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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11152932 No.11152932 [Reply] [Original]

there was a week when I ate nothing but scrambled eggs for breakfast six days in a row I still didn’t get tired of it

>> No.11152943
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>> No.11152950

Either an omelette or a breakfast burrito. I switch back and forth.

>> No.11152978

Scrambled eggs with salsa, cheese, and hashbrowns

>> No.11152979

one egg over easy, onion bagel with a slice of cheddar cheese, and corned beef hash
with 3 cups coffee, and a stout.

>> No.11152981


>> No.11152991

>with 3 cups coffee
between 30 and 35

>> No.11153002


>> No.11153007

>the guy who skips breakfast and drinks hard liquor instead is the young one

I'm going to guess you're 14?

>> No.11153022

My sister is 21 and I'm ashamed to say that she and most of her friends have liquor for breakfast daily.
They're not doing very well.

>> No.11153027

Scrambled egg man here. I'm 27

>> No.11153028

soft boiled eggs yolk creamy

2 peices of toast, toasted ion the pan with a knob of butter

coffee black, 1 sugar ( because im always out of milk and creme)

followed by a cigarette and a large glass of ice'd water

I love to add a piece of fruit to that but I don't like fruit in the morning

>> No.11153035

an omelette stuffed with spinach and chorizo, paired with an oat-granola-kefir parfait and an espresso ristretto

>> No.11153038

I’m 23

>> No.11153041

No 21 year old girl has liquor for breakfast. Pretty sure she just goes to brunch occasionally and posts about it on instagram, which is where I'd assume you get most of your information about her from, creep.

>> No.11153060

you never met a young alcoholic? I was one once

>> No.11153070

You've never met an alcoholic.

>> No.11153084

I am an alcohol

>> No.11153089

No. Actually, I'm the alcohol.

>> No.11153097

sorry to hear that, zoomer

>> No.11153100

When they wake up in the morning they brush their teeth with Jack, because when they leave to party they ain't ever coming back.

>> No.11153103


I'm 27. I just fucking love coffee and beer.>>11152979

>> No.11153109

Black coffee nasi uduk

>> No.11153110
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Don't eat breakfast. Just drink 16-32 oz of coffee if it's on hand

>> No.11153414

For me it's
>250g American style smoked streaky bacon
>On two toasted bagels
>with cream cheese
>and a big mug of cold brew
>also a fat line of amphetamine and an amber leaf rolled cigarette, if I'm feeling like a degenerate
>also 2 scoops of protein and a tablespoon of baking cocoa in 500mls of milk

>> No.11153417

Show me her pusy

>> No.11153422

2 pork chops.
2 over medium eggs.
hash browns.
fresh oj.
coffee with milk.

>> No.11153440

I don't eat breakfast. But if given the choice, I'd eat a toasted sesame seed bagel with sour cream, eggs over easy, sausages, grits, and fruit with sweet tea to wash it all down.

>> No.11153443

A over easy egg with sweet chili sauce, and two slices of toast with peanut butter and cinnamon.

>> No.11153453

my average breakfast is a glass of ice water and 1 or 2 pieces of dry whole wheat toast
but my favorite, or my waffle house order, is scrambled eggs with tomato and a side of biscuits with white gravy
maybe a piece of toast with grape jam too


>> No.11153478

27 and hispanic

>> No.11153590

favorite?? probably crab cake benedict with some kind of potatoes, coffee, cranberry juice. if i’m feeling extra decadent, add a jammed scone with that

>> No.11153609


close 31

>> No.11153626
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Chorizo, peanut, and cheese stuffed shredded hashbrown with some fruit, coffee and water

>> No.11153633

I'm doing OMAD so breakfast is my only meal. I usually eat steamed veggies with eggs and/or bacon. Maybe cheese.
But this morning I made a nice curry with a load of peppers from the garden.

>> No.11153644

Cup of coffee, couple slices of toast, and some prepackaged hard boiled eggs. Then, I drink an energy drink on the way to work.

>> No.11153646

27 and fat as fuck

>> No.11153649

English muffin with butter fried in pan
fried ham
fired egg with course ground black pepper on top
formed into sandwich.

Someone told me that's a McMuffen. I've never eaten one or even seen one and have only eaten at McDonalds three times in my life.

>> No.11153654

just missing the cheese

>> No.11153679


That's what they said.

I don't eat cheese.

I grew up in a very rural community far from a city. There were no McDonald's anywhere in the area. To the best of my knowledge, the nearest was over 100 miles away.

The first time I ever even saw a McDonald's was when I went to college. So one evening I got a hamburger at it and ended up with the worst diarrhea of my life. It was the only time since I was out of diapers that I crapped my pants.

>> No.11153699

>diced potatos
>cheddar cheese
>sausage gravy
Breakfast of kings.

>> No.11153703

Oatmeal with crunchy peanut butter, banana and ground cinnamon. And black coffee, or with splenda.

>> No.11153728

Breakfast essentials

>> No.11153735

28 and still fat but I've lost 40 pounds doing this

>> No.11153756
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Waffles topped with buttery macerated blueberries.

You just heat blueberries with sugar and butter. The juice pools out and forms a syrup.

>> No.11153796


>> No.11153883

12, but rich and snobby

>> No.11154285
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Sunnyside up eggs, Spam and toast.

