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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11115435 No.11115435 [Reply] [Original]

>needing to dip pizza in ranch in order to enjoy it

>> No.11115451

covering all the fries with ketchup, instead of just put a blop of it on their OWN plate

>> No.11115454

>People who need to slather their pizza with ketchup

>> No.11115461

People who chew with their mouths open or talk with food in their mouths.

>> No.11115465

People that eat their mac and cheese with ketchup

>> No.11115466
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>judging what other people eat

>> No.11115470

I never got this, you'll either have to use a fork or get ketchup all over your hands

>> No.11115473

Picky eaters. Loud smacking.

>> No.11115559

Anyone that's a vegan or a ketofag

>> No.11115566

Anyone that eats meat or carbs or dairy

>> No.11115579

the fuck do you even eat

>> No.11115588
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It's a vegan

>> No.11115621

People who get offended when called out on this disgusting habit

>> No.11115732

people that eat

>> No.11115769

It aerates the food

>> No.11115778
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I'll do you one better.

A friend of mine in high school would mix ranch and corn together on pizza day.

Like it just looked like nightmare porridge.

>> No.11115878

>People who eat their mayonnaise off the bathroom floor instead of right out of the tub like a civilized person.

>> No.11115899

Corn salad, it's actually pretty good. Never used ranch, but I'm imagining it not being too bad.
Try it though, canned sweet corn, shaved carrots and a little mayo. It's good shit.

>> No.11115906
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>nightmare porridge.

>> No.11115911
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>When people use their teeth on utensils.

This is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I've had to get up and leave the table on a few occasions because of that shit. When someone eats an entire plate of pasta by biting down on their fork and scraping the noodles off with their teeth it makes me recoil in disgust.

Just the sound of it makes me cringe and I can't take it.

>> No.11116023


>> No.11116046

Being fat. I call fat girls cupcake it fucks with them

>> No.11116053

Stfu lard ass nigger lover

>> No.11116058

vegan is mostly carbs

>> No.11116059

Fucking McDonalds

>> No.11116103

man just eat with ya mouth shut ya fuckin troglodyte

>> No.11116190

I've never met another person who hates this as much as I do. It's like we're brothers in autism.

>> No.11116202
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>i'm just not a "leftover" person

>> No.11116207
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>> No.11116407

>sister'll put ranch or fuckin american cheese on top of her microwave burritos
I "jokingly" call her nasty but it's not a joke. Also the smell of warm ranch is just grotesque

>> No.11116422

I was in a class with a woman for a while who sprinkled a fuckload of salt on her pizza. I don't know how she's still alive. She didn't seem to be very bright, always spaced out, probably from chronic dehydration.

>> No.11116431

People who don't eat the pizza crust.

Fuck those people.

>> No.11116446

>on a comfy night walk like 3 days ago
>pass a house with a long stone path to the porch
>look down
>in the middle of the path were 3 lonely lil pizza crusteses
Weird & sickening

>> No.11116484

Try it once

>> No.11116490

I'll aerate your face with a fork.

>> No.11116495

Its just plain bread why waste stomach space

>> No.11116541

You have to put the corn on the pizza, then the ranch. You roll it up like a burrito and eat it that way nerd

>> No.11116549
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>putting ketchup to make your crispy crunchy fries soggy

>> No.11116578

Sticking out tongue with each bite.

>> No.11116594
File: 31 KB, 355x236, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who crunch chips 3-4 times as they push it in, then continue to chew with their mouths open.

Put the god damn chip all the way in, close your fucking mouth, then chew. How hard is that?

>> No.11116611
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>instead of getting wasabi/soy sauce, getting mayonnaise
And proceeding to;
>dipping sushi rolls into mayonnaise and bragging about it being a bohemian/hipster brand of mayonnaise

>claiming to be keto/paleo while making scenes in public about paleo options and now you want everyone to be paleo and not drink milk
>then proceed to eat non paleo food with milk and sugar in it becuase you do none of these things yourself

>> No.11116614
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>1. Nobody does that
>2. Nobody does that
What a great post

>> No.11116619


> immediately putting salt on food before tasting it

> same goes for ketchup

fair enough that you want it but fucking taste it first

>> No.11116631

You mean each mouthful? Cause that sounds painful

>> No.11116638

You do that huh?

>> No.11116661

>like to eat my fries with ketchup or some other sauce
>some idiot on an armenian keto enthusiast forum tell me I can't put sauce on before I taste the plain fries

>> No.11116665
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>> No.11116778

People who lick/ suck their fingers after eating something.
Also that fucking sound of people eating at a quiet dinner table when no one wants to talk.
All of their mouths flapping/belching

>> No.11116783

People who eat with their knives.

