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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 532x493, veganbrisket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11217408 No.11217408 [Reply] [Original]

>Vegan Brisket is delicious
>Vegan Burger gets burger of the year award.
>Tastes great as well being more ethical and less environmentally harmful.

Has vegan food finally surpassed meat?

>> No.11217415

it looks like shitty old bread

>> No.11217417

Refuse to believe without a straight comparison. Unless he's comparing it with a real slab of smoked brisket, saying "the taste and texture is great too!" is pretty moot.

>> No.11217434

You know the majority of vegans will just start eating meat again when lab-grown meat is available

>> No.11217443

the fact that vegans try to emulate meat shows how unnatural veganism is.
the fact that this eludes the little shits is just astounding.

>> No.11217448

>the fact that vegans try to emulate meat shows how unnatural veganism is.
Natural doesn't mean good and unnatural doesn't mean bad. You have the more obsessed ones who try to say being vegan is healthier (even though omnivores can eat everything vegans do) but it's not like modern meat production is natural either.

>> No.11217484

I don't really care but if it tastes good I'll eat it, this being said that kinda looks like a cookie or something

>> No.11217493
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No, but it's those kinds of hivemind fads that rule the minds and lifestyle choices of those who publish these awards, stories, and other similar bullshit to the eager crowds that think they've seen everything and just want the latest thing, like only covering white-on-black crimes, gay pride news, Trump-hate, and anything else you can think of that go against the grain of historical norms.

Vegan is perfectly justifiable, to an extent (not 'veganism'), but how people abuse this system to spread their brands and ideas in a less than ethically persuasive manner is nothing to give them credit for.
I personally believe that most (the majority of) vegans (that means more than half) are only vegan because they see it as a healthier solution to their diets, and people will try anything if enough people online, on television, or those checkout line magazines say that meat and animal by products can cause any kind less-than-desirable physical/mental effect. Everyone just wants to be loved....
>"Why not cut out expensive meat costs while cutting out carbs? I'll just tell everyone I'm doing it for the animals."
And they've never even been within 50 miles of a farm. Also, this >>11217434 and >>11217443

>> No.11217501

The cook said he used to love Barbeque and eat it a lot until he had a heart attack and he had to give up meat and fatty foods to stay healthy.

>> No.11217511

rest in piece m00t

>> No.11217532

>the fact that this eludes the little shits is just astounding.
it doesn't, you just think you can figure things out about people by staring at a wall. every vegan I've ever met is aware that the texture and taste of meat is enjoyable

>> No.11217535

>makes bbq sauce with extra sugar
Heart attack at 32 just seems like he had some genetic issues or something else going on though. Doubt it was caused by meat unless it was literally the only thing he ever ate.

>> No.11217536

The fact that you try to emulate horse drawn buggies by driving a car shows how unnatural your life is.
the fact that the notion hat it's most ethical to do the least killing possible eludes you little shits is astounding.

>> No.11217557
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>applying human morals to animals

>> No.11217560

Came here ti post this, it looks like slightly burnt rye or raisin bread

>> No.11217562
File: 474 KB, 750x1334, 8A2CA5D6-A0DB-441E-9CEC-506514DC94DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan Burger gets burger of the year award
OP is either a liar, a fag, a shitposting australian, or all of the above. What a shocker

>> No.11217565

Who's m00t?

>> No.11217570

Where's the lie? The screencap shows it getting burger of the year awards.

>> No.11217575

The internet is unnatural. Please stop using it

>> No.11217583

Founding member of Darude, the band that plays Sandstorm.

>> No.11217594

Died of cancer 2015

>> No.11217601

meat fags btfo

>> No.11217602

The first link shows it not being a part of any contest to begin with and the second is in australia. My point stands

>> No.11217611

>Make a BBQ sauce pastry
>Claim to have surpassed meat

>> No.11217621

and those same little micro-brained publickly-skewled tards claim to believe in having evolved from primordial soup.

how can they deny their cravings for meat is the proper order of things then?

>> No.11217623

*pretty great

>> No.11217625


Not even close to a good comparison, chump. What vegans are doing is putting a saddle on a donkey and calling it a race horse.

>> No.11217629

>how can they deny their cravings for meat is the proper order of things then?
Most of them just have issues with factory farming and other things associated with modern meat production.

