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11117326 No.11117326 [Reply] [Original]

>first, pour in some olive oil. it keeps the pasta from sticking together

>> No.11117332

pan. nice and hot.

>> No.11117337

>yes chef?
>t-thank you chef

>> No.11117372

>hot pan
>olive oil
smoking hot olive oil - done.

>> No.11117409

Is there anyone more BASED than Gordon Ramsay?

>> No.11117729

SEASON the pasta water

>> No.11117780


>> No.11117791

>now, break the pasta in half so it fits easier into the pan, and is easier to eat

>> No.11117799
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olive oil doesnt actually keep the pasta from sticking together.

>> No.11117802

it does add flavor though

>> No.11117803

the PERFECT pasta water

>> No.11117804

Olive oil.
Fuck off.

>> No.11117810

olive oil in pasta boiling water does nothing, you're supposed to add the olive oil once pasta is done.

>> No.11117816

No it doesn't.

>> No.11117822

No it doesn't. make two batches... one with and one without. You can't taste the difference... and if you could, why does it matter? You're covering it with sauce and various other seasonings which would eliminate its subtle flavor. So Mr Ramsay please explain why adding olive oil helps...

>> No.11117823



>> No.11117861

Or just put olive oil on it after draining, rather than pouring 99% of it down the sink.

>> No.11117863

That's dumb. You want the sauce to STICK to the pasta. Why would you add olive oil to prevent that from happening?

>> No.11117868

you use olive oil only when it is the sauce, it has not other function than to make pasta feel and taste slightly better.

>> No.11117869

why are you feeling your pasta bro

>> No.11117885

i lolled

>> No.11117911

My mom has always put a bit of oil in the pasta water to prevent it from sticking, although not olive oil, that's just wasteful.
Also I'd never put olive oil on the drained pasta, it's too flavourful. Butter is best.

>> No.11117914

Pasta doesn't absorb anything. You can put a whole can of pepper and other spices in the water and it won't have any effect at all on the pasta.

>> No.11117918

Good lad.

>> No.11117923

It does absorb salt, and it's very noticeable.
If you go full patrician, it depends on the sauce you'll use afterwards whether or not you should salt the water when boiling, there's guides on the interwebs on that.

>> No.11117975

pasta absorbs shitloads of water and salt, you should always use bottled water and at least a handful of salt per portion.

>> No.11117978

Ramsay seems like he has no idea what he's doing half the time. I have a sneaking suspicion that he's a much more confident businessman than chef.

Olive oil's flashpoint is so low that if you're sauteeing food all the wonderful taste will disappear. Better off using grapeseed/canola oil and some olive oil for finishing

>> No.11118006

It won't absorb things like curry or oregano though.

>> No.11118011

>Ramsay seems like he has no idea what he's doing half the time.
He really doesn't have a clue about most things. He's worked hard, and thus, never experienced life like people who grew up with money and travel, and well, dining out well.

> I have a sneaking suspicion that he's a much more confident businessman than chef.
He is literally a high school dropout type of education. You hire people who are more intelligent than you, or you marry well, to be successful. Emeril's wife was his dynamo on the business side, not him. He was the workhorse in the kitchen and was trained well, but he actually grew up dining well, so yea.
>Olive oil's flashpoint is so low that if you're sauteeing food all the wonderful taste will disappear. Better off using grapeseed/canola oil and some olive oil for finishing
Or you could olive oil to saute and finish both. Don't be cheap. I deep fry in olive oil for arancini, frito misto, polpettie, zucchini, artichokes, stuffed olives, eggs, all of it. Spanish food too!

>> No.11118014

Use a bigger pot. Ass.

>> No.11118028

Butter on pasta tastes fucking atrocious. Butter is godlike on anything else, but on pasta it tastes like ass.

>> No.11118082

true, because you also need salt with the butter
pasta with butter and salt is the most timeless of combinations

>> No.11118094

>Hearing Gordon call someone a pleb

>> No.11118142

Somebody who has 100%, absolutely, unadulterated no fucking clue what they're talking about.

>> No.11118244

>Butter on pasta tastes fucking atrocious.
terrible taste/10

>> No.11118346


>> No.11118829

Yeah nah, not when he sacrificed his integrity to please some snobbish and arrogant american network executives.