>> No.11116867

>chocolate milk

MMMMMmmmm. Carbs, carbs, carbs, sugar, sugar. And a bit of cheese.
What a nutritional wasteland.
And we wonder why everyone's fat.

>> No.11116934

People that inhale audibly when they take a bite
People that eat with their mouth open
People that gulp when they drink
People that smack their lips
People that need to scrape the last bit of rice or food etc out of a bowl
People that speak with their mouth full
People who put tomato sauce on everything
People that scrape burnt toast into the sink and not clean it up

>> No.11116945

1) People who don't try food
2) People who use tomato sauce for everything BUT ALSO people who don't admit it makes terrible shit bearable
3) Don't thank cook for meal, outside or in
4) People who won't use up older food
5) People who say it's their treat then fake out after it's too late
6) People who don't wait for others to finish

>> No.11116967

Grown adults that still eat mac and cheese as a main dish.

>> No.11116983

People who stupidly believe that they shouldn't be judged by their actions, choices, and their behaviors. (What you choose to put in your mouth and how you put it in your mouth counts as the above.)

>> No.11116999

Ohh you would love a meal with me

>yaaa noo diss iss rly gaahd mhhm
>aa loov de *unintelligible*
>I love the sauce on this, did they put cilantro in there?
>take bites so large it should be physically impossible
>gluurghdues mmmhhaamlovendisssaaas

>> No.11117006

Whats norcal like this time of year?

>> No.11117010

>that girl at the office who was skinny a year ago and now jokes all the time about "her fat ass" (i.e. fishing for someone to tell her she looks good) yet gets fast food every day

She's the right amount of thicc now but will soon go over the threshold sadly.

>> No.11117090

>Breaking down why even the simplest of foods is 'bad for you'
And we wonder why there are so many asshole retards

>> No.11117116

There was a girl like that where I work, she was once reasonably attractive (never ideal but still, thin enough), but is now a ham planet yet she still acts like "the hot chick", wearing yoga pants while her spare tires spill everywhere like a sack of gelatin, and using the flirty voice, it gives me the heeby jeebies.

It made me realize a lot of these fat chicks you see who act like they're goddesses were probably once attractive and just completely let themselves go. It's hard to feel pity for them, they are terrible people.

>> No.11117134


The mayo part is true though.

>> No.11117147

>not licking it off the rim of the toilet seat

It's like you don't even want to be cultured.

>> No.11117153
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But he's right you know.

>> No.11117166
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>> No.11117189

No it isn't. The only brand of mayo used in sushi sauces is Kewpie, and it's nothing exotic. Nobody dips the sushi into the mayo anyways, it's usually mixed with other sauces to put on top.

>> No.11117194

>people who order something they obviously will not like, and then when it arrives either send it back for some retarded reason (waiter, excuse me! this sashimi is undercooked!) or proceed to eat half of your meal under the guise of "trying it"
on a similar note;
>people who send back food just bc they "dont like it". (a legitimate reason to send it back is fine, ie undercooked or a hair in the food etc). like, you knew what you ordered, stop complaining and eat it.
>people who order hamburgers extra well done
>people who order a dish with an excessive amount of substitutions to the point that it becomes an entirely different meal
>people who audibly complain about the price of things or that the portion size is too small
>restaurants that serve you super well-done meat when you asked for medium rare
>retarded16y/o waiters who give you ice in your beer/wine glass so you have to wait for it to melt or ask for a second glass to pour it into before you can enjoy your beverage like a normal person
>cafes that serve you tea that has been brewed for far too long and leave the teabag in it so it tastes like super sour garbage

>> No.11117200
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>Peopl that scrape burnt toast into the sink

>> No.11117256

You picked em up and ate them didnt you

>> No.11117366
File: 946 KB, 1800x1800, 254Peperee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with all of these.

People who only use a fork.

People who roll up their spaghetti.

People who takes food from others' plates without asking - especially if with their fingers.

People who does not have celiacs, gluten intolerance, ADHD or ADD and still avoid gluten like cancer - unless it's seitaan ofc..

People who think things from "exotic" parts of the world are healthier just because it's from there.. (himalayan pink salt, acai berries, goji etc.)

People who enjoy the ideas shown on Epic Meal Time.

>> No.11117383

Triggered ketofag btfo

>> No.11117391

fuck those people

>> No.11117400

Being picky.

>> No.11117410

We are kindred spirits my brothers.
Honestly it is a disgusting habit. Why would you ever bite down on metal and think that its okay?

>> No.11117422

Obviously, that was the wierd and sickening part

>> No.11117465
File: 1.67 MB, 1840x3264, 1535301987361711170259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... gojiberries are filled with antioxidants, and Himalayan salt is healthier since its not refined, when they refine it they remove all the trace minerals, the best salt is still celtic sea salt, it has almost 15% trace minerals and a high water content wich means you can use more salt without "overdoseing" pic related, its in swedish but you should be able to decipher the mineral content

But yeah i get your point about obnoxious people feeling high and mighty about their "superior intellect" for choosing fancy food

>> No.11117720

Eggs and pork rinds

>> No.11117811

Goji berries are extremely similar to rosehip nutritionally.