>> No.11217634

i will eat meat and play on 4chan simultaneously. just to annoy you.

you're welcome

>> No.11217635

Please, we all know that vegetarian (they have no standards). Real vegan pay two strong humans to don a race horse costume and then mount the abomination saying that while it's not a real horse ride at least it doesn't exploit an animal.

>> No.11217642

And I will eat vegan meat

>> No.11217706

Is the new meme to deny the theory of evolution?

>> No.11217705


>> No.11217807
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>vegan brisket

>> No.11217813
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kek. Fair point.

>> No.11217817

honest to god tried it in edmonton
has a super bean-y taste to it but the limpwristed fag serving it and eating it was cucking out because he said it reminded him of the taste he used to taste when he would eat meat

>> No.11217841

>Magazine targeted at fags gives awards to vegan foods
Color me shocked.

>> No.11217856

Why? Just eat Indian food.

>> No.11217857

I'm vegan

>> No.11217874

Proof that veganism is an unnatural diet. If they really hated meat and dairy they wouldn't be obsessed with recreating vegan versions of meat and dairy products.

>> No.11217884

Natural doesn't mean good. Most of them don't hate animal products, just how they're acquired.

>> No.11217889

I saw the thumbnail and thought it was a brick of really good hash. Then I realized it was fucking tofu.

>> No.11217908

Animals will always be harmed to create animal products.

>> No.11217912

Why shouldn't they?

>> No.11217923

There are rare situations like someone having a pet chicken that won't be slaughtered that lays eggs which can be eaten. And lab-grown meat will also solve that issue.

Why shouldn't they hate how they're acquired? I'm not saying they shouldn't. Killing animals for food is natural but that doesn't mean it's good and should just be accepted. But I think focusing on buying from good sources and minimizing waste/overconsumption until lab-grown meat is a better solution than trying to make everyone go vegan, which probably won't work, and isn't a perfect solution.

>> No.11217931

Vegans are in a little cult of their own. Their award-winning food is about as important as the porn awards or BET awards.

>> No.11217937

Only if you're a politically charged hack.

>> No.11217950

>There are rare situations like someone having a pet chicken that won't be slaughtered that lays eggs which can be eaten.

Meat is murder. Dairy is rape. You are a fake vegan, turn your badge in.

>> No.11217958
File: 20 KB, 445x549, 1502664535986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cut fatty food to stay healthy
>Miso, beer, BBQ sauce with extra sugar

>> No.11217964

we do this every thread.

its an ethical thing. people love the taste of meat, and they want it without having to kill an animal for it. sorry.

>> No.11217989

This is just a plain "soy steak", aka a soy protein product. I've had it before, it tastes like whatever you put on it (salt, sauce, whatever). The texture is that of a weird sponge.

>> No.11218031

Anyone with brains knows you don't need to cut out anything entirely, just don't shovel it into your face

>> No.11218032

this dude is legit roasting sugar on top of his buckwheat or whatever the fuck and eating it and hes thinking that its good for him

god save the trifling vegans

>> No.11218052

>Smoking with oak
fucking gross

>> No.11218154

>This is just a plain "soy steak", aka a soy protein product
There's some soy in miso but it's mostly jackfruit and seitan, neither of those are soy

>> No.11218157

I never claimed to be vegan

>> No.11218170
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>hot smoking jackfruit and seitan mixture for 18 fucking hours

>> No.11218182

Yeah that's a long time even for an actual piece of beef of that size.

>> No.11218189
File: 103 KB, 270x177, better than meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm this vegan sludge is so yummy, I don't care it doesn't really taste like meat. It's actually better than meat! yum yum

>> No.11218234
File: 14 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatards BTFO. When will Meatlets ever learn? Never you wanna know why because they're a bunch of murdering retards.

>> No.11218242
File: 16 KB, 292x278, mws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11218246

Come meat me, I'll fuck y'all up.

>> No.11218269

Lab grown meat is grown from animal cells...its not vegan

>> No.11218298

Vegans are dumb faggots, news at 10

>> No.11218305

Yeah some of them make that argument, and some say we just don't need meat at all so it's pointless. I really don't like the people who say this and get pretty annoyed that other vegans never deal with them. But the cells can be collected without having to kill for them so that's enough for a lot of them.

>> No.11218361

I would like to point that technically that's a barbecued fruitcake.

>> No.11218375

>most ethical

>> No.11218393

It technically isnt in any way

>> No.11218411

It's jackfruit with a gluten and soy binder mixed with alcohol and topped with a sugar glaze.

