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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11152958 No.11152958 [Reply] [Original]

Would a burger chain on one of these be successful if there are 200+ workers on board?

>> No.11152969

What do you think? Then I'll form my opinion, most likely disagreeing with you

>> No.11153004

is this a metal gear solid v: the phantom pain reference?

>> No.11153008

Looks comfy desu

>> No.11153012

I can't imagine anything resembling home would be disliked on one of these things.

I really wish I could experience living on one of these once, or at least seeing what it's like, same as eating on a submarine. I feel like it has to be kinda fucking terrifying.

>> No.11153023

What sort of food arrangements to they get there anyway? I imagine some sort of cafeteria but would they have access to a pantry or some other stock of food for preparing themselves?

>> No.11153029

They can't cook because of risk of explosion in the event of a leak. So no.

>> No.11153033

Do people on oil rigs not get meals included? Even if they were spending their own money, nobody wants to eat the same fast food every day, let alone multiple times a day, and even if there were only 3-4 fast food employees, they'd also need to eat and have a place to sleep. So no, it would not be successful.

>> No.11153046

I imagine that there's a designated kitchen/cafeteria and cook staff if the population gets that large, so I don't see how dedicating a specific workforce of a few people to run a for-profit burger joint would work, considering the overhead of moving supplies to a rig/platform. It'd probably be cheaper to just have occasional days where they run the cafeteria like a to-order burger joint for a day or two every once in a while.

In spite of the obvious dangers of living on one of these, it seems like it'd be a super comfy place to live.

>> No.11153050

How has nobody said that you get fed better than you can imagine and they are extremelly willful to your requests. All the stories you hear of living on a rig are about the posotive qualities of the food. Who would spend time in what os essentially a prison, no matter what the pay, without all the ammenities you could enjoy onland?

>> No.11153055

I used to work on one of those. We mostly ate canned sardines and the white can monster energy.

>> No.11153091

Is it true the pay is damned good though?

>> No.11153093

yes they do. they also eat very well.

>> No.11153128

Looks kinda comfy

>> No.11153156

maybe, if someone gets stranded at sea and inadvertently runs in to it

>> No.11153184

>Hourly schedules timetables for oil rig jobs vary from 80 to 100 hours/week and this may seem like a very long and tiring working week on oil rig platform. But, it should be considered that offshore workers are in the workplace 24 hours per day.
So instead of having to drive 10-15 minutes to work every time I'm called in, which is going to be all the damned time now that I'm "on-site", I'm going to have to hike for 30 minutes or more everytime I need to go somewhere through that beast because no doubt there's designated foot-traffic areas and I may need to head six floors down, all the way to the front of the rig, and nine floors up, towards the back of the rig, two down, and then all the way to the end of the rig to get to my destination.

Fuck. I've been in places like that, they're not fun to navigate and are a tremendous waste of time. I mean they're built around the machinery, not the workers.

>> No.11153187

I bet you also ate McChicken sandwiches and smothered everything in 'vark sauce.

>> No.11153191

Some guy here who worked on one said they always order premium ingredients because everything has to be shipped in by helicopter and that's so expensive no matter what the cargo is, that they don't bother flying in cheap shit.

>> No.11153248

Depends if they serve seal kibble

>> No.11153359

I don't think they have much they can make for themselves. With 12 on, 12 off, you should mainly sleep and recover, and with a fully stocked place to eat, just do your own thing.

Now, I imagine that the best job on that rig is being a cook. Less of the painful chance at death, probably the same shifts.

>> No.11153410

You'd probably be better off running a coffee shop that sold donuts and toasted sandwiches and shit.

>> No.11155598
File: 280 KB, 1400x933, oilrig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need burgers when the bounty of the sea is right under you?

>> No.11155753


I was an oil rig medic for a few years. Because the conditions are so harsh, companies that run these rigs make certain that the workers have access to pretty much any food you could want. And, because the crews are usually international in scope, the cooks onboard were pretty good at just about anything from pho to burgers.

tl;dr You can already get a decent burger and fries literally 24/7 on an oil rig.

