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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11118407 No.11118407 [Reply] [Original]

What's a food you despise? for me it's that garlic paste shit they put on the top of some loafs of garlic bread you can get, I always prefered just dry garlic bread and always thought the paste was gross.

Also any sort of sausages with cheese inside of them always grosses me out to, and cucumbers.

What about you guys?

>> No.11118425

Reheated chicken always tastes like absolute shit to me. I don't know if it's just pre frozen or if it's the same with air chilled, but reheating even the best chicken I make always has a disgusting off taste.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.11118427

Onion, beets, brusselsprouts, cabbage, zuchinni there's more...

>> No.11118438

Vegetables and cheese.
Asian food and cheese
Seafood and cheese
Fried chicken that got cold so they battered it up and fried it again

>> No.11118441

I'm guessing it has something to do with how you are storing it. Describe your storage procedure, and what temp your fridge is set to. Is your fridge full of pungent ingredients/aromas?

>> No.11118458


>> No.11118460

I stick it in the fridge pretty much asap and it's at 34 degrees F. My fridge is spotless and doesn't smell and I keep it in an airtight container.

I've also tasted it in other people's chicken, so it's not just me.

>> No.11118466
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>there's only one kind of mayo

>> No.11118468


>> No.11118481

Shrimp. Don’t get all the fuss over sea cockroaches.

>> No.11118486

Nice, I can't see any problems there. It's a rare person who knows the temp of his own fridge.

>> No.11118488

Plums, beets, radishes, raspberries, and frozen dinners (like those Hungry Man ones).

On the opposite end I've come to love blueberries, tomatoes and quinoa this past summer. Fuck me fresh blueberries are a gift from heaven, they've been perfect lately for some reason.

>> No.11118508

I agree with reheated chicken tastes like ass no matter how it was cooked: grilled, bbq'd, fried, roasted, doesn't matter. I just eat it cold which is far better than trying to reheat it. If it was braised, stewed or souped it's fine heated up, though. Really strange.

>> No.11118533

Yeah I've looked into this and it looks like a fairly small percentage of people are even sensitive to this, it might be like the cilantro tasting like soap thing. Who knows. I did read that reheating it slowly in an oven prevents it tasting it like that, but I haven't tried it out yet. It sucks, because I like chicken.

>> No.11118565

The slow reheating doesn't make sense to me, because if the off taste was caused by heating, then wouldn't it come about when that same heating method was used the first time?

For example, microwave some chicken and eat it hot out of the oven. Then store the chicken and re-heat it. If the microwave were the problem then both should taste off. If storage has something to do with it then only the latter would taste off.

>> No.11118576


Generic frozen/preprocessed trash
Monosodium glutamate
Anything garlic related except freshly peeled cloves
Cheap shit spice mixes
Ramen, usually the combination of all of the above.
Carp. tilapia, pangasius
Cheap cheese, especially "process topping"
Raisins, like fucking rat turds in your food
99% of pizza

Any of these are guaranteed to ruin your entire meal. I was always called a "picky eater" when I was young, despite liking almost everything, even unpopular stuff like liver, cabbages, broccoli etc. I just fucking hated cheap shit even even as a kad

>> No.11118648

>frozen dinners(like the Hungry man ones)

Am I the only one who actually likes hospital food and Hungry Man dinners?

>> No.11118655

Ramen has like no nutritonal value in it so i'd agree it's pretty nasty however I usually mix veggies/meat with it and it tastes more like a stiryfry and it's not bad!

>> No.11118666

Probably raw peppers but it's weird because hot pickled banana pepper rings are one of my favorite foods. I just don't like peppers when raw.

Brussell sprouts are good but they need butter or something on them cuz even cooked raw they're sooooo bitter.

>> No.11118671

Not sure if this really counts but I don't like preheating food at least in the microwave, a lot of the time when I have leftovers i'll leave it on the counter covered as I feel putting it in the fridge and then reheating it loses some of it's flavor.

>> No.11118690


Why? Why would you mix literal shit into food when you could make proper food for the same effort?

