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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 194x260, what you know about that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11151458 No.11151458 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone drink anything other than a fine high gravity lager such as Steel Reserve? It's delicious, affordable and has an 8.1% ABV.

>> No.11151481

what does high gravity mean?

>> No.11151500

high alcohol content

>> No.11151508
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I'll take ten.

>> No.11151520

one steel reserve is around equivalent to drinking 6-7 bottles of regular lager

>> No.11151549

It tastes like pennies fermented in a radiator

>> No.11151557

so.... ten please.

>> No.11151632

BASED and steelpilled

>> No.11151638

With a bit of garbage can liquid.

>> No.11151644

I drank two and vomited the other day.
Would recommend.

>> No.11151651

I have trouble beating my wife without a 40 or two of steel in my veins.

>> No.11151775 [DELETED] 
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me too brother

>> No.11151816
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>> No.11151838

Give it to me straight: If I drink this, will I want to commit suicide?

>> No.11151868

Only when you run out

>> No.11151942

Cheap vodka creatively mixed is cheaper and tastes better.

>> No.11152171


>> No.11152187

What's the point of beer when hard liquor exists?

>> No.11152204

Mmmm Steel Reserve. Reminds me of the 80s and 90s, drinking my teens and 20s away on quite possibly one of the most vile tasting beverages known to man.

>> No.11152210

Not until day two. The beer shits are fucking terrible on the reserve.

>> No.11152229

haha woops I meant malt liquor my bad guy lol

>> No.11152242
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just discovered this magic juice last night. cost me 10 cents per can more than Steel (1.09 instead of 99 cents) but my hangover is somewhat less severe today. 10 cents well spent.

>> No.11152250

>VCR on pause
>that computer
>slamming a warm 40 of steel reserve
I don't know if I should feel comfy or nauseous

>> No.11152265

Shit’s too sweet, but in a way that only alcohol can be. Impossible to drink for pleasure.

>> No.11152285

>malt liquor
literally nigger tier.

>> No.11152300

A handle of Seagram's vodka is 1.5X the volume, 5X the abv, while 5X the price. You do the math. It's also far more palatable.

>> No.11152331

Way to flaunt your money, mister. Some of us can only afford dollar beers

>> No.11152355
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>he didn't do the math

>> No.11152367

>he says in a malt liquor thread

>> No.11152694

give me one reason not to polish off two of these tonight

>> No.11153598

So how much is one of these? Looking to enjoy my night drinking cheap alcohol.

>> No.11153604

3 40s of mickey's is the spot.

>> No.11154108

GOAT shower beer
(if you don't know what shower beer is don't even fucking talk to me you filthy peasant)

>> No.11154242

It has more gravitons™

>> No.11154417

This and also it gave me a stomach ulcer

>> No.11154471

Literally r*ddit. Cringe. Go back to r/showerbeer you filthy soy creature

>> No.11154544

this is something else

>> No.11154897

pure unscripted kino

>> No.11154963

Whatchu know bout Steel Reserve

>> No.11154980

Whatchu Kno bout that? Probly NOTHING

>> No.11154985

Bitch I invented shower beer you little cunt

>> No.11155114

>hill farmstead
Yeah we see it nigger.

>> No.11155134

anon they makes my farts terrible

>> No.11155317

I kinda have to drive and work and shit. Can't be drunk all the time.
Need water too.

>> No.11155388

This man needs help.

>> No.11155708

No,we all need help being more like him.

>> No.11155730

dad? what are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.11155745


>> No.11155775

daily reminder drinking alcohol is degenerate.

>> No.11155916

This is some powerful footage
Like a fever dream

>> No.11155941

Go back to r/showerbeer with the rest of the soys

>> No.11155949

It's mesmerizing. I Can't not finish the video once I start it despite how repulsive it is.

>> No.11155953

This is what I imagine goes on in the rural southwest where there's absolutely nothing to do

>> No.11155964

I can't even take a sip of that shit unless it's ice cold. The second it gets even a hint of warm the taste makes me wanna vomit.

>> No.11156930

Can't let the steel thread die

>> No.11157130
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What the fuck happened to the al/ck/ threads?

>> No.11157141
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What you dumb faggot? At most it's like drinking 2.

>> No.11157148

Anyone know anyone whos drank 3 of these and lived to tell the tale?

>> No.11157149

mods are fags thats what happened

>> No.11157157

You get your trash malt liquor out of here. OE 800 is the superior beverage.

>> No.11157162

They started to get moved to /r9k/
Then they stopped happening entirely

>> No.11157167

They’re 1500 calories each.

