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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11224815 No.11224815 [Reply] [Original]

What are some tasty, easy to make, and fair priced meals?

I mostly stock up on ground beef for meat loaf, burgers, manwich, and hamburger helper.

Throw in TV dinners and hotdogs and you got my diet, I need more variety.


>> No.11224846

I read this and felt a little bit of vomit rise in the back of my throat.
What other physical effects do the words of Redditors manifest themselves as?

>> No.11224854
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The fuck are you on about

>> No.11224856

You could start by cutting the processed garbage out of your diet. Manwich, hamburger helper, tv dinners, and hot dogs? Come on, dude. Just take a couple of weeks and learn the basics of cooking.

>> No.11224858
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manwich is fucking good, dude.

i made sloppy jose's the other day

>sauteed onion/garlic/chorizo
>can of manwich mixed in
>red onion salted, let to sit for about an hour, rinsed, and vasc-sealed with lime juice to "pickle" them

you can eat my fucking dick, you absolute nerd

>> No.11224863

Curry, braised meats, spaghetti, any kind of BBQ, any kind of mexican food.

All food is cheap and easy to prepare just find something you like and make it.

>> No.11224883


>> No.11224890

I usually add some spinach, chicken, cheese, whatever other veggies I happen to have, and some sauce.
Boil the pasta and throw the whole jawn in a pan and stir for a few minutes.

>> No.11224893

I should do more BBQ, I need to get a cheap grill still at least.

I need to invest in spices/herbs, it's such a big investment when you only have salt and pepper tho.

Mexican is a good idea too, Thanks.

>> No.11224904

Spices are like 99cents each and when they are empty you can refill the spice bottles with bulk spices even cheaper.

>> No.11224921


>> No.11224929

Buy chuck beef and cut it into bits for quick steak
Sweet potatoes
Bulk broccoli

>> No.11224931
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>refined carbs

>> No.11224933

>Spices are like 99cents each
Spices that cheap are flavorless dust not worth buying.

You don't have to go all-out, just start somewhere and slowly add to your collection.

>> No.11224938

Chili powder

Must haves

>> No.11224947

Cheap spices are fine and even better for a person who has none at all

>> No.11224960

>Cheap spices are fine
No, that's how you end up with shit like the retards who post on here and ask why people use bay leaves or paprika because they taste of nothing. Spices are probably the best example of any common product that illustrates quality variation between brands.

>>and even better for a person who has none at all
I will agree that cheap spices are better than no spices.

>> No.11225006

Hot dogs are no unhealthier than any other kind of sausage desu senpai

>> No.11225015

what this guy said >>11224890

pickles are really simple to make and great for sandwiches. before you call me a faggot, realize you can pickle pretty much any veggie that's about to go bad and give it up to 2 more weeks of life. also home made pickled veggies are infinitely better than whatever trash you are buying at your shithole grocery

>frozen chicken breast
fucking ez, just oven them.

you are already buying ground meat and probably making these but I'll mention them anyway. just sauté in oil with taco seasoning and apply to shell

>red beans and rice
you can just buy canned red beans that you heat up and add to rice. blast it with cheese and a hot sauce and you have a pretty comfy meal

>> No.11225085
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>manwich = reddit

Come up with some new buzzwords for things you don't like, dude. This doesn't even make sense. Manwich is just canned sloppy joe sauce ffs.

>> No.11225104

I'm surprised to see so much fail together in one post.
Pickles last for months or years anon, not "2 weeks".

>he cooks chicken breast in the oven
Searing 'em in a pan is faster, uses less energy, and it tastes better because of dat malliard

>>he thinks tacos are made from ground beef and a packet
Why do you hate flavor so much?

>>Red beans and rice is just canned beans with rice mixed in
A cajun dish with no "trinity"? And fucking cheese of all things?

You're what give we Americans a bad name. Stop that shit. You're an adult, you can do better.

>> No.11225212
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>with taco seasoning
Niggah, that mckormick flavorless chili powder dust is far more expensive than using the whole dried chili peppers.

>> No.11225308
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Why is it that every single fucking poorfag thread doesn't have god damned chicken leg quarters mentioned? I've seen them even cheaper than pic related from a butcher. Walmart has them at $.49/lb. You can all FUCK OFF with your shitty tasteless frozen chicken breasts. Skin-on, bone-in, legs and thighs will beat all other meats in terms of value. AND, you can save bones for stock to make soup with. Win-win-win.

>> No.11225316

They're too "chickeny" for my liking and I suspect other anons feel the same.

>> No.11225323
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>> No.11225358
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I forgot to mention the excess fat can be used to make a gravy or to cook other things in. It's great to just have some veggies roasting under the chicken and they get cooked in all that delicious chicken fat.

What in the fuck did you just say to me?
>poorfag thread
>chicken legs and thighs are too "chickeny"
>dumbshits spending way more money on breasts and wings
why do i even bother

>> No.11225465

Shephards pie. Get a Dutch oven. Delicious and you can eat it for days. Try ground lamb sometime too instead of beef which I guess is technically cottage pie. The betty crocker recipe is a good baseline (don't use refrigerated potatoes like that lazy bitch) to make your own little recipe. Some people like cream of mushroom compared to beef broth but I've yet to try it.

I'm always in the mood for shephards pie

>> No.11225493
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its a russian sweet and sour stew thats quite cheap and can be made in bulk
honestly the best thing ive ever made

>> No.11225511

personal recipe?

>> No.11225512

I was born in 1996

What is the best drink, for someone who hates Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey and loves Soccer and is a Major League Soccer fan?

>> No.11225519

The appletini is the drink of choice for homosexuals like you

>> No.11225530

I do not drink any alcoholic beverages

>> No.11225542

Just drink cum then

>> No.11225548

That transcends into double super-saiyan faggot.

>> No.11225549

based leg quarter autist

>> No.11225551


can you both just delete these posts