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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 800x400, some-haitians-are-still-eating-mud-and-dirt-cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11176727 No.11176727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whoa....so this is what people in countries with no wh*te oppression eat!!!! Powerful!!

>> No.11176734


>> No.11176737

It's a bit racist to expect a population with average iq of 90 to do better than Europians.

>> No.11176801


>> No.11176802


>> No.11176832

Why do people always meme about white people food while I can't think of a single black country famous for their cuisine? Maybe only Ethiopia but all they do is mushed up vegetables.

>> No.11176868

>average iq of 90
You mean 60-70 right?

>> No.11176882

Are there no plants in Haiti? I'd rather eat grass or leaves than mud.

>> No.11176887


>> No.11176890

You'd be amazed what effect a 15 iq drop in a population would have.

>> No.11176892
File: 116 KB, 341x310, r6s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The average IQ of the Haitian population is 67... Haiti is, quite literally, a country full of violent idiots."

>> No.11176918

The Caribbean is fairly well known for their food. Jamaica, lots of African and middle eastern countries as well.

>> No.11176922

It's also sort of racist to expect a decent iq out of an incredibly poor country with very VERY little access to education of any sort

>> No.11176925

There is a reason god keeps destroying their country every couple of years. He wants it gone too.

>> No.11176932

>It's also sort of racist
Stopped reading right there

>> No.11176937

>t.has no idea how IQ tests work

>> No.11176941

What if the differences in IQ led to different countries having different levels of access to education?

>> No.11176944

IQ has almost nothing to do with education.

>> No.11176953

You're telling me a lack of education doesnt lead to a lower than average iq? This includes educating people on how to raise children correctly, nutrition, basic hygiene, etc.

>> No.11176955
File: 153 KB, 963x489, white dirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans eat it too.

>> No.11176966

Do you not know what IQ is? It is all about logical thinking, pattern recognition etc. How does education change your skill in that?

>> No.11176974

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11176977

IQ tests include portions that require education so there is a direct relation
Low IQ people who are educated on how to live will give birth to kids of better health which will through generations protect from environmental damage to their kids' IQ potential

>> No.11176978

A lack of nutrition affects brain development. Disease affects brain development. Exposure to trauma affects brain development.
Extreme poverty affects brain development and with no access to knowledge on how to better your life, you will stay in extreme poverty 9/10 times

>> No.11176982

Doesn't Georgia and the rest of the south have a pretty high black population?

>> No.11176984

Many things can negatively affect IQ. Certainly if you damage your brain it's not going to make you better at logical thinking. However theres no evidence that black people raised in an environment with those iq lowering things being minimized have high iq.
You can see this in blacks living in the wealthiest nation in the world, they suck just as much as their 3rd world counterparts, commit more crimes and fail to improve their own lives compared to all other minority populations.

>> No.11176995

This is ck tardo

>> No.11177000

if nutrition equal IQ America would be full of geniuses and I don't mean the imported Asians

>> No.11177001

Those are blacks, once again, growing up in extreme poverty. You can live in a first world country and still experience 3rd world conditions. People in Michigan dont even have access to clean water. I'm not denying blacks on average dont have lower iqs compared to other races btw, but there are lots of potential outside reasons as to why that is and how we could change it for future generations

>> No.11177009

The wealthiest nation in the world is the UAE.

>> No.11177022

No it wouldn't. Millions of families are raised in poverty. White and black. America has borderline 3rd world conditions in a lot of areas.

>> No.11177023

No because they're fucking retarded. Go on Google Maps and zoom in to the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. DR is lush jungle and Haiti is a fucking barren desert.

>> No.11177029

Define "education". Because any asshole can draw a circle in the dirt and start teaching kids math problems. They just don't want to because they're lazy and don't know how to do the shit themselves. The most obvious problem with blacks of any kind is their lack of patience and foresight. They demand immediate satisfaction at all times.

>> No.11177034

>middle eastern counties
For what it’s worth though Jamaica’s “Rice and peas” isn’t particularly ground breaking, but an absolutely phenomenal dish.

>> No.11177036

Cause it's not about the food, it's just about attacking white people

>> No.11177037

Misery loves misery. Their poor IQ is what fuels their poverty.
If they had some hidden potential it would act as a counterbalance to their poor conditions and they'd gradually gain wealth and status like asian population in US. But they don't, they just have shit genes in a shit environment, it's never going to get better.

