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File: 289 KB, 651x478, wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11196953 No.11196953 [Reply] [Original]

The ONLY way to eat a burger is with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, ketchup. mayo, bacon, and cheese all ON TOP of the burger.
Anyone who puts toppings on the bottom or adds mustard or any other crap deserves death

>> No.11196957

Great thread. Anything else you want to add before I leave and hide it?

>> No.11196959


>> No.11197174

>no mustard
True pleb

>> No.11197188

>only mustard, pickles, onions, and cheese

>> No.11197191

Everybody deserves death, OP. It is the one right we are all born with.

>> No.11197194

you realize cheese is bottom is your pic, right?

>> No.11197197

>tfw as a kid i got cheeseburgers with only mustard and pickles

>> No.11198455
File: 1.21 MB, 1062x709, Screen-Shot-2017-05-18-at-1.38.01-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11198462

No cheese. No fucking cheese.

>> No.11198604

mustard, ketchup, and mayo mixed together is best

>> No.11200527

I could do without the tomato.

>> No.11200538

That's literally the worst way to eat a burger. It's the complete opposite: mustard is the only acceptable condiment, and toppings (except cheese and salad) belong below the patty.

>> No.11200541

Wrong, but still surprisingly decent palate for a kid.

>> No.11200554

Depends. Those fucking greenhouse tomatoes that are simultaneously mealy and watery as well as completely tasteless are unnecessary.

A really ripe and fresh high-quality tomato in the mid of summer, fresh of the vine definitely belongs on a burger.

>> No.11200580

Correct burger format, top to bottom:
Bun w/ mayo and mustard spread, ideally seasoned with garlic, black pepper, and pickle juice.
Thin sliced dill pickles
Onion, either raw red cut on a deli slicer at 2.5mm, or griddled white cut at 4mm
Tomatoes, one thick slice if it's a good tomato, 2 paper thin sliced otherwise
Avo/bacon/egg/relish/other gimmicky toppings always go between the veg and the patty
Cheese (Swiss or good cheddar, maybe manchego if you want)
Patty (best blend is beef shank, chicken liver, and butter, but just don't fuck it up by making it too lean or too flavorless)
Iceberg or green butter lettuce, sliced as thin as possible
Dressed bun

>> No.11200640

Wendy Burgers don't taste right, something in their equation doesn't add up

The mayo doesn't mix well

Compare this to the BK Whopper, in which the mayo is great

Wendy should probably swap mayo for mustard

Also, they should probably lose tomato, tomato doesn't taste good on Wendy Burger

>> No.11201065

i hate nazis, but good loyal germans, esp. nazis, know that beef and mustard are the divine couple. hell, even jews know that (and i love jews. but i hate nazis? weird). the bun just keeps your hand clean.

>> No.11201080

Samefag *snap*

>> No.11202390

Finally someone who gets it
A small change tho: Mayo on bottom. Mustard on top, no ketchup.

>> No.11202480

I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four by four animal style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.

>> No.11202880

>not rucola, spinach or literally any salad with actual flavor

>> No.11202970

No fuck given about your sorry opinion.

>> No.11202978

BK mayo makes me literally queasy

>> No.11202986

Why the fuck can’t retards understand this? Mayo is not to be used with other sauces. You use either mayo, or ketchup and mustard, period.

>> No.11202992

What should I get from Wendy's, I'm pretty hungry.

>> No.11203032

Instant trash. Go back to Europe.

>> No.11203372
File: 243 KB, 940x540, ketc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't use ketchup, period. It's the worst condiment ever created.

>> No.11203694


I think ketchup is pig disgusting, but the Quarter Pounder at McDonald's is delicately balanced. It's the only time I eat ketchup.