>> No.11118848

Who the fuck cares about integrity when you have a gorillion dollars

>> No.11119501

You're dumb, that makes the sauce not stick. Oil in water makes the starch break so it doesnt bubble over. Faggots.

>> No.11119614

Pasta + butter is just gross.

>> No.11119626
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>so it doesnt bubble over

>> No.11119642

>but NEVER break your pasta diagonally

>> No.11119746

Because it means someone in Tunisia gets to eat dinner too.

>> No.11120089

Refined Olive Oil (ie olive oil) has a higher smoke point and flash point than lard or beef fat and is perfectly sufficient for shallow frying.

>> No.11120127

Have you ever had pasta in a restaurant? There's butter in basically every fucking pasta other than strict tomato sauces.

>> No.11120164
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>Ramsay seems like he has no idea what he's doing half the time. I have a sneaking suspicion that he's a much more confident businessman than chef.
He's got a 3 Michelin star restaurant, I think appearing so much on TV has made people forget he's an excellent cook

>> No.11120932

correct. it will absorb things that are water soluble.

>> No.11121189

Had he really said that?

>> No.11121281

Pretty sure you just rinse the pasta in cold water to make it not stick. I personally do both so I don't know which works but whatever.

>> No.11121875

>deep fry in olive oil
I'm a chef at a 2 hat restaurant in Aus and I've seen some shit anon but people using pure evoo for frying disgusts me the most.

>> No.11121897

holy dunning-kruger effect

>> No.11121911

>it keeps the pasta from sticking together
I never understood this. Do people really have this problem? I never have in my life.

>> No.11121976

That's why rice is superior. What spices are water soluble though? Even salt doesn't really fit in.

>> No.11122000

I don't know of any spices which are entirely water soluble because spices are not a pure substance, they contain many individual chemicals. That said, for just about any spice a lot of the flavor is water-soluble even if the little bits of seeds or leaves or whatever are not. Think about brewing tea, for example: you still have the tea leaves left over--they don't dissolve 100%. But a lot of the flavor from the leaves has dissolved into the water.

Rice vs. pasta? silly. They both absorb water via the exact same principle. Anything one will absorb the other will too.

>> No.11122008

What's the best HEALTHIEST oil to cook with using a pan?

>> No.11122011

The difference is that you don't drain any water from the rice so the spices stick to it like a layer on top.

>> No.11122012

Sunflower oil or clarified butter. Don't fall for the coconutfags and their propaganda.

>> No.11122022

>Do people really have this problem?
Yes. I can't tell you how many times I saw it happen in my dorm kitchen when I was in Uni.

I've seen the following causes of it:
-pot wasn't actively boiling and the cook never bothered to stir, so the pasta just formed a sticky mass at the bottom of the pot
-pasta was cooked with insufficient water
-super cheap shitty pasta that sticks even if you have a good rolling boil & a good-sized pot

That said, putting oil in the water to try and fix the problem is silly. But even a lot of pro cooks do that. They learned in an old fashioned system where they took whatever their chef taught them as gospel, so consequently a lot of stupid shit gets repeated even though we know better these days. Oil in the pasta water is a common one. So is "sear the meat to seal in the juices"--I've heard Ramsay say that. And there's a common one with Italian chefs where they insist on throwing the cork from a wine bottle into a pot of octopus, claiming that the "cork tenderizes the octo"--which, of course, is nonsense with no basis in science, but it often gets repeated because that's how they were taught.

>> No.11122023

My mom pours pasta in a colander then leaves it to go watch inspiring housewife shit on Facebook for two hours. It sticks together in this weird pasta ball, yes.

>> No.11122030

Your mom is spending your inheritance on pearl parties

>> No.11122056

Just stir the damn things, olive oil isn't needed.

>> No.11122063
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>> No.11122075

There is one thing called aglio olio that's just sliced garlic sweated in olive oil. That's your sauce for spaghetti, other than s&p and some grated hard cheese like parmesan, that's it.

>> No.11122077

Which is why if she mixed some sauce in with it and let is sit in the pot it would be fine. Maybe help her out next time.

>> No.11122082

Not if you're boiling cooked pasta, my dude.

>> No.11122086
File: 58 KB, 499x663, 1db84f02-7fb4-4ca8-81a2-62e9c5871923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curry with pasta

>> No.11122092

Well, then that's just human error then. I've always stirred my pasta, I can't imagine why you wouldn't other than pure laziness. Literally takes two seconds.

