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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11214316 No.11214316 [Reply] [Original]

You can only use one of these utensils to eat you food for the rest of your life. Which one do you pick?.

>> No.11214325


You can eat pretty much anything with your fingers, and thinner soups you can sip out of the bowl, but not thicker stews.

>> No.11214365

You can tilt bowls toward your mouth to consume whatever liquid is inside it.
Fork allows for dextrous handling, prying, and extracting of hot, immersed, or otherwise hazardous or messy foods. It is also required for noodles and pasta.

>inb4 chopsticks

>> No.11214372

Fork. Although if it was a real knife not a butter knife I might pick that. I only have 2 of each at my home to force me to wash dishes and my 2 spoons have been in the drying rack for over a month unused tbhfam.

>> No.11214407

back in the day people used to only use knives. you cut up whatever and then scoop it up into your mouth.
fork and spoon are unable to cut, and anything you would need a spoon for you can just pick up and drink

>> No.11214456

What do you NEED a knife for though except prep? and this post seems to be talking about consuming food more then prep. of prep is include then yes knife.

Most things you can cut with the side of a fork or spoon. If you cant then you have incisors for a reason mutha fucka.most things that use fork you can use your hands.

For a lot of desert based things you need a spoon. Also for any stew (soup I admit you can pout down your mouth) any works better for some thinner curries etc.

Spoon can also be used to pick up almost anything you use a fork for. Obviously choice imo

>> No.11214460

Spoon. Any dish with large amounts of liquid like soup would be near impossible to eat otherwise. If I have to look like a caveman to eat a steak, so be it.

>> No.11214464


>Spoon can also be used to pick up almost anything you use a fork for

not him but pretty far off with that statement. You can't poke shit so anything flat the is larger than the spoon is going to slide off the spoon or fall off if you manage to get it onto the spoon to begin with without using your hand. Might as well pick it up straight into your mouth or use a knife to stab it. Also can't get spaghetti or noodles.

>> No.11214467

>soup would be near impossible to eat otherwise
*picks up bowl*
*drinks broth*
*looks at you*
enjoy being spoonlocked for the rest of your life dummy

>> No.11214469

Just eat the solid chunks with a fork then drink the rest.

>> No.11214471
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The spoon.
Make it into a spork.
File the handle down into butter knife

>> No.11214473

any tough cut of meat is going to be a huge pain to just gnaw through

>> No.11214476


>grabbing the end that goes into your mouth with your germed up hands when it's time to cut something

>> No.11214480



>holding a knife's edge because it has a spork on the end

>> No.11214489

Right? Its not like we ever use our hands to eat food. I use a fork and knife for every sandwich I've ever had. My immune system is too weak to handle hand germs. Plus what if you get a booboo from the dull butter knife edge, it'll get infected and before I know it I'll be dead.

>> No.11214499 [DELETED] 


sandwiches and hotdogs and other foods we eat with our hands are stick and shit. They don't pick up anything they come into contact with.

if a piece of bread happens to fall on the counter, sure whatever but if a piece of wet meat falls on the counter I'm not touching the shit. Everything the meat touched is now stuck to it. And you're right. I didn't notice you said butter knife which is fucking usess because it can't cut shit. Might as well leave the fucking handle as dull as it is.

>> No.11214503


sandwiches and hotdogs and other foods we eat with our hands don't stick to shit. They don't pick up anything they come into contact with.

if a piece of bread happens to fall on the counter, sure whatever but if a piece of wet meat falls on the counter I'm not touching the shit. Everything the meat touched is now stuck to it. And you're right. I didn't notice you said butter knife which is fucking usless because it can't cut shit. Might as well leave the fucking handle as dull as it is.

>> No.11214537
File: 28 KB, 488x463, 1521790599685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you such a loser faggot with no life, you're legitimately going full blown autistic over this? hilarious.

pic related, its you. also no you for you.

>> No.11214555
File: 11 KB, 545x275, timthumb.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11214586

Potato soup.

>> No.11214589

why do you think I picked fork, dingus?

>> No.11214595

But it's still all non Newtonian solid. Don't want to miss any of the bacon either.

>> No.11214618

dot have though meat. why would you anyway? coOK your steaks rare/medium rare like you should. And stew most over pieces of meat. Don't want to eat tough meat anyway.

>> No.11214622

fair enough, but as you said you can pick up a lot with your fingers. Chips and he like can just be picked up. any dish like lasagne can be cut (to the extent you can eat it fine) and picked up with a spoon. Spoons just have a lot more uses then a fork imo

>> No.11214641


>> No.11214652

I already use a spoon 7/10 times

>> No.11214912

Spoon. Most things can be eaten by hand if you had to. Spoon for soups.

>> No.11215562

*snickers nefariously*

>> No.11215806
