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File: 49 KB, 690x388, coupon22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11148721 No.11148721 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't pay full price i have coupons

>> No.11148748

If we had this available in my country nobody would ever pay full price for anything ever. We're a bunch of cheap cunts.

>> No.11148784

What time is it in Israel?

>> No.11148908

Not him but I've never seen them in Europe, at least I'm not aware of

>> No.11149793

Smart man.

>> No.11149808
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>> No.11149994
File: 83 KB, 678x994, 6595FFE7-8646-4067-8BA1-723F55B1B9F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a rule i don’t get behind black people in grocery stores bc of this and EBT slowing everything down

>> No.11150409

You're more likely to have the person using ebt be wh*te than black, anon.

>> No.11150601

You doont have coupons in your country?

>> No.11150611

Israel maybe?

>> No.11150625

Depends on the area, but take a look around the store on the 2 days a month they refill that shit.

In fact I think they split it between 2 days of the month so they don't deplete the grocery stores by all going at once.

>> No.11150658

I seen one white dude with a shopping cart of just mayonnaise, about 40 bottles. For reals.

>> No.11152081


>> No.11152114


>> No.11153458

Friend showed me some reality show where people just keep stacking different coupons on top of each other is there not a limit of one per customer or something?

>> No.11153732

LOL. there is the random white trash using ebt but every black person buying groceries uses that shit where i live.

>> No.11153738

christ in heaven

>> No.11153743

It's real I worked at a grocery store where they came in. What people don't know is that the grocery store gets paid by the manufacturer for the coupons.

All the people who think they're "sticking it" to their grocery store are retarded. The store keeps the coupons and mails them all in at the end of the month and gets a check from the companies.

>> No.11153746

AKA Food stamps. They haven't been actual stamps in forever, now you get a electronic benefits transfer card, looks like any other card you'd use at the store.

>> No.11153750

No one gives a shit about "sticking it" to the grocery store. They only care about paying less.

>> No.11153760

>All the people who think they're "sticking it" to their grocery store are retarded
No you're the retard if you think people trying to save money and use coupons are trying to cheat out a grocery store

>> No.11153762

It's the price match fuckers that are smug rather than the couponers. Like everyone knows about coupons even if they don't bother with them, but the price match people really feel like they've found a super secret exploit in the system.

>> No.11153771

a guy in knew used to hit wal mart for 50 bucks a go with that price match shit. he would just say oh suchnsuch store has that for a dollar. they never checked anything and simply gave it to him.

>> No.11153776

It's an actual mindset from couponers

>> No.11153790

>be glorious Texas master race
>HEB makes ridiculously good coupons for things people actually want and hangs them by the items so you don’t even have to clip them

>> No.11153810

>go to grocery store
>line up
>realize line barely moved
>look at who the fuck is holding the line up
>some piece of shit redeeming a butt load of coupons

>> No.11153817

Registers are for coupon users Go to the self checkout if you don't have coupons.

>> No.11153827

i used to work at walmart and i know how big the profit margin really is.
those plastic sterilite totes? 800% profit.
biggest profit margin they have.

>> No.11153833

combo loco!!!

>> No.11153888
File: 25 KB, 516x485, 1531659461280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coupon doesn't clear
>cashier tells them it's expired
>customer proceeds to have a meltdown and demands to see the manager over 50 cents off yogurt or some shit

>> No.11153944

i could easily believe this. also, when walmart first started selling groceries in my town the regular grocery stores were putting out flyers talking about how wal mart sells their grocery items at a loss trying to drive regular stores out of business. it might have been bs but i do that our regular grocery store that made it through the advent of wal mart is a union shop and far superior and wal mart is a non union shop and basically shit. so this makes sense too.

>> No.11153947

*i do know

>> No.11153960

They exist, but practically nobody cares.

>> No.11153967

well let's say you have a coupon for a dollar off a certain item that you buy. you go on double coupon day. that's 2 dollars off so it's basically a whole mocha choco viventi cock smoke for free.

>> No.11153998

Old people seem to like them.
I've printed one out once, but I felt like a dork.
Main thing here is mostly bonus cards. They love to keep track of your shit in exchange for a few lousy bucks.

>> No.11154012
File: 1.21 MB, 728x408, 57D390CE-6010-4CCF-B2A2-1210CABC888A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.11154013

>printed one out
my grocer sends me a flyer every week for their shit. you can get the same flyer if you stop as you go in and grab one off a little stand by the door. it has some really, really good sales in it though. for instance. 5 ears of corn for a dollar. you can't beat that shit. banan for 55 cents a lb. 2 for 5 big bags of tortilla chips. i know it's probably not impressive to people that make a lot of money but I tend to shop the sales.

>> No.11154018

walmart is such a massive corp that the only items they don't get profit on is the "vendor" items like beer, monster, starbucks, sodas.
they get profit from the contract with the vendor but not from the sales themselves.

every other item they purchase for pennies and sell for outrageous prices but since they are the largest global retailer they get to set market price.
pretty infallible until money itself goes belly up.

>> No.11154047
File: 399 KB, 717x402, scrooge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know it's probably not impressive to people that make a lot of money but I tend to shop the sales.
Man, I make more than enough to buy whatever I want wherever I want, but I 'm addicted to sales. I always go to the lidl, or aldi and check their folders too. I can actually get irritated when I can't get a new bulk pack of stuff like toiletpaper on some sale in time. I can't even explain it to myself, because there's no reason to, it's just somehow fun to get things cheap.

>> No.11154540

Does there exist an actual good couponbook or website or something for Kroger? All I ever get are fucking babby shit and I dont have a kid yet.

>> No.11154589

The Kroger app. Usually has at least 300 coupons per location. Also Friday free downloads.

>> No.11154597

I'm not sure about the biggest markup. Clothes and jewelry are traditionally the highest mark ups. And I'm positive Walmart has a great purchaser for clothes and jewelry that would exceed 800% profit

>> No.11154603

Also they're convenient. You link your Kroger card to the app and then when you swipe your card, all coupons are applied

>> No.11154609

I haven’t shit since I drank that 12pk of ice beer last night and my stomach is starting to rumble and I’m very fearful of my life right now

>> No.11154612

Is Boris.

>> No.11154637

I don't know how it is in america but here even though we get coupons printed along the back of receipts by the crapload it's usually not worth it.
People that don't shop smart don't save the coupons and people that do know that the coupons almost never work for something they wanted to buy.

>> No.11155137


None of the stores in this area allow coupons. Not for like 15 years now.

>> No.11155246
File: 129 KB, 362x268, 70DF5472-AEB8-4B24-896D-7BEC7FD1F726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that’s the case then whites are way better at using it bc i have never ever noticed

>> No.11155400

isn't ebt just swiping a card and entering a pin now? I'm pretty sure the only way to make it take long is if you're buying nonfood with food or being an asshole and trying to buy shit you're not supposed to with it and making a huge fucking deal in both scenarios. that's probably why it seems like blacks are the only ones using ebt.

>> No.11155426

>durrr I ain't doin' the work for dem