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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 960x771, - 10424999_514084398722500_4405879700412194730_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11125370 No.11125370 [Reply] [Original]

Fruit thread /ck/

>> No.11125372
File: 145 KB, 960x850, - 1512818234633 -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I clicked the wrong image Dick Head !

>> No.11125377

You're a fruit for having that image

>> No.11125385
File: 69 KB, 599x563, - 1525434031530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11125386

Oh god, that picture.
Women on the same level as whales.
The god damn victimhood mentality and denial of any responsibility of the pathetic cunts that made that picture.
At least they places themselves between snakes and rats on the right picture, which is very fitting.

>> No.11125392

Shouldn't the left be the vegetarian, transcending biology? The one on the right looks more like an omnivore participating in nature.

>> No.11125394

I can tell by your punctuation that you were spamming the same images earlier. Have you been the only one doing it for these weeks/months? What country are you from? Are you actually even a vegan? Have you been banned for shitposting at all?

>> No.11125410


>> No.11125411

>the food chain
*breathes in*

>> No.11125415

A democratic food chain would result in all humanity being voted out by ants or the big fungus.

>> No.11125422
File: 152 KB, 1150x714, ! 1525597448892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had someone say that every time I post it you are not original just a dumb retarded fag !
And I should head but your fucking face in !

>> No.11125423

>picture implies humans could be the prey of snails
Have vegans totally lost it now?

>> No.11125425


>> No.11125434


>> No.11125435

>if you hate feminists, you're a loser
still using attempts at shaming as argument? it hasn't worked for years anymore, what makes you think it'll work now?

Oh look, we've got some honest to god antifas in here, with the typical violent tendencies of a vegan.
Women putting themselves apart from men is the most pathetic thing. All animals are just as is, but nooo, the humans need to be gender separated!
Christ, the combination of feminism and veganism has produced the most disgusting form of human being possible.

>> No.11125443

>Oh look, we've got some honest to god antifas in here, with the typical violent tendencies of a vegan.
I doubt it. Person has been spamming the same images with the same insults in multiple threads, wouldn't surprise me if it's just a troll but it would be nice if the mods just banned him.

>> No.11125447

>Women putting themselves apart from men is the most pathetic thing. All animals are just as is, but nooo, the humans need to be gender separated!
>Christ, the combination of feminism and veganism has produced the most disgusting form of human being possible.
Yeah, fucking feminists. Bring back the era of patriarchy when there was no gender division just like how animals do things.

>> No.11125454
File: 836 KB, 320x210, 1510691931431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, we've got a live one

>> No.11125464

that image
>eating meat is MISOGYNISTIC
>humans are equal to mushrooms

>> No.11125504
File: 26 KB, 650x365, 94bfe32791dba39bbb861a5fa42a6cce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know women who would kick your ass and then bend you over and fuck you ! You fucking weak cunt !!!

>> No.11125505

Oh yeah? P-prove it... for a friend...

>> No.11125506

>willingly descending the food chain because of your prescribed pathological altruism
Eat like a sheep, think like a sheep. Plant based diets are for low caste cannon fodder. The world is controlled by baby-eating carnivore kings who prescribed your plant based dieting ideology to subvert you. The more you know...

>> No.11125515

Also interested. For a friend, of course...

>> No.11125542

An upper limit for the number of atoms in the observable universe has been estimated at 10^82. Your number is 5.6x10^10. It's actually remarkably close to the room-temperature intrinsic carrier concentration of single-crystal, high-purity silicon wafers. Another way to look at it:




That is the stupidest fucking thing I have read in the past year. 5.6x10^10 is easy to work with. Just because your retarded ass doesn't deal with similar scales doesn't mean others don't.

>> No.11125550

You are the most easily trolled fucker on this stupid site

>> No.11125552

I wish we could do an experiment on vegans, just drop a hundred of them on some island with no modern technology and see how they survive....KEK

>> No.11125564
File: 19 KB, 236x356, - 511e2d9ccdd9f2cd9c1c77810b3a80f2 -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11125570

This doesn’t make any sense. I don’t care about animals, they are food.

>> No.11125574


>> No.11125646

The landwhale insults have really gotten through the tumblrite who made this I see.

>> No.11125666

It's an obvious troll, and I don't think people even called them fat.

>> No.11125938

Does that mean I can eat humans?

>> No.11126001

>Admits he's consistently told his image makes zero fucking sense
>Posts it anyway
>Doesn't answer the objections, just calls someone retarded for pointing out what he knows is a flaw in his own argument.

So... evil leftist scum... tell me how exactly the food chain can be "democratic." Do we host a vote between every single creature on the planet, even plants, and ask if they want to be eaten? If the ants outvote humans, do humans have to be slaves to ants for 4 years? But the plants are going to lose every time right, because voter supression stops them from reaching the polls... since they don't have legs or arms. That means, democratically, every creature on earth (even carnivores) would have to eat all the plants on earth before turning on their fellow creatures. That means that we now have a world utterly devoid of plants with nothing but animals who have no choice but to be carnivorous now. So now your "democratic" food ball is... once again a food pyramid.

>> No.11126082

"ego-logical" is what built civilization and allowed retards to think like "eco-logical" without dying off

>> No.11126128


>> No.11126195

>ego logical thinking has brought the us to the brink of destroying the only known habitable planet in the universe and eco logical thinking seeks to reverse that

Sorry, but neither you nor your spawn will be part of the .0000000000000000001% who get to leave earth if it becomes uninhabitable. Better shape up 'cause you won't be shipping out.