>> No.11122093

What's the point of letting it sit in the pot at all? Why not eat it right after it's been cooked?

>> No.11122094

You can steep the water in the herbs to transfer the flavor into the water, though. Then you're pasta can take on whatever. I tried it with oregano and bay leaves once, made a huge difference.

>> No.11122098

>Well, then that's just human error then.
Yes of course, what did you think it was?

>> I've always stirred my pasta, I can't imagine why you wouldn't other than pure laziness
That's because you know how to cook. Many other people don't, and many are also lazy.

>> No.11122109

I don’t run their house. If that’s how they do dinner, so be it.

Like you I serve it immediately. But if someone is going to be late, blending some sauce in will prevent it from sticking; just top with more sauce and serve.

>> No.11122125

Actually the oil in the pasta water has scientific backing but has nothing to do with the pasta sticking together it helps (not fully prevents) the pot from boiling over because the oil on the surface of the water helps disrupt bubbles from forming and building on top of each other.

The sealing in juices thing is an old myth from what is essentially a huge advertising campaign by a guy who's last name was Dr. Liebig and was selling his particular stock/bone broth as the healthiest and most nutritional foods it just never got dispelled. His claim was all about liquids leeching nutrients and so he started his stock cold so they had all the good stuff in them and the sealing in juices was kinda apart of that rhetoric, even though research proves reverse searing retains more moisture than searing first. His whole claim was that liquids were where the vitamins and minerals were.
Never heard of the cork think desu but I can believe it Italians are a superstitious/traditional bunch

>> No.11122130

It was just an example.

>> No.11122133

jesus christ, what's his fucking problem

>> No.11122134

The French term for that is a Fumet and cooking pasta in a Fumet is nothing new it isn't that common only because sauces usually overpower any flavor in the Fumet and it adds an extra step to making pasta that in order to get good results is like 4 more hours

>> No.11122137

I dunno, I guess I didn't expect people to be retarded enough to not be able to follow instructions on a package.

>> No.11122143
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ok, you scared me for a little bit

>> No.11122161

It wouldn't surprise me if part of the theory of "searing locking in the juices" came from the use of cauterization for surgery. Even hundreds of years ago people figured out that burning a wound would stop it from bleeding, and thus stop "the juices running out". Alas, sealing off a blood vessel is not the same thing as stopping the juices from seeping out of meat even if they might appear superficially similar.

>> No.11122523

Two stupid cunts purposefully disrupt the kitchen staff for attention and a fag who orders off the menu for attention

>> No.11122619

It's more for recipes like lemon and olive oil. Either way you finish with cooking the pasta in the pan of sauce itself. I think moreso the problem is normies who can't cook over boil their pasta which just makes it a mushy brick.

>> No.11123178

>rinse the pasta in cold water
my sister does this and shes an absolute brainlet
in fact i just got a text from her asking if her leftover pasta that no ate is still in the fridge and told me not to eat it
like i would eat it
stupid binch
my point was that your a fuckhead for rinsing your COOKED pasta in COLD water

>> No.11123339

do you want to sex your sister anonymous?

>> No.11123356

no i want her to know it was me who sex her

>> No.11123590
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I agree that Gordon seems like he's talking out of his ass half the time, but I really hate this olive oil smokepoint meme. Even extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point of 320, and standard olive oil can go as high as 470, which is actually one of the highest smokepoints of any oil.

>> No.11123912

I have rinsed mine in cold water all my life and it doesn't matter at all if the pasta is cold since the hot sauce heats it up.

>> No.11123916

>putting hot sauce on pasta
do americans really do this?

>> No.11123922

Yep, that's exactly what I meant, tabasco sauce

>> No.11123925

You're forgetting the step where you add a little bit of the pasta water back into the sauce to get it to help stick to the pasta.

>> No.11123981


>> No.11123984

i once added too much salt to the pasta water and the pasta tasted like shit

>> No.11124013

Pasta with butter, garlic and black pepper is delicious

>> No.11124070

Guy Fieri is 10x the man and chef that Gordon Ramsay is.

>> No.11124081

fact. He's likable, a bro, hates jews and faggots, and has a cool car

>> No.11124119

>hates jews and faggots

>> No.11124255

>He has no idea what he's doing half the time
>His restaurants have been awarded 16 Michelin stars in total.
Pick fucking one you mong