>> No.11155781


>> No.11156195

Probably not. The rent, the cost of getting supplies in and the high wage you'd have to pay the workers (who would have to live there) would mean you'd have to charge probable $20-30 per burger.

>> No.11156204

came to post this

well done

>> No.11156223

Having worked on the North Slope before, I imagine they have a staffed kitchen and the food is free.

>> No.11156238

Where I worked, it wasn't offshore but it was a shore facility they were building up. Big base camp, big airport in the middle of the fucking tundra, capable of landing 747s in the middle of goddamn nowhere.
It took us a good 15-20 minutes just to drive half a mile because we were restricted to 5-10mph at ALL times. No lunches and unofficially no bathroom breaks (guys would just piss on the tundra even though you were supposed to go back to base camp and use the bathroom)
I worked 12x7 for about a month. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, it sucked because I had to do it for a solid month, but I could have lived with 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

>> No.11156243

See I heard it was super bland bottom of the barrel cafeteria fodder, like just the easiest reheat and serve slop

>> No.11156305
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>> No.11156431

Typically the food is really good. You get a choice of three entrées per meal. Special treats like filet minon on weekends.

>> No.11156443

you're pretty gullible aren't you m8

>> No.11156523

They get free food.

>> No.11156542


We have way better food than any burger joint could make.

>> No.11156545

i kind of want to be like a petroleum engineer and get to visit and live on these occasionally. not full time or manual labor, but being a designer who has to know what the fuck it's like.

>> No.11156557

no one's stopping you

>> No.11156595

I worked on boats doing pearl farming and we ate very well. Guys drilling for oil definitely eat like kings

>> No.11156606

My dad works at Nintendo and says there’s usually a Golden Corral in these

>> No.11156783


>> No.11157773

They get free meals but they also work 80 hour weeks

>> No.11157801

I was actually a cook on an oil rig,
We had a 24 hours cafeteria
The morning shift was a breakfast buffet starting at 4 am with your traditional eggs bacon home style potatoes made to order ommlettes,
Then at 11 ish we had to set up the hot food buffet which was shit like soups and Salisbury steaks and pasta and orange chicken
And we had a made to order menu that was usually for people not on the clock.
There was also a salad station
It literally just reminded me of a big hotel cafeteria
The hot stuff was usually free and the made to order wasn’t but it was super cheap
Like maybe 2 bucks for a burger and fries, with the most expensive being Texas cut rib eyes at 8 dollars
All our ingredients came in by air, and we got shipments every 3 days.
There was one head chef and maybe like 6 or 7 Line cooks

>> No.11157816

Did you earn mad cash and buy like houses and shit when you got back?

>> No.11158009

Mechanical engineer that comes up with fixes for these places get paid pretty good and do not live on them.

>> No.11158039

He said he just wants to experience it to get a better idea of it, which is a good idea. Engineers who just draw diagrams and apply formulas with no practical experience of their real-world application end up making lots of silly mistakes.

>> No.11158136

No burger flipping deep fry boy is going to be moved onto a rig at one of the most dangerous work locations on the planet.

>> No.11158414

Exactly what I was thinking of.

>> No.11158632

OP didnt you just make a thread on /v/ asking about rigs?

>> No.11158636

Isn't their food taken care of already?

>> No.11158922

or simpsons

>> No.11159011

Oil rigs are always looking for new workers, assuming you're able bodied and willing to work 12 hour days for 3 months straight it won't be too hard to find work on one.

>> No.11159018

Not who you replied to but on paper it seems great but you work 12 hours plus every day 7 days a week for 2 to 3 months with 2 weeks break then 2 to 3 months on again.

Overall the hourly wage isn't amazing but its great if you have hobbies where you need a lot of free time as you often only work 6 months of the year.

>> No.11159020

We had all you could eat pretty good quality steak buffets every Thursday.

Protein is important on places like that, you eat like a king whilst you're there, I can't stress enough that it's very hard work though.

>> No.11159100

Fuck off Miller