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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11149724 No.11149724 [Reply] [Original]

Starting as a dish washing man next week at a resturant, what do I expect? Any hidden rule ?

>> No.11149728

>Any hidden rule ?
Weed for the dishwasher, coke for the line. That's the way it works.

>> No.11149737

How big is the restaurant?

>Never get in the chefs way, your job is less important than theirs
>There's always something you can be doing during service
>Offer to help if they need something extra doing
>Don't put shit away wet, let it dry or dry it yourself

>> No.11149740

Take care of the cooks first. They will reciprocate.

>> No.11149753

just wash the fucking dishes and stay out of the way?

>> No.11149771

Expect wanting to murder every server for being lazy cunts that can't clear plates or separate silverware even though there's a trashcan and silverware receptacle 2 inches away from the dirty dish bus tub.

>> No.11149776

This guy's got it. Never ever expect anyone else to fulfill their duties and you'll have already set your expectations too high.

>> No.11149873

Spray the dishes well before putting into the machine.
Clean your machine every night.
Learn to prioritize plates and always plan 2 loads ahead.
If you have pans to scrub don’t pussybfoot around really fucking give it to them with the steel scrubbie.

Wash your goddamn hands when going in and out of dish pit. I know it sounds really annoying but it’s important.

Take smoke breaks it’s gods gift to you. Only smoke weed right before breakdown or you will fuck your night.
Ask questions and learn where everything is kept in dry storage and the walk in so you can grab shit for people. Being the person who can go get shit with out painstaking instruction is the number 1 way to endear yourself to cooks and a sure way to get a beer after work.

>> No.11149879

I miss dishwashing

>> No.11149889

Just go fast as fuck. This is war against the dish hordes.

>> No.11149901

bleach water to get out the stains on coffee cups

>> No.11149909

Dry the dishes with your farts

>> No.11149988

Not a very big one, it's a family business , they make homecook chinese food, there will be another guy sharing our duty but I haven't seen him.

the boss who also takes care of the cooking interviewed me, its a cool mom, Feel like if i do a good job they will let me do something else besides cleaning someday

>> No.11150007
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Yeah you become a line cook and then a server. I used dishwash for a banquet hall and the server girls were fucking so hot. And they all wore those skintight black pants hnnnnnnng holy fuck.

>> No.11150029


Fuck cutlery until the end.

>> No.11150038

You'll be freaking out and sperging the whole first night. Just ask if you don't know and don't pretend you do.

If the chefs sound rude and order you to do shit just do it, they're really busy.

>> No.11150049

Who ate the food that came back?

Thinking back on it, it was so unhygenic.

>> No.11150061

Half eaten 36 oz ny strip I don’t care if it’s medium or has herpes

>> No.11150062

just fucking no
The mexican cooks made me some awesome food and sometimes use me as a guinea pig for new creations.

>> No.11150067

they’ve probably also had miles of skintight black penis in them

>> No.11150110

Bring a change of clothes. I dunno how many times I've taken the bus home, stinking and looking like I've pissed all over my pants and top.

Also stay hydrated.

>> No.11150120

I did. Delicious quiches and omelette. Stupid ass rich people, one time they left the entire quiche Lorraine because little Timmy Jr III wanted fries instead and was making a big scene according to server who was fucking hot

>> No.11150124

Alternatively wear a plastic apron and gloves.

>> No.11150129

>riding buses
this is why I come to 4chan. to make myself feel better about my life
I thank you all and God bless.

>> No.11150161

I now earn 10 x what I used to washing dishes.

Gotta start somewhere anon.

>> No.11150174
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What are the punishment for broken dish/glass while I wash them?

>> No.11150179

what do you do now?

>> No.11150180

We want your story

>> No.11150183

this, poverty is a bitch but we all have to go through it unless you were born with a diamond spoon in your ass.

>> No.11150198

Just threats of taking away your green card.

>> No.11150202

I write software lel.
But I can cook now.

>> No.11150206

oh, I thought you fought your way up the restaurant ladder or something lol

>> No.11150218

nobody makes it without money.

save up and become an engineer or something instead.

>> No.11150221

I've already got a degree. Just saving up to get a master's. I think. If that fails then I'm moving out to the woods and becoming a hermit.

