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11184436 No.11184436 [Reply] [Original]

What's yours? For me it's
>berry juice
>mist twist soda pop

I call it the Fizzlepop Berrytwist

>> No.11184444

Water in a martini glass with an olive in it. I call it a SMARTini, because alcohol is dumb and having water instead is smart. It's a big hit with the family, too. My wife smiles every time I come to the dinner table with one, and the kids are always shouting for me to show my creation to everyone else when we're at barbecues.

>> No.11184449


>> No.11184467

Those quads don't lie

>> No.11184503

Can't get enough of the Tiki classics tbqh
If I were going to look further for a reason beyond them being boozy and great tasting it's probably escapism from living in a relatively cold climate

>> No.11184682

Based pony lad

>> No.11184685

OP literally cannot stop thinking about cock tails

>> No.11184689

Interesting combo. How much of each?

I like rum and water. Or scotch and water. After a large meal I might make a very shaken SoCo Amaretto. Shake it with crushed ice, 2 parts SoCo, 1 part Amaretto. Great dessert drink.

>> No.11184842

>I like rum and water.
How's it goin', dig?

>> No.11184857

On a fourth cup, watching season 5 of GoT. Gotta get caught up. Nothing else to do up here in the arctic.

>> No.11184859

This guy gets it. Nothing like sippin Mai Tais and listening to records with the heater blasting.

>> No.11185257
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Tom Collins for my gin cocktails
Lynchburg lemonade for my whiskeys.
Gin + tonic + st germain if I'm not in the mood for beer but still being lazy

By the way, this shit right here is fucking GREAT with booze. I made an old fasioned with it in place of simple syrup, and it was way fucking tasty with this japanese whiskey I bought. It's a bit sweeter, but the flavor is unreal. If you have any cocktail recs that might take advantage of this, throw them my way.

>> No.11186695

Half glass of vodka, splash of each

>> No.11187972

Sounds good desu.

>> No.11187999
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I'll share my creation. I call it.

The Electric Sunrise

>cup of ice
>pour a little more than half of it with Malibu rum
>The rest with Cactus Cooler
>A splash of Squirt

The splash is incredibly imporant. I use to drink these all day and be blacked out drunk before the sun set.

Only problem is it gives a knarly hangover.

>> No.11188004

It's a MLP copypasta, don't give him (You)s

>> No.11188042

For me it's the Moscow mule, the best cocktail

>> No.11188046


>> No.11188087

>a single of chocolate liqueur
>a single of human semen

We call that shot a "Special Trudeau". Everybody here in Canada is addicted to it. I myself drink it at least twice a week.

>> No.11188089

Tequila and tonic at the club/crowded bar. Paloma, Roy Rogers or any good sounding specials at cocktail bar.

>> No.11188116

its my favorite vodka drink.
I also really like bourbon, seltzer, and pineapple juice. I call it a Marchador, because kentucky bourbon = horses and pineapples are from Brazil and its a variety of Brazilian horse. Autistic rant over.

>> No.11188134

Sidecars, jack roses, sours in general.

>> No.11188143


Dude, none of the people here watch the show, and so none of them will know when some fag has cleverly inserted an MLP pun at their expense. I will agree with you that OP is most definitely a flaming homosexual, but it may be pointless to point this fact out lest one be called a fag for recognizing it.

>> No.11188400



>> No.11189079

What is the difference between liquor and liqueur

>> No.11189110

My favorite and simplest drink I've made so far has been Grand Marnier and the new Mountain Dew Ice. One shot of Grand Marnier plus 8 oz of MD Ice = a top shelf Mountain Dew.

>> No.11189112

I prefer martinis made with juniper flavored vodka.

>> No.11189139

Takka and gatorade
I call it depression

>> No.11189175
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For me it's Russian Standard™ vodka neat with a gulp of low calorie isotonic drink as a chaser

>> No.11189182

Stoli vodka with crystal lite lemonade

>> No.11189187
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Russian Standard is a registered trademark.

>> No.11189202
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You can bet your ass Fireball uses HFCS.

>> No.11189344

Plz take care of yourself, upside down Satan. :(

>> No.11189386

Brandy and soda is underrated.

>> No.11190199

Drinking same and my cigarette ash just dropped into the glass by mistake while holding. Drinking it anyway.