>> No.11218436

It's absolutely insane how many carbs vegans are willing to eat

>> No.11218445

Mental illness and confusion. Being vegan long enough damages their cognitive and rational abilities, and at certain loops of the illness they take random vegetables/grains/fruits/biproducts and attempt to prepare them as one would meat.
At advanced stages of the disease of veganism they believe they are acquiring full nutrition from a small selection of often overprocessed products, and even have flavor hallucinations.

>> No.11218568

Why the fuck are you vegans so fucking disgusting? If I don't feel like eating meat, I'll have a nice salad, maybe some vegetarian risotto, or beans on rice, or something. Why the fuck do you make these over-processed abominations? Just eat normal food, fucking brainlets.

>> No.11218628

Can confirm both of these are correct:

>> No.11218666

>Implying human morals don't apply to animals

>> No.11218824

Ree barbecue flavour is for meat only reeee.
This is the real problem vegan is facing is that meat eaters think they own the market of flavours

>> No.11218830

That looks like a compost heap.

>> No.11218832

Fucking idiot.

>> No.11218835

Also, 2015.

>> No.11218837

What about the oily fatty meaty part. This is more like a meat loaf.

>> No.11218839

18 hour smoking over oak.

Heh. Cows have a smaller carbon footprint.

>> No.11218896

definitely less bad for him than sugar slabbed pieces of fatty animal meat that are proven to be carcinogenic and diabetes inducing

>> No.11218923

>proven to be carcinogenic and diabetes inducing
Never proven. Learn what a proof is.

>> No.11218926

>Plus I don't feel gross after eating it!
If you feel gross after eating brisket you have a problem.

>> No.11218927

There is no evidence to suggest fresh meat is carcinogenic nor that it causes diabetes, a high fat diet which has plenty of animal fats and protein has been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes completely. Maybe you are thinking of proccessed meats which contain a bunch of other things aswell as sugar. but its no different to any other processed product that doesnt contain meat, its bad for your health because of all of the other shit in it, not the meat itself. Just like nicotine itself is not a carcinogen, its all the other shit thats in it that is. Dont let the facts get in the way of your vegan agenda however.

>> No.11219027

Campfire smoke is more carcinogenic than cigarette smoke. And the faggot smoked that shit for 18 hours on oak, meaning it's like concentrated cancer. Don't even try to compare that to an actual brisket.

>> No.11219033

vegetables are great on their own and they have their ownn recipes there is no need for it to imitate meat

>> No.11219039

I feel gross after looking at that log of shit

>> No.11219064

What the fuck did they do to that poor jackfruit? Also
>I'm vegan but I still crave meat products and lie to myself about the disgusting imitations that are an affront even to the Buddha

>> No.11219422
File: 49 KB, 1024x649, 1518588283029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi, retard engage your fucking Brain or are you fucking Brain-dead? If so give that miniscule borderline organ to one of your grubby, ugly, fat arsed, animal murdering, incest loving, mouth gorming, "shit them selves in public", fish Cunt stenching family members. YA TWOT.

>> No.11219426

It looks like an overcooked hamburger patty

>> No.11219432
File: 8 KB, 228x67, 0~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they can fucking eat it and save the life of a rat, you fucking tramp.
Pic Related it on you mums front door.

>> No.11219447
File: 40 KB, 600x400, maxresdefault_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls it at a success
>no bark at all on it
What a pathetic excuse for a brisket smoked for EIGHTEEN HOURS.
Compare pic with OP, vegans. It's just vegan loaf molded into brisket shape.

>> No.11219450

vegans are pretty hilarious

>> No.11219818

looks foul but i'd have to give it a shot before writing it off as such

>> No.11219872
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>> No.11219922
File: 96 KB, 550x321, 432343234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dick Lube

>> No.11219936

Did you cook that?

>> No.11220099
File: 14 KB, 239x211, jackfruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11220104

the only fruit that gives you salmonella without being contaminated

>> No.11220110

>make loaf of bread
>call it meat

>> No.11220295
File: 13 KB, 532x42, IS IT MEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating meat imitation as vegan has the same stigma as fucking a realdoll modeled after a ten year old.

>> No.11220327
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>all the carcinogens, none of the flavor or texture!

>> No.11220329

What's wrong with eating vegetables? Why do you have to pretend you're eating meat?

>> No.11220425

Meat is murder, so what?

>> No.11220428

Vegans are usually vegan because of ethical reasons. With lab grown meat, those ethical reasons are removed.

