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File: 285 KB, 1024x830, 19627523248_c98cf4e67b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11190556 No.11190556 [Reply] [Original]

Which country makes the worst beer? Why is that country Australia?

>> No.11190562

Probably any African country.

>> No.11190569

might have something to do with it being 45 C at night

>> No.11190571

Strange, Central European countries are usually well known for their high quality beer.

>> No.11190572

Yeah, nobody has electrically powered cooling units.

>> No.11190579
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America, hands down

There's a lot of good american beer, but it is vastly outnumbered by the amount of shitty american piss water.

>> No.11190591

heineken and peroni are worse than every flavorless american lager because they actively smell and taste like butthole rather than being slightly malty water

>> No.11190601

Heineken tastes American though.

>> No.11190603

Only pussies use them.

>> No.11190610

doesn't inbev own most of the shitty beer

>> No.11190611

Unless you like butthole

>> No.11190614

So you've got 5?

>> No.11191159

I like beer with basically no flavor sometimes. American "piss beer," when done right, resembles a good German pilsner.

>> No.11191172

Foster's isn't an Australian beer.

>> No.11191190

I love it when people say this. You can tell how young they are. Back in the late 70s we toddled around backyard barbecues with Fosters cans lying all over the place. *sip* now that was a neglected childhood.

>> No.11191201

No it doesn't. In any way. The closest it gets us miller lite and even that barely resembles a pils

>> No.11191208

No shit. It WAS an Australian beer but now it isn't. It's neither owned by Aussies nor brewed here. No one drinks it here anymore. Welcome to the 21st century grandpa.

>> No.11191209
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Amstel is waaaay worse though.
Be glad that shit isn't sold worldwide.
Is gutterfucking trash.

>> No.11191211

So you've never had a German pilsner?

>> No.11191215

It's not on the shelf at the bottleshop for decoration, kid.

>> No.11191217
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What do you drink there now?
Is no foster's being made in Australia anymore?

>> No.11191223

The only people who drink it here are pommy tourists. Are all boomers this fucking stupid?

>> No.11191238

It is. The people who make VB make it. Both beers come out of the same pipe into differently coloured bottles.

>> No.11191245

You want so earnestly to believe this. But it's just as available in Penrith as it is in Bondi. Pommy tourists don't go to Penrith.

>> No.11191258
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I see.
Also you know I was going to post this.

>> No.11191278

Maybe it still gets distro in NSW, but from what I've seen (or haven't seen) in Vic, Tas, SA, and outback QLD it's a rare sight. It's not even Australian anymore.

>> No.11191715

Is fosters even brewed in Aus anymore? You know most big international brands go for the brewed under licence route yeah?

>> No.11191806

Never had Australian beers but American macro brews are pretty terrible though we do have a lot of good beer. Particularly shit like this >>11190579 or Milwaukees best ice is absolutely fucking foul.

>> No.11191837

Yes it is still brewed in Australia. It's brewed in the UK and USA as well by inbev.
Apparently the UK version tastes good, they use a different recipe to suit the tastes of our euro friends.

>> No.11191850


Come on now, the only people who drink Natty Ice (or Milwaukee Ice or whatever) are alcohols who just want to forget the world. You can’t compare their taste to people who actually want to enjoy what they put in their mouths

>> No.11192472

Not even drinking for intoxication

>> No.11192487

VB tastes nothing like forsters you cunt

>> No.11192520

How does Fosters stack up against, say, PBR? I had PBR, and it was total meh, but not quite as shit as I expected.

I almost bought a can of Fosters at Walmart the other day, but decided against it. Did I narrowly avert disaster, /ck/?

>> No.11192535

fosters isnt bad

>> No.11192538

>Shits on Australian beer
>Posts a pic of beer that isn't Australian
I admit there are a lot of countries that do better beer than us for cheaper but Fosters is literally unavailable in Australia.

>> No.11192545

It's been an export only beer for decades now. I had to fly to Okinawa Japan to even find it, and it tasted like ass piss.

>> No.11192549

You can get it in any decent sized bottleshop in any populous area. I could walk down to BWS right now and get a six pack if I wanted. They put it next to the Tooheys New so that you might pick it up by mistake if you're not paying attention.

>> No.11192594

>Fosters is literally unavailable in Australia.

>> No.11192630

Nobody. Literally drinks that shit here.
You can't even find it at the bottle shop.
Fucken disgusting shit.

>> No.11192648

Foster's is owned and is made by the Heineken company, at least in Europe, and is made in Manchester. It's the second most consumed beer in the UK after Carling. It might be shit, but people drink it.

>> No.11192649

Australia's craft beer scene is pretty good. Still too dominated by pale ales & IPAs though.

>> No.11192808

I dont live in shitholes like Sydney or Melbourne, we dont have it here.
Those places are so far gone that selling Fosters in those places is literally exporting it to a foreign country anyway, so makes sense they have it there.

