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11137299 No.11137299 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't more people drink rum, tequila, vodka, etc. on its own to appreciate the flavour like we do brandy and whisky? The only time I've ever seen people drink rum is in a cocktail, or tequila with shots. Never seen a single person sip and enjoy a rum neat or on the rocks.

>> No.11137329

They do. They just don't feel the need to justify why they drink it or make a show out of it like all the whiskey/bourbon fags do.

>> No.11137587


I think it's a cultural thing. Rum isn't a particularly native to white people, so it never got ingrained to white society as something having a history of being cool. There was never a shot in a movie of a guy drinking rum, because rum wasn't where we started, and so they don't put it in because they know that whiskey and other European liquors are already cool.

TL;DR: people drink what they're shown, and nobody is shown to be cool and sipping rum at the same time.

Frankly rum is delicious and should be had neat more often.

>> No.11137594


I've never actually seen whiskey people bragging about it here, just people complaining that they do.

>> No.11137603

They don't want to admit they don't know the difference between white and spiced rum

>> No.11137605


>rum is delicious and should be had neat more often

I really need to get a decent bottle of rum. I have multiple spiced rums but no regular dark rum. I just cant decide which.

>> No.11137622


Only non-spiced rum I've had is El Dorado 8, and I was pleased.

>> No.11137632


>> No.11137641
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Leddit: the argument.
>"I've never seen it, so it doesn't happen!"

>> No.11137660

I only started drinking other hard liquors neat because I worked at an upscale liquor store for a while. It took some time to finally ignore the burn and overcome the college induced gag reflex via the burn. I think a lot of people are still stuck in that phase, so drinking hard liquor straight will make them gag still.

>> No.11137663


The thread is just people talking about a thing they like, where are they trying to make a big deal about it?
Literally the second post is someone trying to shit on them when the OP only asked for recommendations.

A question is not an argument. I'm asking to be shown where it happens, because I haven't yet.

>> No.11137681

No. The thread is asking a question about rum, tequila, and vodka drinkers appreciating their drink like a whiskey or brandy drinker in a form that OP has apparently never seen.

>> No.11137763


Not this thread, the linked thread, >>11132033

Sorry to confuse you.

>> No.11137769


Vodka is by law as devoid of character as possible. It's impossible to appreciate vodka because anything appreciable isn't in it.

>> No.11137770

what are you on about? straight vodka just tastes like a hot streak going down your throat

>> No.11137780

There's no bragging in that thread at all wtf

>> No.11137788

Lol. Ok

>> No.11137826

I do, or at least try to. Theres a lot of shitty vodkas out there, also a lot of shitty rums, to the point where I just avoid them because I can only assume the producers know that they'll just be used as a mixer.

Got a bottle of Diplomatico Reserva through the week, looking forwards to opening that up.

Also, on vodka, don't go out and buy Grey Goose, its overpriced and shit. I'd rather drink Crystal Skull and that was overpriced too. Theres a Tasmanian distiller making sheeps whey vodka, that stuff was nice.

>> No.11137856


Most rum and tequila is terrible, anon. So its mixer tier. Same goes for vodka.

Both rum and tequila are meant to be sipped like whiskey. You just have to know who makes good stuff to actually drink it straight.

Go to places where they actually produce the stuff and you'll see people simply sip.

>> No.11137869

>sip and enjoy
>on the rocks
fuck you autobot

>> No.11137895


I'm starting to think anti-whiskey people are just /ck/'s secret trolls, hiding in the shadows of the 'vark

>> No.11137908

I drink rum with water all the time. Don't need to add anything else to it, it's a sweet liquor.

>> No.11137919

Tequila and vodka are not to be taken neat. Only Mexicans and Russians do that.
Tequila is ok with some lime and salt. Vodka is ok with some soda water and citrus. Both require at least two 'mixers'.
Rum can be taken neat, or with water. Much like a good scotch, or blend.

>> No.11137960

Most rum isn't worth drinking neat. There isn't really a rum equivalent to single malt scotch or small batch bourbon. In most countries there's no requirement to list added sugar, artificial colors or flavors etc added to rum. That number that you see on the bottle doesn't mean much. Even if it says 12 or 24 on it there's no guarantee that it contains more than a few drops of rum that old in the blend. It's prohibitively expensive to age rum that long in the Caribbean heat. You'd lose most of it to evaporation. That's not to say there aren't any high end or boutique brands that offer truth in advertising.

