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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11215910 No.11215910 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make pancakes? Specifically chocolate chip pancakes...

>> No.11215921

I assume you add chocolate chips to pancake batter, oil the pan, pour the batter in the pan, flip when one side is a nice light yet semi crispy brown. Repeat that and then you should be good

>> No.11215941

lol poor guy. Ok, flour, water, baking powder,salt,sugar, milk if you have it. Find a recipe they are all the same pretty much.

pan on stove. heat. knob of butter or oil in the pan. use a ladle, scoop in some batter. this is all at a touch over medium heat. with your spatual check and make sure you're not burning the bottom but when the bubbles on are solid not liquid then flip.


>> No.11215989
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Get pancake batter, add water until it flows off a ladle in one stream if you make the batter from scratch put everything through a softer and add buttermilk until you get that consistency. Ladle it on a a flat griddle or non-stick pan with a little butter on medium heat. Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top now, don't go crazy though. Wait until you see bubbles on the top between the chocolate give it 30 seconds then flip it, give it 30 more seconds and put it on the plate and drizzle maple syrup over it with a little more butter. Bone apple teeth.

>> No.11216010


>> No.11216021
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Thanks. What's the best mix to get? I tried this Swedish Pancake one and it was pretty thin and good, the Cracker Barrell one I tried was really bad. Tasted like cardboard.

I tried making a grilled cheese using the Chef John method and fucked that up too. It was so buttery I about died.

>> No.11216023

>make pancake batter
>add chocolate chips
> make pancakes

>> No.11216027

If I have an electric stove top do I just use any large non-stick pan?

>> No.11216079

ive never used mix. buy a bag of all purpose white flour. might as well pick up some instant yeast and try some dough. wa la pizza

>> No.11216080

Not like that.

>> No.11216084

Yes, you'd use that pan no matter what stove top you had.

>> No.11216087
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I use this recipe, it's pretty good. Can't remember where I found it, I just take screenshots of recipes and store them in a folder.

>> No.11216096

Also, use fresh buttermilk. If you use the powder mixed with water, the pancakes turn out crumbly. They still taste good, but they're messy.

>> No.11216099

thanks anon. how thick do they come out? the swedish pancakes were a bit thin for chocolate chips.

>> No.11216127

Pancake mix is an idiot's tax. It's flour, baking powder, baking soda and little salt and sugar. If you don't already have those in your pantry, then you should.

>> No.11216156

You have to learn to judge the thickness of the batter by experience. Generally, these turn out about 3/8"-1/2" thick, I never follow directions for the buttermilk, I add it a little at a time until the batter looks right. A soup ladle or 1 cup measuring cup is just right for pouring it into the pan, and after pouring, I spread it out a little with a spoon.

>> No.11216186

How do you know when it looks right?

>> No.11216209


you could go watch some people cooking pancakes on youtube and see what the consistency looks like.

>> No.11216210

Based on past experience, scooping up some with a spoon and letting it drop back into the mixing bowl. At a certain consistency, the experienced pancake maker knows that it's just right.

>> No.11216453

>experienced pancake maker knows that it's just right.
Ever consider you eat too many pancakes since you have that much experience, fatass?

>> No.11216467

It only takes once to get a feel for the consistency anon.

>> No.11216468

Ever consider I'm a chef, you useless NEET piece of shit?

>> No.11216477

You can buy at enormous bag of Krusteaz at Costco for cheap.

>> No.11217191
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>getting this defensive over some bantz
You seem pretty insecure for an accomplished "chef."

>> No.11217258

If you want to make crêpes, here's the recipe

I guess you can add chocolate chips if you want, though they might make a bit of a mess in a pan.

>> No.11217414

if pic related is yours, than you need to lower the temp and cook it longer

>> No.11217751


Pro tip

For fluffy pancakes make sure you mix your wet ingredients separately.

Melted butter with egg yolks
Buttermilk with egg whites.

Once you do that, THEN you can mix those two together and can mix with the dry ingredients.

>> No.11217769

Looks like you got it figured out pretty good op

>> No.11217773

>I guess you can add chocolate chips if you want, though they might make a bit of a mess in a pan.
I agree, the chocolate burns, maybe use shavings instead so they melt more evenly or drizzle it with chocolate syrup instead of maple.

>> No.11218596

Thanks. It’s hard to tell how hot I have it.

Why does that matter? I will try it!

I seem to undercook or overcook them and my batter is not very good.

>> No.11218697

I suggest following a recipe, but don't take my word for it.

>> No.11218819

I'm good at baking because it's just follow it exactly, but cooking I struggle with things like "when is the chicken done" or "when do I flip the pancake" ... I'm pretty retarded.

>> No.11220112


>Why does that matter?

Prevents excess gluten formation or something like that. Keeps the pancake from becoming too rubbery.

>> No.11220129

>I struggle with things like "when is the chicken done"
Why haven't you bought a thermometer yet?

>> No.11220132


Pro tip #2

To determine the best surface temperature for cooking pancakes, try the water test. Drip a few drops of water on the surface, it should be just hot enough for the drops to "dance" around and gradually boil off. If they flash boil then you're too hot. If they run without any boiling them you're too cool.

As to when you should flip. If you've got the right surface temp then you should be able to wait until the top (wet) part of the pancake starts showing bubbles.

>> No.11220159

people really use water and that mix thing in first world?
i just use milk eggs and flour

>> No.11220185

Use less water next time if you insist of pancake mix.

>> No.11220981

Skip the guesswork and buy some birch bender brand buttermilk complete mix. Mix the batter thin almost 1/2 more water then it calls for, cover the batter for ten minutes and let the leavening agents work. Use Crisco wiped onto the pan you are using. Add chips before the flip. Best I’ve ever had.

>> No.11220997

Here's a pretty good video guide:

>> No.11221211

Birch bender buttermilk
But you have to add a little more water then it calls for and let it sit covered for at least 10 minutes. Always use room temp water

>> No.11221222

Woah watch out everyone we have a real Henry Cavendish on our hands

>> No.11221272


>> No.11221289
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>> No.11221296

...you just removed the tweet text?

>> No.11221300

we should all be removing watermarks and stupid text from these images

>> No.11221302

Don't mention it man

>> No.11221306

The guy who removed it was a phoneposter.

>> No.11221308
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>> No.11221311

Hey dont worry about it man always happy to help while on the go!

>> No.11221320


Get out

>> No.11222082

none of the information you've provided rates as professional-tier, only reddit-tier

>> No.11222382

How do I consistently get my pancakes to be crispy and light brown rather than cakey and dark brow?