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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 780x438, 180608091639-anthony-bourdain-new-york-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11136922 No.11136922 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11136932
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>> No.11136937 [DELETED] 

yes killed by (((them)))

>> No.11136943

don't believe it. it is fake news. he went underground after being cucked by a 17 y.o.

>> No.11136951

I didn't realize david bowie had died until a few months ago

>> No.11136957

2016 was the worst year in living memory.

>> No.11136958
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Welcome to ages ago anon. His missus, one of the leaders of the #metoo movement, got some 17 year old lad drunk and banged him at that illegally young age before taking selfies in bed with him, then later got Bourdain to pay $400k to the boy to keep his mouth shut about it. After he became an hero, she basically blamed him for everything. I think you see the pattern here, pic related.

>> No.11136959



>> No.11136977

is that the guy who invented the bowie knife

>> No.11136988


>> No.11137195

wtf?! you'd think there'd be more news stories about this...

>> No.11137260


>> No.11137277

>“Vegans are disgusting and loathsome. I’m often asked why vegans are the enemy of everything good and decent and must be hunted down and destroyed so their genes don’t pass onto future generations. It’s because if you can’t enjoy even a nice, stinky, runny, ripe cheese like this you may as well kill yourself now.”

>Ends up killing himself

carnist cucks lose again

>> No.11137304

The episode where he went to Mississippi was hilarious. That episode was accompanied with a vignette where Bourdain proclaimed, "I don't know if Mississippi is more racist than New York." The entire episode could fairly be considered a study on the collapse of cognitive dissonance, in this case on the issue of race. Bourdain had a look on his face like, "I never knew it was like this."

>> No.11137327

i remember when i heard he died i was like who and my sister was crying and i said did you even know who he was and she said no but i heard he was resisting trump so he must have been a good person
nothing of value was lost

>> No.11137334

Unless you're American.

>> No.11137359

>topic of racism comes up on a show about food

>> No.11137372

liberals are fucked in the head and need to gtfo of my country or die

>> No.11137412
File: 2.38 MB, 640x800, 1491672819797.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Vegans rise up!

>> No.11137454

CNN's Parts Unknown was about food...and a lot more. I liked it. But it was still hilarious watching the look on his face at seeing what Mississippi really looks like.

>> No.11137471

I think that things problem is more so that it's a ftm tranny rather than the fact that it's a vegan.

>> No.11137499
File: 86 KB, 1000x600, korean-muscle-girl2-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medically prescribed test injections and still can't lift
>meanwhile normal women can achieve this natty

Veganism is clearly the failing point here.

>> No.11137517

>Anthony personally undertook to help Bennett economically, upon the condition that we would no longer suffer any further intrusions in our life," Argento said.

Yeah, who wouldn't give 380k$ to a random stranger. This is when he finally realised the whore he pinned his future happiness on and whose ideology he was promoting was no better than the people she accused. Also she was cucking him right and left.

>> No.11137521

Haven't watched the episode. Was he saying MS wasn't more racist than NY and he was shocked by that, or was he saying he was surprised racism existed in MS? Depending on your answer I can elucidate since I live here.

>> No.11137526

tfw no musclegf to wrestle with in bed

>> No.11137550
File: 26 KB, 567x473, plague.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MS wasn't more racist than NY and he was shocked by that
This one. It's like he was unaware of southern demographics. Seeing Mississippi's true complexion was clearly a revelation to him based on his reaction at several points in that show.

>> No.11137570

>CNN's Parts Unknown was about food...and a lot more.
So it was unfocused to match the millennial demographics as they have an attention span of a goldfish. Makes sense, thanks.

>> No.11137686

Oddly enough, I watched a video where he took a giant shit all over "Elite Yelpers." It was made less than a year before his death.
A quick Google search shows multiple results, but here's just one of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRRK4loO6xQ

>> No.11137699

>the most "racist" areas have the highest minority population
Also the best barbecue, but whatever.

>> No.11137707

BBQ isn't a secret. Anyone can do it. It's remarkably easy, in fact.

>> No.11137904
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>> No.11137963

You're being reductive but he has his head up his ass about racism outside of new york where everyone is literally piled on top of each other

>> No.11138025

How the fuck are you just now finding out Bourdain was murdered? Do you not watch Infowars? This story broke weeks ago.

>> No.11138033


>> No.11138055

can I get some source on his suicide being because his wife cucked him?

There's really not much on it when I google it.

>> No.11138064

>try your hardest to look like a dude
>still wear capris though

>> No.11138234

Source is /pol/ being sensationalist idiots as per usual

>> No.11138269

If he was already depressed, he chose a pretty bad girlfriend for someone like him.

>> No.11138303

He left his wife and daughter for a younger woman who then cheated on him. She even left a revealing and taunting twitter message shortly before Bourdain hung himself. Bourdain killed himself after realizing he upended his awesome life and broke up his beautiful family for this young piece of tail who chucked him like a half eaten ice cream cone. HIs suicide was a "What have I done?!?!?" cry.

>> No.11138350

never heard of him

>> No.11138854

let's be honest, that thing is doing everything it can to NOT look masculine except for taking testosterone

>> No.11138938
File: 36 KB, 957x591, 1535225070593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before he returned for Twin Peaks