>> No.11220436

Seems like you've bought into the "fat == bad" jewish brainwashing. Sorry about your decaying brain and perpetual hunger you are unable to satiate.

>> No.11220446

Nice strawman. Blaming the meat instead of the starches and carbs, real smart.

>> No.11220449


>> No.11220452

>Consumption is murder.
>Life is death.
Or, let's throw these indistinguishable non-distinctions in the trash, and call both what they really are: change

>> No.11220457

I agree. I wouldn't call the act of eating murder. It's just how it is. Vegans are fighting against life itself, and they will always lose.

>> No.11220459

>it's always the Jews fault for everything in this world, even though a white man pushed circumcision in the US

>> No.11220703
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>> No.11220715

But they're applying human ethics to human action anon. Your argument would work if they were saying "it's unethical for animals to kill" or something along those lines

>> No.11220722

It already did unfortunately. They scientific backing for veganism. No plant based diets BTFO. But methane pollution from cow shit is carbon neutral.

>> No.11220745

this. if animals aren't bred to eat they wouldn't exist. it's the same argument as 'life is pain so people should stop living but suicide is still wrong :^)'

>> No.11220872

The carnist argument breaks down when they argue humans are ethically and morally superior to, and more valuable than other animals, but then declare they should still be motivated by the reptilian element of their brain and continue to feast on flesh. A vegan recognizes that the superior being would renounce and eliminate the reptilian elements of their behavior for the benefit of the planet, currently being pillaged for profit, and as an evolutionary advancement for the species.

Sorry carnists, you've been btfo by your own failure at logic. Perhaps all that meat cholesterol is slowing down the ol' synapses?

>> No.11220885

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.11220890
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 37304595_2100077140250163_5805800451290955776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11220912

What's the left one? Bold Nigger?

>> No.11220926

If we all stopped eating meat the vast majority of cows, pigs, etc would die out. It would be a genocide. They literally only exist because of humanity

>> No.11220930

If the goal is reducing enviornmental harm or harm to the planet as a whole then why are people preaching veganism instead of a local diet based on traditional farming practices? It doesn't get any more enviornmentally friendly than small-scale farms that are mostly crops but with a small number of animals as well. The ratio is critically important. The animals eat the waste (to humans) parts of the crops, and the animal waste fertilizes the field. The animals also provide food in the winter when there are few crops available. This eliminates the need for industrial fertilizers and pesticides, as well as the dependence on smoke-belching ships and trucks that the vegan diet has.

...but no, you won't hear about that, because the real purpose of the vegan religion is virtue-signalling cultlike behavior. Actual harm reduction is not part of the motivation for it at all.

>> No.11220934

>cows and pigs spontaneously combust because we dont slaughter them by the millions daily

Riveting theory

>they literally only exist because of humanity
Wild bovine and pigs have existed for millenia. Any dependence they have on humans is caused by humans

>> No.11220942

Localism is not mutually exclusive to veganism nor necessarily 100% viable as a means of sustainability. Hydroponics is the future anyways

>> No.11220954

On this board we obey the universal speed limit - the speed of light. I'm afraid you've attempted to move the goalposts faster than even the speed of light, xir. You are under arrest, do not resist.

>> No.11220965
File: 390 KB, 461x400, FFCEB3D5-28D3-4617-B5D8-E1CAD4ADC446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegans so starved for complete protein they have to pretend to eat it


>> No.11220966

There was no goalposts being moved. You’re just a fat retard on damage control because his dumb ad hominem got squashed

>> No.11220972
File: 163 KB, 900x623, 28meatsdsaffg_1519694526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is lab grown beef vegan?

>> No.11220993

I don't like when they claim it tastes like meat and it fucking doesn't at all. I was tricked into trying a Beyond Meat Burger and it tasted of cooked bac-os more than any sort of meat product.

>pigs would die out

>> No.11220996

No, because it needs tissue harvested from animals to grow from.

>> No.11221003

Beyond Burger tastes like an average burger you get at a neighbors BBQ, only a slight aftertaste is what gives it away that tastes of fake meat

>> No.11221140

Domesticated farm animals cannot survive in the wild.

>> No.11221161

That wasn’t anyone’s point.

>> No.11221466

i dont remember the last time i read something this autistic and horribly wrong thats so obviously mistaken on so many levels yet i still dont believe its bait

>> No.11221487

>what is cognitive dissonance

>> No.11221488
File: 60 KB, 500x375, chicago diner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vegan reuben at Chicago Diner is bretty good.