>> No.11154301

Hashbrowns, 2 eggs over easy, green peppers&tomatoes, big cup of coffee.
Not hispanic btw

>> No.11154316

said like a youngling trying way too hard to appear "old"
soon you'll start smoking cigars and drinking coffee because you're an adult :)

>> No.11154319

half a cup of 1-minute oats, 1/4 cup of milk and 3/4 cup of water, some cinammon and brown sugar and a banana sliced + a cup of black colombian coffee+ 2 egg whites with chorizo and 2 corn tortillas

>> No.11154323

>Table spoon of baking cocoa

>> No.11154346

Hopefully you're under 25 otherwise you have a lot of growing up to do, young man.

>> No.11154354

I've done more growing up than you could ever handle. I've been around. Seen some shit. Real bad shit. The only thing left to hope for in my life is forgetting it.

>> No.11154366

Start your day with eggs, Anon. A fine breakfast makes a fine day. Perhaps a walk afterwards to clear the mind.

Growing up is tough, but we all make it through.

>> No.11154385

Coffee and a cigarette. Usually don't eat until lunch. Sometimes I'll get a bacon and egg roll if I'm hungry.

>> No.11154450

Porridge with coconut milk, skyr with granola, 1 buttered pikelet, 1 peanut buttered pikelet, black coffee and apple juice

>> No.11154453

Forgot to add peanut butter and banana with the porridge

>> No.11154464

Steak, scrambled eggs, and water.

Maybe some black coffee.

>> No.11154549

2 toasted sandwiches with butter, oregano, msg, garlic powder, sriracha and slices of grilled chicken.
Sometimes 2 hardboiled eggs with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalles_Kaviar on top when I don't feel like eating sandwiches.

>> No.11154558

unironically pussy

>> No.11154566

i only eat pussy ironically

>> No.11154574

Stewed prunes mixed into steel cut oatmeal cooked with an egg.

>> No.11154580

2 eggs over medium on toast with cheese and salt and pepper. And an apple or grapes

>> No.11154582

omlette with goat or feta cheese
black coffee with a spoon of sugar

>> No.11154601

is it ironic because you eat pussy, but also are a pussy and sold your tongue to pay for the prostitute? That would be sorta ironic, but not quite.

You assholes do not know what irony is. Read a fucking book sometime.

>> No.11154610

it's ironic because i liked pussy before it was cool but now that posers like you like pussy i'm not into it anymore.

>> No.11154619

that is not what irony means you born again faggot.

>> No.11154666

also checked

>> No.11154675

And mexican

>> No.11154710

Most any not-too-sweet baked good and coffee with milk. Lately, the baked good has been a mini brioche.

>> No.11154734
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>> No.11154737

cornflakes with a SMALL amount of WHOLE milk. 6 bowls or so.

>> No.11154742
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Beer and cornflakes

>> No.11154750


>> No.11154806

Goatcheese/chive french omelette
Figs or mangoes.
Fresh bread and salted butter.
Black moka pot coffee.
A joint.

>> No.11154812

>Chorizo, peanut, and cheese stuffed shredded hashbrown
Hey are you still there? Mind if you share that recipe?

>> No.11154848

don't have a favorite, but i always put some peanut butter on a piece of toast

>> No.11154850

Scrabmled eggs with eggs and some more scrabled eggs.

Sometimes I also get some veggies like tomatoes, pickles, brocolli or cauliflower, but not always.

>> No.11154879
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Good old fried eggs and bacon with two cups of coffee and OJ.

>> No.11155008

Chili & eggs, never gets old

>> No.11155032

I don't eat breakfast, or lunch. I just drink tea and eat a big dinner in the evening.

>> No.11155049

Smoked salmon Benedict with Orange juice or Prune juice depending on how badly I want to be in pain.
As someone who is 22 on the nose and drinks when he wakes up and until he passes out I can tell you its not uncommon nor impossible. With a lack of parental support and very little emotional stability I havnt been myself in well over two years.

>> No.11155081

>patty of unmelted margarine sitting in middle of wonderbread
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.11155202

shit like that wouldnt even fill me up for an hour

>> No.11155554

I don't eat breakfast

>> No.11155626

A peach and a boiled egg, one pint of ice water.

Cold brew if I remembered to make it.

>> No.11155834


>> No.11156019

I don't eat breakfasts, I stock my office and my car with random packs of nuts and I just eat a pack or two to stop my stomach from hurting

>> No.11156040
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19 or 38

>> No.11156046
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yesterday's breakfast

>> No.11156061

Coffee. Black.

>> No.11156263

I usually make one slice of toast, spread some red bell pepper hummus on that, add some spinach, top that with a basted egg, and have half a fried hot dog on the side.
To drink, I usually have a homemade mocha and some kind of fruit juice mixed with a probiotic juice drink.
Also I take a multivitamin if that counts.

>> No.11156366

>omelette (ham, sausage, onion, green pepper)
>hash browns
>rasin toast w/peanut butter

>> No.11156396


>> No.11156417

>sausage patties
>3 eggs sunny side up
>toast to dip in my egg yolk
>milk or orange juice

>> No.11156448

if cooking for myself, a freshly baked biscuit, scrambled eggs, and sausage links

if eating out or hungover, pho

>> No.11156477

I'm 19 and white

>> No.11156632

oatmeal with peanuts

>> No.11156640

Two eggs over easy on toast with lemon pepper.

>> No.11157144

3 sausages, 2 eggs scrambled, 2 slices toast, baked beans with a glass of water is my breakfast.
That, or some weetabix.

>> No.11157184

Yeah "'"'"'"'white"'"'"'"'

>> No.11157230

You should be taking advantage of those friends chief.

>> No.11157260
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Eggs benedict, hashbrowns or country style potatoes, hot sauce,coffee and oj