>> No.11118694

Like I said Ramen isn't that bad if you know what to mix in it and make it good.

>> No.11118711
File: 152 KB, 1145x599, 1535250275153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't enjoy cole slaw ever.
It seems like the type of dish that would be right up my alley but whenever i try any i can only stomach a few bites before leaving it.

>> No.11118723


It is bad. No matter what you mix it with its bad. Why cant you just use normal pasta?

>> No.11118731

Candy Corn, shit is disgusting and looks like ear plugs.

>> No.11118745
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1511939313109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like ramen lol. It doesn't mean it's bad just because you don't like it.

>> No.11118754


So you eat literal trash but its okay because 'I like it'? Are you retarded?

>> No.11118760

He has a point, mostly poor people eat it and it's cheap and I would think actual noodles would probably taste better but if you'r eon a low budget you can make a pretty yummy stir-fry with ramen

>> No.11118762
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No, I'm not and it's not literal trash. Trash is literal trash.

Stop being a dense cunt.

>> No.11118763


So you are just shitposting now.

>> No.11118812

Imagine a world where people eat literal shit and it's normal to them. This is how I feel about cheese.

>> No.11118825

tuna. my mom had cats growing up and every time i smell tuna i just associate it with cat food.

>> No.11118831

didn't mean to reply

>> No.11119520

The only food I ever despised was spinach, and that was ONLY because when I was in kindergarden they would feed us this shitty frozen green pulp that they called spinach, and it was fucking disgusting. I hated it so much.

But then I tried real spinach and I've loved it ever since.

Other than that I've never encountered any food that I couldn't at the very least tolerate. I like pretty much all food. I am the antithesis of a fussy eater.

>> No.11119624

Google warmed over flavor

>> No.11119653

Brocoli with that cheese sauce on it, idk why but I hate it but I like regular broccoli

>> No.11120920

ramen of any kind it smells like a farm to me.

>> No.11120968

This, how come Asian food doesn't lend itself to cheese?

Serious question, Ive never eaten anything Asian with cheese.

>> No.11120974

You’ve never had paneer?
You should try it.

>> No.11121052

Avocado's, like eating cold vomit chunks

>> No.11121066

Cabbage is too strong-tasting for me.

I don't like raw onion unless it's in a salsa or it's pretty well-incorporated into the dish.

The texture (but not the flavor) of peaches and apricots is really off-putting for me.

I've definitely had soapy tasting chicken before that was probably reheated. But I don't always taste that.

>> No.11121070

capsicum is probably the only food i really dont like. Just taste like bitter nothing, I still make myself eat it though. Shit like candy apples, cotton candy, anything thats too sugary or sticks to my teeth I dont eat and have never enjoyed.

Oh and apples have too much sugar and gives me head aches

>> No.11121109

Chicory is horrible

>> No.11121344

not him but all the mayos have the same base,egg yolks and oil. so. he doesnt like mayo base. makes total sense

>> No.11121384

I used to love ginger. But a few years back I drank some ginger beer while I was sick and ended up puking a few minutes later. The taste just reminds me of vomit now.

>> No.11122284

It might be a thing where some enzyme or something gets killed by chagnges ina tgem

>> No.11122331

Eggs. Fried, boiled, it doesn't matter. I can literally puke if I make myself think about them and their smell.

>> No.11122351

I always grill leftover chicken instead of microwaving it, then again I prefer dry chicken with spices than moist chicken.

I'll eat anything put in front of me. Except peas, unless they're boiled with tonnes of mint.

>> No.11122362

Salt, pepper, good Worcestershire sauce. Mash and spread on bread.

>> No.11122526

Chayote. It tastes like soap, just gross. Terrible texture as well.

>> No.11122543

sweet pickles

>> No.11122564
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Soursop, fucking soursop, its an abomination for all my senses, I hate its pig disgusting flavor, it's stinky odor, its gross texture, its ugly appearance... and its sound too, I fucking hate the sound it does when it drops from the tree, ugh

>> No.11122567

>I'll eat anything put in front of me.
Can you eat my asshole?

