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11206072 No.11206072 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2 wisdom tooth extracted

What can I eat that isn't just water?

>> No.11206074

a water sandwich

>> No.11206086

How bad is the procedure? My dentist wants to take them all out and i have been putting it off. I had one tooth pulled years ago and it was horrible, the dentist said it would take 20 minutes but it ended up being 3 hours of hell. Apparently I have strong teeth

>> No.11206091


I ate a lot of gazpacho

>> No.11206100

I went to burger king immediately after getting two of my wisdom teeth removed and had a burger and fries. wouldn't recommend the fries desu. was constantly worried they were sticking to the tender cavities
it's different for everyone. mine got pulled out within seconds without a single problem. my mom on the other hand had a ton of problems that I can't remember off the top of my head and told me it was painful and took a decent amount of time

>> No.11206143

If we're talking about wisdom tooth, do 2 first and then after some weeks do the other 2.

It took literally 20 minutes, one of them they have to crack in tooth, that was annoying.

It hurts afterward but painkillers will do the trick

>> No.11206161

Vodka, should go well with your pain meds.

>> No.11206172

>How bad is the procedure? My dentist wants to take them all out
You don't want a dentist to do it, but rather an oral surgeon. They are specialists in anesthesia and difficult oral situations. Go to the best! If the dentist says they need to come out, then you go see an oral surgeon for a 2nd opinion and if they are quality, they give you the right answer, yes/no. They can stay in unless severe crowding issues affecting alignment (ie future health of gums and other teeth), growing in very deformed and unusable, ie some kind of discomfort going on for the jaw and the area, fyi.

No one honestly knows how bad the procedure will be, as the surgeon finds out when you're under that it's tough or not. Some slip right out, in other words, some require a good deal of pulling .and using your jaw as leverage, putting your cheek muscles into swelling for a couple days, and others need to be cracked/removed in pieces to protect sensitive tissues around it.

Mine were removed all 4 at once, for the reason for ruling out the teeth as a source of TMJ pain. It ended up being pain related to the ear, which we knew was likely, so it was elective surgery. I had them done literally the day before Thanksgiving, since I had a school break that allowed 4 days of healing. I remember sitting there as a chipmunk with icebags and only having mashed potatoes and soft things. Doctor wants you keep particulate and sharp food from the sockets, and you can flush around there with a syringe full of warm salt water.

The issue with food is that most liquidy things don't have fulfilling fiber content. Consider a fiber supplement if you are just really ravenous. Breakfast Smoothies (even put the oatmeal in the blender), mexican atole, grits scrambled eggs, Lunch: smooth soups like butternut squash w/croutons to soften in it or tear up bread to go in, such as you would for gazpacho.
Nothing too acidic, too hot, too cold that stings the incisions or affects angry nerves..

>> No.11206691

after i had mine out, i lived on protein shakes, cottage cheese and apple sauce for a week or so.
fat is the most important nutrient for the healing process, at least that's what my dentist told me.

>> No.11206708

why didn't you ask the dentist/surgeon this...

>> No.11206722
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Soup and juices; you've got a bunch of different kinds so if you make sure to vary enough that should keep you interested for a while. Straws can make it easier.

>> No.11206728

>Straws can make it easier
avoid using straws after wisdom tooth removal, at least for a few days.
the sucking action can dislodge the blood clot and leave you with dry socket, which i have heard is worse than the toothache.

>> No.11206734

Really? Guess I just got lucky back then because that didn't happen tonme. Alright well nevermind the part about straws then.

>> No.11206738

yeah. it's also the main reason you shouldn't smoke for a few days after.
protect yo clots anons

>> No.11206740

You're right there's a risk, but you can make it work, just don't be a retard about it. Of course trying to suck a milkshake through a tiny straw is not a good idea. But thin liquids you can slurp easily are no problem. for thicker stuff get one of those big fat straws like they use for boba tea. As long as you aren't sucking hard you're fine.

>> No.11206741


>> No.11206809


>> No.11206811


>> No.11206821

for after the extraction? seems a bit overkill to me.
it's like a 2/10 pain compared to the toothache's 10/10

>> No.11206832

That's good then, yeah avoid them. I would have soup.