>> No.11157170

False 700 calories each

>> No.11157185

>2 zigzags

>OE 800 is the superior beverage.

>> No.11157188

Ive drank 2 and I was barely alive after that, I think I could do 3 though

>> No.11157196

Anyone watch this guy?

>> No.11157203


>> No.11157246
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Never had Steel, but OE 800 is a surprisingly well made malt liquor. Tastes good.

>> No.11157259

My homeless alcoholic dad told me to stay away from these and md2020.

>> No.11157268
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These are clearly superior. 40's aren't really worth the money.

>> No.11157278

This is unironically what life is in Arizona (where he says he lives, and where I live currently) is like

>> No.11157296

My 70'year old dad drinks 2 of these every night. Dr told him he could only have 2 beers a day. Didn't say what size. He loves the damn stuff. He will put it in the freezer 2-3 hours before drinking. When he pulls that one out, he takes a muscle relaxer then he puts the other 40 in. Then he drinks a 16oz Bud ice after his 2nd 40 that AND will sometimes take a xanax. Says it helps him fall asleep. Idfk how the fuck he handles it all. He stays up all night and sleeps till 3 pm tho. He's retired and widowed so that may have something to do with it.

>> No.11157306
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Cause I am drinking a dank IPA at 7.2%

>> No.11157317

vietnam vet?
a few of my dad's friends crawled into bottles and never came back

>> No.11157340

Yeah... he's just a different breed.

>> No.11157360

No, high gravity means it's significantly thicker than water. Alcohol content actually lowers the specific gravity.

>> No.11157365

that looks nice. is there a more well-known beer you would compare it to?

>> No.11157367

HG is higher alcohol content. I'd call you a nigger, but you're obviously an Asian suburban kid in a white neighborhood.

>> No.11157385

1.75 costco vodka, $12.99. I thought it was mismarked, nope. Lost nearly a month of my life before I realized the demon I had awoken

>> No.11157399
File: 668 KB, 550x722, mmm fruit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I've never had an IPA brewed with honey.

>pic related was exceptionally tasty

>> No.11157416

Its perfect for Edward 40Hands

>> No.11157434

I missed that bit. I'm also in NJ so I'll give both a go

>> No.11157478

Poland btfo of that. look up any pivo mosne

>> No.11157526

>Playing drinking games

>> No.11157555

Its fun as fuck, dude.

>> No.11157558

I'm not your dude, bro.

>> No.11157564

anon didn't suggest that you were HIS dude. Just as you are not implying he is your bro

>> No.11157613

Okay, take the fucking hot dog out of your ass.

>> No.11157616

I'm not your bro, guy.

>> No.11157618

Spotted the faggot.

>> No.11157620

I can afford better, and these are not available in my country...

>> No.11157887

I'm not your faggot, homo.

>> No.11157902

I'm not your homo, sexy

>> No.11157957
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>> No.11158031
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2 4 3.40

>> No.11158080
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>tfw mom was being weak

>> No.11158114

40oz of warm malt liquor for breakfast. Before the sun comes up. What you know about that? Probably nothing.

Prison orange jumpsuit. Ready to go to work. What you know about that? Probably nothing.

Oof. Burp. Hiss. Where am I gonna puke at? Just puked on myself. Oh fuck. What you know about that? Probably nothing.

Hold on. Fuck. Hold on. Fuck. Kinda wanna wipe that off. Fuck. What you know about that?

[belly slapping intensifies]
Hurk. Blurple. Doesn't taste that good. Doesn't taste good at all. Fuck. Snort. Still a little slimy on my belly.

Fuck it, right? Fuck. Fuck. Burp. Pfoo. What you know about that? Probably nothing. Fuck. Whoooo. Tchack. Fucking shit.

Gotta go to work!
*goes and throws up the entire bottle while faint screaming is heard in the background*

>> No.11158208

Well it normally comes in a forty, so that's at least three beers and then some. Plus, it's 8% abv which is almost double the amount of alcohol in your average beer. So it adds up to about six.

>> No.11158221

I used to get 2 12 packs on the weekend but now I just 2 40s of that sweet steel juice and I'm drunk all weekend.

>> No.11158222

>pineapple steely
You are either brave, naive, or optimistic. Idk how u can just look at that and say “yeah im sure its alright”

>> No.11158235

Tasted fine and got me hammered

>> No.11158598


Thats fucking stupid. Those threads helped a lot of people. Myself included.
Plus theyve been around for ever....its a part of this board.

Booze is food.

