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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 600x400, japanese soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11147619 No.11147619 [Reply] [Original]

Why Japanese food looks so bland? Do they use spices at all or is just raw ingredients together?

>> No.11147653

I guess Google, Bing, Youtube, Yahoo, Altavista, and Dogpile are all down

>> No.11147671

Sushi typically has wasabi under the fish, and often has a light sauce or something brushed over the fish.
Broth dishes usually have the seasonings cooked into the broth. Fermentation is often an option to add flavor to/preserve food. They don't use a lot of traditional dried spices, no. It may look bland/simplistic, but that's sort of the aesthetic style they seem to prefer. And the food is usually plenty flavorful.

>> No.11147679

>just raw ingredients together?
yes, they are the reason you can't get a properly cooked hericot vert anymore.
Fucking idiots and idiotic consumers.

>> No.11147696

Altavista is still around? I ought to go check it out and pretend it's 1997

>> No.11147702

If you can't spell it correctly, just call it green beans

>> No.11147717

because they are different.

>> No.11147742

This was superior for searching porn videos when I was younger.

>> No.11147830

Japanese cuisine is a focus on balance and texture. It is kind of bland overall compared to food from a lot of other countries, but there's a reason why they have the longest life expectancy.

>> No.11147844


I unidentifiable slice of pork that no western butcher would ever recognize

2 hand of ginger peeled with a spoon and sliced into unsatisfying sticks

1 garlic clove

2 grains of black pepper

3 cups of thick chili paste made with fermented wasps and battery acid and butterscotch candies, aged in a barrel tossed off a boat in the sea of Japan

1/2 cup of soy sauce -- not the kind you have. Whatever kind you have, it's wrong.

1 cup of clear white wine? that you would never drink in real life

48 gallons of water

Blanche the pork? in warm water, scrubbing with a horse brush to remove impurities. Rinse the pork and boil it for 2 minutes. Pour out the disgusting pork water and put the pork in washing machine set on cool color. Reserve the now pallid grey pork as if examining a cadaver in medical school.

Wave the single clove of garlic near the kitchen door to transfer its essence. Bury the garlic in the garden and never speak of it again. Make a sauce/marinade of ginger and chili paste and soy sauce and wine and a whiff of black pepper. Boil the pork in the liquid until unrecognizable.

Bow and cover your mouth coquettishly as you serve over rice.

>> No.11147847

Miso is god tier but it takes a bit to get used to.

It is truly god tier. If you talk smack about it, you have never given yourself the opportunity to truly enjoy.
It is gods milk.

>> No.11147849

t. sub-human chink

>> No.11147854

Your attempt to troll fails dismally. Are you drunk? How did you possibly think that would ever work?

>> No.11147968

Butthurt subhuman jap

>> No.11147973

>3 cups of thick chili paste made with fermented wasps and battery acid and butterscotch candies, aged in a barrel tossed off a boat in the sea of Japan
You wish they used this much seasoning.

>> No.11147981

it turns my shit watery. literally every time I eat miso, my next poop is like hot chocolate with a handful of tiny, soft chunks in it, and if I fart too hard I would for sure shit watery dump in my pants. other than that risk it has no ill effects.

what did the japs mean by this.

>> No.11147982

You call it bland, I call it a stunted palate.

>> No.11148071
File: 24 KB, 240x238, top kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11148078

This isn't true at all, but I thought it was pretty funny regardless.

>> No.11148082

Well their cuisine is literally rice, raw fish and a bit random meat and few different veggies threw in bowl of water.

>> No.11148208

>This isn't true at all
There was too many flavours I agree.

>> No.11148283

Oh my GOD, the influx of Japanese food and its popularity in the US is the cause of Mart-Sharters!

>> No.11148312

Where do you live? I'm from Washington state and we have baller Japanese food.

>> No.11148315

every gook dish is just NOODLE, broth, and a raw egg in a bowl.
then they name it 100 different things. it's fucking retarded

>> No.11148316

based and redpilled

>> No.11148320

Nobody ITT ever heard of Japanese 7 spice powder?

Zest of ¼ orange, cut into thick strips
4 tsp Chilli Flakes
2 tsp Sesame Seed
1 tsp Ground Ginger
1 tsp Poppy Seeds
¼ tsp Ground White Pepper
½ sheet nori (dried seaweed)

>> No.11148383

Fermented foods like miso can do some funky things to your guts if you're not used to them. The more of it you eat, the less it'll happen until you're completely acclimatized to it.

>> No.11148570


Fucking kek

>> No.11148582

assblasted samefagging korean detected

>> No.11148670

Japan is the Britain of Asia. Awful bland food, degenerate culture, imperialist history.