>> No.11221490

>I'm vegan
>I'm gunna make MEAT!
I'll never understand this retarded fucking position. Falafels are vegan, rich in protein, and fucking delciious. Why are you constantly trying to make vegetables taste like meat? You literally fucking cannot achieve this to anything beyond parity with a mcdonalds dried out frozen patty, and even then you get no cheese

>> No.11221545
File: 16 KB, 240x240, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop believing vegan lies

>> No.11221641

When did vegans invade this board? I don't remember seeing all these shit threads few years ago.

>> No.11221654

they’re lashing out because they lost the 2016 election

>> No.11221674
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>> No.11221893

>If the goal is reducing enviornmental harm or harm to the planet as a whole
It isn't. It's a reaction to all the suffering the animals are put through in order to get some pleasure (tasty meat)

>> No.11221897

There's nothing contradictory about it

>> No.11222053

>pleasure (tasty meat)
it is not "pleasure", it is a necessity. fuck, vegans are masochists.

>> No.11222096
File: 99 KB, 1063x1018, 1537286982483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shouldn't eat meat because you should get high off the good feeling in your brain you get when you pretend to care about animals and trick yourself into doing a good thing
>*makes food that looks and try's to taste like meat*
>you can live with out meat
>*takes 50 supplements*
>let me show you a infomeme pic that shows meat causes cancer and fat McDonald pictures
>*kills baby and pets when forcing them on a vegan diet*
>we humans only ate plants back then
>*ignores that that would mean all we did all day was eat plants and nothing else*
>*ignores the creation of tools specialty made for haunting

>> No.11222125

You could eat much less meat produced at a higher cost to be certain that they were treated ok. It's not necessary to eat the amounts most people eat, it's only for the sake of the pleasure from the tasty meat.

>> No.11222144

Some people unfortunately do not have the money to make sure all their chicken or beef was raised the best way possible. It is regrettable to an extent, but when it comes down to it I will choose my health over an animal.

>> No.11222158

You can eat less meat then. It's not necessary to eat the amounts most people eat, it's only for the sake of the pleasure from the tasty meat.

>> No.11222165

I eat what I need, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.11222303

It’s not reuben unless there’s corned beef and swiss cheese in it.

>> No.11222403

At that point you're vegan JUST to be vegan and feel special about it. If your vitamin b12 deficiency didn't already do it, I'd tell you to kill yourself

>> No.11222418
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>> No.11223145

He says as he imports his avacados and asparagus from third world countries where they ship them over on freightliners or planes negating any sort of harm reduction in the process. Unless you are buying seasonal vegetables grown without fertiliser in your local area and walking everywhere you are not making a big enough impact not eating meat. You are completely futile to say that being vegan is a good ethical with your dietary variety

>> No.11223173

>soak and cover some vegetables in sugar
>haha veganism is so much healthier and more ethical!

>> No.11223457
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>Plus I don't feel gross after eating it!
>Plus I don't feel gross after eating it!
>Plus I don't feel gross after eating it!
>feeling gross after eating brisket

>> No.11223585

That brisket is legit disgusting looking, and vegan food that attempts to mimic meat is a fucking cruel joke to the ethically raised animals whose lives we take and transform into god tier cuisine.

>> No.11223592

>you are not making big enough impact
Complete damage control. The nitrous oxide and methane alone from animal agriculture alone is worse than any other thing on the planet

>> No.11223599

Is beer vegan then?
Does yeast get a free pass?

>> No.11223621

beer isn't vegan, yeastlivesmatter

>> No.11223665

What's the point in smoking that for 18 hours? This is like when trannies try to use tampons.

>> No.11223669

More humans suffer on imported products than by shopping local vegan or not. Vegans put animals before humans. Antihumanists.

>> No.11223671

>The nitrous oxide and methane alone from animal agriculture alone is worse than any other thing on the planet
It's not even close to the harm caused by fertilizer runoff or mining rare earth minerals for computer chips and rechargeable batteries.

>> No.11223712

There is everything contradictory about it.

>> No.11223717

The ultimate goal for a vegan looks to be to turn everyone vegan. And since not destroying the planet and living a healthier lifestyle is not convincing enough, making alternatives seems like a rational approach.

>> No.11223726

Who gives any of these awards? Why should I even care?

