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11173023 No.11173023 [Reply] [Original]

What are some cool drinking games?

>> No.11173039

>Drinking games
Pick one

>> No.11173042

We used to play this game in college called "Drink" where you pour your drink based on how much you think you can handle and then drink it. Some people played it with beer, most played with cheap vodka, I played it with everclear and root beer

>> No.11173047

king's cup is fun if you have a smallish group that isn't already drunk
flip cup is fun if you have space
beer pong is also fun
or you can be a 30 year old boomer like >>11173039

>> No.11173050

Getting drunk is pretty rad. Not only do you always win, but you also always lose.

>> No.11173054
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I don’t get drunk, I get awesome.

>> No.11173061

Drink the beer


>> No.11173121

Here's a good one: Every minute you're still alive take a shot. Repeat until the problem is solved.

>> No.11173355

Beer Ball is fun as hell if you have the space for it

>> No.11173370
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Drink whenever OP was a faggot

>> No.11173606
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>just a couple of homies kicking back tier
Movie drinking game (ie drinking every time something happens/someone says something)

>nice small group 5-10 people tier
King’s Cup

>fun mini-game + drinking to get a good buzz tier
Flip Cup

>rager and need like 10+ people to get hammered as fast as possible tier
Rage Cage

>douchey and completely ineffecient drinking game where max 4 people take up an entire table and spend the last 10 minutes trying to get the ball into the last cup but mostly picking up gross ping pong balls off the fucking ground where god knows what kind of shit is on it while also talking up how ‘sick’ you are at the game and taking way too seriously completely arbitrary rules like it’s a fucking Olympic event tier
Beer Pong

>> No.11173609


>> No.11173630

unbased and uncool

>> No.11173647

Given N number of players, pour N-1 shots of water, then pour 1 shot of everclear.
Everyone keeps their shot at arms length until everyone takes it all at once.
Watch someone die.

>> No.11173662

Hiding your alcoholism from friends and family :)

>> No.11173667

other than beer pong and flip cup? bullshit is fun. higher or lower. that one's fun because I count the 4, 7, or 9 cards in advance so I always cash on somebody. ride the bus is full of bullshit but if you just go pick the 4 in a row (colour, h/l, in between, suit) it's fun. playing video games you can make anything up on the fly. I did one doing the gauntlet in madden where you'd take a sip whenever someone loses a life

>> No.11174072

Three Man

>> No.11174180

I have a great one. I call it sitting alone in a dark room, crying, and taking a drink whenever the fuck you feel like it.

>> No.11174192

>drink 5cl of vodka
>get headache for the next hour
Am I allergic to alcohol or something?

>> No.11174200

For group of n people, stack of n cards containing one king and one queen and the rest whatever

Deal cards, in the middle of the table there is one glass of beer

Person who drew the queen has to close their eyes for 10 seconds while the person who drew the king downs the glass and puts it somewhere on the table

When the queen opens his eyes he has to guess who the king was, if he gets it right the king has to chug another one. If wrong the queen has to chug

>> No.11174210

Why does beer pong have so many rules

>> No.11174265

Drinking isn’t cool, anon

>> No.11174267

No, you're just a faggot.

>> No.11174274

I came up with a surprisingly fun one.
You and a friend watch a tv show or a movie, and you take a sip whenever you see a girl you'd wreck. He found out something secret about me when there was a hot 8 year old on screen

>> No.11174327
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>Three Man

I’m 50 years old so its been a long time since I played any drinking games, but Three Man was the game of choice back in my day.

Though my buddy is on a pool league and I tagged along one night to an away game and the bar had 3-4 tables set up for Beer Pong and there were all kinda young people playing.

>> No.11174519

No one has posted wizard staff

>> No.11174763

This is my favourite and you can play it solitaire style.
>grab bottle of cheap red wine
>bottle of soap
>get naked, bonus points if you got a partner
>pour a glass of wine every 15min
>draw bath
>pour salt and soap in bath
>lay in bath and drink wine
>wake up the next morning in cold water and empty tub
>start new day.

>> No.11174773

Bonus points if you wake up submerged in your own shit and piss

>> No.11174829

>Drink 1 shot of everclear
It's not a fucking 3 year olds birthday party

>> No.11174833

I lost that game but I think I'm ready to play again soon

>> No.11174855

>spin quarter on table
>everyone has drinks on table
>whoever spun calls out a name
>that person hits the quarter at someone's drink
>you can only block your own drink with 2 fingers (index and pinky are best)
>if your drink is hit, the person who hits it spins the quarter, and you have to chug as long as the quarter is spinning

Bonus rules
>if you finish your drink before the quarter stops spinning slam your drink on top of it, and whoever hits you has to chug
>if you fuck up spinning 3 times you have to chug

>> No.11174867

If you know, you know. vid related


>> No.11174935

Counting the number of hours you can hold everclear up your asshole

>> No.11174959

I usually like to get a fighting game with a few friends. 1v1 best of 3. If you win, you have to do a "balance patch" and do a beer or a shot. Then you keep going, and going, until it's balanced. Works for most any game.

>> No.11174993

agree with >>11173047 anon. beer pong is best when drunk/buzzed, flip cup is best when in a group of like 10 of so you can divide into teams and kings is best when you have half guys half girls. my favorite korean drinking game is 산넘어산 (mountain over mountain?) where you go around clockwise and take turns doing something to the next person like holding hands/kissing/feeling up and the next person has to one-up the last one. so you start out by just high fiving, the next person locks fingers, then a kiss on the cheek, then a french kiss, etc. ofc works only when you are sitting girl boy girl boy

>> No.11175008

Cheers to Govenor

>> No.11175014

king cup is often retarded full of dumb ideas and unfun bullshit

my vote is for beer pong, or flip cup
century club, or a variant me and my friends invented called "the 51/50"

>> No.11175057

Boomercore but gud.