Plenty of people drink tequila straight. Ultra premium tequilas were a bigger fad a few years back but there still are tequila bars and high end brands that sell for hundreds of dollars a bottle. If you're drinking vodka straight trying to appreciate all the subtle nuances from one brand to the next you might have a budding career in being a water sommelier. A lot of vodka brands don't even distill their own alcohol.

Then again there are a lot of bourbon brands that buy from industrial distillers, as well. A good way to check is to look them up on Google maps. If you can see large column stills, or at least the room for them, they probably distill their own. If you don't, it's likely another company delivers them alcohol and they just water it down and age it.

>> No.11137964

I drink plain martinis on the regular.

>> No.11137970

Prettyuch this. I dip good dark rum when I can spare the cash. I enjoy it, but I don't do it to seem manly like most wiskey fans.

>> No.11137981

I have. Often. There's at least 1 new thread every 3-4 days.

>> No.11137999


Just because there's a thread doesn't mean they're making a statement about it. Is there anything wrong with people containing themselves within a dedicated thread to talk about a thing they like?

>> No.11138721

I drink vodka straight and appreciate some parts of it like how clear the vodka is. Sorta like assessing sparkling water like a doughbag.
This guy is also correct. Drinking vodka is like drinking water but there are different tiers of water. You have to have real shit taste if you like arrowhead water.

>> No.11138723

Are there people on /ck/ who actually drink brandy regularly?
I always assumed quality brandy was very expensive.
There are some great cocktails that use brandy, though.

>> No.11139575


I like the St.Remy VSOP. It's pretty cheap stuff, but it has sort of a chocolate-covered-fruits taste to it (Think brookside candies) that I like it's all around plenty worth the money to me.

Never really tried other brandies though. I had one that was like butter and red licorice that I gave away. Might try Hennessy next time I have $20 to burn on a 200ml.

>> No.11139583

Rum has very little quality control, and the good stuff will always cost you. White rums are almost always gonna be quaffed down or put into cocktails, and there's all sorts of lax regulations on aging requirements or what it's even aged in for dark rums.

Anejo tequila is a completely different beast to reposado or plata tequila, and hasn't seem to have caught on with non-mexicans here in the USA. I don't like it, personally, although I love tequila period. It's also surprising how many mezcals exist in the Mexican market that haven't come to the states (and probably never will). It's the equivalent to how much armagnac isn't available here.

Vodka is not something to be savored, really. Even in vodka belt countries, it's drunk ice cold and in quick shots, usually with some snacks or a meal.

>> No.11139711

>Tequila is ok with some lime and salt.
This is just a marketing trick that the makers of shitty tequila came up with. Actual 100% de agave tequila doesn't need lime or salt.

>> No.11139725

If I understand it correctly, the better the vodka the less it will taste. It's not really something to savor like whiskey.

>> No.11139732

Rum and tequila has always been shit tier for taste and quality. It was always cheap swill, so you're right about the culture thing. Everyone has made better liquor from gin to bourbon, but now have the brown people tried making a better product. And they do this by using the same methods as everyone else: better ingredients, and barrel aging for long periods of time.

>> No.11139741

It seems that craft beer fags have now found a niche in the spirits scene.

If people want a nice rum and coke let them enjoy it OP you pretentious cunt

>> No.11139746
File: 155 KB, 326x326, B2672F78-922C-4AB2-ACE8-FA85925C5BBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rum shit tier in TASTE

>> No.11139753

this is true

>> No.11139762

Rhum is so fucking good. I like it in cocktails but also "natural" (but without ice cubes for me), if it's a good one. And I've also 2 bottles of arranged rhum I made, slowly aging since like 6 months. Can't wait to drink it with some friends.
On the opposite side I just can't understand the appeal of Vodka. I tasted tons and tons of Vodka, and every time it just tastes like 90% alcohol diluted in water. The shit is so fucking bland to me.
As for Tequila (and mezcal), I just don't drink it that much since I just hate the taste.

>> No.11139777

Not really, there can be plenty of taste in vodka. Most people just don't give it a chance or drink the wrong vodkas. Of course you'll have to drink plenty and build up some experience before you start noticing the differences.

