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11149025 No.11149025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11149029

Why are you guys obsessed with some F list youtube cook?

>> No.11149038

fags for firearms?

>> No.11149039

started off with neckbeards getting triggered that someone isn't a broke loser like them

some trolls figured out that mentioning babish is insta-butthurt

and now people post him "ironically" to get people to argue about soy boys vs redpills

>> No.11149040

I EAGERLY anticipate the fucking blow up when his Lib fans get hold of this and lose their shit about him posing with a "death stick" and disrespecting Sandy Hook and the Florida kids

>> No.11149052
File: 46 KB, 750x573, mamma mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already had this thread. the /pol/ trash came out and embarrased themselves by implying that he is "hiding behind his gun" because he is weak, completely oblivious to the irony as expected. when confronted, they spouted out all their dumb buzzwords and tried to conceal their tears. now go ahead give me your (You)s if you must, NEETs, i'm done with the thread after this.

>> No.11149057
File: 3 KB, 125x99, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah well now the LIBTARDS will HATE HIM!
>do we like him now?
>please somebody tell me what to think, i'm scared to do it myself

>> No.11149059

read as: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.11149078

Posting yourself holding a firearm is a pretty bold thing to do in the US right now

People are more scared of guns than ever before

>> No.11149079
File: 107 KB, 996x2048, FB_IMG_1535894023073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11149092

I think he found out what we were saying about him

>> No.11149109

>more scared of guns
this is only the outrage mob. they dominate social media because they have no life outside of a screen. it still baffles me that they hold sway over anything being as retarded as they seem. it is also the reason trump won.

>> No.11149132

>everyone is scared of inanimate objects
lol, no. people are scared of incels going on rampages with guns over a video game or because they held the door for a pretty girl and she didn't repay his kindness with sex

a successful vlogger with a gun isn't going to scare anyone

>> No.11149148

That's very idealistic but posting yourself with a gun is still going to worry a large number of people today, people just don't like guns

>> No.11149160

people in your bubble-wrapped echo chamber perhaps.

>> No.11149165

it's 100% dependent on who is posing with a gun, and what the picture is showing

creepy spergoid with no friends? no one will even see the post, but anyone who does is going to worry

successful celebrity? you might get some people (out of millions of viewers) saying "that's in bad taste" or whatever, nobody is going to legitimately worry that they'll be killed by Alton Brown or Babish whatsisfuck, that's your delusoins of persecution talking, and this level of paranoia is why some people worry about certain people having access to guns

>> No.11149174

Quality bait anon, keep up the good work.

>> No.11149175
File: 565 KB, 1455x963, antifa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome comrade babish!

>> No.11149177

Of course nobody is going to worry Babish is going to go on a rampage

It's very likely he's going to lose sponsors over this though

>> No.11149181

God, antifa is so brave.

>> No.11149184
File: 138 KB, 640x380, tmnt_power_rangers_high_five.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is worried
>ok nobody is worried actually
Glad we could sort that out. Mission accomplished!

>> No.11149187

Sounds like a win-win.

>> No.11149192

This post reeks of reddit.

>> No.11149195

God I hope these retards start a civil war so we can graduate from knocking them out to mowing them down.

>> No.11149198

What's it like living with schizophrenia?

>> No.11149200

>stuff I disagree with is from reddit
because you reached for the nonexistent downvote button? that must have frustrated you very much.

>> No.11149201


>> No.11149202

Dumb boomer

>> No.11149204

>le incel buzzword
>*snap* le Shrek is still life guys!
>Gamers hate Veronica! XD
Check, check, check.
Nope, you're just reddit incarnate.

>> No.11149205

these men are cowards, donny

>> No.11149206
