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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11158787 No.11158787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you assume a guy is a good baker just because he's gay?

>> No.11158791

I assume he's useless at everything

>> No.11158793

No I just assume he has HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

>> No.11158795

If the news has taught me anything it's that evangelical christians are the best bakers, so good that gay men are willing to sue them to the supreme court to get a cake

>> No.11158797

AIDS is caused by flouride

>> No.11158804

You're thinking of Alzheimer's.

>> No.11158810
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>He takes cocks up the ass therefore he must be good at baking

>> No.11158825

>good at baking

wtf what kind of idiotic theory is this? please explain.

>> No.11158833

His body is the oven and it's cooking AIDS, via HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

>> No.11158858

>super conservative christians only hate gays cause theyre secretly gay

- a faggot i know who assumes everyone thats homophobic is secretly gay.

>> No.11158873

all the gays i know irl hate cooking

>> No.11158896

>please explain
I was just going to ignore this thread, but the point is obviously that baking is gay, unless you're French, in which case being gay is apparently attractive.

>> No.11158919

Nope. Friend of mine is straight and he is getting good at baking. He made a lemon drizzle cake but used gin in the drizzle. Shit was awesome. I think he mostly did it to attract women. It worked.

>> No.11160009

I wish I could get more into baking, but every time I look at a recipe it is mostly butter, sugar and eggs. I try to cook mostly healthy and am still already a fatass, taking up baking would be a step into the abyss.

>> No.11160394

No because I've actually met gay people.

>> No.11160621
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no but i'll bet he smokes a mean weiner

>> No.11160628

I would turn down any baked good if I was offered one by a bug chaser. I’m not trying to get roofied and assraped by them.

>> No.11160687

Gay baker here. Former pro, now hobbyist.
Never thought about it, but most of the bakers I know who are halfway decent are either dykes or faggots, yeah. Not to say straight guys can't also be good bakers. I worked as a bread baker and my coworkers, gay and straight alike, were good bakers, too.
Straight women, however, fucking suck at everything.

>> No.11160697

Why is this so difficult for you mongrels?

>> No.11160704

Fag baker here.
While working in the bakery, I got ripped as shit from kneading dough with a fucking oar. Seriously. The bakery I worked for is artisanal, hand made etc etc etc IE it was a bunch of fag shit for hipster cocksuckers which means we had to knead huge amounts of dough at a time by hand using gigantic metal oars. That's a fucking workout, bro.
If it wasn't for white lung being such a serious hazard for pro bakers, I'd still do that shit.

>> No.11160718

>super nazis are secretly jews
>super klansmen are secretly black
That's how stupid that is. I only want one legit super conservative to be a secret homo, and that's the head of a local church in my area. I'd smash that ass so hard, and I'm not usually attracted to str8s.

>> No.11160742
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In my two years of furniture lifting / installing i've seen only one clearly gay guy, he had the biggest oven i've ever seen at anyone's home. I believe he was a cook too.

>> No.11160753

>white lung
From all the jizz?

>> No.11160756

How do you find out he's gay before you even tried one of his breads? The last thing I'm checking out when I'm buying bread is the baker.

>> No.11160771

>he doesn’t live in a city fraught with fags

You eventually learn to identify them with a single glance, even in passing.

>> No.11160810

I know you're trying to have a laugh, but it's a serious problem caused by daily inhalation of even small amounts of flour particles. The shit adds up.
It's similar to miners' problems with black lung.

>> No.11160860
File: 186 KB, 1286x724, 26968623-8BB4-4BCA-A193-2E1F5ABC3D59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gay and I can’t bake sweets/pastry for shit.

>> No.11161161

This is only true if they're black

>> No.11161165

>super nazis are secretly jews
this is objectively true, just look at Hitler
super nazis also tend to support politicians that are best friends with israel
>super klansmen are secretly black
this is also true, since all klansmen are american and they are definitely not white

looks like you have some growing up to do, friend

>> No.11161204

can black people be gay?

>> No.11161212

No. It's called DL (on the down low). On the down low isn't gay. It's being on the down low.

>> No.11161224

Ragueneau was a faggot, so I assume all bakers are.

>> No.11161229

>this is objectively true, just look at Hitler

>after many decades of nonstop jewish anti-hitler atrocity propaganda, those same jews "discover" that hitler was actually a jew
imagine being this gullible

>> No.11161342

No, I assume that since he wants to act like a girl, he's pretty damn useless.

>> No.11161390

The gays guys are the ones who don't have that strained look you get when you've had to battle a psychological war for every moment of intimacy you've had in your life.

>> No.11161401


>> No.11161443

no but i assume he's good at fellatio (that's mouth on penis)

>> No.11161480

Kill yourself before you unleash more HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, into this world.

>> No.11161494

Give the cakes to your friends/coworkers/neighbors. They'll love you.

>> No.11161549

Those guys could toast my buns

>> No.11161799
File: 126 KB, 877x1056, F34DE3BB-E3CD-47F2-8081-B419EFAD964A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s ok anon I’m on prep, you don’t need to hold back your urges about wanting to fuck my ass

>> No.11161869

Are you rich?

>> No.11161952

Yes faggot, but you better wear gloves because I don't want your AIDS getting in my cupcakes.

>> No.11161957

I don't eat anything that requires a knife to cook from a gay guy. I don't want to get aids blood in my food.

>> No.11161959

I more assume they are good at packing fudge.