>> No.11150226

why not do an internship for a year instead?

washing dishes is for teenagers, it's horrible work

>> No.11150233

Naw, I'm not the dishwasher. I work in an assisted living community. Might be able to find an internship to do with seniors, though. That's really what I'm interested in.

>> No.11150244

>I've taken the bus home, stinking and looking like I've pissed all over my pants and top
So? You looked like every other bus rider, what's the prob?

>> No.11150344
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>If that fails then I'm moving out to the woods and becoming a hermit.
I am already successful with good amount of cash and I think this idea sounds pretty comfy. the pressure of the city is getting to me i guess. maybe if i really make it i will just buy a farm in a remote place and retire when i am 40, these are very cheap nowadays.

>> No.11150355

aint no flight like white fight.
Did it 10 years ago and living the life.

>> No.11150410

congrats anon. For me i just need to find myself a wife before I really start to live the 27 yo boomer life.

>> No.11150466

Idk im a bartender and make more than all my liberal arts major friends, i should probably try to learn a skill though for when im old. I dont wanna be a 60 year old bartender

>> No.11150532

I used to eat out of dumpsters when I was a homeless junkie, yet I would never eat leftover food off of a customers plate. The majority of the dumpster food was packaged though. Most cooks will make you something if you just ask.

>> No.11150550

>buy a farm
dont do this unless you are already set for life financially and want to sell overpriced organic meme stuff because farming as an actual job is probably one of the most stressful and difficult jobs there is

>> No.11150552

You have to sweep it up. And when you do that, make sure you ask where they put broken glass instead of just throwing it in the trash can. Someone could potentially cut themselves while taking out the trash if there is glass in the bag.

>> No.11150557

the dishwasher is the guy taking out the trash

>> No.11150568

Not everywhere. Our dishwasher is a 50+ year old mexican lady that can't even carry a rack of glasses without help. We always take the trash out for her when she's working.

>> No.11150635

>overpriced organic food
>one of the most stressful and difficult jobs there is
So, running a sustainable small organic farm is ball busting work, but the produce should be priced the same as a megacorporate, scorched earth, petrochemical, monoculture item? Hasn't your middle school resumed classes yet, son?

>> No.11150667

wtf I love liberal buzzwords now

>> No.11150679

This. Im a server and I do this. Devilish right?

>> No.11150710

i think you misunderstood me, what i mean to say is that farming is indeed ball-busting work if it is your liveilhood. you also need to know a lot about biochemistry and even interpretation of satellite/drone imagery in some cases. plus all the shit that come with fixing tractors and irrigation equipment.

however, if you just want to buy a big lot and grow some stuff to put a folksy label on and sell at the farmer's market as a hobby, that could be a pretty comfy existence. you will just have to be financially secure beforehand.

>> No.11150773

Be good looking, good at your job, likeable, and front of house worker as well
>t. promoted to busser after 4 months while all the other dishwashers were dishwashers for 8months+
Started making double what I did as a dishwasher but left because working at a restaurant is fucking terrible, especially at one in the same parking lot as a mall

>> No.11150785

Good point, thanks for the heads up

>> No.11150812

Being a busser is fucking horrific, underpaid shit too, high end server or a bartending job or nothing bro

>> No.11150818

>what do I expect
pay is shit for the work you do

>> No.11150932

Line cook here.

1. Always been on time.
2. Always check on the cooks if they need clean dishes/restocks (We will feed you if you help us)
3. Music helps a lot. Just don’t wear both earbuds.
4. Don’t become a cynic like the rest of us. Get out of the restaurant business while you still can.

>> No.11151023

>don’t become a cynic


>> No.11151073

By far one of the worst jobs I have ever had or will have. Funnily enough though I got a job as a dish washer at a golf course and it was one of the best jobs I had.

>> No.11151535

It was my first job when I didn't even have a drivers license at 15 yo and just rode my bike up, asked for a job, and Dominic, the italian owner of a mexican restaurant called Jose's, handed me an application and said, "as long as you're at least 16 you'll probably get the job," wink, wink. It was a bitch at first because you really try to clean shit but soon learn cleanliness doesn't matter, just the appearance of it due to the overwhelming number of dishes coming through during a rush. If there's no visible grime it's good. The disgusting thing is you have a layer of grease absorbed into your skin that produces an odor detectable by typical thots and that kind of inhibits fuckability.