>> No.11190224

gin and tonic

>> No.11190858

based ponylad

>> No.11190870

What is wrong with your foot?

>> No.11190886


bourbon + ice so i don't have to tip the bartender

>> No.11190899

Fuck. You're an even bigger piece of shit than OP.

>> No.11190923

A good strategy I've heard is to leave a somewhat generous tip for your first drink and a dollar for every subsequent drink. Cheers

>> No.11191204

Cucumber-Lime Lemonade and Pear Sake
I call it "Jamaican Geisha"
I serve it in a tall with ice and dry mint. Fantastic combo.

>> No.11191240

>ctrl+f penicillin
>no results

2 ounces blended Scotch whisky
3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice
3/4 ounce honey syrup
3 slices fresh ginger
1/4 ounce Islay single malt Scotch

>> No.11191271

so in this recipe, do you muddle the ginger? I've only seen ones that call for ginger syrup (just sweetened ginger juice, just make your own). Just from looking at the recipe, I'd think the ginger wouldn't be pronounced enough. Or does this version just garnish with fresh, rather than candied ginger? Seems like it would need to compete with the Islay on the nose...
Either way, it's a drink I've been looking forward to for quite some time. Just need to get my hands on some decent scotch. Any Islay you can recommend for a cocktailfag? I've been thinking about Laphroigh 10, seems to be a decent entry level bottle.

>> No.11191473

I've recently become a fan of Aviations' and when I don't have all the ingredients I always have hibiscus ice tea and mix that with gin

>> No.11191513

Beer in a beer glass.
I call it beer.

>> No.11191575

Going through a cocktail book currently, but these are my go to's after work:
1. Martini (3:1 gin to dry vermouth, olive and onion)
2. Gold Rush (Bourbon, honey syrup, lemon juice)
3. Margarita (Tequila, curacao, and lime juice on the rocks)
4. Negroni (Gin, Sweet Vermouth, Campari)

>> No.11191614

>Margarita (Tequila, curacao, and lime juice on the rocks)
it's a blue margarita. also try to ad some triple sec (like the classic margarita) and a little cane sugar sirup against the extra bitter that comes with it. salted glass rim is a must for a margarita made that way

>> No.11191618

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11191799
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I mostly drink bourbon on the rocks. If it’s really hot out bourbon & lemonade. Also, Tito’s & jalepeano limeade.

>> No.11191984

hate to say this, cause i am a big lgbtqi2a supporter, but thats so gay.

>> No.11191992

South Side

>> No.11192049

Ponies drink booze?
I've drank my fair share of vodka and gatorade. On the one hand, it kinda makes sense to replace the salt you're pissing out but honestly it makes for a shitty chaser

>> No.11192067

Gin with maybe quarter water.

I'm probably weird, but I fucking love that raw pine flavor of gin

>> No.11192255

that's not a cocktail, it's a mixed drink. Cocktails are alcohol forward, mixed drinks are mixer forward. And it sounds good except replace the vodka with gin or light rum. Vodka is a trash alcohol for people who don't like flavor in their liquor but aren't smart enough to use neutral grain.

>> No.11192561

Whats the escoffier of cocktail books?
is there one?

>> No.11192952

Its not a blue margarita if the curacao isn't blue. And im usually just too lazy to continually resalt a rim

>> No.11193112

Cocktail by Cock T. Tail

>> No.11194030

Cola and coconut rum. Tastes like candy.

>> No.11194200

Long Island Ice Tea.
> Vodka
> Tequila
> Rum
> Gin
> Triple Sec
> tiny bit of lemon juice
> tiny bit of Cola

I'm an alcoholic

>> No.11194766

Nah I'm all about the pine as well, but I generally mix 1part gin to 1part tonic

>> No.11195252


>> No.11195270

Man my buddy and I used to drink those things all night. Best way to get absolutely shitfaced.

I miss that guy.

>> No.11195284

I like to mix cheap gin with Pepsi. It's surprisingly pretty decent.

>> No.11195476

1 part absinthe
1 part midori sour
he he

>> No.11195878


>> No.11195885

Going to mix peach vodka and sprite tonight. Hope it doesn't taste horribly and heavy on syrup.

>> No.11196144
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metaxa and prune juice over ice

>> No.11196887

5mg melatonin, crushed, mixed into
8oz chamomile tea, steaming
call that the slow ball.