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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 940x626, supermarket1-940x626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11176469 No.11176469 [Reply] [Original]

When you go shopping for groceries, do you make a shopping list and strictly stay to that?
Or just fill up the cart with whatever catches your eyes.

>> No.11176476

>just fill up the cart with whatever catches your eyes.

I think people who do this are somewhat less than human.

>> No.11176477

No lists but I know what I need and add shit as I think of it. I'm good as long as I don't go over budget of $30 a week I eat the majority of my meals at work so I only shop for like two nights worth of food

>> No.11176484

I go straight to the meat isle and whatever I get from there kinda dictates the rest of my trip.

>> No.11176487

Make a list and mostly stick to it, but I'll pick up extra if something strikes me as interesting. Usually odd spices or nut butters. There's a jar, not home at the moment, raccoon farms or something brand, anyway it's nutella but dairy free, even better texture and stronger hazelnut flavor. If the thread is still up by the time I get home I'll post the name.

>> No.11177633

No list. Remember what I need, get those items, go home. Done

>> No.11177726

my memory is shit so making a list the day before is the way to go. that said, sometimes I'll pick up some cool stuff I see, depending on the price. we didn't have kale before where I live and some dude at the farmers market came with a bunch of it so I got some to try it out. tastes just like collard greens, the fuckers

>> No.11177871

I have early onset alzheimers so I have to make a list for everything now. My short term memory has been btfo.

>> No.11177893

You still now how to punctuate, thats a good thing.cant be that bad

>> No.11177910

I make a shopping list and get everything on it, but I'll often grab something new and interesting.

>> No.11177912

I think of stuff I want to make for the week and make a list

>> No.11177921

my nightmare

saw my grandma go to alzheimer.

>> No.11177922

List for things I need to get, usually stuff I've run out of. Then go I go by price and availability for the rest.

>> No.11177957

List for what I'm cooking at night then fill up the cart with pantry essentials.
Maybe one or two impulse buys.
I go through eggs like a kulu-yaku so I buy two 1.5 doz cartons every time.

>> No.11177977

I make a list of things I know I need and then buy whatever else I see that I want. Something on sale that I know I'll use? Grab that. I get an idea for a dish I could make with something? Into the cart it goes.

>> No.11178190
File: 88 KB, 480x608, DeiTu3EW4AAKbfV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good budget for a week? I always feel like I overspend

>> No.11178207

Half and half here, I have a list with enough food for a week and if I'm under budget I'll just buy things that I want to try but am not sure I'll like.

>> No.11178216

I make a list of dinners and lunches for the week. Then I get drunk and have my wife drive. I buy everything on the list to cover all the meals. Between drunk me, my wife with no concept of money, and my 4 year old with no concept of money we end up with enough snacks, drinks, and non perishables to supplement everything else.

>> No.11178222

For how many? I have a family of four so if im under $200 i did good. I eat a lot of fresh veggies and premium meats though.

>> No.11178237

Just for one person. Feel like the cost gets inflated.

Nice get btw

>> No.11178244

I think about what I want to eat and buy the ingredients and any staples that are low or empty. If some thing is on what I might consider a good sale then I'll buy it on impulse but usually I stick to my list.

>> No.11178249

i always just buy whatever i feel is the best deal.

anyone got that pic of a soyboy eating pizza with knife and fork?

>> No.11178252

i can typically keep it to about 50 dollars a week for myself

>> No.11178270

I'd say $50-80 a week for 1 person is reasonable as long as you already have spices and other staples. Some weeks I spend as low as $120 for my family when I need nothing except meat and veggies. On the weeks I'm out of oil, spices, butter etc it can run $240.

>> No.11178319

or less if i really wanted to go hardcore and rice and beans for 2-3 meals a day. but i do shit like buy an entire ham and slice it up for lunch meat, and use the bone and scraps for soup.

>> No.11178371

I make a list, then get a couple of extra items I might see. You know, like a normal person.

>> No.11178375

I walk straight between the stuff I need sit stopping out looking around. Often notice people buy stuff that I never saw before in years shipping at the same store.
Going shopping with mom or gf is a different world.

>> No.11178387
File: 46 KB, 645x773, 1517458817622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I walk straight between the stuff I need sit stopping out looking around. Often notice people buy stuff that I never saw before in years shipping at the same store.

>> No.11178411

>>I walk straight between the stuff I need sit stopping out looking around. Often notice people buy stuff that I never saw before in years shipping at the same store.

>> No.11178418

I make a list and get what's on it, but if I see something not on the list I'll get it.

>> No.11178728

I make a list with my grocery store's flier for the week open so it's half basics that I need and half good sales for the week. That way I know exactly what the best deals are and I can get in and out quick.

>> No.11178790

Op here, got some apps for select shops. Mark stuff i want.
Haha i didnt work.
Instead i choose to get groceries delivered. Pretty much same price.