>> No.11139794

Yeah people look at me like a mad man for sipping straight tequila, it’s by far my favorite spirit. Reposado tequila and soda is also very good.

>> No.11139803

You know that just because you’ve never had good tequila doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, right? Yes, most tequilas you see in stores and bars are shit, just like most whiskeys you see in stores and bars are shit. Saying all tequila needs lime and salt is like saying all whiskey needs coke because youve only ever had Jack Daniel.

>> No.11139804



(1) “Vodka” is neutral spirits so distilled, or so treated after distillation with charcoal or other materials, as to be without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color.

>as to be without distinctive character, aroma, taste, or color.
>without distinctive character

Canada has basically the same law in place.
Unless you're not North American, you're deluding yourself.

>> No.11139815

Laws can say whatever they want but it doesn't change the fact that many of the Russian vodkas I've drank have had distinct tastes.

>> No.11139822

They all do, he's retarded, as evidenced by the last sentence especially. If you took his statement as fact, flavored vodka would be illegal.

>> No.11139830


If you read the other laws on the page, you'd read that flavourings are additive and not part of the definition of the spirit. Flavoured vodka is vodka with stuff in it, and so can't be defined the same way pure vodka would be. Retard.

Did you read the "Unless you're not North American" part? Of course the law wouldn't affect product made outside of NA.

>> No.11139833

He's right about the fact that vodka by definition is a neutral spirit but that doesn't mean the distillers can or are trying to remove all taste from their product.

>> No.11139835

Oh but I do. Visited the Bacardi factory in Puerto Rico a few years ago and samples the 8+ year aged stuff. Complete changed how I see rum I have a glass of it now once a week

>> No.11139839

So all vodka is the same in North America, so you might as well buy the popov

>> No.11139840


Given vodka is mostly just used to make other things alcoholic, and the "I drink vodka neat" crowd is tiny, wouldn't it make more sense for them to do it, so that people don't pick a less flavourful brand, since it would be easier to mix with?

>> No.11139848

The flavours aren't so noticeable that you could pick them up from a mixed drink so you can easily mix with any vodka.

>> No.11139891

Why does the U.S. not allow liquor to be made from fossil fuels? Is it just because it's "icky"?

>> No.11139902


That's some real weak bait there, anon.

>> No.11139905

because the spirits that can be enjoyed alone are expensive AF
you get a good bottle of mezcal once on a blue moon because that shit is almost 100 bucks

>> No.11139907
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Get better rum you fucking trogdolyte

>> No.11139986

Bartender here. When people order something neat or on the rocks it's how I know they actually enjoy and appreciate drinking, and not just use it as a catalyst to get wasted and do stupid shit in my bar.

>> No.11139987

>Rum isn't a particularly native to white people
Try telling that to an Australian, cunt.

>> No.11139995

Most of the nation is actually a little embarrassed about Queensland.

>> No.11140003

>My non-argument happens cause I say so guys
Hello tumblr

>> No.11140013

The good stuff doesn't.

>> No.11140018

Such as

>> No.11140055
File: 10 KB, 600x315, 8KTtscB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bartender here
>thinks only neat drinks is enjoying drinks
>smarter than 100 years of international barman association
>bartender here

>> No.11140064

sorry your best rum experience was with the FALSE Bacardi.
Now try the REAL Bacardi in Cuba

>> No.11140069

Everything's better when made by commies, right?

>> No.11140079

Would you trust a plumber association that told you a washer should never be replaced by an amateur? Same thing when a bartender association claims that professionally mixed drinks are even comparable to neat spirits simply poured into a glass.

>> No.11140080

Rum is my fave sipper. I can't get down with the idea of sipping tequila though because it is fucking disgusting, that's why people shoot it with salt and lime to make it tolerable

>> No.11140083

get flooded sheep shagger

>> No.11140090

Only people I know that drink straight are full blown alcoholics and functional alcoholics.

>> No.11140094

People shoot cheap, additive-laden "tequila" with salt and lime. The good stuff goes down fine on its own.

>> No.11140102

Never be replaced by an amateur? Clearly not.

But I've met and worked with a lot of people whom I would never trust with a wrench in their hand. As a person with a lot experience doing home, auto, etc, repairs I have no problem doing just about any kind of plumbing work. I even have experience operating heavy equipment. Dig up and replace a septic tank? Done it. But on the other hand of the spectrum there are a lot of people who fail at "righty tighty".