>> No.11192820

Please. We have the internet now. We can see what stores have it in stock. If you're living in Tasmania or out in the middle of nowhere, population 400, you represent nobody. You simply don't matter.

>> No.11193166

New Zealand beer is simultaneously the most disgustingly fruity yet still somehow bitter as ass beer I've ever tasted in my years of traveling. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. At least all those watery American beers are inoffensive.

>> No.11193172

Boy my fanny sure is big

>> No.11193176

Never seen it in any bottle-os in Melbourne, besides Foster's is an Australian brand but not beer, it's brewed in the UK

>> No.11193180

Foster's is brewed in Manchester you cunt.VB is brewed in Abbotsford, stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.11193182

Imagine getting cucked as hard as the person that signed the fosters contract literally giving everything away for free.

>> No.11193184

American. And that is a generalisation of course good microbrewery and artisan stuff is coming out of America but the mainstream mass produced american lagers are so flavourless.

>> No.11193259

Educate yourself you dumb amerifat. Foster ain't even aussie beer you dumb mutt.

>> No.11193268


M8 they make shit beer and shit wine.

>> No.11193490

america, bud light tastes like someone threw up in ur drink the filtered the chunks out.

>> No.11194436

Brewed in the UK by Heineken, in Manchester

>> No.11194456
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worst by far.

>> No.11194459

That's definitely not true in other countries anyway. Different companies, different breweries. Fosters is cheap but "decent beer" in Europe made by the same guys who make Heineken, birra moretti, Amstel, tiger, strongbow, sagres and lagunitas.

>> No.11194503
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It's not the best, but it's not shit.

>> No.11194562
File: 1015 KB, 4006x2114, Korean-Beer-Review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard really bad things about Korean beer.
I'll fly there next week so I can experience it first hand I guess.

>> No.11196017

Alcohol industry insider here with a huge red pill. Most macro brew beer is brewed at random distilleries in various countries. For example a brewery might say Budweiser on the outside but they brew Miller, etc inside. The reason for this is to have cheaper shipping costs. If you travel between Canada and USA and drink American brands leaf side they taste different. And Canadian brands like Molson labbatt etc taste different stateside (much worse too). It also varies by water quality in the state/province (al Keith is disgusting made in Ontario)

>> No.11196030

Ive gotten amstel in europe the middle east and the us. Id say it has a broad market

>> No.11196457

That's not really a secret. It's the same with Coke, which can taste completely different depending on the local water quality.

>> No.11196471
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Hite is probably the worst beer I’ve ever had. I had it at a Korean friend’s house and I’ll take gasoline tier soju over it. I’m not counting high gravity malt liquor though. Japan is equally terrible at beer.

>> No.11196846

Japan's craft beer scene is just starting to take off. Give em about 5 years

>> No.11196850

Anything that skunks

>> No.11196852


>> No.11196905

For doing pretty much the exact same thing, Japan (Kirin, Sapporo, Asahi) is leagues better than Korea (Hite, OB).

>> No.11197114

Truth. It's fucking awful. I gave up drinking that when I was a student. Cheap cider was infinitely preferable to carling.

>> No.11197122

Probably any country in Africa or Asia. Don't think I've ever had a good asian beer.

>> No.11197169

Fosters Australian for Piss

>> No.11197192

Why would beer be made at a distillery?

>> No.11197200

Kobe's full of craft beer bars in back alleys already. Not much you can do to stop it.
They already dominate whisky, prepare your filthy gaijin butthole

>> No.11197290
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>Jap Whisky
>Dominating anything
Just like most jap shit it's just a bunch of xenophiles overhyping bland shit.

>> No.11197335

somehow japan gets a pass on being so incredibly nationalistic and xenophobic and everyone just goes along with it.

>> No.11197346

Nah, they are overhyped now because they were underrated before, and there were good deals to be had. That ship has long sailed tbough.

>> No.11197574

Lol. Brewery then

>> No.11197826

>he doesnt like fosters
get outta here kid

>> No.11197844
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>> No.11197907
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Every east european student's worst yet most affordable nightmare

>> No.11197965
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Lowenbrau is actually decent shit tier beer, there are far worse and even cheaper alternatives believe me

>> No.11198362
File: 53 KB, 600x473, 1470222987-vol524x33_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estonia makes their share of absolute swill, but they've also got a lot of drinkable and even good ones, of course.

>> No.11198403

Saudi fucking Arabia

>> No.11198411

britbong here and no it doesn't taste good anywhere

>> No.11198423

He was talking about Austria, wasn't he?

>> No.11199073

Panama, piss water literally

>> No.11199247
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>they've also got a lot of drinkable and even good ones
No! Which is suprising because in their neighbour Latvia they actually do make really good beers