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11111321 No.11111321 [Reply] [Original]

There is absolutely nothing wrong with keto. It's an incredibly healthy diet to partake in and whether one chooses to practice it or not should be left up to their specific circumstances and willpower, not to memelords trying to make it sound like it's toxic for you.
With that being said, people are fucking retarded and deserve their strokes and kidney stones for following the Atkin's diet. You see, the Atkin's diet is like the keto diet's retarded younger tranny brother. It's disappointing, only harms you, and is a strain on everyone involved both financially and emotionally.
Keto, however, is comprised mostly of leafy greens and healthy fats, with minimal protein ingested. If you believe keto is merely meat and cheese, you deserve to get Ja/ck/'d.

>> No.11111342

Stop spamming you dietlet
Nobody cares about your eating disorder

>> No.11111358

Low carbohydrate diets, which restrict carbohydrate in favour of increased protein or fat intake, or both
Nigger what the FUCK did I just say?

>> No.11112030

>eat carbs
>get diabetes

Actually diabetics have been on keto for decades. This isn't a "fad diet", it's well-known and well-researched. But indeed, if you just eat cheese and ham, you deserve to die.

>> No.11112044

Is /fat/ down or something?

>> No.11112660

Works for me

>> No.11113885

based and red pilled

>> No.11113913

People will do anything to avoid going to the gym these days. Keto fags are almost below vegans.

>> No.11113985

CICOfags will do anything to pretend biochemistry and endocrinology don't exist. CICOfags are below flat earthers and trumptards.

>> No.11113998

CICOfags and vegans btfo

>> No.11114005

I'm not really a keto fan but I appreciate the fact that you guys are drawing attention to CICO retardation, these idiots literally think that humans can live off a glucose drip for 10 years if they just set their mind to it, and their default response to even the most basic nutritional facts that fly in the face of their retard logic is always "ur fat"

>> No.11114052

Nevermind, ketofags are below vegans.

>> No.11114073

Are you fat?

>> No.11114107

Nope. Are you a CICOtard?

>> No.11114305

Keto diet is mostly used in the medical field for people with epilepsy. Keto for weight loss is a fad diet.

>> No.11115167

It's also used in the medical field for people with type 2 diabetes.

>> No.11115316

I eat a ketogenic diet to help treat my type 1 diabetes. All signs point to me living longer now, having much better control of my blood glucose levels. It has also made my disease almost half as expensive to treat. There is probably gnashing of teeth from the drug cartels, but I think all types of diabetic patients, the medical community, and government organizations should take note of its efficiency and cost-saving benefits in regards to treatment. I get the impression that this diet could also be very useful to help treat Alzheimer's and some types of cancers. These low carbohydrate diets are absolutely beneficial to dental health as well.

>> No.11115361

The key to reversing type 2 diabetes is fasting. keto is only relevant to type 2 diabetes in that it makes it easier to transition from a high carb western diet to the fasting regimen (or at least near-fasting ca 500 kcal/day) needed to reverse type 2 diabetes.

>> No.11116731
File: 54 KB, 1000x821, A83C3F40-5EB0-4D04-B25A-14FB78A64466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings trump supporters and flag earthers out of nowhere
Oh sweaty

>> No.11116807

>these idiots literally think that humans can live off a glucose drip for 10 years if they just set their mind to it
Nobody thinks that, don't strawman. You can lose weight while eating nothing but carbs. You won't be healthy, but you won't be fat as long as you eat less than your caloric need. There's more to health than just CICO, but for weight loss, it's the main thing.

>> No.11116905

>You can lose weight while eating nothing but carbs.
sort of. your body will burn very little fat if there are carbs available, your heart runs off of ketones from fat pretty much all the time, but that's really about it. most of the weight you lose on a high-carb diet comes from muscle loss from your liver trying to make enough glucose to make up for the dietary deficiency. to get your body to actually burn fat your total carbohydrate intake must be low enough and intermittent enough that your liver gives up on carbs and switches into ketosis.
>CICO ... it's the main thing
trivially true. also utterly useless as a dietary guideline, but most CICOfags have such a laughably elementary understanding of human metabolism that they actually think CICO is some deep earth-shattering insight.

>> No.11117716

If keto makes you lose weight why are they all still fat

>> No.11118883

They always start on keto that's why

>> No.11118913

The entire point of CICO is to remind you you're retarded if you think there are a bunch of convoluted metabolic factors keeping you fat since someone could lock you in a hospital and control your weight to a very reliable degree of precision purely through calorie manipulation. Metabolism excuses are the refuge of reality avoiding fat people, and at absolute best apply only slightly to people with legitimate (and rare) conditions like hypothyroidism.

>> No.11119131
File: 1.82 MB, 250x250, 1431546226010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gif makes me laugh every time I see it. It never fails.

>> No.11119137

Ketofags on suicide watch