>> No.11158607

you will be powerfully drawn to the ground when you drink it

>> No.11158619

probably $7.2 per can as well

>> No.11158624

two 40's = one 12 pack, you playin' yourself

>> No.11158652

Alkies have their own thread way over here, enjoy:

>> No.11159515

I drank one of these last night because of this thread. I won't be doing it ever again. The hangover feels like I drank three times as much as I did and drank no water.

>> No.11159983

Watch and learn beerlets.

>> No.11159986

They ruin board culture for free

>> No.11160093

Hit the link. Fuck it. Nothing else to do around here.

>> No.11160279

Steel reserve is the thinking mans malt liqour.

>> No.11160312
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>Strong lager
Yes, but only if it is a doppelbock and a weizen

>> No.11160350

>hurricane should bring rain in the next hour
>about to head to local grocery and grab as much cheap wine and beer as possible to put me to sleep when the power goes out tonight

>> No.11160365


Mods arent gods anymore. Cant we just over saturate with al/ck threads until they get bored and move on to the next trendy SJW craze?

>> No.11160384
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>> No.11160527

>like to ironically suffer with friends
>Water board each other with steel reserve in the parking lot
>Leave steel reserve out in the hot sun and take turns drinking it
>Drink steel reserve in general

>> No.11160666

No, I invented Shower Power Half Hour (tm) sponsored by Miller High Life. I bet you dont even have a Shower Knife. (Tm)

>> No.11161189

Memeing people into drinking steel reserve is an awful thing to do anon. Are you trying to ruin peoples lives?

>> No.11161200
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Rate my hurricane prep boys

>> No.11161222

I've consumed more Steel over the last decade plus than there is water in the ocean

>> No.11161227
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Now THIS is price to performance ratio.

>> No.11161228

>no steel reserve

0/10 I hope the storm carries you away

>> No.11161264

who is the camera man.

>> No.11161635
File: 659 KB, 914x532, Flicker-SteelReserve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a malt liquor thread

>> No.11161643

We broke up. When I wake up we fighting

>> No.11161690


I had to see if he could finish it all in 10 min

>> No.11161766
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>kraft singles and wonder bread

>> No.11161779

I didn't have time to hand feel the steers

>> No.11161782

I need 3 tall boy steel reserves after work just to feel happy anymore. Is this normal?

>> No.11161790

burgers are fine, but fucking kraft singles and wonderbread?

>> No.11161792

I'm around 1/3 of his weight tops, but I'm pretty sure I would be able to eat that much if i was hungry (and had completely given up on life). Doesn't seem like much of an achievement.

>> No.11161801

Think how much happier you'd be after four

>> No.11161809

Idk, seems like a lot to me. No fucking way I could eat 4 of those AND drink a 40 in 6 min. No way.
Now, If you can then more power to ya.
from start at 1:47 til 7:54 - 6minutes 7seconds

>> No.11161814

>he doesn't exclusively drink everclear

>> No.11161822

Maybe it would be more difficult than it looks, I don't know.

>> No.11161849

We can't get glass 40's in half the places in my state anymore. Who has been turning their Steelies into weapons? Be honest.

>> No.11161864

I know those afroman lyrics. We're degenerates.

>> No.11162087

the alloy series always gives me heartburn

>> No.11162089

steelies are basically sold as weapons

>> No.11162098

we can't get forties of anything over 8% in NH so I just drink 2 24 oz cans instead

>> No.11162125

I'm friends with the camera man
what do you know about that? probably nothing

>> No.11162141

/alck/ here
this guy is a lightweight
still mirin that bod for a guy who drinks that often

>> No.11162278
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>Steel reserve

>> No.11162286

Fuck... it’s like looking in a mirror

>> No.11162342

Holy shit.

>> No.11162352

legit had to go look at a full bottle of coffee brandy I have to see if it's got the same barcode size as the bottle next to the Pepsi bottle

>> No.11162463 [DELETED] 

What's the fun of drinking? I understand a lot of drugs, but drinking just makes you sad, dumb and confused. Why would anyone want to do this?

>> No.11162707
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running low guys

>> No.11162747

So relatable yet so foregin

>> No.11162761 [DELETED] 



>> No.11162806
File: 209 KB, 298x199, Blank+_8b0e063cfed627450f77d7aa05e61bb0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking beer
Distilled alcohol MASTER RACE

>> No.11162810


>> No.11163692

>I know those afroman lyrics. We're degenerates.
My nigga.

>> No.11164689

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.11164695

I'm not your guy, senpai

>> No.11164815

We used to shotgun tall cans of steely. Good times