>> No.11177046

>he doesn't know

>> No.11177054

There are plenty of examples of blacks beating poverty every day through education. The real problem for most is a lack of a father figure in their life.
Also there are always examples of shit groups of a race continuing to wallow in shit. People just seem to focus their gaze on blacks more than any other. Theres definitely a problem, but going to the deep south and watching cletus grill squirrel in a shopping cart isnt exactly the best example of the white race either

>> No.11177064

Theres never been a large scale modern migration of black countries to America. The most recnt one from africa to europe is too recent to have an established cuisine. Btw theres tons of African influence on American food as well.

>famine is due to low IQ
maybe you should do a bit of research on IQ and the places currently starving instead of spreading lies.

>> No.11177065

>There are plenty of examples of blacks beating poverty every day through education
Yeah, education is important part of social mobility. It's funny how military acts as a more important ladder into the middle class in US. Like, why not put that money into the education, lol.

>The real problem for most is a lack of a father figure in their life.
I agree having a strong father figure is important for kicking a kids butt when they fail. Women are too caring.

>> No.11177169

The US has their priorites all fucked up

>> No.11177180

looks too spicy for me

>> No.11177200

Yep, lack of education is definitely not caused by low intelligence in the first place.
Schools just happen to grow in the west.

>> No.11177204

Every country has it's priorities fucked up.

>> No.11177205

>good nutrition

>> No.11177210

There are plenty of examples, but that doesn't fit your racist narrative.


>> No.11177211

Then how did white people get to where they are when they started on the same grounds as africans or haitians?

Did aliens come and give european cavemen an edumacation?

Yeah, nah, it's about intelligence. Nature>nurture

>> No.11177214

>Like, why not put that money into the education, lol.
There is a problem but it's not money. No one ever says let's spend less on schools, it has only been going up as scores go down.

>> No.11177221
File: 477 KB, 1080x1426, Screenshot_20180830-163405_Tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people take a continent larger than America and meme it to be a single poor country? There's 50+ country's in Africa and many are doing well, you can find some doing better than some eastern European country's.

>> No.11177235
File: 75 KB, 1024x430, 1519849639831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are blacks, once again, growing up in extreme poverty.

>> No.11177239

Whites lucked out and found mass arable land, and had one large religion to all follow and form a mostly joint society under and built a civilization from that. Blacks never really had that to my knowledge.
If the pagans of the north had won out, we probably wouldnt be where we are today.

>> No.11177247
File: 161 KB, 906x511, Screenshot_20180813-120349_Tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has animals that could be domesticated
>Very great weather
>Mountain range that blocked off invaders
>Abundance of resources
And don't bring up winter as if it made a world of a difference and was more difficult.

> Is 14 times larger than Greenland so comparing these tiny country's that happen to be the world's greatest economies as of right now, to a fucking continent with 50 countries with vast differences in wealth is unfair by any metric
>No domestication possible (horse whisperers from Europe tried to get zebra's but they couldn't be domesticated)
>harsh arid soil in most parts

If Europeans didn't have guns so you think they could have fought the Zulus in a land war with metal armour and swords? Out in the bare sun?
Europe discovered an explosive powder and instead of making nice fireworks like China they made guns and cannons, and they turn it around and call everything not white now a savage and a violent brute.

>> No.11177251
File: 258 KB, 1551x805, 1536049311358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whites lucked out and found mass arable land
I hope this is a joke.
>had one large religion to all follow
No, rome was pagan and it was already a fucking empire with aqueducts, philosophy, laws, order and shit, also, the ancient greeks.
>If the pagans of the north had won out, we probably wouldnt be where we are today.
Cool fanfic, remind you again about greek and roman paganism.

Read this picture if you want further refutation to similar meme arguments.

>> No.11177260

I'd love to see a single white supremacist try and recreate the inventions and discoveries o "white people" all from scratch and still show it off as if they were a part of the process.
Basically taking satisfaction for the achievements of someone else as your own because you share the same shade of skin is stupid.

>> No.11177267

>Has animals that could be domesticated
>Very great weather
>Mountain range that blocked off invaders
>Abundance of resources
See >>11177251

>And don't bring up winter as if it made a world of a difference and was more difficult.
Ah, I wonder how does it feel to be this retarded.
>If Europeans didn't have guns so you think they could have fought the Zulus in a land war with metal armour and swords?
You are laughable, almost every race including white could have beaten "Zulus" in land war, do you even know about arab colonization of africa? They sure didn't need guns. Are you saying roman legions couldn't handle chimps with spears? Kill yourself.
>Europe discovered an explosive powder and instead of making nice fireworks like China they made guns and cannons
Chinks had blackpowder for centuries and it never occured to them to make a firearm. White people get ahold of it and first thing you know they are making arquebuses, but of course according to you this is also just "luck".

Why do people who don't know shit about history try to argue about this shit?