>> No.11140106
File: 35 KB, 675x450, don-julio-tequila-anejo-1942-2_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people associate rum with Bacardi, which is cheap swill. Even good rum is generally treated as a mixer. It just tastes like alcoholic molasses.

people DO drink fine tequila and mescal. It's a pretty huge thing.

it's all the same and the whole point is that it tastes like nothing. Premium luxury vodka is the biggest scam in the history of alcohol.

>> No.11140145

Well because most of those spirits are not worth drinking alone, they are plain nasty most of the time, meaningless if you're lucky. And if someone says he drinks a commercial clear rum or tequila neat to appreciate it, I'd say he has very poor taste or is trying to impress without having a clue.
Most of the bottlings are actually meant by the producer to be mixed, even for rum or tequila which actually in principle can be made into fine drinks. Of course there are exceptions and I do enjoy a nice rum or gin sometimes.
With whisky, there is a lot of nasty stuff out there, but since it is less suites to cocktails, the offer of good bottles is comparatively greater, and the main market is not cocktails.

>> No.11140156


>> No.11140161

Pirate movies?

>> No.11140252
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I don't drink the alcohol jew

>> No.11140293

The perennial counter argument to someone not liking something:
"You just haven't had the good stuff"

I've had "good" tequila kid, it still triggers my gag reflex. Idk, maybe it's just personal preference. You can aquire a taste for literal shit if you try hard enough, that's doesn't make it "good" all the sudden.

>> No.11140338

I agree but it's mostly AMERICAN culture. What does America produce? Beer and whiskey because America grows grains and corn more than anything else. Other than a bit of California wine it's all Canadian and European, which is why wine is a sissy gay drink. I'd say the alcohol industry has at least one finger in Hollywood

>> No.11140501

i like tequila neat

>> No.11140533

>the alcohol jew
Fucking pathetic.
Put a second of thought into it when you use that meme next time, you low-effort faggot.
Could easily have gone with "fermented Jew" or "distilled Jew"
Weak shit.

>> No.11140803

They do, what are you talking about?

>> No.11140809

Nobody asked you, brainlet.

>> No.11142184

I feel like every time I drink high proof alcohol my mouth is too busy being burnt raw so I can't really "appreciate" the flavor

>> No.11142537

Retard: the argument
>It happens but just take my word that I've seen it!

>> No.11142572

>Tequila and vodka are not to be taken neat
>Only their countries of origin drink it that way
do you even process your own thoughts before you share them with the world

>> No.11142644

>rum isn't particularly native to white people
it's kind of the opposite honestly, rum was THE drink of the 13 colonies, with the distilling done there, and because of that it was more of a staple than a luxury good. thing a lifecycle like rye, except saved from that window of complete irrelevance (and blocked from edgy rediscovery) by mixing well with coke.

scotch, bourbon, and brandy as drunk in the us are all products with a particular rich and prestigious geographical association, which is why people want to show off by drinking specific brands neat rather than grabbing a handle of whatever to get hammered, which is why producers can afford to put the effort into differentiating, which is why there are now bottles worth doing so with on every packy shelf. no one wants to pretend they're from boston or the carribean so top-shelf rum takes some looking, though i'll occasionally have a neat barbancourt 15.

>> No.11142788

Strange phenomena for sure. Had a whiskeyfag friend try some Smith and Cross the other day and their surprised reaction was "it's as complex as a scotch!" About half the price, too.

>> No.11142800

When I drink Vodka neat people ask me if I have a drinking problem.

>> No.11143123

your esophagus and stomach probably ask a similar question

why would you choose to drink neat vodka?

>> No.11143132

I always thought that by definition vodka had to be colorless and flavorless. The others you can definitely make a case for, but isn't trying to judge the best vodka analogous to "best spring water?"

>> No.11143347

Try liqueurs that are 30-35% instead of 40%. It makes a big difference, for me at least. The trouble is finding liqueurs that aren't obviously just cocktail ingredients. If you can stand the liquorice taste sambuca is nice to drink straight, or you could be one of the five people who don't use jaeger for jasgerbombs

>> No.11143394

Every bartender except the black guy that fills in sometimes knows my usual drink order at the bar next to my work. I go in there usually a few times in the evening as I finish my shift, then go hang there after work for a few more.

