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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 599x600, gjetost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11128691 No.11128691 [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried gjetost? I read something about it on /ck/ weeks back and then just found some for sale at the grocery, so I bought it.
I wasn't sure what to expect, but holy shit. My brain hardly knows what to make of it. Simultaneously cheesy and caramelly, salty and sweet, what is this amazing creation and how have I never tried it before?

What to do with gjetost besides just eating it?

>> No.11128753

I just said that shit out loud and my damn furniture started floating

>> No.11128918
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nice recycled facebook meme

>> No.11128967

i hate nu-4chan so much.

>> No.11128968

I had it a couple years ago. Picked it up from Wegman's or something just to put together a cheese plate. I was shocked at how amazing it was and it's extremely unique flavor. It's sweet, savory and cheesy. The texture is amazing as well, nearly spreadable but still holds together like a hard cheese.

>> No.11128987

It was my original joke, I'll format it however I want kthxbai
Bet I've posted on 4chan longer than you

>> No.11129209

post the oldest image from 4chan you have

>> No.11129219
File: 257 KB, 516x526, 1409630808061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11129229


>> No.11129267

Looks like Norwegian brown cheese, in which case yes and it's great on waffles with some plain cream cheese under it

>> No.11129274


>> No.11129303

If you think that your gjetost just has too few calories, then you should try making kolbotten/kolbotn with messmörduppa. Fry diced salt pork in a skillet. Set the pork aside, melt your brown cheese in the fat and pour a generous helping of heavy cream on it. Eat the pork and saus in thin barley pancakes like a burrito. That stuff will stick to your stomach. Tastes amazing though. It's an old east Norway / west Sweden recipe for lumberjacks and other hard workers who needed lots of energy for work.

>> No.11129414

Thank fuck maybe I can gain weight.

Norse carbonara. Jesus, what's next? O bet it'll be amazing.

>> No.11129780

Come back again when you’ll have 08 stuff newfag

>> No.11129855

I eat it regularly but not typically for breakfast.

Even got one of those cheese slicers from my parents that are too into our heritage.

It's good.

>> No.11129870

Wait the brown cheese is actually good? There was a thread on here months ago where people said it tasted like feet and was nasty. Did /ck/ lie to me?

>> No.11129888

it's carmel-y and a bit sweet.

Buy some and judge for yourself but I like it.

>> No.11129894

I tried it once before. I like cheese and I like caramel and I even like combining foods, but that didn't do it for me. Dry and meh.

>> No.11130016

I honestly think it's really really good.
We'll definitely buy it again. Can't wait to try it on toast and other applications.

>> No.11130093

Only new fags care about how long some one has been here im happy when i see that some one is new gives me hope they will leave.

>> No.11130102

>Only new fags care about how long some one has been here
spoken like a true newfag

>> No.11130107

fukin savd

>> No.11130265

I see it constantly in stores and it looks pretty tasty but I've never actually bought it

>> No.11130273

Just make it, it's really fucking simple

>> No.11130275

Where can I get this in Canada? I've never seen it anywhere.

>> No.11130283

All it is is boiled down whey with maybe cream at the end. You can do the same with cow milk

>> No.11130285

what boards do you mainly go on?

>> No.11130297
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>> No.11130715

That's me

>> No.11130726
File: 52 KB, 354x256, 1161033458480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11130754
File: 1 KB, 164x400, this is not an old meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that feeling when you've wasted your whole life since high school on the chans circa 07-08 and lose all the oldfag images you had in a HD failure in 2010's

cest la vie
pic related

>> No.11131249

I just found it at the cheese counter. If you have any cheese monger or import store you might check.

It's a mix of both cow and goat's milk and yes, the whey has been caramelized, which is what makes the cheese brown. I could make it, or I could buy it for like $4 for the giant cube. It's not worth my time to save less than five bucks to make some damn cheese.

>and lose all the oldfag images you had in a HD failure in 2010's
>tfw been posting since age 14 (2006)
>family computer lost all my saved images in HD failure in 2009
>my own laptop which I acquired in 2010 lost all my images again in a HD failure in 2012
repeat ad infinitum, I don't transfer and save my "/b/ folder" or as it's called now "reaction images" from one computer to the next. You'll always find the same images around.

>> No.11131569

I don't like Norwegian gjetost at all, as a cheese, but it makes a really damn good ice cream.

>> No.11131827

It's like caramelized sweetened condensed milk in cheese form.

>> No.11131833


That sounds like the most amazing and horrifying thing simultaneously. Now I'm really interested.

>> No.11131841

It's literally caramel cheese. That's actually what it is.
It tastes like the perfect harmony of caramel corn and cheesy popcorn in the same bag.

>gjetost ice cream
Holy shit.

>> No.11131847
File: 881 KB, 2048x1350, 0210161239c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gjetost is based and redpilled. Eat it on crispbread with fruit preserves (pic related is spiced pear and strawberry).

>> No.11131852
File: 85 KB, 759x1092, 1517769581524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11132769

Had it in the boat hostel in Oslo. Would recommend. Not that much related but they also served kalles which I am a big fan of. The breakfast there could last you all the day.

>> No.11132796


>> No.11133108

Crispbread is for plebs. Eat it on rye toast or gtfo.

>> No.11134529

It's norweigan goat cheese
Gjet = goat, Ost = cheese

>> No.11135261

Give me Finn Crisp or give me death.

>> No.11135366

Geit = Goat
Gjet/Gjete = Sheparding/Guarding the goats

In norway we eat it on bread and christmas cake, often with some jam on top as a sort of desert. It's pretty unhealthy and stick to your teeth desu.

>> No.11135387

regional differences, my brother.

>> No.11135391

>circa 07-08
Chanology moralfag detected.

>> No.11135506

Put that fucker on some waffles with some jam as well, it's good stuff.

>> No.11136063
