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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 853x480, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11136427 No.11136427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>eating at some restaurant
>at the end of the meal this guy dressed in a tuxedo I've never seen before comes up to me
>stares at me for a bit
>I don't acknowledge him
>he finally asks me if I want to hear what he has to say
>well I'm going to say it anyway
>then why'd you ask
>he doesn't interrupt his spiel to answer my question, and tells me how the waitress here worked hard and he saw no problem with the service so I should tip her
>tell him if he liked the service so much, he should tip her
>he says that I was the one who ate so I have to tip her
>make me, I reply

lel, they sure can be delusional, they actually think they can shame or convince me into giving them dollars just by using words. The only way people have gotten money out of me for free is with violence.

Anyway, that guy must have been a manager or something cause he told me I wasn't welcome back.

>> No.11136613
File: 143 KB, 1004x769, tipped_wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no longer feel guilty about not tipping

>> No.11136646

I don't believe you fren.
Tipping is for fools anyway. I'm poor.

>> No.11136664

>worst girl as pic
Time to kms

>> No.11137216

Tipping is retarded anyway. The only time I "tip" is when I can't be bothered to wait for change.

>> No.11137223

and then everybody on the bus clapped

>> No.11137234

This. Or if the food is actually very good, i'll tip a few bucks, but never to a mediocre shill

>> No.11137237

You should have given her the tip and just the tip

>> No.11137253

i tip because i like to eat at the same restaurants over and over and want good service and also for them not to hock phlegm into my food

i do wish that america didn't tip though it's fucking inefficient, wastes time, i'd rather them just work harder because their wages are higher and it's a good place to work.

>> No.11137264

Even if the food is amazing, the chef, who actually prepared the food you liked, doesn't get the tip. It all goes to the fucking waiter, that just brings you food from the kitchen.

>> No.11137474
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>Still eating
>Some guy demands you tip
Do no besmirch Asuka's grace with your gratuitous lies

Dumb Reitard

>> No.11137494
File: 136 KB, 704x480, asuka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11137505
File: 96 KB, 500x341, 1520056299892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.11137509


>> No.11137527

These are all the reasons needed to not tip.

>> No.11138160

Literally Soul vs Souless

>> No.11138308

If you enjoyed the food, tip the cook.

The servant did not contribute in anyway to the quality of the meal, despite how important they think they are for asking if you need a drink refill even when your fucking glass is full. Sick of these retarded servants who think they are entitled to random free money for carrying a plate of food to your table and then nagging you to let them take your drink away for a refill. Piss the fuck off already. I won't be tipping the robot who replaces your dumb ass either.

>> No.11138328

enjoying the food is the basic service, you may as well tell me to tip them for managing to put my food on plates.

>> No.11138341

You seem confused. Servants don't put the food on the plate. Servants carry the plate to the table and then pretend to be nice by asking if you need your 90% full glass to be 100% full every two minutes.

>enjoying the food is the basic service

What the fuck does this even mean? Enjoying the food is on you. YOU either enjoy the food or not. That isn't a "service". Clarify your retarded post and then we can go from there.

>> No.11138346

This didn't happen

>> No.11138348

the restaurant's job is to make good food

>> No.11139254



>> No.11139258


>> No.11139260

i dont tip because i always do takeout

>> No.11139262

it's amazing how many people ignore this or don't know this. Most likely ignore because then the discussion becomes about whether or not the Mel's Diner waitress is worth more than minimum wage and I don't think they wanna open that door.

>> No.11139272

This is obviously a fake story. You would have to be socially retarded and have extremely limited interaction in public, especially restaurants to believe it.

>> No.11139293

>I'm a beta who couldn't stand my ground in such a situation, therefore this story is false

>> No.11139312

I agree with OP about tipping but yeah this story is obviously a retarded fantasy. No manager would come up to you and tell you to tip your waitress lol. Also tipping is like the last thing most people do when eating out. Why would OP be just sitting there long enough for the waitress to see her tip?

>> No.11139315

Even if you down play them as servants tip IS paying for service. I don't agree with it but honestly down talking them to justify not liking tip is just entitled as fuck.

>> No.11139322

I have a worse one
>Go to chinese restaurant with friends
>Actually fucking tip normally
>Lady comes up to me rudely uuuhhh did we do something wrong?
>its chinese new year you need to tip us something more
What the actual fuck? im not even chinese why the fuck would they expect that from me and even if they did how the fuck did they expect me to throw money at them after they were so rude?

>> No.11139363

OP here

why is /ck/ one of the easiest boards to b8?

>> No.11139376

because it's nothing but teenagers and 350 lb autists

>> No.11139384

seriously though post more asuka

>> No.11139386

>posting worst girl
you need help on your trolling game

>> No.11139512

OP here.

Everyone has an opinion on tipping and an unheard opinion is worthless. It doesn't matter if the story is true, only the possibility of truth is required.

>> No.11139737

And where does the money for the service of cooking the food or vacuuming the floor or washing the dishes?

It comes out of the bottom line of restaurant like any other fucking business.

