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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11169325 No.11169325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 5 foot 10 and 230 pounds

Is it too late for me Bros?

>> No.11169336

It's never too late brah. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.11169353

just drink only water you'll lose like 20 pounds

>> No.11169356

yes, at this point you might as well just eat pizza and ice cream until you explode

>> No.11169386

Just do keto and you will lose 30+ pounds in 3 months. Just gotta get through the first 2 weeks then its easy sailing.

>> No.11169394

This. Cut out soda and sugary drinks, eat healthier, and go for walks until you’re able to start jogging around like a normie. We’re all gonna make it, brah. But only you can decide to make the necessary changes.

>> No.11169424


Step 1. Join a gym with Precor AMT machines. YMCA usually has them and adjusts its rates to your earnings. You can go to the Y for like 20 bucks a month if you're poor.
Step 2. Myfitnesspal.
Step 3. Food scale.
Step 4. Make a simple food that you enjoy eating all the fucking time. For me it's Japanese dry curry, the cooking with dog recipe.

Just by giving a shit I'm down 15lb in 3 months, to 210 @ 5'9.

We're all gonna make it senpai. Did 40 minutes of AMT at 9+ METs today.

>> No.11169428

Water fast until you're at your target weight, maybe 5 lbs below it. Then start eating normally again. You'll gain a bit of water weight once you start eating again. Drink a lot of water while fasting, burning all that fat also releases any oil-soluble toxins stored there, and you need to keep it flushed out.

>> No.11169429

Ignore the naysayers, and ignore keto (its a meme). What you need to do (other than reading /fit/'s sticky) is the following:

A make the decision that you WANT to be healthier, and WANT to do what it takes to get there, even if it means short term sacrifices. THIS STEP IS CRUCIAL, AND NEEDS TO BE REPEATED.
B throw out the unhealthy foods you know you shouldn't be eating. Don't get rid of everything in a day if you don't think you can stick to it, but get rid of like three things a week progressively. In your first week, this has to include only drinking water from now on (diet soda if your sweet tooth cannot rid yourself enough). I cannot emphasise how important it is for hunger management and weight loss that you eat your calories.
C Learn your daily recommended dose for your weight, and eat at least 500 less than that. Preferably even lower.
D Learn about nutrition, and eat healthy dinners that consist of the following: 1 group of carbs (rice, potatoes, pasta, so long as you appropriately portion it, ignore ketofags for now), 1 group of veggies (you can eat a lot of those), 1 piece of meat (appropriately portioned). Preferably, use a scale and count all your calories, but you can worry about that later.

Do not worry too much about the scale; you should measure yourself daily when getting up, of course, but water weight makes you fluctuate. Try going by look in the mirror after two weeks-a month to see if youre losing weight.
Do not worry too much about joining a gym (its good to do cardio in a gym, but we need to make sure the nutrition changes stick first).

And remember: we're all gonna make it.

>> No.11169435

Ignore this idiot anon, Keto destroys your kidneys.

>> No.11169438
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Except Boogie.

>> No.11169446

put down the fork fatty

>> No.11169463

>Water fast until you're at your target weight

Don't do this, this is garbage advice. "Water fast" does not exist, that means starvation, and is detrimental to your central nervous system function, your organs, and your muscles.

Do >>11169424 . I have a degree in exercise science and I have lost 100lb in the past. Nobody in this thread can say those two things together but me, I would wager.

Bonus: Helped gf lose 100lb and become gym bunny with healthy eating lifestyle

>> No.11169476

Not at all.

>> No.11169523

1973. Scottish man water fasted for 382 days. His doctors gave him a thorough exam and blood workup and wrote up a case study after he came off his fast. He lost an average of 2700kcal/day, there was no wasting of muscle tissue, no neurological damage, no vitamin deficiencies, no ill effects at all. A follow up years later showed he had kept the weight off.

>degree in exercise science
>is somehow not ashamed of this
wew lads

>> No.11169566

N=1 sucks my dude. I've used this study in the past, and after getting into grad school i'm kind of embarrassed. My presentation was very convincing to my undergrad peers at the time though.

>> No.11169588

This did not even happen.

Somehow not ashamed of your lack of any higher education, right? :)

>> No.11169608

visit the /fit/ sticky, get a personal coach if you can afford it. with a weight like that your health is more important than whatever else you were gonna waste that money on.

>> No.11169616

>visit the /fit/ sticky

ignore this, it's full of garbage, broscience, and confirmation biased thinking.

>> No.11169621

Kek, you really underestimate how fat people are on the board. Even the ones that are disgusted by fat people are easily 50 pounds overweight. The other few percent are soyboys that are rail thin because they are so picky they won't eat anything at all.

>> No.11169625

I was 220 at 5'11, now I'm 185. Still overweight but manageable. You can do it in a year comfortably by diet alone, how ever after the 180 going into the 170s exercise and lifting are needed.

>> No.11169626

>exercise science
>higher education
You would be funnier if you weren't so sad, meathead.
That singular case study, had you read it, referenced several other long duration fasts, and a simple Wiley or Cochran search turns up many more. So you're also functionally illiterate in addition to being pathetically desperate for validation. No (you)'s for you, loser.

>> No.11169631

/fit/ is easily the worst place on the internet to go for fitness advice. That wasn't an opinion, that is a factual statement.

>> No.11169632

Went from 5'7" and 200 to 175 in 6 weeks by eating one meal a day. It's not hard if you're distracted by work, class, or something else that lets you put off eating. Being sedatitive is a fatty's worst nightmare since that always involves eating.

>> No.11169634

Quit fucking lying to him. Keto is meant for losing fat, not weight.

>> No.11169637

Just stop eating so much, food isn't even all that enjoyable. It's a very low grade two second drug high, not even a tiny fraction of the pleasure you'd feel from a benzo or morphine.

>> No.11169647

I'm fatter than you and have a gf and a house and boat, you can do it op

>> No.11169650

Just stop eating. I didnt eat for 6 months back in the late 80's, lost over 100lbs, and kept it off. It also cured my type 2 diabetes, and it's never returned even after all this time. Once you've done something like this you realize how unimportant hunger really is, unless you're concentration camp thin you dont really need food, you merely want it and that is a very different thing. It's nice to have, but isnt needed as long as you have some fat reserves. That's what the fat is there for after all.

>> No.11169651

It's literally never too late. I used to weigh 300 pounds and now I'm 165

>> No.11169656


oh no, you don't understand at all :( Buddha bless you.

>> No.11169669

wow how old are you that you were alive in the 80s

>> No.11169670

I had similar amazing results even without full keto
was pretty irregular for awhile at the start was the only side effect I had
also started taking the stairs instead of the elevator on my way up at work

>> No.11169674

>that means starvation
As long as you have adequate fat reserves you aren't starving, you're just burning your fat. I agree that once you've exhausted your fat reserves that you will start doing damage to your internal organs, but not if you're fat.

>> No.11169683

>have a degree in exercise science
kek you actually think that the members of a polynesian dance board give a fuck about your delusions of authority?

>> No.11169692

Keto is meant for putting on muscle, not losing fat.

>> No.11169702
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>tfw 6 foot 3 and 125 pounds
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