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File: 58 KB, 900x1260, Steak-with-Creamy-Peppercorn-Sauce_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11193977 No.11193977 [Reply] [Original]

Got a good peppercorn sauce recipe? Anyone willing to share with me?

>> No.11193992

Sear a heavily peppered steak in a pan. When it's done let it rest, deglaze the pan with a splash of cognac and cook it out for 30s, then add milk or cream and reduce. Throw in fresh parsley just before serving if you want an herbal counterpoint to the rich peppery sauce.

>> No.11194003


>> No.11194010

Anything I can substitute the cognac with? I have white and red wine on hand, dont want to go to the store. What about Worcestershire sauce?

>> No.11194067


thanks anon Ill try this

>> No.11194074

Worcestershire is great, you can use that. Whiskey is good too. Or just use regular brandy, no need to pay extra for cognac.

>> No.11194122


Of the two, I'd go with the white, even though this is beef.

>> No.11194158

It's not new at all, that's your basic steak au poivre (essentially the recipe for pic in OP).

I'd also recommend white, use that to deglaze. Worcestershire would be a good accent but add it close to when the sauce is finished (quite a bit after adding milk/cream) simply because if it's reduced too much you'll just get an overpowering salty/smoke flavor.

>> No.11194162

Thanks anon!!!

>> No.11194277

Oh, I almost forgot. Your sauce-making is happening while your steaks are resting. Just before you finish your sauce, add any juice that's come out of the steaks into your sauce. You want that flavor in your sauce not left on a plate that won't even see the table!

>> No.11194278

yea let me google that for you

>> No.11194296

Am I suppose to take the peppercorns out of the sauce before serving? I accidentally broke my Dad's tooth serving him whole peppercorns in my sauce, and never fucked with peppercorns again.

>> No.11194310

cognac is a type of brandy
brandy is made by reducing wine and condensing all the vapors hence why its called spirit cause your capturing the spirit of the wine
do not i repeat DO NOT use Worcestershire sauce as a cognac substitute
apple juice makes a good substitute for brandy but i dont know if it will be good in this recipe

>> No.11194314

ur dad just has bitchteeth, that isn't your fault lad

>> No.11194319

this is some pretty weak bait so no (You)s for you

>> No.11194320
File: 69 KB, 500x411, 1523093702258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true

>> No.11194326

Fine, fuck you too, no. It wasn't even bait, it actually happened...

>> No.11194329

yup yup aha

>> No.11194338

If you're using whole peppercorns you can strain the sauce, though I think it's much more common to use cracked peppercorns. If your peppermill doesn't give a generous enough grind, simply take whole peppercorns and crush 'em with a saucepan.

I'm a fine-grind guy myself so I typically will use whole peppercorns, strain, and finish with fine, freshly ground pepper if it needs a little extra.

>> No.11194361

does... does it even flavor the sauce at that point? Or should I just use regular fresh cracked pepper?

>> No.11194384
File: 1002 KB, 500x315, NO YOUS FOR YOU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11194396

Of course it does, but you're also using significantly more whole kernels that you'd use if it was all ground. Try both variations and if you have much experience with flavors I'm sure you can taste the difference.

>> No.11194654

Should I use mushrooms, garlic, and shallots?

>> No.11194702

They'll work in the sauce just fine, if that's what your asking. Should is a matter of preference and what you feel like come dinner time. :)

>> No.11194764


>> No.11194898

this except heavy cream and butter instead of milk and some worcestershire and louisiana/crystal hot sauce. the vinegar in the hot sauce and butter is good for deglazing if you don't have cognac or red wine.

>> No.11194924

>do the classic recipe but change a bunch of shit
Uhh, what? I'm all for flexibility but substitutions should be an adequate replacement that gets you close in flavor. Louisiana hot sauce takes this pretty far off the rails.

>> No.11194947

if you have nothing else the use it works, tastes ok if you only use a small amount, i never keep cognac or wine around for cooking.

>> No.11194948

Heavy cream? Great idea.
Worcestershire? Also legit.
Butter? Sure. That should already be in there for basting the steaks.
But fucking hot sauce? Now you're taking it in a totally different direction entirely.

>> No.11194963
File: 1.85 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180721_154548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peppercorn doesn't even need recipes. it makes anything nice

pic related. regular staple of mine; standard povvo stew method
>boil misc veg ~10 minutes then strain most water before adding powder with chili seeds and boiling a further ~10 minutes until it thickens
I cook the meat separately though

>> No.11194999

You don't specifically keep bottles of wine or liquors. You use the ones you drink.
Cooking wines and whatever are a scam.

>> No.11195027

I don't keep any "cooking" wine or booze because I drink all of it before I cook, it's all for drinking, cooking anything with alcohol in it is stupid and a waste.

>> No.11195046

the problem is that the booze I like to drink isn't very useful for cooking, so I keep a variety of things on hand for cooking with.

>>cooking anything with alcohol in it is stupid and a waste.
Alkie? Or can't-cook flavorhater?

>> No.11195048

What am I meant to do if I don't want to drink a whole bottle of wine every time I cook, or if I don't care for good wine other than for cooking and would rather get smashed on cheap booze? I wish it were possible to buy in smaller quantities or at least reseal it in such a way that it wouldn't go off.

>> No.11195066

I rarely use wine in quantities other than a whole bottle. Use liquor, port, or sherry for things that require just a splash. Those keep a lot better than wine does once opened.

Have a bottle of wine you opened? Dump it into a pot and reduce. Store the reduction in the freezer for when you need it.

>> No.11195077

Buy a half-bottle. Or shove a cork (twist-caps don't really seal well after opening) in the neck and, if you're planning on using it within the next few days put it in the fridge, else freeze.
Thawed wine is only really useful for cooking, however.

t. dated a winemaker's daughter.

>> No.11195111
File: 52 KB, 719x477, 1529762975638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any sauce ruins steak. If you need a sauce to make your steak taste 'good' then you are a terrible cook.

>> No.11195125

>> If you need a sauce to make your steak taste 'good' then you are a terrible cook.
But what if the steak tastes awesome by itself and the sauce makes it taste extra-awesome?

>> No.11195131

you can get little boxes of wine that store for weeks after opening

>> No.11195138

0/10, please try again.

>> No.11195210

>hot sauce
holy shit you are either trolling or super retarded or both

>> No.11195229

Well, he's right. You save sauce for a cheap meat like chicken. If you don't like meat, don't buy it, don't just cover it with a sauce. You want to waste money? Mail me the money you would have spent on something you don't like.

>> No.11195238

0/10. Sorry chum, the next strike and you're out.

>> No.11195282

Its not about making the steak taste good you insufferable faggot

>> No.11195540

Love how you ignored the first sentence, its almost like you know i'm correct.

>> No.11195708

>Any sauce ruins steak. If you need a sauce to make your steak taste 'good' then you are a terrible cook.
youre gonna have to try harder to bait if you wanna outbate
>Am I suppose to take the peppercorns out of the sauce before serving? I accidentally broke my Dad's tooth serving him whole peppercorns in my sauce, and never fucked with peppercorns again.
im not wasting a (you) on you

>> No.11195715


>> No.11195736
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>not using mashed green peppercorns
