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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11189863 No.11189863 [Reply] [Original]

when is the right time to throw in veggies? is it in the beginning when the meat is raw, or towards the end when its already brown?

help me out here. Also do I have to stand my sweaty ass in front of the stove pushing the meat around or can I leave it alone to cook ok its own? im afraid the bottom meat will burn and the top meat will be raw so I stir it like a retard for 15 minutes.

>> No.11189915

Holy shit man just figure it out

>> No.11189958

Always cook meat on very low heat, and add in when its brown and juices flowing

>> No.11189999

depends if you wanna deglaze like a smart boy or leave all the fond on the pan and scrub it off like a stupid cunt

>> No.11190019

Add things like onion and peppers with the raw meat, they will both be finished in the same time and lend each other their flavors. Softer veg get added later.

>> No.11190032

Depends on the veggies and meat. Also depends on the cut.

As a rule of thumb, veggies go first, then you add meat. If it's beef you want to do it separate couse you have to have super high heat and flip and take it off fast. Beef gets super hard and chewy if overcooked.

If pic related those cuts look like something you want for curry/stew, so they'd also be "boiled" afterwards.

>> No.11190046

You guys are absolute brainlets.
Vegetables lose a lot of water when cooking. You don't want a shit load of water in your pan when you're cooking meat.
How fucking hard is it to use two separate pans.

>> No.11190050

Q U A D S speak the truth

>> No.11190054


>not using the liquid in the vegetables to deglazze the fond left by the meat

>> No.11190055
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>> No.11190063

>using water to deglaze

>> No.11190065

It's just cheap meat slime, those aren't "cuts"

>> No.11190085


>Not deglazing


>> No.11190096

only one way to learn is to do it, it's not fucking rocket science

>> No.11190185
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Meat first. Cook it until it is almost done.

>> No.11190190
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Then add the veggies.

>> No.11190198
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Then cook until the veggies are al dente. This extra cooking time on the meat makes it more tender (hopefully you marinated it first with some soy, garlic, ginger, onion)

>> No.11190209
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When the veggies are done, remove from heat and add your sauce (this was hoisin, and a bit of sesame oil.) Then combine it all together

>> No.11190212
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>> No.11190218

Wala! A big plate of gook mush!

>> No.11190221


My gook gf enjoys it.