>> No.11122594

Nah man, wait until you're sick in the winter and make a chicken based soup with ginger. I think it's an asian/mexican recipe? Either way it is so wholesome, like you can taste it relieving you.

>> No.11122597

>grill tons of chicken thighs
>reheat them by dicing and frying on a pan
absolutely kino, my fren

>> No.11122605

pineapple anything, smells like literal vomit and always praised by actual insufferable shitheads; its a locus for bad character
dill is the worst spice in the world, may as throw denatonium benzoate in your food if you like bitters so much
any alcohol is poison, but its amazing for cooking. no sense in drinking it ever
asparagus is completely retarded, would rather eat twigs and old cut grass
also dont understand any squash, but i am not so hateful of those that like it

finally, lemon does not go on any fish yet everyone treats it as a requirement

>> No.11122646

>not using lemon on fish
Woah, who invited mr. Bigdick to the party? Bet you are drowning in pussy irl Sarcasm btw faggot

>> No.11122764

I can't handle onions at all, I'm not a fan of spicy shit as well

>> No.11122787
File: 164 KB, 649x400, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find mushrooms absolutely repulsing unless they are cut very finely and cooked thoroughly into the dish, like in a sauce. just the fact that they are a fungus. they are a little bulb sticking out form an amorphous parasitic life form that thrives in damp, slimy conditions like decaying organic matter and shit. on the inside is that weird dark part that almost looks like litle hairs. i don't know how people can look at them and think they are appetizing, i find them completely revolting.

>> No.11122791
File: 129 KB, 762x472, Pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all y'all haters.

>> No.11122797

t. deplorable country bumpkin

>> No.11122814

>organ meat (especially tripe)

Literally the only three foods on the planet that I don't like.

>> No.11122816

does cilantro taste like soap to you? its a genetic thing

>> No.11122821

I hate potatoes

>> No.11122857

Yea it does. It's the same with my whole family too. All clearly genetic.

>> No.11122932
File: 23 KB, 399x388, 1453180613759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black pudding

>> No.11123016

Do everyone a favor and get a grip

>> No.11124254

Soursop, hands down

>> No.11124282

I did...I know what I don't like...what's yer beef man?

>> No.11125252

Grape Nuts.

>> No.11125484

Majority of asians are lactose intolerant and they think cheese smells like rotten milk, which it actually is. Cheese is a European thing.

>> No.11125495

Any variety of cheese that's rubbery and bland, like Swiss. Can't swallow the stuff

>> No.11125529

seeing as its healthy ill probably get the nuts to down it eventually but its like eating mud I swear to god

>> No.11125539

Beets. Taste like dirt even though I like other underground veggies. I can tolerate them in a good borcht. But I don’t even like them being pickled

>> No.11125580

Tomatoes. I can't fucking stand when restaurants don't mention that it's in their dishes on the menu, always makes me nervous ordering food since usually waiters don't have any fucking clue what the dishes actually contain and I just don't want to make their day any harder because they've probably had to serve a bunch of other asshole customers.

>> No.11125586

i hate olives

>> No.11125598

eggs give me light headaches

>> No.11125601

Me 2

>> No.11125665

Meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.

>> No.11125750

Some things are good for their kitsch factor. I used to sip 5-hr energy for that plastic berry-vitamin-aspartame taste.

>> No.11126022

I cannot stand mushrooms of any kind, liver and kidneys. Mere smell of them makes me want to vomit.

>> No.11126058

Ketchup, mayo and mustard. Especially the bright colored ones. Gross

>> No.11126072

>only a european thing
And middle eastern, latin american, and Indian (paneer) thing...

>> No.11126098

celery, bell peppers, carrots that are cut too big if raw, ketchup, cod, mild cheddar, fake cheeses like velveeta and american cheese, raisins and basically all dried fruits, mango, peaches, papayas, and anything mint flavored, green cabbage, raw onions (not including green ones)

honestly don't get why so many people like cod it has a disgusting flavor like no other fish i've had by comparison

>> No.11126179

Bacalhau, the only food ive ever had where even the smell makes me nauseous.