>> No.11178797

They're NPCs.

>> No.11178801

Usually, I make two lists. The rough draft is where I add things to the list as I notice I need them. Before I go to the store I sit down and visualize my store's layout and rewrite my final list in chronological order. The only times I shop off-list is when something I need is out of stock or there's a compelling sale price on a different item (as in seasonal produce. Then I'll make substitutions, but I never really impulse buy.

>> No.11179072

God damn that's a great idea. Sober me could visualize the store layout to maximize drunk me's success. I often have to backtrack.

>> No.11179086

I make a list and stick to it.
That said, my list often includes things like "whatever steaks look the best" so there is a bit of flexibility.

I sometimes buy produce, meat, cheese, or seafood that is not on my list if I happen to spot something exceptional. When that happens I normally sub it for something else that was on my list.

>> No.11179129
File: 41 KB, 330x586, bring-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a shopping list that I add to during the week, because I'm a financially responsible adult.

I've been using Bring for the last couple of years, but a piece of paper on the fridge would do.

I do go off the shopping list often with a thing here and there, I think that's normal. Also here's a protip: don't go food shopping on an empty stomach. If you have to, grab a snack, sit down for a second and munch on something while you're thinking about what you actually need. You'll buy a lot less junk that you don't need that way.

Source: worked in grocery retail and can get around a grocery store like a goddamn wizard.

>> No.11179142

Really helps you get out of there sooner. I don't drunk-shop, but my mind is always wandering. If I don't have a chronological location list like that I'll wander around the store for 15 minutes longer.

>> No.11179159

No, aside from a few staples I always improvise.

>> No.11179167

never go into the aisles except where staples are located

fruits, veggies, meat, bread, eggs, butter, milk / milk alternatives are ALL located in the outer perimeter of the store. the aisles are filled with processed bullshit that you don't need.

>> No.11179181

I drink once a week. Right after the gym on Sundays right before shopping. The only grocery store in my town is a wal mart and I love in a flyover in Indiana. I can't handle going without a few drinks. The people are fat and retarded. At least I'm somewhat classy as a drunk autist.

>> No.11179366

You only work out once a week?

>> No.11179416

I make a list and only buy what I need to eat for any given day. It keeps me from stockpiling too much shit that goes bad before I can get to it, or having junk food in my house. It also means I get to see the qt one-handed cashier every day.

>> No.11179429
File: 20 KB, 474x315, 1523797820454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work of a script like a computer
>live free and just get what you want
>not human
This is when you realize /ck/ has been taken over by robots.

>> No.11179435
File: 85 KB, 492x280, 1530644340634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, because npc don't work according to a script.

>> No.11179501

What are

>> No.11179621

I check what's a good deal/on sale in the papers I get from local groceries and put what is reasonable with good nutritional value on the list. I NEVER buy exactly what I want if the price is not good, I'll just get a similar alternative if I must, there's no reason to waste your money just because something tastes a little better but still has essentially the same nutritional value as something else that is currently cheaper. If I have extra money leftover then I might just get whatever I'm in the mood for that is still at a good price.

>> No.11180475


>> No.11180497

I do this same thing.

>> No.11180551

I assume you asked this because you want to save money, go only once per week, make a list if you need it, stick to it, add a few snacks if you really want it, don't go until next week, save monies

>> No.11181339

>Not autistically making a 2 week menu planning out every dish, calculating the calories based on prot/carb/fat ratios and knowing the exact price and location of every item so you can finish a weeks worth of shopping in 20 min

>> No.11181550

You have your list of staples. Things you enjoy all the time and like to have readily available. Then you have a vague idea of things you are in the mood for. Like a special kind of meat, or a special kind of dairy. Those make up the biggest part of your groceries. But you always leave some room for impulse purchases. Things that are intrigueing or on sale.

Easy peasy, boys. Just go the middle ground.

>> No.11181581

no because i get the same thing every weak

>> No.11181603

I make a list, go with a set budget of $20 or $30 more than what I need, and if I see one or two things that I didn't think of, I'll get them, generally I stick to the list though, but sometimes I'll see a good set of eggplant for eggplant parm or some shit.

>> No.11181927

I have early onset alzheimers so I have to make a list for everything now. My short term memory has been btfo.

>> No.11181966


>> No.11181982

>budget of $30 a week
Holy shit anon

>> No.11182030


>> No.11182045


>> No.11182111

I think the only reasonable method is to have a list of staples you always need like flour, salt, rice, tp, etc. and then go for what is cheap or seasonal.
Here in Germany fennel and pumpkin season started and they are dirt cheap. Pumpkin especially can lie around for quite some time before going bad and is versatile af.
After that you buy dairy and meat as you need and youre done.

I am blessed and avoided salt/sugar addiction so it is easy for me to not buy shit food. I like however to try new and limited stuff and will buy things I don't know whenever they show up.