>> No.11206872
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>Waahhh, I can only eat soup for a whole month
I was back to eating solids after a single day. Wisdom tooth pussbags needs to sack up a bit

>> No.11206890

I got mine out in April, buy some Mac N’ Cheese, apple sauce, yogurt, mashed potatos, etc.

Dude it’s so easy, I got 4 of mine out, they presribed me valium the morning of surgery for anxiety to make me groggy. IV gets put in and you wake up a second later tired as hell in a wheelchair. gg anon you did it.

>> No.11206904

How common in the US is it for extractions to be performed under general anaesthetic?
In the UK it's not common, and generally not encouraged unless you have really bad anxiety about the extraction.
I had mine removed under local anaesthetic. I didn't feel a thing, and then I drove myself home.

>> No.11206912

Soup, jello, ice cream, mashed potatoes a day or two after.
I got the IV sedation for mine and I slept all the way through four extractions. Would recommend.

>> No.11206923

>I got the IV sedation for mine and I slept all the way through four extractions. Would recommend.
i don't understand why people would choose general anaesthetic for a tooth extraction..

>> No.11206925

IV sedation and general anesthetic are two different things.
Also because I have bad anxiety.

>> No.11206960

ah, ok. i looked it up and i see the difference.
fair enough.
my point still stands about general anaesthetic.
i find it bizzare that people do something so drastic to have a few teeth pulled.

>> No.11207349

lol u is dumb dumb now

>> No.11208196

Add salt to your water. It's now properly seasoned.

>> No.11208226

Damn anon, that means you can't suck dick for a while? That's rough, I couldn't imagine not being able to please my daddy with my mouth~

>> No.11208558
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>> No.11208565

They put you in "twilight" so you're all the way gone but not asleep. It's the common procedure, especially if they have to be cut out.

>> No.11208899

I had dental shit done a week ago (not wisdoms) and still can't chew anything. Been surviving on those packets of indian food. It's all fucking mush but at least it has vegetables and tastes good.
Wisdom teeth idk, the meds knocked me out so I basically slept for 3 days and didn't bother eating. I was awake maybe an hour a day at most, to sip water and take a piss.

>> No.11208913

Anything but suction. No hard-to-clear hash pipe, no chunky oreo milkshakes w/ straw

>> No.11208914
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Ensure, Milkshakes, Popsicles, Really Soft Noodles, Cream of Vegetable Soups, Dinuguan, Broth Soups, French Onion Soup (Once The Crostini or Croutons Are Soft), Congee, A Bag Of Dicks So Long As You Don't Suck Too Hard

>> No.11208916

I had mine out under general anaethesia. It was quite sore afterwards and I mostly ate soups and mashed potatoes I think.

Do follow their instructions about not using a straw, you don't want to damage the blood clot by too much suction.

>> No.11208920

i posted about this on 4chan and somebody said to just (dont be a little bitch and go for the sleeping gas) and when the doctor puts that needle in your mouth that makes your mouth go numb and asks if you can feel anything just ask for another dosage to make sure you cant feel shit

than the dentist just said to open wide and it literally took under a minute to take both my wisdom teeth out

>> No.11208926
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Say more words.

>> No.11209420

But I'll get banned anon >~<

Mods don't like it when I talk about pleasing daddy's big dick with my mouth and then ride on his cock until he fills me with his thick daddy cummies desu~

>> No.11210371

Vicodin and vodka should fix you up.

>> No.11210379

I have to get mine done too, thanks for the info anon

>> No.11210406

>tfw dentist says I should remove all 3 wisdom teeth I have, even the one that grew perfectly fine

Should I get a second opinion? Do wisdom teeth pose any risks if they've grown straight-up?

>> No.11210407

Thanks for all the suggestion.

Day 2:

just had scramble eggs, guacamole and yogurt for breakfast

now cooking some pasta with pesto.

>> No.11210409

mine grew perfectly fine, however, I started feeling pressure in general, and pain, my frontal teeth deformed.

Also, in the very back of my wisdom tooth, the gums were covering which caused a lots of trouble for cleaning and sometimes, infections.

So I say fuck it, and took them out.

Feel less pressure in my mouth in general.