>> No.11148683

What in the actual fuck is that recipe supposed to be? You can't even begin to call it Shichimi Togarashi if it doesn't contain sansho pepper, dum dum.

>> No.11148707

>Wave the single clove of garlic near the kitchen door to transfer its essence. Bury the garlic in the garden and never speak of it again.
You're alright desu

>> No.11148761


>> No.11148764

>why is this cuisine globally renowned for being bland so bland?

>> No.11148766

>there's a reason why they have the longest life expectancy
Yes, it's because the japanese government had to issue mandatory screening gastroscopies for all citizens because Japan has the highest incidence rate of stomach cancer

>> No.11148807


Yeah like this page has 295 0000 recipies all japanese or adaptions/fusion from other countries:


There is a bit more variety in everyday foods in japan than you think I suppose. Some taste mild, some don't.

>> No.11148808

wrong, first is korea. japan is third. both will probably be due to how much pickled stuff they eat though

>> No.11148809


>> No.11148821

holy shit lel

>> No.11148902

And the teeth.

>> No.11148927

because it is bland, jap food is pretty tasteless

>> No.11148935
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>> No.11148995

Forgot about that.

>> No.11148998
File: 37 KB, 500x494, 1511805219865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet food
>dump a pound of cinnamon, cardamom and turmeric on the food
>dude so spicy you wyple can't handle it

>> No.11149010

You forgot Lycos

>> No.11149050

Every Japanese Recipe

All you need is the following:
Dashi, Soy Sauce, Mirin, Sake, Miso

Make dashi. Forget any kind of stock with fish bones, or any kind of bone, the only stock you will never need in Japan in dashi made with mushrooms, fish flakes, or anchovies.

Throw some soy sauce, dashi, mirin, sake, and boil it. Add some cooked noodles, vegetables, maybe a bit of ginger, tofu, and you're set. Or maybe a thinly sliced meat. OH and don't forget to deep fry random shit to a crispy, and throw it into a soup where it's going to get soggy. Mmmmm.

Now garnish with narutomaki and some other shit that's hard to find even at normal asian grocers and you can make most Japanese recipes.

Repeat for every meal, with a bowl of extremely plain rice, and delicious natto if you're eating breakfast.

In the case you're not making soup, take a cut of meat and either
1) Deep fry it
2) Fry it in soy sauce, mirin, sake, with a hint of dashi

Don't forget to deep fry everything in Japan.

>> No.11149486

That isn't an explanation of why it's bland, it just redundantly re-addresses the fact that it is.

>> No.11149498

Isnt that just Okinawa though?

>> No.11149543

my japanese succs, i can just barely get the gist of the stuff, but do you have to pay to use the site? more like cuckpad amirite

>> No.11149580

wtf are you even saying all their food is soggy spongy rubbery slippery bullshit like raw eel and wet bok choy

>> No.11149607

>but there's a reason why they have the longest life expectancy.
It's because they have a very low obesity rate due to the totally bland food.

>> No.11150047

It's rice and bland broth every day.

>> No.11150098

>soy sauce -- not the kind you have. Whatever kind you have, it's wrong.
Fucking kekku, every time I have cooked for my Japanese friends.
Then they cook Indian food for me and have the nerve to say "who fucking cares, a chilli pepper's a chilli pepper" while I try to stomach some caribean-ass tasting dal with scotch bonnets and no turmeric in it.

>> No.11150168

are you pajeet?

>> No.11150207

>says this while eating a $2 burger

>> No.11150449

could have something to do with the two nuclear bombs that some retards dropped on them

>> No.11151390

Just mix soy sauce, mirin, sake, and dashi and you just made 80% of every Japanese dish ever.

>> No.11151420

I have a poo parent and was raised on pajeet food.
Still, the fucking east-asian nigger tier cooks just don't get how to prepare food.
>How can you just eat curry all the time? Must get boring.
>What do you mean "Curry is a type of cooking, not a single dish."?

>> No.11151504
File: 2.53 MB, 4399x2397, _20180903_065752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese food is great. I just had a tonkatsu with shabu shabu pork rolled up. Interesting style.

>> No.11151532


>> No.11152084

Literally just unseasoned pork rolled with some breadcrumbs thing and then deepfried.

>> No.11152092


Why no one didn't introduce any spices to japanese? Even salt and pepper are missing???

>> No.11152926


>> No.11152936


>> No.11153003

thats what food is anon, sorry its not in a bottle that you need a rubber grip to open you frail faggot

>> No.11153053

>Literally just unseasoned pork rolled with some breadcrumbs thing and then deepfried.
This. And, pork is the last thing that needs to be flashfried. inb4 you say that austria does it...it was originally veal, not pork, done like that. It's pounded quite thin to keep it tender.

Japanese food is bland. It's the facts.

>> No.11153054

>flavor causes disease