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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 450x300, baked-beans-bacon-102016-57f8f1185f9b586c357602bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11168938 No.11168938 [Reply] [Original]

Post food you absolutely cannot ingest

>> No.11168943
File: 76 KB, 715x477, Figs1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an extreme disgust for most fruits, but pic related has a special place in my hated list

>> No.11168998
File: 72 KB, 849x565, water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can not stand water. I throw up everytime i drink a glass. My body just isn't made to ingest it.

>inb4 'your body is 70% water'

Fuck you. I ain't a fucking pet dog you cocksucker.

>> No.11169019

Rhubarb-leaf and ackee seed salad

>> No.11169040

Most of the material in vegetables can't be ingested by humans if you mean the literal sense of actually extracting sustenance from it. It's weird to me how you tend to be indoctrinated into the opposite idea growing up that vegetables are easier on the system than meat when meat is really the easiest thing to digest and vegetables can fuck you up if you're having intestinal problems and consume a bunch of undigestible cellulose.
Also crazy how Coca-Cola is a well supported conventional medical treatment for breaking down intestinal blockages caused by vegetables:
I blame farming lobbies for not making the evils of vegetable based food better known among the general public.

>> No.11169044
File: 274 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can ingest it for an hour, but then it fights it's way back it out.
Food poisoning once, can never eat it again

>> No.11169045

>I have an extreme disgust for most fruits
Thanks, I thought I was literally the only one in the world. My most hated would probably be bananas though.

>> No.11169052

With you, I know of 2 people with the same problem as me. Is there any name to this condition? Is it purely psychological or does it have a genetic basis?

>> No.11169054

You can’t digest fiber but it’s still really good for you. Especially if you eat a lot of meat. This is a weird post, man.

>> No.11169057

It's not that black and white, that's the problem. If you try to eat lots of fiber when you have ulcers / GI inflammation you'll just make things more irritated. That's why the 'low residue diet' is a thing.

>> No.11169058

milk, ice cream. super diarrhea, it spills from my butt instead of unloading like a dump. i WISH it only gave me cramps and let me poop, but instead, i have to go every 20 minutes to poop out liquid

>> No.11169077

It may be caused by what is now known as Sensory Processing Disorder, which is basically a subset of autism. Of course it manifests individually; I once read an article about a little autistic boy who couldn't stand to be around hot dogs. Perhaps a more familiar form to many people is misophonia.
Like autism itself, it's probably a complex state that has partially neurological and partially psychological basis.

>> No.11169080

>What Is a Low-Residue Diet?
>It limits high-fiber foods, like whole-grain breads and cereals, nuts, seeds, raw or dried fruits, and vegetables.
>Animal products don't have fiber. You can eat beef, lamb, chicken, fish (no bones), and pork, as long as they're lean, tender, and soft. Eggs are OK, too.
Learning about how things were the opposite to my expectations and vegetable matter is really what gives you a hard time with digestion while meat is handled perfectly by your gut helped spare me a lot of suffering

>> No.11169089


>> No.11169111

You know there's a pill with the enzyme you're missing that you can take when you eat dairy to cure that problem

>> No.11169118

I get it if you have Crohn’s disease. Normies should get their fiber in though.

>> No.11169196
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 158_BenR_170130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why this shit is considered edible.

>> No.11169201

I get that way with dry dirt on my hands

>> No.11169209

Water is too spicy for me too.

>> No.11169234
File: 29 KB, 400x400, default_f2b07aebc37e7a59df2bfa59d6a97391_dreamstime_s_36775045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them, and they hate me.

>> No.11169326

Cheese and fisj

>> No.11170619

can't handle raw mushrooms or raw zucchini

>> No.11170627
File: 70 KB, 660x430, supremely-delicious-black-beans-from-scratchsq-660x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ate black beans one time and they made my shit was discolored and freaked me out. never again

>> No.11170795
File: 87 KB, 637x780, 1518812062721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? They made it black? Or grey? Or white?

>> No.11170807

>my poop got Blacked
lol at poltards

>> No.11170941

No judging, but you guys are missing out

>> No.11170955

You nailed it op fuck that shit

>> No.11170988

Mainly just beans and fish/sushi

>> No.11170996

People like you will die soon enough.

>> No.11171015

Eat them every day and start to build up a tolerance

>> No.11171109

every melon except watermelon

>> No.11171213

Alfredo is one of my favorite foods but unfortunately every single time I eat I have mudbutt for the rest of the day and the next morning. The worst food of all time though is canned tuna. I can smell that shit from a mile away and it gets me everytime.

>> No.11171221

What a fucking disgusting dish, I have no idea why it became such a staple

>> No.11171222

I eat everything. The names iron gut, show me something I won't eat and you win my title.

>> No.11171223

Just let natural selection play out

>> No.11171225

this but sparkling water

it literally tastes like liquid metal

>> No.11171438

What exactly the fuck do you drink?

>> No.11171441

are you John Daly

>> No.11171470

Hated baked beans as a kid.

Tried them this summer at 28, it was that or go hungry cuz I wasn't at home.

They were alright. I was missing out. I've had them a few times since, I always had a memory of them tasting awful.

>> No.11171474

you likely had the really shitty van kamps or whatever brand as a kid. the sauces this shit is all packed in taste way different per brand.

>> No.11171579

I ate a box of bran flakes in a day and it turned my shit metallic grey. also my pee looked like it would glow in the dark.

>> No.11172514

Natural selection probably isn't impacted by inflammatory bowel disease. It has a pretty strong genetic component to it so it's not like it's been making significantly large amounts of people die out before passing on their lineage to another generation. Not that these GI irritation problems are even limited to conditions like Crohn's in the first place. It would probably be a good idea for people with IBS for example to also not eat loads of undigestible fiber (e.g. vegetables). The idea lots of fiber is great for everyone has a questionable history behind it as part of the same religious fad that promoted Christian adoption of circumcision (both advocated as preventative measures against masturbation by the namesake for modern Kellogg's cereal, John Harvey Kellogg).

>> No.11172520

t. Raised eating McDonald's because his whore of a mother was too much of a lazy cunt to cook

>> No.11172521

I've had some real shit figs. Best figs I've ever had were from a friend's backyard. Store bought figs always disappoint me. Dried figs can range from good to absolutely vomit inducing.

>> No.11172523

They're great without the seed

>> No.11172526

certain organs are no-go:


>> No.11172529

No, that's just a basic fact, you don't digest the cellulose in vegetables unless you're a cow or something.

>> No.11172534

I also hate bananas. I mean, I like the taste, but they make me feel like I have banana flavored foam going all the way from my stomach to the back of my throat, and it lasts for hours.

>> No.11172538

What if you put them in a shake with other things like some peanut butty and stuff.

>> No.11172545
File: 55 KB, 488x488, 51389537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't understand how anyone could like the taste of extremely fake cheese and cheap smooth peanut butter. How could someone even consider inventing such a heinous abomination?

>> No.11172549
File: 25 KB, 885x212, cellulose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11172553

Usually do, well more mashed with some kind of nut butter in a wrap or something, no change.