Not saying they aren't good, just that it's not qorth the premium unless it's flavor thing. And yeah you got my point though.

Yes I can decipher it. Fellow swefag.

>> No.11117820

People like you have stunted humanity's progress more than you even realize.

>> No.11117848

>people who refuse to eat outside of their comfort zone

A friend from mine in college only ate a handful of things, people called him "Kids Menu" because he really only eat pizza (cheese or pepperoni only), hamburgers, chicken fingers, hot dogs, and stuff like that.

My sister-in-law isn't nearly as bad, but she won't eat: seafood, fish, anything "ethnic", anything spicy, any meat that isn't chicken/pork/beef/turkey, and a half dozen or so vegetables.

>> No.11117852

Using any type of sauce outside of a recipe. If the food needs to be dipped for you to enjoy it why are you eating it. It is objectively bad.

>> No.11117856

Wrong. There are some foods that you only want to apply the sauce right at the last moment so it doesn't become soggy.

>> No.11117884

This sounds awful

>> No.11117972
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People with no shame are the first to run to the "don't judge maaaan" excuse.

>> No.11117981


>> No.11117986

I've only ever seen Jack and his family do this and I'm still none the wiser as to how that habit even develops and what it's for. To me it seems like it would only get in the way of your bite.

>> No.11118004

>People who roll up their spaghetti.
How the fuck else are you meant to eat it? By picking up a forkful, lifting it high above your face and slowly dropping the whole length of the spaghetti into your mouth?

>> No.11118016

trully the worst type of persons baka

>> No.11118029

This is why we need a wall

>> No.11118039

It sends chills up my spine just thinking about it

>> No.11118042

Why should I wipe off sauce and throw it away? It's not a plate or silverware you humongulus of a faggot ITS PART OF THE FOOD AND MEANT TO BE EATEN

>> No.11118080

With a fork you plebian

>> No.11118112

I'm the semi-opposite of this. I hate people who insist you try something all the time. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know if you're going to dislike something.

>> No.11118178

>If the food needs to be dipped for you to enjoy it why are you eating it. It is objectively bad.
>If the food needs to be seasoned for you to enjoy it why are you eating it. It is objectively bad.
>If the food needs to be prepared in a certain way for you to enjoy it why are you eating it. It is objectively bad.
>If the food needs to be at a certain temperature for you to enjoy it why are you eating it. It is objectively bad.
>If the food needs to be fresh for you to enjoy it why are you eating it. It is objectively bad.

>> No.11118276

>i probably shouldnt be eating this, teehee
>i would like my steak well done
>i would like my steak medium
>ive been eating healthy for three days now!
>GOTTA HAVE MY MORNING COFFEE *orders frappe milkshake bullshit*
>anyone that eats hotdogs unironically

>> No.11118310


>> No.11118317

>people that eat mayo.
>people don't understand that you just don't eat mayo.
it's like a fucking cult.
>people that add shit to a dish that you don't eat and then get offended when you actively vomit because of it.
>people that say, "oh they won't notice."
they are untrustworthy dogs and should be put down.
>people that defend sushi as if it's delicious when it's disgusting.
fucking disgusting.
>non-meat eaters.
you're a land animal, you require land animals.
>edgy little faggots that think their local or cultural cuisine is great when it's not even close to palatable.
chicago pizza is trash.
german food is trash.
>people that defend pineapple and/or coconut.
stop eating island food if you're not an islander, your dna is not designed for it.
>people that have a desire to try exotic foods.
just eat your steak.
>instant mashed potatoes.
>dessert food and dessert food eaters.
>women that go, "mmmmm, this is so good", while the food is still in their mouth.
>women that take small bites.
>people that only have valentina's for a hot sauce.
>people that put dressings on salads
>people that work as chefs and think they know cuisine when all they know is how to fuck up food
>soda drinkers

>> No.11118323


>> No.11118329


>> No.11118341

>not dipping it the garlic or marinara sauce

>> No.11118368

God bless Mrs. Obama (formerly Mr) for removing this slop from the public school cafeteria

>> No.11118377

my grandfather has typical boomer tastes of course, but what really gets my goat is how when he talks with his mouthful. It's not that he's talking while eating, there's like food stuck in his vocal cords, and it's almost as if he's gargling it. It's incredibly difficult to explain.

