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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 150x273, barps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11151715 No.11151715 [Reply] [Original]

The joke is that Zoomers can't read cursive.

>> No.11151719

i love bang's root beer flavored with thyme

>> No.11151722

Bang’s is my go to when I’m on the zoom.

>> No.11151737

for me? its barps, the best root beer.

>> No.11151745

I'm on a diet so I go with oilet bang's Ole thyme root beer

>> No.11151756

It quite literally says barqs

>> No.11151759

it's cliet, you illiterate moran

>> No.11151770

This meme is retarded

>> No.11151782

I can't read in general, I don't understand this maymay

>> No.11151790

for me it's peak seakay kino

>> No.11151823

Then how did you navigate this website, understand this post, and respond to it?

>> No.11151825

It is, but not nearly retarded as other forced memes on this board.
> boomer/zoomer threads
> Do Americans really do this?
> obligiatory shillposting
> For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.11151832

Maybe bang used to be cursing in the old days, but only boomers can remember a time when the word was used in reference to sex. Get over it, times change.

>> No.11152135
File: 11 KB, 200x235, Adolf-Hitler1-e1393973773926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking thread OP racks up points against the summerfags. I haven't been keeping score but it's gotta be 1,000,000 - 0 by now. Holy shit these threads are fucking goldmines.

>> No.11152153

this place is one of the most reddit boards. constant posts of not getting memes and correcting spelling/grammar.

>> No.11152191

i wonder what rootbeer and thyme would taste like

>> No.11152349

found the zoomer

>> No.11152361

Honestly, reading is for faggots and a waste of time. I recognize the barrel. If they got rid of that they’d be getting rid of me.

>> No.11152366

>For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.
To be fair this has died off quite a bit.

>> No.11152372

Everyone other than goomers gets the joke, dum dum.

>> No.11152374

How the fuck did the whole "gen z don't know cursive" come about? If you were my age and told me you didn't know cursive I'd kick you in the teeth.

>> No.11152376

you probably wouldn't because you post on 4chan
but good job

>> No.11152382

It would taste like shit, since root beer has no redeeming qualities

>> No.11152506
File: 188 KB, 1225x513, top lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11152527

To be fair we should have stopped wasting time teaching cursive generations ago and taught something important like math or science instead

Think of all the time we wasted in elementary school learning cursive script with teachers constantly telling us that we would need to use it exclusively after elementary school only to never use it again

>> No.11152635

You're right we should really argue about politics more like the rest of 4chan

>> No.11152652

I'm genx and the only people I knew that were taught cursive growing up including myself were kids that went to private/catholic schools so obviously it isn't being taught in public schools

>> No.11152759

yet here you are shilling the pervasive barqs or whatever.

>> No.11152770

I'm a millennial and learned cursive. Did you go to school in the south or something?

>> No.11152789

This made me laugh quite hard

>> No.11153216

Or maybe, just maybe, we could talk about food and/or cooking.

>> No.11153218

There are quite a few threads up doing just that! Try joining them

>> No.11153237

They should all be doing that. This is the Food & Cooking board, not the facebook memes board. That would be /b/. Please return there until you're at least out of high school.

>> No.11153275

Each board creates their own memes. It's called board culture.

>> No.11153290

Minimal effort memes aren't board culture. You have no idea what real board culture is because I guarantee you haven't been here for longer than 3 years.

>> No.11153297

Fuck culture. All threads must be devoted to the dispassionate distribution and collation of facts and data related to food and cooking. My janitor acceptance email is arriving over the coming weeks. Prepare for change.

>> No.11153301

Been here since the guy butchered road kill in his apartment bath tub. The bangs meme is just simple and upsets autists like you too easy

>> No.11153314

>all memes need to suite MY taste otherwise its shit

>> No.11153495

candied pencil shavings

>> No.11153513

This. but actually, factually, literally, unironically and kill yourself.

>> No.11153527

Oh wow

>> No.11153534

why argue politics when the only correct political stance is jesus?

>> No.11153540
File: 1.76 MB, 718x718, zoomers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hurr muh millennials r dum cuz dey eet avicado"
>meanwhile in zoomerville

>> No.11153545

Can confirm, they told me "Bang's".

>> No.11153546

oh shit!
look out, anons!
we got a dedicated 'does it for free' over here.

>> No.11153836


>> No.11153885

Texanon they taught cursive in the 3rd grade then never brought it up again. That's the early 2000s though.

Has anyone tried out Bang's red creme? It's like big red but smoother

>> No.11154324

We were taught in like 3rd grade and then told not to use it by every teacher after that so we never used it and then eventually forgot how.

>> No.11154333

13angs is the rootbeer for me.

>> No.11154530

and they say that white people don't have culture

>> No.11154562
