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11202175 No.11202175 [Reply] [Original]

>what you ate
>how you acquired it (restaurant, shot it, given, etc)
>would eat again Y/N ?/10

>Mourning Doves
>heard they were good so i shot a couple off the bird feeder in my backyard
>would def eat again. 8/10

>> No.11202368

Don’t hurt pretty birbs pls

>> No.11202416
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Dove is great, how did you make it?

>> No.11202418

fuck you

>> No.11202436
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Dont kill wild birds you ass you can buy quail for like 3$ and they taste better

>> No.11202450

>wild birds
they live on my birdfeeder dude. they don't eat wild millet, they eat what seeds i put out they arent wild, they are feral, at best. Consider them livestock.

soaked the breasts in soy, cooked some bacon and browned the breasts in the bacon fat and then finished on the grill.

>> No.11202456

Right tasty birb, fun to hunt, too.

>> No.11202459
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Kill the birds.

The only hunting I actually enjoy.

>> No.11202467

Fuck off op

>> No.11202473

What the fuck do you think quail is retard

>> No.11202494

birds are not that important

>> No.11202514

Bull testicle
I was on fear factor in 2002

>> No.11202519

I used to eat from dumpsters outside of restaurants

>> No.11202569

Authentic Nepalese Dal
I used to work with refugees and a lady I was friends with made a meal for me and the other guys. We had to eat it with our hands for authenticity (and because no one wanted to be the pussy eating with a spoon).
Easily one of the greatest things I've ever eaten in my life. I think about it often. Still chasing that high.

>> No.11202634

Doves are tastes so good.
But this tastes better than doves.

>> No.11202642

i think i saw that episode. are you the blonde chick?

>> No.11202647

being this triggered by somebody eating a game bird

>> No.11202662

They are domesticated retard

>> No.11202665

> refugees and a lady I was friends with

What's it like to work with unashamed rapists?

>> No.11202667

>koala ribs
>culture festival thing with an australian bringing some unusual meats
>Probably would not eat again because they were so pricey, Really tender though 9/10

>> No.11202670

explain the difference between a mourning dove (aka a fucking pigeon) that lives in a suburban backyard and eats birdseed for 100% of its life and a quail that lives on a farm and eats birdseed 100% of its life

>> No.11202679

>game bird
>the feathered rats that hang out in your backyard
there is such a thing as a time and a place anon

>> No.11203030

Kek. She was Nepali, not your average refugee. Voice of an angel, had a funny kid too.
I'm sure your shitposting, but she was the sweetest thing. Even gave me and the guys Nepalese names. Most Nepali refugees were insane after being stuck in the camps in Nepal for years, but some made it out sane.

>> No.11203052

Wild birds cannot survive on bird seed alone they eat bugs and plants as-well. Farmed poultry eats specialty formulated food for each breed. Dont fuck up the eco system because you want to eat flying rats

>> No.11203069

>shot a couple off the bird feeder in my backyard
Not only illegal and a violation of the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, but entirely unsportsmanlike. Scumbag wh*tetrash like you give hunters a bad name and you should be stripped naked, pilloried in the public square and lashed with a cat-o-nine-tails while crows peck your eyes out. Literal filth.

>> No.11203109

Sounds like the pigeon gets the better diet of the two.

I've been around farms before. Poultry feed might be more nutritionally correct than what some soccer mom put out in her bird feeder, but it's nowhere close to as good as a wild diet with bugs and whatnot. Same reason why factory-farmed eggs and chicken taste like nothing compared to the eggs and meat from backyard chickens.

>> No.11203133

>eating quail
Why don't you just rip my heart out and eat it too?

>> No.11203137

I'm gonna put a bigmac in a parking lot and shoot you when you nibble it.

>> No.11203147

Quail and doves can both be raised in your backyard like chickens no reason to shoot wild ones.

