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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 600x330, cyprus-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11151123 No.11151123 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite cuisine aside from lame picks like Italian and French?


Combines Greek, Turkish and a bit of Arabic food for the ultimate mouthgasm

>Inb4 Turkish and Greek are the same

>> No.11151327

Middle Eastern food in general. Halloumi, hummus, lebneh, and falafel stand out.

>> No.11151350

Hallumi is Cypriot, unless you count Cyprus as a "middle eastern" country.

>> No.11151917


>> No.11153994

Solid pick

>> No.11154002

who the fuck would pick french?
french food is bland as fuck.

i choose american cuisine.
ice cream

reply to this post or your food will turn to dust tonight.

>> No.11154035


>american beer
>american ice cream


>> No.11154096

>>Inb4 Turkish and Greek are the same
It is. All Levantine and eastern Mediterranean food is the same shit but with different names depending on the regional dialect.

>> No.11154102

>he's never been to the land of imports

>> No.11154105

Either ethopian or Vietnamese

>> No.11154107
File: 55 KB, 736x736, 14e7bc0ad3528cc148ed3a8cda5029bc--hipster-couple-vintage-hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulgarian food.

>> No.11154114

I could list you 20 dishes which do not exist in Turkey and are native to Cyprus, faggot

t. Cypriot

>> No.11154117


>the same

>Syrian and Greek food are the same


>> No.11154120

Soon you will be part of Turkey and the world won't even blink an eye.

>> No.11154121

Where to?

>> No.11154126

Hungarian and Uzbek food is top tier.

>> No.11154129


>autistic faggot on a mongolian support board
>Has never shot a gun
>Thinks he knows anything about military matters

I would explain why south Cyprus is unconquerable but you would not understand

t. one of the the 300,000 armed men on the island

>> No.11154158

that damage control

>> No.11154180


>cant argue shit
>muh dmg control

>> No.11154210
File: 15 KB, 564x416, gayreek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jokes on you, gayreek-in-disguise

>> No.11154221

sorry i don't sign every post as t. Greek

turkish shill

>> No.11154282

I stayed in Cyprus on the Greek side for a few weeks once. I was on a constant diet of taramasalata, moussaka, and some lamb on the bone cooked in a wine sauce.(can't remember the name) Now I'm mad that I'm back home and all the Greek food here is just shitty souvlaki.

>> No.11154294

>french food
In what kind of shithole did you ate french food ?

>> No.11154295

projecting that hard


>> No.11154342

remove that kebab. fuck turks. it was so funny when I visited Greece that all the kebabs are made of pork so the Turks can't eat them

>> No.11154472

Leaving aside meme cuisines:
1. Hungarian
2. Russian/Ukrainian/Caucasian
3. Persian

>> No.11154542

Dunno about that anon, but I established that in this place called "France".
Literally the most underrated country in all aspects, especially food.

>> No.11154579

>white people food
>bot bland as fuck
lmfao fucking flyovers

>> No.11154586

definitely, those weird crackers really know how to use a grill

>> No.11154634

>Literally the most underrated country in all aspects, especially food.

Shitty turko-balkan food, no thx

>> No.11154702

You didn't even try it.

>> No.11154720

>>Inb4 Turkish and Greek are the same

They pretty much are. Turkish cuisine is just whatever they could steal from Greek, Georgian, Levantine cuisines etc and call their own.

>> No.11154878

I'm from the balkans, let's not delude ourselves that balkan food is uni dimensional, plaim food.

>> No.11154895

of all the foreign-born people i've worked with, the turks are by far the most obnoxious about "everything is better in my homeland"

yes, i love baklava and lokum, but your main dishes are not that special, its just fucking yogurt on everything

>> No.11155035

Poast Cypriot recipes. I want to try some.
Moroccan is god tier. Chicken tangine with apricots and almonds, man.
All Greek food is divine. And non-pasta italian dishes burgers don't know about.

>> No.11155039

>its just fucking yogurt on everything
brb moving to Turkey
What persian dishes you would recommend?

>> No.11155079
File: 56 KB, 525x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. Israeli food is truly good and has both arabic and forgotten bronze-age stuff that are incredible, plus the wealth of the experiments made during the diaspora all over the world.

Palestinian food, in comparison, is boring and can be found everywhere else in the middle east.

Give me a charoset anyday

>> No.11155673

Wtf? best food i ever ate was in Greece

t. Cypriot


Based af


This is no ordinary meat. I miss it whenever abroad.

It is not a sausage. It is a sheftali.

>> No.11155853

Ela pe malakac. Fae skata. Dhmokratia einae skata. 8elo poutsa sou

>> No.11155870


>> No.11155875

Incorrect, Zanzibarin
>African, Arabic, and Indian

>> No.11155966

That is meme af

>> No.11156224

>Chicken tangine with apricots and almonds, man.
I've eaten like two hours ago. I'm a borderline underweight skeltal, hardly a glutton. And goddamn did this make me hungry.

>> No.11156248

>google translate