>> No.11118390

people that eat

>> No.11118429

people who shit on mayo but like aioli
people who say they won't eat x ingredient but commonly do when it's presented with something else (think people who complain about onions but still like home fries)

>> No.11118444

people who can't into chopsticks but still use them to stab their food and shove it in their mouths

>> No.11118480


>> No.11118489

Trump took his revenge by ploughing up and salting her white house organic garden while ordering the head of the EPA to build an oil derrick over it, so there's that.

>> No.11118501


>> No.11118702

THANK YOU. That post is this pretentious piece of iamsosmart shit thread in a nutshell.

>> No.11118790

You're jealous that society makes your choices for you. What a cuck.

>> No.11118933

my wife puts salt on her pizza

makes me cringe every time

>> No.11119108

Yeah exactly you take a spoon scoop up some spagetti, apply a fork to the spoon rotate the spoon untill the spagetti is rolled up in a orderly fashion, and then you Place the fork in your mouth

Anything other then that is retarded i mean comon you really want to have wild spagetti strands flying all over the Place and splashing sauce on your face and clothes

i guess you could cut it but whats the point of eating spagetti might as well make macaroni or something

>> No.11119244

>your dna is not designed for it.
What a retarded reason to not eat something.

>> No.11119296

Don't drink during pregnancy, ladies, or this is what we have to deal with.

>> No.11119304

>accidentally biting your fork
Hate doing that.

>> No.11119342

no one should ever thinks this over the age of 20 at most

>> No.11119374

"oh teehee I'm watching my weight"
>proceeds to dump gallons of sour cream or mayo on her food

how most women operate I have no clue

>> No.11119382

It's not a need, it's a revelation

>> No.11119426

Strictly 28 day moon cycles, that's how. They're literally cucked by the fucking moon of all things.

>> No.11119432

Salting before tasting

>> No.11119595

I've bet you've never said shit to someone's face in your life. This entire thread reeks of seething cowards.

>> No.11119638

>eating really fast; you're going to feel sick and your food is not running away
>people that scoff at a dish because it has unfamiliar or "icky" ingredients
>people that refuse to eat any vegetables at all no matter how they're prepared

My friend actually asked over the phone while ordering Chinese if his orange chicken order had "the big vegetables" in it because he wouldn't be able to eat any of it if it did. He means large broccoli vs. small cutlets? Or something, I'm still kind of confused.

>people that don't fucking season ANYTHING and prepare a whole meal of bland unseasoned food
>taking unnecessarily large bites
>making audible vocal sounds while taking a bite; "aaahmph"
>people that will look for any excuse not to tip the waiter/waitress because they're selfish kikes
>people that thank the waiter every time they come by
>at home, people that put food on a plate (either from the table like a sandwich or from the frying pan, etc w/e) and immediately start eating it instead of sitting down like a civilized person

>> No.11119652
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>> No.11119656
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The fuck? Pizza is already salty enough.

>> No.11119727

there is unironically nothing wrong with this and is a lazy way to enhance those shitty burritos. also nothing wrong with American cheese

>> No.11119794

When I worked at steak and shake one of my co-workers would place a burger on the grill before slathering it completely in ketchup and mustard. It'd essentially boil in it until fully cooked and it was really fucking disgusting.

>> No.11119808
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>putting cheese whiz on anything
lookin at you phillycucks
your tradition is shit

>> No.11120155

I'll fucking aerate you if you don't shut the fuck up Ping

>> No.11120168

Touching shit off my plate is a violation of the NAP and will result in lethal action. Slurping or lip smacking is a gassable offence. People who put ketchup on anything other than fries, not chips, or sausage based rolls or sandwiches, or burgers.

>> No.11120177

lip smackers finna get dey lips smacked nomsayin

>> No.11120179


>> No.11120189

If I ever meet you I will kill you. This is not empty posturing.

>> No.11120197

>Using a spoon to eat spaghetti
is this a mutt thing ?

>> No.11120200

people that claim to be a vegan but eat fish

>> No.11120433

>fish are mammals

>> No.11120467

>their OWN plate
so you're talking about shared fries?

>> No.11120522

Soggy soft fries are the best.

>> No.11120646

>Brain not found.

>> No.11120664

People who tear their bread in small pieces and then put them in their soup

>> No.11121386

i hate the soupy brothy half of abgoosht too. only like the mashed meat

>> No.11121538
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what a KEK

>> No.11121684
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Every time some asshole does this I imagine myself chewing on a piece of tinfoil. I'm getting tingly just thinking about it.

>> No.11121720
File: 253 KB, 1242x1567, 346208A9-2B7F-4BFC-890D-1A11D9D3227E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who don't dip their fries (frites) in ranch
>consuming anything more cooked than rare steak
>not dipping pizza and bread sticks in ranch
>not asking for a large side of spicy mayo with your sushi

>> No.11122285

People who mix together all of the food on their plate.

>> No.11122363
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People eat the way they want, fuck you you literal children for judging people for enjoying their food.