>> No.11203155

>no reason to shoot wild ones.
There are several reasons, actually.
Wild ones are cheaper
Wild ones get more exercise than domestic birds in a cage
Wild ones are an invasive species in my area
It is illegal for me to raise poultry on my property due to zoning laws (pets are legal, but birds for eating would be considered "livestock").

>> No.11203181

Game birds are not considered poultry or livestock you can have them.

>> No.11203207

I have checked. In my area the legal wording is any species of animal or fowl raised for the purposes of human consumption. For some strange reason fish are excluded?

Anyway, you only mentioned one point, there are still several others which still stand. Theoretically I am even *obligated*, as a licensed hunter, to shoot invasive species, though I don't think that law is enforced.

>> No.11203241

>mourning doves
guess they're mourning their lost friends desu

>> No.11203269

Dove breast meat is good when wrapped in bacon and throwed on a grill

>> No.11203411

Kangaroo burgers. I fucking love them they're my favorite meat I have ever eaten. Got it from this weird butcher shop. Guess there is kangaroo farms in Alberta for some reason?

>> No.11203418

Hunters know more about conservation and the enviroment than you do.

>> No.11203439


>> No.11203454
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The Middle Ages called, they want their white bread-bland standards of bird beauty back.

Pic related, it's a real pretty birb

>> No.11203464

What? Roo is fucking tasty yo. I can't wait to go back home so I can buy a bunch of them again.

>> No.11203472

People that bait birds in their backyard are not hunters

>> No.11203498

Calm down queer. I guarantee he is 12 or shitposting anyways.

>> No.11203500

you call that flying LGBT flag pretty? How gay are you?

>> No.11203524
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2gay4u pickleboi

>> No.11204496

>>what you ate
>how you acquired it (restaurant, shot it, given, etc)
Shot it
>would eat again Y/N Y 7/10
Squirrels are not too bad.

>> No.11204734
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I eat a lot of food that normies would consider weird, mostly offal dishes like tripe and meat gelatins. I guess the most exotic thing would be warthog, but that was at a restaurant in South Africa.

>> No.11204783


>> No.11204824
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I don't get it. Explain yourself.

>> No.11204877
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>I ate it at one of the so-called factories where the produce it. They cut off a fresh chunk from one of the pieces for me.
>Would eat again, 10/10. It was delicious, with a mildly fishy taste and strong ammonia flavor like very strong washed rind cheese.

>koala ribs
Sounds really unlikely, koalas are protected and even if he managed to get koala meat in Australia, how would he even bring it outside the country?

>> No.11205876

>Oh my god he shot and ate the bird of peace! How unethical!
>brb while I cook this baby cow that was stored on its side to make it more tender and force-fed grains instead of grass

>> No.11205884

>guarantee he is 12 or shitposting
Lol no actually I’m 35. I keep a high-powered pellet gun in my upstairs bathroom and i shoot them out the window when I go to take a shit. That way my angle is nice and steep and I don’t have to worry about the pellet if I miss.

>> No.11205897
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Yup, I poach a dozen doves a year. Oh my god call the wild bird police and take me away!
>fuck up the ecosystem
The vast networks of suburban bird feeders fuck up the ecosystem, chief. I’m just doing my part to eradicate the feral doves. Circle of life.

This is what happens when you move to a state that for some unknown reason doesn’t have doves as a game bird.
>pic related. Doves at the end of their migration in South America. Yeah, probably not going extinct anytime soon.

>> No.11207199

I dont normally kill more than I need on-demand to make a fancy meal or two but rest assured becauae of the obnoxious quail faggot i'm filling my new chest freezer partly with dove.

Weirdest thing I ever ate was a spicy turtle soup served in its own shell, or dog at an ex's house as cooked by her grandparents.

>> No.11207228

Tell that to the passenger pigeon or the buffalo you fuck

>> No.11207233

I don't give a shit about domestic animal cruelty. Poaching wild animals is fucked up

>> No.11207233,2 [INTERNAL] 

I've head many times that morning doves are tasty, but I don't know if I could ever eat one. Does it taste like regular chicken?