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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11169010 No.11169010 [Reply] [Original]

>be zoomer
>see processed food industry literally poison the world with salt/sugar/fat injected cancer
>eat the same shit anyway
>be a lard ass by 15
>early stages of diabeetus by 27
>dead by 50

How many of you zoomer idiots does this fit? Wake the fuck up and don't make the same mistake other generations did when it comes to a healthy diet.

>> No.11169017

How does she eat enough to stay so fat with all that cumbersome shit attached to her mouth? I feel like eating would be a chore at that point.

>> No.11169021

Millennials are lazy and admit it, zoomers do nothing but say one thing and do another. This is what you are referencing

>> No.11169027

I feel bad for this person. I hope they are ok.

>> No.11169028

>do nothing but say one thing and do another.
That's pretty much every group.

Regardless, the zoomer horde needs to give the finger to the poisonous salt/sugar/fat processed food and drink industry and bankrupt those fuckers if they don't change.

>> No.11169030

>Gen z

I don't think you get how generations work

>> No.11169032

It's not really a stereotype that zoomers are fat. In fact, they look pretty fit to me.

>> No.11169033

My cousins eat nothing but whole foods food court food its really sad. The parents don't know how to cook.

>> No.11169035

>4chan memes
>making any g'damn kind of sense whatsoever

I don't think you get how 4chan works

>> No.11169039

>The parents don't know how to cook.
That's no longer an excuse. You can find a video where somebody guides you by the hand, like a child, to cook pretty much whatever you want.

>> No.11169041

It makes plenty of sense to me. The OP is warning zoomers not to end up unhealthy like previous generations. He's not saying they are currently 50, he's saying they have such bad diets that they will be (future tense) dead by 50.

>> No.11169042
File: 259 KB, 1000x861, bo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up to you zoomers. Now you have the juice.

>> No.11169046

Tell that to this idiot: >>11169035

>> No.11169051

I mean, I guess its still a good bit better than banquet tv dinners and fast food value menu shit

>> No.11169063

other generations didn't have this level of convenience? i'm confused as who to you're referring to

>> No.11169070

>be a lard ass by 15
Kinda hard not to eat it if your parents keep buying it. Dunno about other countries but in America most places are incredibly reluctant to hire a 15 year old so buying their own food is out of the question.

>> No.11169082

I did

>> No.11169096
File: 157 KB, 1533x961, 1527201309512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got type 2 diabetes when i was 15 and i wasn't fat at all. everyone in my family including all my grandparents has/had type 2 diabetes (i never met them) so i always asked doctors if it was type 1 but they tell me it isn't.

>> No.11169114

>other generations didn't have this level of convenience?
Yes, they did, which is why so many of them got fat as fuck. What they didn't have, however, is the knowledge of exactly what happens to people that eat a regular diet of processed garbage food and drink.

We know now, and it's time to bankrupt those that have poisoned the nation with their trash "food".

>> No.11169119

Grow and raise your own food.

>> No.11169126

>Kinda hard not to eat it if your parents keep buying it.
That's a valid point, anon, however, there are a variety of options available for zoomers to make some cash outside of "payroll tax" employment. You just have to be willing to do some labor.

>> No.11169128

That sucks ass, anon.

What kind of diet does your family eat, and what did they feed you growing up?

>> No.11169130

>poisoning the world
You could have at least been a little more subtle.

>> No.11169144

I'm 28, my mom made a lot of home made stuff.

I didn't get fat till I was 24ish, and that was because of beer, also I have kids now, I don't give a shit about 'dad weight', my fiance seems to dig it.

>> No.11169152

Oh, and I don't have diabeetus, I only have one cousin on my dad's side who has it, it doesn't run in my family.

>> No.11169166

Honestly I understand why people eat fast food and restaurants but, and I'm being serious here, I was privledged enough that my parents cared enough to teach me cooking basics and stuff. We grew up poor and couldn't afford eating out. It was always a special treat when that happened. I was cooking dinner or had dinner started by 4:30-5 pm every day. To this day I still prefer my own cooking or a home cooked meal over anything else. I just can't handle the grease or the expense that comes with eating out.

>> No.11169174
File: 42 KB, 384x500, plumber-crack-384x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millennial are lazy

>> No.11169184

>don't give a shit about 'dad weight'
At 24, you should. Losing 10-20 pounds isn't shit, but if you wait, and wait, and wait, like most dumb fucks do, that 10-20 pounds turns into 30, 50, 100 pounds of fat that takes YEARS of dedication to get rid of, so start NOW anon.

>> No.11169190

THIS is the way shit's supposed to go down. However, thanks to a certain group of (((people))) who will remain nameless, there has been a dedicated broadcasting campaign intended to ween people away from self reliance and becoming another dependent cow who turns to processed garbage instead.

>> No.11169195

>Expecting 15 year olds to care enough to find side work that pays under the table to buy healthy food and cook separate meals than their parents.
You are a barely functioning autist.

>> No.11169214

>my parents are pieces of shit so I have to be a piece of shit too
Eugenics, now.

>> No.11169226

>Eugenics, now.
You definitely need your Gene like removed from the pool being this retarded. Show me one 15 year old that would do any of that shit.

>> No.11169231

I did for wrestling in high school. I didn't buy all my own food, but I did by extra protein and supplements.

It can be done, anon.

>> No.11169242

Buying supplements is one thing but anyone else is larping. It's just an angry hipster projecting.

>> No.11169894

>he thinks you only get diabetes by being fat
lmao no
You get diabetes by eating a shit diet. You can be genetically more or less likely to develop it, but you develop it by eating garbage. Whether or not that same garbage diet made you fat, it gave you diabetes.

>> No.11169908

How sad your life has to be that the only 15-year-olds you ever knew were garbage and you yourself were a shit teenager, too.
If you were mentally functioning as a 15y/o you should be able to see your own parents and how their lifestyle has made them and know whether or not you want that to be your life. People can and do work, cook, and even graduate college at that age. Now, admit that you're of below average intelligence and realize that your personal experience with being lazy and dumb is not everyone's reality.

>> No.11169931

I've only eaten fast food all week since I got an Uber Eats coupon for free delivery for 2 weeks.

I love getting to shit post all day and I don't even need to bother microwaving anything when I can get the Bell delivered straight to me. All the coffee I drink helps cleanse my system anyway

>> No.11169977

>zoomer faggots thinking it's "cool" to even pretend to be moron that still eats garbage

>> No.11170129

She's cute

>> No.11170148
File: 12 KB, 599x605, 0c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would definately face fuck her then cum on her tits
Would probably make her some peanutbutter cup of noodles after

>> No.11170753
File: 30 KB, 750x500, 175844725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People can and do work, cook, and even graduate college at that age.
Holy shit, you've never left your basement have you?

>> No.11171584

None of this shit is real, dude. Get off the internet for a few days. You've missed the point.

I know nobody else is telling you this. It's disconcerting for you to think that way.

>> No.11171589

People are driven to pleasure, one way or another.
It's not like she's getting laid with a cabbage-patch-kids face like that.

>> No.11171596

I eat only whole plant foods when not out with people.

>> No.11171600

ew, guys

>> No.11171665

>Be zoomer
>See a few videos of dirty industrial farms and deforestation in brazil
>See videos of meat being processed to carcinogenic shit
>Get convinced all meat is atrocious
>Stop eating local grass-fed etc. animals
>Start importing deforestation-promoting soya
>Eat shittons of processed soya to replace the locally sourced, free-roaming, farm to fork meat because it's "healthier"
This is part of the problem and a meme I fell for.

>> No.11171682

>le blame the parents meme
Typical zoomer avoiding responsibility yet again.