>> No.11126182

They have cheese yakitori in Japan.

>> No.11126191

can you go shit up another board?p please

>> No.11126194

Jesus Christ, I'm not sure there's hope for this board.

>> No.11126252

Canned tuna fish. It has the most disgusting odor I can think of. Processed fake deli meats that taste like gelatin and salt.

How can people not like certain fresh fruits and vegetables? I feel like half of you are the sort of people who go out to eat and order everything specially prepared with additions/subtractions.

>> No.11126307

>Canned tuna fish. It has the most disgusting odor I can think of. P

Oh man, agreed 100% there. How is it that something that tastes so fucking amazing when raw or seared turns into absolute dogshit once it has been canned?

>How can people not like certain fresh fruits and vegetables?
I can't explain, but I fucking despise asparagus. It just tastes like rancid piss to me. I am about as far from a picky eater as it gets. I will happily eat raw meats and fish. Funky cheeses that smell like a dead man's feet? Hook me up. Street food in 3rd world shitholes? Yes, please. Fish heads? Love 'em. Blood sausage? I make my own. Weird pickled and dried stuff from the Asian market? Yessir. Old fashioned style dry cured hams stored without refrigeration? God tier. But Asparagus? I don't know what it is, but it's beyond vile to me.

>> No.11126325

Probably something genetic, I know there are people who can and can't distinguish a certain asparagus compound in their piss. Thanks for eating like a normal human being, btw.

Also canned fish has to be overcooked due to the nature of botulism, can't be helped.

>> No.11126330


Peanut butter. I just can't stand the stuff at all.

>> No.11126351

>Also canned fish has to be overcooked due to the nature of botulism, can't be helped.
Yes, I know the motivation for it, it's just odd that tuna alone (IMO) gets so nasty when canned. I eat a variety of other canned fish and that stuff is fine. I do a lot of home canning using the standard time/temp tables with a pressure canner and those don't develop that nasty funk either. But canned tuna specifically is pretty nasty.

>> No.11126389

I probably haven't had a can in a decade, maybe I'll pick one up to investigate further. I was canning sardines and mackerel for a while but I could never enjoy the product so I'm just boiling them from frozen as needed at this point.

>> No.11126396

Love almost everything from fermented fish to hot peppers but the only thing I can't eat is fresh tomatoes, they make me wretch and gag involuntarily idk why. Cooked ones are fine

>> No.11126496

I'm not a picky eater but I can't stand okra. So fucking slimy. I've tried to force it down and I've gagged and almost threw up

>> No.11126548

Green beans. Canned or fresh, it's the one food I hated as a kid that I still dislike.

>> No.11127318

Seafood. Occasionally ill do fish and chips but other than that its disgusting

>> No.11128599

cold, unmelted cheese on a sandwich/hamburger
hot ham & cheese
shrimp paste
Belgian endive. It's like the 5th worst thing i've ever had in my mouth

>> No.11128616

do you microwave it? Usually makes chicken rubbery and dry.
I've also found the toaster oven, although doing much better, still lowers the quality.
The only way I know of that keeps the quality is reheating through using the same method used to initially cook it. Only problem with that is, it's only deep fried/pan fried chicken that I can save. I have the same problem as you anon.

>> No.11128624

I like it's versatility. Can take on a lot of flavors, and if it's small enough, can even be used as a protein topping. It's awful if it's just plain salt and pepper, though.

>> No.11128639

same for peaches. Love the flavor, but I just can't get past the texture.

>> No.11128711

>german red cabbage
>Olives of any kind

>> No.11128760

I'm not really a fussy eater but the one thing I cannot stand is cauliflower. The smell of it cooked makes me feel completely shit.

>> No.11128779

i cannot stand red bell peppers

>> No.11130178

asparagus is outright disgusting,can't imagine why someone would decide to eat it

>> No.11130375

I really don't understand how people can like eggplant.