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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 373 KB, 720x781, Frogs-Legs-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11151081 No.11151081 [Reply] [Original]

I had some years ago at some fair.
No, they didn't taste like chicken. Just salty.
Maybe it was how they made tit here? idk.

>> No.11151091

Why did you right that like a haiku?

>> No.11151097

I tried these for the first time a couple weeks ago. They tasted like fishy, gone-off chicken. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.11151107

I want to try them. Also want to try escargot.

>> No.11151113

yeah. fishy chicken
no bueno

>> No.11151184

I actually love Haiku
My post was not written like that.
I do not like frogz.

>> No.11151191


My French cuisine instructor in culinary school (who also happened to be Pepin's son in law) straight up said on the first day we wouldn't be doing escargot, and that he could cook his shoe in a shit ton of butter and garlic and make it taste good. I still like them, but yeah, escargot is more of a, "there's a shit ton of snails in the vineyard, lets find a way to make them palatable" kind of thing.

>> No.11151206

"Actually" is not
Actually one syllable
You are a dum dum

>> No.11151259

I had them once, basically tasted like fish to me.

>> No.11151286
File: 491 KB, 649x337, rarepepegetitrare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11151292

did he died?

>> No.11151295
File: 143 KB, 500x413, as-now-watch-me-whip-2002204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes master I see
I was wrong, need punishment
Whip it good, will you?

>> No.11151304
File: 316 KB, 590x319, jackeatspepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah hes fine brah

>> No.11151322
File: 318 KB, 649x337, apu for dinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11151329

I've had home made and it's literally just slightly slimy chicken legs. It was fatty.

We can frog gig here. chopping their legs off is pretty brutal.

>> No.11151340
File: 313 KB, 649x337, frog shashimi knows how bad thing really are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11151370

I will never in my life try frog legs or something fucking weird like that. At least it's not insects and shit like the gooks eat. I like to stick with american basics like hamburgers.

>> No.11151391

>"there's a shit ton of snails in the vineyard,
>growing wine under water
all my huhs?

>> No.11151399

motherfucking rice niggers

>> No.11151429

A) you don't grow wine, you grow grapes
B) escargot specifically means land snails

>> No.11151447

>land snails
never seen one.

>> No.11151452


>> No.11151531


>> No.11151552

well, up until 17:46:10 I didn't know snails even grew on land.
Seen plenty in water.

>> No.11151567

Enjoy being a twelve year old forever.

>> No.11151568

Plenty of snails live in water

>> No.11151593
File: 868 KB, 2369x2369, garden frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a frog living in my garden.
Everytime I do something there I end up stumbling upon it.
I don't get it. I've got no pond, neither do my neighbors. It just lives there.
Today I was digging a hole for a pole and I noticed movement again.
A whole bunch of little frogs were hopping away.
How the hell could that've happened. It makes no sense.
pic related: it hopped inside once and tried to hide once.
What makes this worse: I can't stand frog posters. Now I am one.

>> No.11151602

You're telling me.

>> No.11151608
File: 436 KB, 1535x964, Pomacea_insularum_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11152384

Everything tasting like chicken is a meme because chicken has the least distinct flavor out of the three normie meats. Your legs were probably cooked just fine.

They're pretty common at Chinese buffets, at least in my region. Go to one of the nicer ones in a medium or large US city.

Do you live in an arid or cold region? They're pretty common in humid areas. Little niggers are always eating my mom's flowers.

>> No.11152448

why only the legs though? there are other meats on the frog

is this yet another example of french decadence and wastefulness?

>> No.11152473

There is very little meat on a frog. You could maybe get a morsel off the front legs, but they're essentially hopping mouths and stomachs.

>> No.11152503

don't scare them off, anon.
Frogs are incredibly beneficial and their populations are dwindling in many areas.

>> No.11152508


>> No.11152529

We all see the sex here right?

>> No.11153210

. .... .. .... .... ....

>> No.11153638
File: 53 KB, 620x349, 94e0cc08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11153737
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 20141231051538135206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are delicious. Living in Florida and owning a pond is a never ending source of bullfrog legs. I've always thought they taste like a cross between poultry and a scallop, but not a 'fishy' taste at all.

>> No.11153930

Isn't the frog alive? I remember a video where they were eating a live frog

>> No.11153941

Seven, five, seven
The rules of haiku: broken
By faggot anon

Frog legs are bad eats:
Food for Louisanans,
Dont eat it anon.

>> No.11153949

I've eaten escargot twice.
Both times overrated.
It's nice to say I've eaten snails. That's it.
Also tried:
>Fruit bat

>> No.11155041

he's not wrong....but that doesn't stop escargot from being delicious

also be the change you want in the culinary world

if you're sick of garlic/butter escargot try something from another flavor region like sichuan peppercorn, garlic, and pan fried onion

>> No.11155054

That's not a frog, it's a toad.

>> No.11155062
File: 171 KB, 670x950, 2014101301-ebola-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fruit bat

>> No.11155127

Don't insult my frog.

>> No.11155484

had them at a buffet once tasted like fancy fish sticks. i wouldn't go out of my way to eat them but id still eat if some one offers me them again

>> No.11155496

They're land oysters. You are pleb tier babby

>> No.11155995

How do they compare to alligator or crocodile? I've had those before and enjoyed them. I've always found snails or winkles rather meh.

>> No.11156667
File: 200 KB, 400x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frenchman here.
I eat escargot once a year, it's not so fantastic and it's expensive.

Also I have no intention to eat frog legs.

>> No.11156722

>land oysters

More like land mussels as it is cooked and there's almost as much to eat. Except that a mussel has taste in itself. Eating escagot allows you to have that mollusc texture in the mouth but without that "sea taste", instead the escargot """flavor""" is artificially replaced with the earthy butter and garlic.