267 No.11226267 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 30 years old and work at a CPA/consulting firm. Our office has about 150 people and the only person who I've ever seen drinking this flavor is a 24 year old girl.

Do over 30 people you know drink this flavor of Monster? I drink Monsters occasionally, and I've never even tried this flavor.

>> No.11226272
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>> No.11226274

My literal boomer dad drinks them.

>> No.11226282

>tfw my dad refuses to have anything to do with energy drinks


>> No.11226316

My literal boomer Dad drinks them

>> No.11226401

so are /sips/ threads dead because of the boomer meme? Or did it all start from there

>> No.11226430

I am 30 years old, and work in an office. I order this by the case. I drink one on my way into the office, and keep an extra in my desk in case I start crashing. My coworkers do tease me about it, but thankfully they don't know about the meme.

>> No.11226578

I'm the only over 30 person I know who drinks any kind of energy drinks and I exclusively drink Amp.

>> No.11226586

I've never understood this meme. The only people I've ever seen buying giant energy drinks were middle school zoomers.

>> No.11226587

My retired boomer dad just smokes weed all day, like 10+ joints a day.

>> No.11227202

I am almost the 30yo old boomer and I don’t drink energy drinks at all. I don’t even have lawn mower.

>> No.11227209

It's an ad campaign. It's not supposed to make sense

>> No.11227219

It's the best flavor. Is the girl single? I'd like to meet her.

>> No.11227228

>trying to bring logic into forced memes

>> No.11227329


>> No.11227354

Fun fact, the 'm' symbol in Monster energy is the hebrew symbol for '6' repeated 3 times.
Also, they use that brand in memes because they're too lazy to make edits from scratch.

>> No.11227382

It comes from an guerilla ad campaign
The best ad campaign I've seen in many years. They first forced the meme on /ck/ and some people just went on with it

>> No.11227397

I think she is

>> No.11227423

i don't know anyone who drinks energy drinks to be honest. if people want caffeine they just drink coffee

>> No.11227424

39 y.o. boomie here

I buy redbull at starbucks when on business trips in phlyouvre land (sorry wordfilter) because it doesn't spill in the taxi, and starbucks coffee is so far beneath me I'd unironically rather drink redbull

>> No.11227429
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sips boys

>> No.11227433
File: 142 KB, 1500x1500, 71HZEDaRk8L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although I enjoy a good /sip/ from time to time, pic related is the real boomer fuel where I live (and in my office)

>> No.11227499

30 year old boomer NEET here.

I drank one yesterday.

>> No.11227531
File: 84 KB, 478x350, 1536013713677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if the boomer meme is a forced meme to advertise monster, is the zoomer meme a forced meme to promote fortnite and sell more v coins?

>> No.11227798

Alright lads, OP here. I'm going to get a Monster ZERO ULTRA and let you goofs know how it tastes.

>> No.11227813

Hey what phone is that? Looking to upgrade.

>> No.11227819

Read the thread, we’ve established that most of us know what it tastes like.

>> No.11228031

How rude!

I'm drinking the Monster Zero now and I can report it's actually pretty good. 8/10 as far as sugar free energy drinks/sodas go. Not good enough to pull me away from coffee.

>> No.11228313
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>> No.11228319

Yes. Expect a Monster and Fortnite collab soon. V coins on cans. You have been warned

>> No.11228415

I am 35 and I sometimes drink these. They were shilled so hard on this board that I tried them and the taste is quite good.

>> No.11228438
File: 166 KB, 749x800, 1532802078749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Issa meme

>> No.11228446

Funposting on 4chan doesn’t have to perfectly mirror reality.

>> No.11228455

>Multiple motorcycles
>Riding mower
>Those sunglasses
>That sip

Goddamn he living boomer life

>> No.11228664

what sip should i get for my shift tonight? been sippin on ultra violet's but want to find something new to change things up.

>> No.11228805

i bought one of these today and i'm tasting it now for the first time.
...it's not very good.
like it just lacks flavour.
3/10 would not buy again.

>> No.11228906

you're supposed to add salt

>> No.11228953

Based Late 30’s Boomer poster

>> No.11229575

It started there and initially it was with a regular can of Monster, then it was drawn but sometimes left blank. At some point people realized there was indeed a white Monster can

>> No.11229683

A mere can of this stuff already has 16% of your daily allowance of salt

>> No.11229706

Same here. I'm 36 and I started drinking them after seeing them here all the time.
The zero sugar and lots of caffeine appeals to me, it's good on a hot day when I don't feel like a coffee.

>> No.11229767
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Funny thing is I have the opposite experience. In my previous job, as a group of 3-5 guys at the ages of 25-32, we would all just sit around drinking energy drinks at lunch and after work (unless we had beer).

Feel free to call me a heathen, but I prefer Mother.

>> No.11229773

I'm pretty sure it even says it's for girls on the can.

>> No.11229798

I have a can of it right in front of me and it definitely does not.

>> No.11229838
File: 159 KB, 740x746, 1537397046338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes like something only boomers would like.

>> No.11229943

28 yr Boomer here

I drink that stuff all the time because no calories.

Anyone that drinks an energy drink for the taste is autistic