>b-but the restaurant will just fire them if they ask to be paid properly, citing poor perormance

>> No.11139766

It's obviously fake you mongoloid

>> No.11139781

Chinese are the superJews of Asia. They exist only to make maximum dorra.

>> No.11139825

>go out to eat like a normal straight white male
>at the end of the meal a transgender liberal feminist native body positive studies major comes out and screeches at me in a language I can't understand
>I stare, visibly confused
>it switches to English and says I'm racist and sexist and weightist for not understanding libtard and now I need to tip reparations or else it will ruin my life by calling my employer and revealing that I am a straight white male (the worst kind of person who shouldn't even be allowed to exist because that's sexist)
>I calmly reply "this is America, and we respect other people's freedom, especially the most oppressed and disadvantaged people in history (straight white men), and we speak our minds even if it offends. White lives matter, clean your room, and GOD bless this country"
>deeply shaken, it shouts into its $1200 iPhone paid for by Barack Hussein Obama that the mainstream liberal media needs to "do something about this"
>the phone doesn't do anything, because the tech industry was taken over by liberals and won't even consider my 150,000 hours of gaming experience
>the silent majority in the restaurant laughs winsomely at the predictable snowflake tears, and collectively lights a cigarette, Marlboro of course
>that restaurant? Chick Fil A

>> No.11139841

Evangelion was trash desu

>> No.11139846

Agreed, anyone who is remotely a kraut has no soul.

>> No.11139865

godspeed alpha anon. the most wholesome blog I've read in a while. way too many beta orbiters on this site.

>> No.11139868
File: 513 KB, 1020x745, Hard_times_cafe_minneapolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't more restaurants cooperatively owned?

>> No.11140188

Tipping isn't a thing at all in the UK and the restaurant industry still trucks on well.

No idea why America doesn't simply force restaurants to pay minimum wage as normal and abolish the whole implied mandatory tipping

>> No.11140236

You must live a very sad life when that s your standard

>> No.11140251

This a problem though because there’s next to no recourse for if you get fired in that way.

Why do you hate poor people so much?

>> No.11140277

ITT: Things that happened

>> No.11140315

>This a problem though because there’s next to no recourse for if you get fired in that way.

You kidding me? Between the crazy over-reacting power of social media shaming and the rabid bloodthirsty lawyers at the department of labor you could make the restaurant your bitch quite easily. Hell, given how social media works these days all it would take is the HINT that evil restaurant owner X is mistreating their poor innocent workers and some crazed SJW mob will torch the place.

>> No.11140385


>> No.11140411


>> No.11140437

that's because you exclusively eat meat handed to you through a window by muslims

>> No.11141503
File: 873 KB, 1280x853, stellard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

others think my life is sad

I don't share their opinion

>> No.11141928

>Tipping isn't a thing at all in the UK

It is to everyone who deosn't eat at McDonalds, teenager.

>> No.11141973

What is wrong with Muslims all of the sudden?

>> No.11141993

What do you mean? They've been cunts for over 1000 years now?

>> No.11142136

Do people tip their barber?

>> No.11142149


>> No.11142316


>> No.11142612

>work in fine dining
>never have to worry about people like this
It’s good to be the king

>> No.11142858

>this fucking asukafag keeps using /ck/ as his blog

>> No.11143016

As a european I find tipping to be disgusting. You're already paying. You shouldn't be guilt-tripped into paying more because they're being actual jews. Pay the staff properly so they don't have to beg for money to survive. The customer should not have to pay the workers salary. Fuck off with that.

>> No.11143640

based eurocuck

>> No.11143644

People in the world are extremely weakwilled. Do you know how terrible cops are at solving crimes? They rely on just getting whoever they think did it to just tell them, and 99% of the time, it works. It works so well they can get people who didn't even do it to say they did. It's no surprise a majority out there cannot resist the social pressure to tip.

>> No.11143666

waiters/waitresses actually make a lot of money, its one of the only jobs where you actually get paid more for working harder. you dont become a good waiter if you're just trying to survive.

>> No.11143673

>havent eaten at a sit down restaurant in 12 years
>use the mcdonalds app to order food, don't even have to talk with filthy wageslaves
this is truly the best timeline

>> No.11143718
File: 10 KB, 300x100, banner 200 - your personal blog 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11143738

Europoor here. If you paid your employees a decent salary you wouldn't have this problem. Tipping here is not expected, and the waiters get it if, and only if, they were good at their job, not brown-nosed, fake cunts who hover around your table because they expect your money.

>> No.11143761

Both you fags are wrong, Hikari is obviously best girl

>> No.11143774
File: 99 KB, 944x712, 1533521818309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you actually get paid more for working harder
Except they don't work harder because the tip is expected. They just have to perform decently and suck up to the customers, even if said customers are assholes. Waiters get tips in Europe too, but they get them plus a decent salary. So they can actually make a lot of money if they work hard enough, but they have leeway to be rude to assholes, and be, you know, self-respecting workers instead of bumbling sycophants and serfs.

>> No.11143816

All me

>> No.11143820

fuck you, and your anime waifus.