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11126922 No.11126922 [Reply] [Original]

Does MSG really block the "I'm full" hormone/signal or is that just BS? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11126927


>> No.11126928

Asians eat msg with every meal and are overall much healthier than burgers

>> No.11126936

Its bs. Certain simple carbs block this though, and some of these are prevalent in the sorts of cuisines that restaurants that use MSG serve. So MSG is correlated with this.

>> No.11126945

>healthier than burgers
Lol no. Chinese diabetes rates are much higher than even burgers.

>> No.11126947

no. And who cares if it did? You don't need to rely on hunger to select appropriate portion sizes.

>> No.11126949

That;s bullshit, it just makes food more delicious, so you eat more. MSG is just salt and an amino acid, not some magic potion

>> No.11126964

Post an actual article or GTFO. Making up facts or quoting your mom's facebook memes isn't gonna cut it anymore.

>> No.11126966
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A quick breakfast before going to see rob zombie and mm tonight

>> No.11126984


>> No.11126999

^^^This. Why do fat people keep bringing up hunger like it matters? Just be hungry and stop eating anyway because you aren't two years old.

>> No.11127025

Marilyn manson maybe?

>> No.11127027

Does MSG make you get hungry again sooner than a meal without MSG?

>> No.11127041

what I was thinking but wasn't aware he still toured.

>> No.11127061

>80% of food contains MSG
Sounds like bullshit. I'm pretty autistic about checking ingredients lists and the only thing in my pantry that has MSG is packaged ramen

>> No.11127065

he's wrong but chinese diabetes rate is quickly approaching USA's and its predicted it surpass it in less than a decade if they don't change.

>> No.11127076

world health organization 2016 diabetes survey
USA diabetes rate 9.1%
China diabetes rate 9.4%

>> No.11127079

Japan has high diabetus too. East asians get that problem more often than whites even though their obesity rate is way lower. It's probably genetic, although high white rice consumption has been highlighted as a factor.

>> No.11127089

Lol nice Facebook meme

>> No.11127090

It's In other ingredients. That's why it doesn't say MSG specifically.


>> No.11127103

Yeah, most studies did not differentiate type 1 and type 2. But the ones I've read that went into diets have made it explicit that its the adoption of western fast food choices.

>> No.11127108

Nice trips of truth. Weak willed fatties shouldn't eat just because they're hungry, that's why they got fat in the first place. Fasting is the true path to salvation. Or veganism, I forget which. Though I suppose fasting is vegan if you look at it the right way.

>> No.11127128

I'm going to cast doubt on that though. I've lived in both western Europe and Japan and japanese diets, although wester ingredients appear, is still mostly rice based, low fat (conpared to the west anyway). Japanese per capita wheat consumption has stayed similar since 1965 as well.

They're not especially physically active though and stress levels are off the charts, so there might be that.

>> No.11127159

>Japanese per capita wheat consumption has stayed similar since 1965 as well.
That doesn't matter much when everything is going HFCS. Look at the corn trade and who imports it. The biggest buyer of US corn is China. I think japan regulates HFCS though.

>> No.11127176

I'm not saying westernization of food has no effect. But if you look at obesity to type 2 diabetus ratio and compare the west to east asia I find it difficult to explain with dietary habits alone.

>> No.11127178

salt blocks the "I am full" signal, whenever your body detects something that was rare in our ancestral diet it says "nah senpai, eat all this shit up"

>> No.11127221

You're assuming that diabetes rates are linearly related with consumption. Recent studies ca 2005+ indicate that there's a consumption threshold that once exceeded leads to t2 diabetes in about 12 yrs. Once fat starts accumulating in your liver then insulin resistance builds, after about 10 years of this eventually insulin levels get high enough to start forcing the pancreas to store fat, and this leads to beta cell disfunction since beta cells vary their insulin production in response to ATP creation and when they've got all the ATP energy they need from fat they dont respond to increased glucose by making more ATP, so they dont make more insulin either. Eventually the rest of the body notices they're useless and destroys them to recycle their proteins and cholesterol and now you're on insulin shots the rest of your life.

>> No.11127246

Forgot to mention, the trigger for the cascade of events leading to t2 diabetes is roughly 3 lbs of fat in the liver. Which is why diabetes rates look like hockey stick graphs, it just doesn't take much to set things off. Otoh it also turns out to not take much to reverse it, you just have to lose those particular pounds in your liver and pancreas.

>> No.11127420
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I prefer my pizza with coke... doo doo doo DOO, Alwaaaaaaaaaaaays coke a cola!

>> No.11127652

I'll make ranch dressing from the packet with mayo and buttermilk/or milk. I'll make it real thin and drink 1/4 cup of it for a meal. Idk what it is but I love it. I don't eat sweets but my god the ranch packet stuff makes me lose all control. It's just so salty, creamy and zesty. It has msg in it so idk if that makes a difference or not but I go crazy on it whenever I make it.

>> No.11127690

Actually, it's probably a 1/2 cup before I get ashamed and make myself put it away. I could easily drink the entire thing.

>> No.11127927

Lol. No.

>> No.11128075

I don't have data, but my girlfriend is Chinese and says her people are known for severe diabetes and hypertension. She's athletic and eats healthy but she's still pushing into high blood pressure territory.

>> No.11128088

is her braphole tight?

>> No.11128132

WHO says yes.
You're gonna need a better source than "lol"

>> No.11128174
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>He doesn't keep pure msg around for flavor

>> No.11128183

>Just cook everything in soy sauce
>Wow I'm hypertensive.
Damn these people can test pretty high but they sure are dumb.

>> No.11129125


>> No.11129402

So ok or no?

>> No.11129597

No idea, but if they make stuff taste good, wouldn't it follow that it likely encourages people to eat more?