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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 475 KB, 2048x1365, pepperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11131210 No.11131210 [Reply] [Original]

Serious discussion about pepperoni on pizza... I've been doing some thinking since the meme sprouted that pepperoni pizza is for kids, and I've begun to think that maybe it's kinda right. Everybody who has an IQ above 60 knows that the best part of a pizza is the sauce, and pepperoni completely masks that flavor with it's own. The taste of pepperoni is something that most kids in the US grew up with and it's pretty consistent. Sauces vary in terms of sweetness and complexity from pizza place to pizza place, so some people reach for something they are comfortable with as to not risk tasting a sauce they don't like. Pepperoni acts as sort of the teddybear of pizza toppings. However, this fear of the unknown is also what causes the people who enjoy pepperoni pizza to have limited palates, as they never will venture outside of their "safe space" of flavors. Then they spend the rest of their life thinking that Domino's or some other shit chain is good because they've never tasted an actual pizza.

>> No.11131215


>> No.11131218
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>> No.11131224
File: 34 KB, 750x750, sausage-jelly-horrible-looking-foods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to wrap the salmon in foil to really "lock in the juices".

Honey or mustard seem pointless since the natural flavor is already so good.

>> No.11131256


That aspic in your picture looks horrifying.

>> No.11131275
File: 129 KB, 626x746, 8F9EFCBA-C297-4BEF-B251-4AE417CD909A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best part of a pizza is the sauce
Possibly true with American pizza. Authentic Italian pizza doesn’t necessarily even have sauce, and, if it does, it’s pretty common to overpower it with buffalo mozzarella, anchovies, capers, etc. But that’s a
different animal altogether

As far as typical American style pizza goes, it really depends. If it’s a slice from a quality New York joint or some Chicago thin crust, yeah, you’re going to want to enjoy the tomato sauce. But if it’s some Papa Johns or DiGiorno’s shit, cover of up with pepperoni or olives or bacon. There’s something really unappealing to me about low- quality tomato sauce. I don’t want to taste or feel that gross red snot

>> No.11131283
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 534532534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to Videodrome! Long live the New Flesh.

>> No.11131288
File: 93 KB, 433x650, Claire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heyyyyyyyy guys its Claire! Whos ready for another BA video?!

>> No.11131334

>been doing some thinking
gonna need some proof of that, there's no evidence in your post.

>> No.11131363

Shot sauce will taste shirty no matter what.

>> No.11132036
File: 139 KB, 720x437, 20180829_141232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11132304

I'd always thought it was a result of having sticks of pepperoni forcibly inserted into his anus as a child, which is also where the "for children" bit comes from.

>> No.11132330
File: 8 KB, 149x300, chris-hansen-149x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11132401

Always wanted to see this smug fuck get busted downloading some shit.

>> No.11132414
File: 50 KB, 632x1024, ec1c692b90f3bef2a3f54696572108a5_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11133713
File: 19 KB, 220x315, 1534632298503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been doing some thinking since the meme sprouted that pepperoni pizza is for kids
>I've been doing some thinking for the past few decades since my parents said that pepperoni pizza is for kids
It's not a meme. And fuck you for posting this, you faggot. People just try to convince you of this for the same reason feminists try to tell you there is a wage gap. They just want to have things their way, like a kid.

>> No.11133982

Guys, I just figured something out. So, you know how baby spiders are called spiderlings? Well, dumplings are just baby dumps. Think about it. Dumplings grow into dumps when you eat them.

>> No.11133996

This. Pepperoni on pizza isn’t for kids, it’s ubiquitous because it’s good. Faggots here just turn up their noses at it because it’s popular and everyone here are food hipsters who need to be special snowflakes.

>> No.11135167

She must be one extra large double fatass if that elephant skull is to scale

>> No.11135268

I personally never liked pepperoni.
I was more of a meatball and sausage kid
Now I'm Chicken Bacon Ranch
I do get pizza with spinach when it's available though

>> No.11135304

I love pepperoni up until I realize it's very spicy pepperoni and then I get HULK angry and kill the kids

>> No.11135761

Who /cantimpalo sausage for topping/ here?