>> No.11126224

>something good

>> No.11126239

>Image made by woman
>Woman is lower than Man

>> No.11126508

If a farmer says you can have all the meat on one cow for free but you have to kill it while it's fully conscious in front of all your coworkers and family, would you do it?

You only have to kill it, the rest is handled by the farmer so you get all the nice meat properly cut and packaged.

>> No.11126552

In the pic are they implying that rats and pigs should sometimes be allowed to eat humans?

>> No.11126570
File: 525 KB, 1600x1200, Pikey Boii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure why not, stab it twice in the throat and get the meat.
I'll tell you how I killed a fish last weekend.
>Pin it under my foot
>Smack it on the head with a club
>Sever the spinal chord
>Harvest the meat
Simple as

>> No.11126593

This Tumblrina who made this put whales above dogs and women at the same level as whales.

That means, according the evil left, every time sailors in the old days killed a whale, they were commiting an act of misogny and proving their power over women. Moby Dick is the most mysoginistic book every written, more than American Psycho.

>> No.11126606

wtf I'd like to imagine a /ck/ where absolutely no one would refuse this offer but I have been here a pretty long time.

>> No.11126608

That doesn't bother most people. I think the vegan at work might not like it, but we work at arby's. I think he mostly just does it cuz his girlfriend.

I've killed my own food before. Hell when raccoon furs were worth money I killed them purely for cash.

>> No.11126614

Having to gut it is the hard part

>> No.11126637

Would the type of animal make a difference? Like a cat, dog, lamb, bunny, horse, elephant, bird?

If the meat of these animals is unappealing you'd get a monetary reward instead. Let's just say enough to make it worth your time.

>> No.11126645

Meat is the product of death and there is nothing wrong with that. If it was good for my karma I could see reincarnating as a food cow or a food lamb a few times being tolerable.
>3 years as a dumb cow showing affection to my mom or whatever else vegans like about cows, then I get my brains blown out or Halaled in the throat.
Given a vote in the democratic food chain I'd vote for some cabbage.

>> No.11126648

a bullet doesn't care what species you are.

>> No.11126650

>type of animal make a difference?
yeah, no humans everything else is fair game.

>> No.11126661

Re:Cats, dogs, livestock
If they were raised for slaughter yes. I wouldn't kill an animal that is a human's buddy.
Re:Wild Animals
If they are listed as "least concern" regarding wildlife conservation and they are prey in their natural habitat (no bears, lions, or eagles)
I wouldn't eat cat or dog myself since I keep them as pets.

>> No.11126991

>slave morality

>> No.11127019

>muh 19th century german philosowanks say I can be an asshole without repercussions XD

>> No.11127106
File: 48 KB, 600x526, tables.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible due to the maximum coloric proportion (how many calories worth of a plant or fruit you can eat before throwing up) of wild plants and the caloric density of wild plant foods outside of a select few biomes in the tropics.

>> No.11127118

Sure, hand me that captive bolt gun over there.

>> No.11127119

>Decomposers on bottom of pyramid
They always have their day

>> No.11127124

>If a farmer says you can have all the meat on one cow for free but you have to kill it while it's fully conscious in front of all your coworkers and family, would you do it?

Absolutely yes. Why would this bother me? My family (parents and older siblings) were the ones who taught me how to hunt, fish, dress game, etc. I'll even process it myself if I can get some able-bodied people to help me handle it.

>> No.11127130

Can't think of a single animal I wouldn't kill unless it's my pet or someone else's.

>> No.11127147

But killing animals isn't being an asshole. Animals do not have intrinsic moral value.

>> No.11127150

I'll lift it with my giant meat eater's muscles for 1/4.
You can keep the offal - gross.

>> No.11127215

I did not realize that raccoons were such fat fucks.

>> No.11127236

Ned over there seen em grow as big as a volkswagon, ain't that right, ned?

>> No.11127426

Raccoon meat is very fatty.

>> No.11127634

I meant more what >>11127426 said than what you said.

>> No.11127945

Any entire cow for fucking free? I'll punch it to death at that point. Your friends and family will be looking forward to the gifted meat.

>> No.11127951

>he isn't aware of NATURAL ANTInutrients (poison) in plants which prevent overgrazing in herbivores
>willingly stepping DOWN the food chain as an apex predator
>becoming a sugar-addled sheep-brain instead of living your life wolfmode as an alpha badass
lmaoing at your carbage-addicted lives ma familia
Cows and other ruminants like lambs spend all day grazing on assorted plants -neatly packaging the phytonutrients in their delicious meat and making them 100% bioavailable for human digestion- so I don't have to. Even if I wanted to waste my valuable time and energy making plants partially edible with convoluted chemistry and cooking procedures, the nutrients from plants will never be 100% bioavailable for human digestion. Unlike carnivorous humans, herbivores are actually equipped to turn cellulose into delicious, nutritious, vitamin and mineral packed protein and fat. Basically, I'm a lean mean killing machine and you vegetable eaters are poop factories. On an all-meat diet all the nutrition is absorbed before even reaching the colon. Without a foul miasma of sugary beverage solutions to hamper digestion, the meat is totally liquified before crossing the duodenum. Everything exiting the colon is pure waste. Not only is plant fiber totally indigestible, it actualy leaches moisture and nutrients out of your body to protect your poor asshole from getting ripped open. Plant consumption was one of the original tools of human domestication and enslavement. Monoculture cash crop farming has destroyed public health and ecosystems worldwide. Like sheep in a twisted human CAFO, the (((military-industrial-agricultural-pharmaceutical-prison-media))) complex has you by the balls, effectively neutered and domesticated.


>> No.11127952

>women at the same level as whales
wew, victim complex doesn't even come close to this mindset.