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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 500x500, BAWLS-Guarana-6-Bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11136733 No.11136733 [Reply] [Original]

What's the flavor of this supposed to be?

>> No.11136740

Probably some fruity shit, it looks like a sex toy for gays and women. It can't be appealing to men.

>> No.11136747

This drink is pretty gay, but actually kino. It's like cream soda mixed with mountain dew.

>> No.11136749

Taste; like blood

>> No.11136772

tastes like sprite with a bit of bubblegum + disgusting energy drink aftertaste

>> No.11136777

Sounds good, just saying the bottle doesn't scream manly taste. I don't judge anyone for drinking a slushi with booze, or candy schnapps, jsut saying the bottle pretty much says how it will probably taste. Good job on them actually.

>> No.11136798

Fucking brainlets, it says Guarana right on the bottle.

>> No.11136806
File: 305 KB, 1536x2048, 1533797439797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11136809

What's the flavor of guarana

>> No.11136815

That's not a flavor you fucktard, that's the natural source of caffeine used in the drink. Like any other source of caffeine it tastes like bitter ass.

>> No.11136824

My college had a pretty small CS department, about 17 total students. We had our own computer lab which also dual-served as our lounge where we'd just hang out and shoot the shit in our off-time. For some reason we took an affinity to these drinks and we saved all of our empty bottles and made a wall out of them in front of the windows. I can't for the life of me remember what they tasted like despite drinking them every day.

>> No.11136830


This can't be real

>> No.11136857

Guarana is a fruit

Of course a fruit is a flavor, fuckwitt

>> No.11136914

>being so insecure you need your fiod and drink packaging to scream "MANLY" for you
Trips are wasted on you.

>> No.11136916


>> No.11137198

This fagvertisement is unfortunately very real.

>> No.11137200


>> No.11137203


>> No.11137205

10/10 makes me proud to be a fag and drink cherry cough syrup sugar water

>> No.11137376

>mfw all the good craft sodas are only at gas stations and Kroger
I wish they'd be in like 12 packs like all the pleb shit. Bawls, Surge, and the good Faygo flavors are never at grocery stores.

>> No.11137388
File: 66 KB, 640x480, mpv-shot0119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh they do have the good shit at Microcenter too. Also forgot my face.

>> No.11137713

I go to Microcenter just to buy it.

>> No.11137757

t. jordan petersen

>> No.11137798
File: 236 KB, 1344x1030, 12548-noscale-counterdust+copy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like the golden age of LANs


>> No.11137812

Anyone remember that fat middle aged rapist guy from upstate who avatarfagged with this anime character and sometimes newfags would talk to him like he was a cute anime girl?

>> No.11137836

It didn't mean queer as in gay, that's obviously an old old old advertisement

>> No.11137854

Would buy tons of it at the local internet cafe when the GeForce 2 was brand new and top of the line.

>> No.11137870

nvm that's gay as fuck wtf dr pepper

>> No.11137940

>in college
>join frat
>the president is also the campus bawls rep
>he has cases on cases of these
>play league of legends and drink this shit for hours
Fortunately I quit both a long while back.
They didnt taste bad. Theyre like half red bull half soda. Like a better rockstar
Theres cherry ones too that might be better

>> No.11138049

It's either greatbritishchefs.com or here for me m80

>> No.11138311

yeah and its a fucking berry they use everything from the fruit it tastes like the energy drink. better then coffee cherries

>> No.11138434

>Hey anon, come slurp some Bawls with us after class
What do?

>> No.11138479

>do "24 hour comics"
>get free Bawls
7/10 I still buy the stuff.
Bawls root beer is better though.

>> No.11138521

Are you fucking stupid newfag

>> No.11138526

/tv/ is worse

>> No.11138540

oldfag detected. I could only find these at my local LAN center for years. I had a gf that randomly found these at a texoco station and she started mixing these with vodka. it was disgusting, dont even try it. the drink by itself taste like cotton candy with vanilla...or something i dont know.

>> No.11138727

I must admit, the rootbeer flavor outshines any of it's other flavors honestly.

t. retail worker

>> No.11138746

as the name suggests it is made to taste like bawls.

>> No.11138856

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.11140625
File: 2.95 MB, 238x300, 1EFA3712B656453A8FE90DB9917C0FA4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The root beer is god tier. Makes me think about drinking these and eating smores flavored gamer grub all night at lan parties. God I miss being a teenager. Halo 2 please come back. In fact fuck you for bringing it up at all. I didn't ask for these feels

>> No.11141469
File: 55 KB, 600x450, small-Bawls2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, its not alcohol its an energy drink. Everyone doesnt think of a dildo every time they see bumps on a cylinder, they're grips for weak gamer hands.

>> No.11141877

you're a fruit.

>> No.11142706
File: 41 KB, 265x500, 51fKJ0US2UL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.11142813

Come here OP, I'll show you

>> No.11144323

Remember that this was before the Energy Drink meme. This was more common to the basement dwellers holding his weekly LAN party. The nubs help the Dorito-dusted meatclaw to hold it without dropping it. Been forever since I've had it but I think it was raspberry based and the red was cherry.