>> No.11223748
File: 49 KB, 634x461, zerocarbqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a redpill thought exercise for your malnourished and sugar-addicted garbovore sheep brains. Imagine a big band playing swing time back in the 50s. Read this in Frank Sinatra's voice.

No More Sugar

I'm a writin' on up this silly little song
To stop procrastinating
All the damn year long
I'm a cookin' up the meat
At the crack of morning dawn
So fire up the grill and baby grab your favorite tongs

Masticating meat keeps me aplomb
Abdicate the sugar queen she's a bomb
I'd advocate the carnivore diet for every mom

She goes tick, a tick, tick tick, a tock
Tick, a tick, tick tick, a tocka tocka
Tick, a tick, tick tick, a tock
Tick, a tick, tick tick, a tocka tock

Countin' down the days to a malady
Instead of rollie-rockin to the melody
Your fountain of sweet tears
Breaks my joyful harmony
And so I'll set you free my sweet lady

No more sugar
Now I can't do no wrong
No more sugar
Now I'm singin' a song
No more sugar
Now I'm bangin' a gong
No you can't stop me now until the day is gone
But don't catch me too late because I'll just be dozin' along

Keep the mattress clean and firm
Because the early bird gets the worm
I'm singin' to confirm my new way of life
Yes I'm singin' it again to confirm nature's true way of life!

With all the drinkin' and drama and strife so deep
Let me sleep!
It's alright!
I don't need such a night life!
When I'm tucked in next to you
Oh my beautiful wife

>Eat meat exclusively
>Drink water exclusively
>Get good sleep
>Have things to do other than masturbate, vidya, and chan vegetation.

Come here with a purpose next time other than shilling suicide cult propaganda. I could have been just happily grillin' and chillin' with my entire extended multigenerational family and village like the good old days but no, the military-industrial-agricultural-pharmaceutical-prison-media-government cabal had to fuck it all up by domesticating and enslaving us all with agri-CULT-ure. I miss open hand to hand battle. Fuck you and your psyops.

>> No.11223772

Highly debatable since methane and nitrous oxide are at least 100x more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. And thats just emissions and nothing related to deforestation and waste management

>> No.11223797

I wasn't talking about greenhouse gases you twit. I was talking about the fact that nowadays people walk around with literal toxic waste in their pockets and seem to think nothing of it. Do a little research about the harm done to make the batteries for portable electronics or semiconductors in general. Our smartphones are killing the planet far worse than meat is. But I guess the instabook generation doesn't really care about that, the memes are just too important to let go of, just like how boomers can't be arsed to give up their meat addiction...but worse. That battery waste will be around forever. Greenhouse gases eventually break down. And speaking of greenhouse gases, the electricity required to fuel the meme machine generates an ungodly amount of CO2 as well.

>> No.11223854


>> No.11224118

the future is vegan

>> No.11224149

Yes, they can, and often do. Pigs revert to their primal states in a matter of weeks.

>> No.11224359

True. In fact the feral hog population are just that. There was a small population of european boars brought over to the US but they rapidly bred with feral hogs and there are believed to be no wild boar populations left in the US, just feral hogs.

>> No.11224395

I now imagine cavemen in sheets saying boo chasing after a woolly mammoth

>> No.11224402

Arch rival of hotwheels and died of the gay cancer. He returned from the dead to take pictures of a boxx that plays with animals. His final rest came about by a Japanese soi salesman who beat him at suduko. May he rest in pieces.

>> No.11224827

Exactly. Like brisket.

>> No.11224966

>gets food poisoning and calls it a "cleansing"

>> No.11224992

This is your brain on slave morality.

>> No.11224994

Trump-love is the fad, friend. If Trump were up for re-election today, running against Hillary again, he would still win, because Trump lovers are driven solely by a persecution complex and a distrust of news (see facts, evidence, reality). And this is the prevalent demographic because modern Americans are, on average, idiots.

>> No.11225002

>pathological altruism

>> No.11225009

Yeast is a fungus.

>> No.11225145

>ad hominem
Not an argument. See the conclusions developed logically from the premise.
Omnivore's (aka carnists) cannot defeat the logic of the argument sealed and delivered. Try harder silly boy.

tl;dr carnists argue superior spiritual worth while living lives according to crocodilian ethics and morality

>> No.11225164

>vegans always try to replicate meat dishes
>never actually make flavorful vegan friendly dishes that are original
>literally spend all their time bitching about meat yet they've never looked up an indian vegan cookbook