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11176285 No.11176285 [Reply] [Original]

how do you make canned sardines not taste gross?

bought pic related and had a hard time eating it

>> No.11176310

You open the can and eat only the contents. The can itself is to be discarded.

>> No.11176311

If you don't like them, you don't like them. I can have two or three before they start to gross me out.

>> No.11176327

The sardines in water aren't a good intro. You would probably prefer the ones packed in oil.

>> No.11176341

dont understand how can people enjoy fish. Taste fishy smell fishy. Land meat all the way.

>> No.11176342

You either like them or you don't.

>> No.11176353
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As said, you either like them or you don’t. I actually don’t like mixing them with anything, just chomping right out of the tin.

Also, try these ones next time

>> No.11176362

You might not be able to train yourself to enjoy them, but there is a strong possibility that someone who doesn't like unsalted, water-packed sardines would still like salted, oil-packed sardines.

>> No.11176364

But there are lots of foods many people don't like in their pure form which they are likely to enjoy in a recipe. Onions, garlic, peppercorns, butter. This "you like them or you don't" seems like a cop out.

>> No.11176413

The jalapeno flavour is the best for that brand. But overall Brunswick sardines are pretty smushy and not physically gutted, which might be reasons why many people don't like them. Gold Seal is a widely available brand with firmer texture and better cleanliness if you wanna give sardines another shot

>> No.11176425

1. get them packed in oil, never water
2. they're pretty good on toast

>> No.11176446

Fair enough.

>> No.11176465

all sardines are gutted before they are tinned. if they weren't they would taste bitter due to the blood and no one would eat them. please learn what you're talking about kid.

>> No.11176475

crush a clove of raw garlic on top of them

>> No.11176489
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>how do you make canned sardines not taste gross?
Yah, pretty simple, you just don't eat them.

>> No.11176499

It's tinned fish. I love the little fucks myself but they are pretty strong. Maybe try mackerel.

>> No.11176633

fisherman eggs, that's the secret

>> No.11176640

>make this horrible food taste good by eating it with this other horrible food

>> No.11177002

>he doesn't eat the tin
I bet you cut the crusts off bread too faggot

>> No.11177020

>open the can
but then won't the sardines get away...?

>> No.11177050

You throw it out and buy mackerel instead.
Just as beneficial, somewhat fattier, 100x more tasty.

>> No.11177068

>I love mercury poisoning

>> No.11177095

>how do you make canned sardines not taste gross?
all seafood is gross and is a giant scam of a food group.
Never eat sea food.
the ocean is a dirty polluted 'toilet.'
And seafood is riddled with parasites.

>> No.11177824

get them in Olive oil

>> No.11177978
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Eat more sardines

>> No.11179105

Refine your palate

>> No.11179179

Use a lot of mustard. If you don't like mustard, then you're fucked.

>> No.11179215

Forage fish have almost no mercury unlike larger fish.

>> No.11179321


>> No.11179327

Salami. Mustard. Crackers.
If that ain't good then they ain't for you.

>> No.11179507


Try looking up "are sardines gutted before being canned"

Some companies just starve them for a day or so in nets before processing. And yeah, there's a trace of the guts taste in Brunswick sardines

>> No.11179587

never tried canned sardines or anchovies, but I would like to.

>> No.11179941

Don't talk back to me, kid.

>> No.11180056

>labour-intensive sardine gutting

Is this why Gold Seal is packed in Thailand while Brunswick is packed in Canada? What does Club des Millionaires (packed in Scotland) do for sardine guts?

>> No.11180279
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>cold tinned fish
>no salt added
>packed in water


>> No.11180488

>Club des Millionaires





>> No.11180980

The only correct answer.

>toast some bread
>butter the toast lightly (real butter not margarine you faggot fuck)
>spread the sardines on the toast

>> No.11180986

Get them in oil. Also ease yourself in with stuff in sauce.

>> No.11181279

Not if your fast enough.
Or use a tiny net.

>> No.11181391
File: 110 KB, 600x600, king_oscar_spicy_sardine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried sardines for the first time last night to see what the commotion was about them. Got a package of pic related and ate it straight from the tin. Honestly, it wasn't bad, decent flavor but it did need some salt. Not the "this is the most amazing thing ever" experience for me, but it wasn't bad for a snack.

>> No.11181398

toast, cream cheese.

or mix it with a fork and add some mayo and make a salad out of it.

>> No.11181506

These shit companies saying Wild sardines and Wild caught sardines. All sardines are wild. There is no such thing as a sardine farm. They are caught in open waters, so of course they're fucking wild.

>> No.11181528

dice some onion and tomato. mix that up with the deenz. hit it with a tiny splash of olive oil. that on a saltine is heavenly. but then you'll give off a lingering smell of deenz so you have a choice to make

>> No.11181539

Hot sauce and cracka ass crackas. If that don't work, you gay.>>11176285

>> No.11181564

Why does it piss you off so much that they're specifying it? Do you get pissed off when a corporation tells the truth about the product on the label instead of either misleading or outright lying?

>> No.11181669

They're jumping on a bandwagon like wild caught salmon. Trout and Salmon are also farmed. So saying it is salmon is wild caught is fine. Not one single sardine on this planet is farmed, so jumping on the wild caught bandwagon is pointless. Every tin of sardines in every supermarket contains wild sardines. Every sardine on a fish counter is a wild sardine.

>> No.11181743

Yeah, again, since it's a true description, why are your panties ruffled? Save your shrieking for the deceptive and misleading statements like "all natural" on meats which can still contain post butchering chemical solutions injected into them.

>> No.11181767

>crusty bread
>little bit of butter
>sardines on top

one of my favourite breakfasts mang

>> No.11181786

eat over rice with mayo and shoyu

>> No.11181798

It might be true, but it's still designed to mislead the customer.

>> No.11181810

You seem to be a tad retarded. There is absolutely no need to call them Wild sardines or Wild caught sardines, as every sardine is wild caught. Google jumping on a bandwagon. Their sardines are no better than the cheapest ones in the shop.

>> No.11181818
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>Save your shrieking
Not him, but I will shriek some too. It is not so bad, but it is a fkn stupid description. I also frown upon the "pure canadian" description. Migratory fish that transcend borders could never accurately be described as "Canadian."

>> No.11182227

>Their sardines are no better than the cheapest ones in the shop
Then let the garbage brands spend the extra $.005/label to have it printed. Just because the chink packing houses canning the sardines in the lowest food grade oils possible are too stupid to change their label in no way invalidates those savvy enough to use a true descriptor that triggers the right buttons. Still haven't got an answer about why you focus on true labels while ignoring the huge number of misleading ones.

>> No.11182539
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eat sprats, the patrician tier choice

>> No.11184032

here's your reply