I drink a Cuervo on the rocks, but I actually have them chill and strain it, and charge me for the rocks pour (7.75) instead of charging me for a double shot (11.50). It was their idea because I spend so much fucking money there. I'm an alcoholic so I don't drink anything with mixers or any beer so I don't get fat on top of being useless.

Anyway, I sip instead of shooting. Gold tequila is tasty. I buy 1800 at home but I'm not paying for that shit at a north side bar.

>> No.11143467

Rum was the first thing I got drunk from

t. Aussie

>> No.11144202


Pirate movies basically mean Pirates of the Caribbean, which don't portray it too too much because the early ones are, for the most part, kids movies. Those who see the rum in the movies will think Captain Morgan, and I'd wager the number of people who get into rum because Jack Sparrow made them drink Captain Morgan is pretty minuscule.

>> No.11144205


>> No.11144208

Flyovers believe that if they don't drink exclusively whisky and MUH CRAFT BEER that they will turn gay/crazy/homicidal/old (depending on the drink in question)

>> No.11144219


faggots don't know what they're drinking and how not that different they are.
Sure, they taste different, but drink is drink and none of them do anything particularly different to you unless you in particular have some ort of sensitivity.

It's all just stigma, really. People oughta just drink what they like.

>> No.11144438
File: 217 KB, 900x1200, rum_ang14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally drink rum when I don't feel like whiskey.

Been sipping on this lately.

>> No.11146089

Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xN64v9O-S0

>> No.11146193

reviewing vodkas in a british accent does not change the fact that it's all just ethanol in purified water. the only flavor differences are
A) minerals in the water
B) impurities in the alcohol

thus so long as you aren't drinking hobo vodka from a plastic jug, it's basically all the same with VERY minor differences. it's literally the same as comparing different brands of bottled water, except with even bigger price differences.

>> No.11146307

As much as I agree more alcohol should be tried neat, very good vodkas are just a pure taste of alcohol. They don't have a lot of personality. Perhaps flavored vodka would be a better fit.

>> No.11147230


because there's no actual drinking tequila in the USA

at best you can find mixing tequila and at worst jose cuervo

I'm still amazed what people pay for patron and shit

>> No.11147537

Because it all tastes like rubbing alcohol

>> No.11147543

tequila and vodka taste awful. Even the russians just throw vodka down the throat asap.

Rum is god tier tastes nice and fires up the blood in the best way possible but again, I don't really feel the need to savor it.

>> No.11147589

texture, kid. slipperiness.

>> No.11147715

good tequila is everywhere, it's just really expensive, and the market in bars is dominated by a few brands that are mostly either shit or overpriced

patron isn't bad but it's about 2x as expensive as an equivalent less hype brand. they rode the early 2000s rap bandwagon and got huge

>> No.11147741

Most rum, tequila, vodka, etc. are probably cheap shit from the grocer and not worth drinking on its own. You don't buy Svedka to drink to appreciate the taste, you buy it to spice up another drink so you get blasted. High end stuff I get, but high end alcohol is a terrible purchase for the average person. Like if you're in the upper class, fine, but not your average middle class lower class person.

>> No.11148142

I drink plenty of beer and wine, but liquor always tastes overwhelmingly of alcohol and makes me gag a bit. How do I get past the gag so I can actually start to appreciate it?

>> No.11148412

I buy cheap handles of Kirkland rum so I mix it to get rid of the cheap taste.
I love Tequila though, it's the easiest alcohol for me to drink. I start gagging after a few drinks of whiskey/bourbon but I can drink Tequila neat easily.

>> No.11148458


>> No.11149588

Honestly just drink it more often. I felt the same way about beer when I started.

>> No.11149596

This. I drink lots of drinks on the rocks provided that they're good enough. I think most of this board's drinking culture knowledge is from movies or college.

>> No.11149616

I knew a guy who would just drink tequila and soda water. He was a good guy but kind of a weird and fucked guy as well.

>> No.11149622

People drink expensive tequila on its own all the time.

>> No.11149653

Make sure to go for spirits in the <= 40% range and just force yourself to sip it and swish it in your mouth a bit. Every spirit will have something worth savoring in the 40% range, besides maybe scotch. For Tequila I would really recommend Espolon.

>> No.11149667

>appreciate its flavor