>> No.11175065

Try Battleship.
Essentially you have a glass of beer with an empty shot glass floating in it and you and another person(maybe more) take turns pouring liqour in the shot glass. The thing is, the person that sinks the shot glass has to chug the whole thing. It gets harder and more intense the drunker you get.

>> No.11175250
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It's a board game that is literally about drinking so the rules are set. Get to do a little bit of joke/light roleplay and shit, good times.

>> No.11175978
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Go on any board on 4chan and drink whenever you see a cliche thread.
Examples: Who was in the right? Now that the dust has settled... what did X mean by this? COME. Protip: you can't. Do Americans really... *obvious waifubait thread* *Greentext blogging* for me, it's X. Etc.

>> No.11175987

al/ck drinking game: for every drink you take, take a drink

>> No.11176012

Getting drunk alone in my room, like always

>> No.11176114

Watch The Room,

when ever somebody says "oh hi ..." take a sip

when ever Johnny goes "ahaha" take a sip

when ever you cringe take a sip

when ever Mark says " Johnny is my best friend" take a sip

when ever Lisa says " i dont love Johnny anymore" take a sip

when ever you laugh finish your glass

Enjoy your alcohol poisoning

>> No.11176164

blue and cringepilled

>> No.11176174

We did this back when chatroulette was still a thing

>put computer at the end of table so everyone sees
>go to chatroulette
>everytime its a guy showing his penis everyone drinks a shot

>> No.11176190

>"Hey guys, lets look at penises and drink!"

>> No.11176196

If your insecurity wont allow it, then thats fine by me. Shit was hilarious

>> No.11176200
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>every time you feel like you're bored
>every time you have a stressful thought
>every time you feel like changing your life for the better

>> No.11176237

>Not making a set of house rules to beer pong

>> No.11176276

imagine playing beer pong and not the massively superior beer table tennis

>> No.11176305

Drink everytime you want to stop feeling things. I do this game every morning

>> No.11176316

Gaucho Ball is amazing.

>> No.11176324

We had one we always did when we were a small amount of people hanging out with a Nintendo console.

Basically everyone would grab a beer and a controller. Then we play Mario Kart with no bots. When the course starts you open your beer and you can't drive past the finish line until you've finished.

Some would opt to chug it all and then drive to get better items, others would try to chug while driving and others yet would wait until the finish line to drink.

>> No.11176336

> Get drunk
> Pretend you in GTA game
> Run over people with a car
> Shoot some people
> Fun

>> No.11176339

We used to do this with forza.

>> No.11176340


>> No.11176346

That’s actually really fucking cool. I’ll remembwr that.

Since none of my friends are irl, we play 3x3/2v2 etc RL where every goal scored against you is a shot or chugged beer. Good times

>> No.11176350

I like this picture

>> No.11176387

You don't know that.
OP is living his own life, if he wants to drink with 3 year olds then that's his choice.

>> No.11176389

Here's on from Germany:

Get 6 shot glasses and a dice. Player rolls the dice and fills corresponding shot glass, drinks it if it's already filled. If 5 are already filled and he rolls the corresponding number of the last empty glass, he has to drink them all.

>> No.11176393
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>> No.11176395
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Edward 40 Hands

>That time your friend was so drunk he couldn't get the duct tape off so he just smashed the bottles against the counter, slicing open his hand and he doesn't even notice himself spewing blood everywhere

>> No.11176403

I play 'nigger' with my mates

>turn on the tv
>watch until black person comes one
>First person to shout 'nigger' wins
>The other people have to drink
>change channel and repeat

I live in England so this game is very easy and you get drunk quickly

>> No.11176407

this sounds good

>> No.11176432
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>> No.11176434
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>> No.11176436

alcohol is a poison you alcoholic retards. stop posting here. go drink some gasoline.

>> No.11176439

I hear that quitting drinking is the ultimate sport, but most find it too difficult, and do not enjoy themselves.

>> No.11176448

this. when the dumb ass fucks always wanted to play beer pong i would watch in awe at the retardation.
>aw bro you gotta drink all that bro!
fucking retarded bullshit.

>> No.11176483

you must be at least 18 to post here kiddo

>> No.11176494

Take a shot every time Dave Grohl says "THE BEST" in that one song.

>> No.11176500

If you have literally almost never been drunk or tipsy before, it can feel like a headache/dizziness. That's how it was for me at first, quickly got over it though.

>> No.11176636

Oh ok, guess it's about training your blood vessels to handle dilation.

>> No.11177584

>It'a "group is the exact size that the same person ends up drinking through the verse every round" episode

>> No.11177606

When I lived in a dorm my first year of college, these two guys were getting towards the end of Edward 40hands, and ended up dueling in the hallway using the bottle hands as weapons. The drunker of the two got clobbered really hard and ended up unconscious on the ground.

Is the best strategy to chug both as fast as possible and risk getting sick, or pacing yourself and risk having to piss?

>> No.11177643

I've been there, had to make a run for the toilet when the song ended because I started burping up foam. Good times.

>> No.11177648

two 40's is the same liquid as 6-7 beers, and depending on what you drink might be as much alcohol as 10. Id do it as fast as you can

>> No.11177651
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>> No.11177674

flunkyball is pretty fun if you have some outdoor space
